/* Copyright (C) 2019-2022 Fredrik Öhrström (gpl-3.0-or-later) This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include"units.h" #include"util.h" #include #include #include using namespace std; #define LIST_OF_CONVERSIONS \ X(Second, Minute, {vto=vfrom/60.0;}) \ X(Minute, Second, {vto=vfrom*60.0;}) \ X(Second, Hour, {vto=vfrom/3600.0;}) \ X(Hour, Second, {vto=vfrom*3600.0;}) \ X(Year, Second, {vto=vfrom*3600.0*24.0*365.2425;}) \ X(Second, Year, {vto=vfrom/3600.0/24.0/365.2425;}) \ X(Minute, Hour, {vto=vfrom/60.0;}) \ X(Hour, Minute, {vto=vfrom*60.0;}) \ X(Minute, Year, {vto=vfrom/60.0/24.0/365.2425;}) \ X(Year, Minute, {vto=vfrom*60.0*24.0*365.2425;}) \ X(Hour, Year, {vto=vfrom/24.0/365.2425;}) \ X(Year, Hour, {vto=vfrom*24.0*365.2425;}) \ X(Hour, Day, {vto=vfrom/24.0;}) \ X(Day, Hour, {vto=vfrom*24.0;}) \ X(Day, Year, {vto=vfrom/365.2425;}) \ X(Year, Day, {vto=vfrom*365.2425;}) \ X(KWH, GJ, {vto=vfrom*0.0036;}) \ X(KWH, MJ, {vto=vfrom*0.0036*1000.0;}) \ X(GJ, KWH,{vto=vfrom/0.0036;}) \ X(MJ, GJ, {vto=vfrom/1000.0;}) \ X(MJ, KWH,{vto=vfrom/1000.0/0.0036;}) \ X(GJ, MJ, {vto=vfrom*1000.0;}) \ X(M3, L, {vto=vfrom*1000.0;}) \ X(M3H, LH, {vto=vfrom*1000.0;}) \ X(L, M3, {vto=vfrom/1000.0;}) \ X(LH, M3H,{vto=vfrom/1000.0;}) \ X(C, K, {vto=vfrom+273.15;}) \ X(K, C, {vto=vfrom-273.15;}) \ X(C, F, {vto=(vfrom*9.0/5.0)+32.0;}) \ X(F, C, {vto=(vfrom-32)*5.0/9.0;}) \ bool canConvert(Unit ufrom, Unit uto) { if (ufrom == uto) return true; #define X(from,to,code) if (Unit::from == ufrom && Unit::to == uto) return true; LIST_OF_CONVERSIONS #undef X return false; } double convert(double vfrom, Unit ufrom, Unit uto) { double vto = -4711.0; if (ufrom == uto) { { vto = vfrom; } return vto; } #define X(from,to,code) if (Unit::from == ufrom && Unit::to == uto) { code return vto; } LIST_OF_CONVERSIONS #undef X string from = unitToStringHR(ufrom); string to = unitToStringHR(uto); fprintf(stderr, "Cannot convert between units! from %s to %s\n", from.c_str(), to.c_str()); assert(0); return 0; } Unit whenMultiplied(Unit left, Unit right) { return Unit::Unknown; } double multiply(double l, Unit left, double r, Unit right) { return 0; } bool isQuantity(Unit u, Quantity q) { #define X(cname,lcname,hrname,quantity,explanation) if (u == Unit::cname) return Quantity::quantity == q; LIST_OF_UNITS #undef X return false; } Quantity toQuantity(Unit u) { #define X(cname,lcname,hrname,quantity,explanation) if (u == Unit::cname) return Quantity::quantity; LIST_OF_UNITS #undef X return Quantity::Unknown; } void assertQuantity(Unit u, Quantity q) { if (!isQuantity(u, q)) { error("Internal error! Unit is not of this quantity.\n"); } } Unit defaultUnitForQuantity(Quantity q) { #define X(quantity,default_unit) if (q == Quantity::quantity) return Unit::default_unit; LIST_OF_QUANTITIES #undef X return Unit::Unknown; } const char *toString(Quantity q) { #define X(quantity,default_unit) if (q == Quantity::quantity) return #quantity; LIST_OF_QUANTITIES #undef X return "?"; } Unit toUnit(string s) { #define X(cname,lcname,hrname,quantity,explanation) if (s == #cname || s == #lcname) return Unit::cname; LIST_OF_UNITS #undef X return Unit::Unknown; } string unitToStringHR(Unit u) { #define X(cname,lcname,hrname,quantity,explanation) if (u == Unit::cname) return hrname; LIST_OF_UNITS #undef X return "?"; } string unitToStringLowerCase(Unit u) { #define X(cname,lcname,hrname,quantity,explanation) if (u == Unit::cname) return #lcname; LIST_OF_UNITS #undef X return "?"; } string unitToStringUpperCase(Unit u) { #define X(cname,lcname,hrname,quantity,explanation) if (u == Unit::cname) return #cname; LIST_OF_UNITS #undef X return "?"; } string strWithUnitHR(double v, Unit u) { string r = format3fdot3f(v); r += " "+unitToStringHR(u); return r; } string strWithUnitLowerCase(double v, Unit u) { string r = format3fdot3f(v); r += " "+unitToStringLowerCase(u); return r; } Unit replaceWithConversionUnit(Unit u, vector cs) { for (Unit c : cs) { if (canConvert(u, c)) return c; } return u; } string valueToString(double v, Unit u) { if (isnan(v)) { return "null"; } string s = to_string(v); while (s.size() > 0 && s.back() == '0') s.pop_back(); if (s.back() == '.') { s.pop_back(); if (s.length() == 0) return "0"; return s; } if (s.length() == 0) return "0"; return s; } bool extractUnit(const string &s, string *vname, Unit *u) { size_t pos; string vn; const char *c; if (s.length() < 3) goto err; pos = s.rfind('_'); if (pos == string::npos) goto err; if (pos+1 >= s.length()) goto err; vn = s.substr(0,pos); pos++; c = s.c_str()+pos; #define X(cname,lcname,hrname,quantity,explanation) if (!strcmp(c, #lcname)) { *u = Unit::cname; *vname = vn; return true; } LIST_OF_UNITS #undef X err: *vname = ""; *u = Unit::Unknown; return false; }