/* Copyright (C) 2017-2020 Fredrik Öhrström This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include"util.h" #include"shell.h" #include"version.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__) #include #endif using namespace std; // Sigint, sigterm will call the exit handler. function exit_handler_; bool got_hupped_ {}; void exitHandler(int signum) { got_hupped_ = signum == SIGHUP; if (exit_handler_) exit_handler_(); } bool gotHupped() { return got_hupped_; } pthread_t wake_me_up_on_sig_chld_ {}; void wakeMeUpOnSigChld(pthread_t t) { wake_me_up_on_sig_chld_ = t; } void doNothing(int signum) { } void signalMyself(int signum) { if (wake_me_up_on_sig_chld_) { if (signalsInstalled()) { pthread_kill(wake_me_up_on_sig_chld_, SIGUSR1); } } } struct sigaction old_int, old_hup, old_term, old_chld, old_usr1, old_usr2; void onExit(function cb) { exit_handler_ = cb; struct sigaction new_action; new_action.sa_handler = exitHandler; sigemptyset (&new_action.sa_mask); new_action.sa_flags = 0; sigaction(SIGINT, &new_action, &old_int); sigaction(SIGHUP, &new_action, &old_hup); sigaction(SIGTERM, &new_action, &old_term); new_action.sa_handler = signalMyself; sigemptyset (&new_action.sa_mask); new_action.sa_flags = 0; sigaction(SIGCHLD, &new_action, &old_chld); new_action.sa_handler = doNothing; sigemptyset (&new_action.sa_mask); new_action.sa_flags = 0; sigaction(SIGUSR1, &new_action, &old_usr1); new_action.sa_handler = doNothing; sigemptyset (&new_action.sa_mask); new_action.sa_flags = 0; sigaction(SIGUSR2, &new_action, &old_usr2); } bool signalsInstalled() { return exit_handler_ != NULL; } void restoreSignalHandlers() { exit_handler_ = NULL; sigaction(SIGINT, &old_int, NULL); sigaction(SIGHUP, &old_hup, NULL); sigaction(SIGTERM, &old_term, NULL); sigaction(SIGCHLD, &old_chld, NULL); sigaction(SIGUSR1, &old_usr1, NULL); sigaction(SIGUSR2, &old_usr2, NULL); } int char2int(char input) { if(input >= '0' && input <= '9') return input - '0'; if(input >= 'A' && input <= 'F') return input - 'A' + 10; if(input >= 'a' && input <= 'f') return input - 'a' + 10; return -1; } bool isHexChar(uchar c) { return char2int(c) != -1; } // The byte 0x13 i converted into the integer value 13. uchar bcd2bin(uchar c) { return (c&15)+(c>>4)*10; } // The byte 0x13 is converted into the integer value 31. uchar revbcd2bin(uchar c) { return (c&15)*10+(c>>4); } uchar reverse(uchar c) { return ((c&15)<<4) | (c>>4); } bool isHexString(const char* txt, bool *invalid, bool strict) { *invalid = false; // An empty string is not an hex string. if (*txt == 0) return false; const char *i = txt; int n = 0; for (;;) { char c = *i++; if (!strict && c == '#') continue; // Ignore hashes if not strict if (!strict && c == ' ') continue; // Ignore hashes if not strict if (!strict && c == '|') continue; // Ignore hashes if not strict if (c == 0) break; n++; if (char2int(c) == -1) return false; } // An empty string is not an hex string. if (n == 0) return false; if (n%2 == 1) *invalid = true; return true; } bool isHexStringFlex(const char* txt, bool *invalid) { return isHexString(txt, invalid, false); } bool isHexStringFlex(const std::string &txt, bool *invalid) { return isHexString(txt.c_str(), invalid, false); } bool isHexStringStrict(const char* txt, bool *invalid) { return isHexString(txt, invalid, true); } bool isHexStringStrict(const std::string &txt, bool *invalid) { return isHexString(txt.c_str(), invalid, true); } bool hex2bin(const char* src, vector *target) { if (!src) return false; while(*src && src[1]) { if (*src == ' ' || *src == '#' || *src == '|') { // Ignore space and hashes and pipes. src++; } else { int hi = char2int(*src); int lo = char2int(src[1]); if (hi<0 || lo<0) return false; target->push_back(hi*16 + lo); src += 2; } } return true; } bool hex2bin(string &src, vector *target) { return hex2bin(src.c_str(), target); } bool hex2bin(vector &src, vector *target) { if (src.size() % 2 == 1) return false; for (size_t i=0; ipush_back(hi*16 + lo); } } return true; } char const hex[16] = { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'A','B','C','D','E','F'}; std::string bin2hex(const vector &target) { std::string str; for (size_t i = 0; i < target.size(); ++i) { const char ch = target[i]; str.append(&hex[(ch & 0xF0) >> 4], 1); str.append(&hex[ch & 0xF], 1); } return str; } std::string bin2hex(vector::iterator data, vector::iterator end, int len) { std::string str; while (data != end && len-- > 0) { const char ch = *data; data++; str.append(&hex[(ch & 0xF0) >> 4], 1); str.append(&hex[ch & 0xF], 1); } return str; } std::string bin2hex(vector &data, int offset, int len) { std::string str; vector::iterator i = data.begin(); i += offset; while (i != data.end() && len-- > 0) { const char ch = *i; i++; str.append(&hex[(ch & 0xF0) >> 4], 1); str.append(&hex[ch & 0xF], 1); } return str; } std::string safeString(vector &target) { std::string str; for (size_t i = 0; i < target.size(); ++i) { const char ch = target[i]; if (ch >= 32 && ch < 127 && ch != '<' && ch != '>') { str += ch; } else { str += '<'; str.append(&hex[(ch & 0xF0) >> 4], 1); str.append(&hex[ch & 0xF], 1); str += '>'; } } return str; } string tostrprintf(const char* fmt, ...) { string s; char buf[4096]; va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); vsnprintf(buf, 4095, fmt, args); va_end(args); s = buf; return s; } void strprintf(std::string &s, const char* fmt, ...) { char buf[4096]; va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); vsnprintf(buf, 4095, fmt, args); va_end(args); s = buf; } void xorit(uchar *srca, uchar *srcb, uchar *dest, int len) { for (int i=0; i= 0; i--) { srcb[i] = srca[i] << 1; srcb[i] |= overflow; overflow = (srca[i] & 0x80) >> 7; } return; } string format3fdot3f(double v) { string r; strprintf(r, "%3.3f", v); return r; } bool syslog_enabled_ = false; bool logfile_enabled_ = false; bool logging_silenced_ = false; bool verbose_enabled_ = false; bool debug_enabled_ = false; bool trace_enabled_ = false; AddLogTimestamps log_timestamps_ {}; bool stderr_enabled_ = false; bool log_telegrams_enabled_ = false; bool internal_testing_enabled_ = false; string log_file_; void silentLogging(bool b) { logging_silenced_ = b; } void enableSyslog() { syslog_enabled_ = true; } bool enableLogfile(string logfile, bool daemon) { log_file_ = logfile; logfile_enabled_ = true; FILE *output = fopen(log_file_.c_str(), "a"); if (output) { char buf[256]; time_t now = time(NULL); strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime(&now)); int n = 0; if (daemon) { n = fprintf(output, "(wmbusmeters) logging started %s using " VERSION "\n", buf); if (n == 0) { logfile_enabled_ = false; return false; } } fclose(output); return true; } logfile_enabled_ = false; return false; } void disableLogfile() { logfile_enabled_ = false; } void verboseEnabled(bool b) { verbose_enabled_ = b; } void debugEnabled(bool b) { debug_enabled_ = b; if (debug_enabled_) { verbose_enabled_ = true; log_telegrams_enabled_ = true; } } void traceEnabled(bool b) { trace_enabled_ = b; if (trace_enabled_) { debug_enabled_ = b; verbose_enabled_ = true; log_telegrams_enabled_ = true; } } void setLogTimestamps(AddLogTimestamps ts) { log_timestamps_ = ts; } void stderrEnabled(bool b) { stderr_enabled_ = b; } time_t telegrams_start_time_; void logTelegramsEnabled(bool b) { log_telegrams_enabled_ = b; telegrams_start_time_ = time(NULL); } void internalTestingEnabled(bool b) { internal_testing_enabled_ = b; } bool isInternalTestingEnabled() { return internal_testing_enabled_; } bool isVerboseEnabled() { return verbose_enabled_; } bool isDebugEnabled() { return debug_enabled_; } bool isLogTelegramsEnabled() { return log_telegrams_enabled_; } void output_stuff(int syslog_level, bool use_timestamp, const char *fmt, va_list args) { string timestamp; bool add_timestamp = false; if (log_timestamps_ == AddLogTimestamps::Always || (log_timestamps_ == AddLogTimestamps::Important && use_timestamp)) { timestamp = currentSeconds(); add_timestamp = true; } if (logfile_enabled_) { // Open close at every log occasion, should not be too big of // a performance issue, since normal reception speed of // wmbusmessages are quite low. FILE *output = fopen(log_file_.c_str(), "a"); if (output) { if (add_timestamp) fprintf(output, "[%s] ", timestamp.c_str()); vfprintf(output, fmt, args); fclose(output); } else { // Ouch, disable the log file. // Reverting to syslog or stdout depending on settings. logfile_enabled_ = false; // This warning might be written in syslog or stdout. warning("Log file could not be written!\n"); // Try again with logfile disabled. output_stuff(syslog_level, use_timestamp, fmt, args); return; } } else if (syslog_enabled_) { // Do not print timestamps in the syslog since it already adds timestamps. vsyslog(syslog_level, fmt, args); } else { if (stderr_enabled_) { if (add_timestamp) fprintf(stderr, "[%s] ", timestamp.c_str()); vfprintf(stderr, fmt, args); } else { if (add_timestamp) printf("[%s] ", timestamp.c_str()); vprintf(fmt, args); } } } void info(const char* fmt, ...) { if (!logging_silenced_) { va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); output_stuff(LOG_INFO, false, fmt, args); va_end(args); } } void notice(const char* fmt, ...) { if (!logging_silenced_) { va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); output_stuff(LOG_NOTICE, false, fmt, args); va_end(args); } } void notice_timestamp(const char* fmt, ...) { if (!logging_silenced_) { va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); output_stuff(LOG_NOTICE, true, fmt, args); va_end(args); } } void warning(const char* fmt, ...) { if (!logging_silenced_) { va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); output_stuff(LOG_WARNING, true, fmt, args); va_end(args); } } void verbose(const char* fmt, ...) { if (verbose_enabled_) { va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); output_stuff(LOG_NOTICE, false, fmt, args); va_end(args); } } void debug(const char* fmt, ...) { if (debug_enabled_) { va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); output_stuff(LOG_NOTICE, false, fmt, args); va_end(args); } } void trace(const char* fmt, ...) { if (trace_enabled_) { va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); output_stuff(LOG_NOTICE, false, fmt, args); va_end(args); } } void error(const char* fmt, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); output_stuff(LOG_NOTICE, true, fmt, args); va_end(args); exitHandler(0); exit(1); } bool is_ascii_alnum(char c) { if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') return true; if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') return true; if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') return true; if (c == '_') return true; return false; } bool is_ascii(char c) { if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') return true; if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') return true; return false; } bool isValidAlias(string alias) { if (alias.length() == 0) return false; if (!is_ascii(alias[0])) return false; for (char c : alias) { if (!is_ascii_alnum(c)) return false; } return true; } bool isValidMatchExpression(string me, bool non_compliant) { // Examples of valid match expressions: // 12345678 // * // 123* // !12345677 // 2222222* // !22222222 // A match expression cannot be empty. if (me.length() == 0) return false; // An me can be negated with an exclamation mark first. if (me.front() == '!') me.erase(0, 1); // A match expression cannot be only a negation mark. if (me.length() == 0) return false; int count = 0; if (non_compliant) { // Some non-compliant meters have full hex in the me.... while (me.length() > 0 && ((me.front() >= '0' && me.front() <= '9') || (me.front() >= 'a' && me.front() <= 'f'))) { me.erase(0,1); count++; } } else { // But compliant meters use only a bcd subset. while (me.length() > 0 && (me.front() >= '0' && me.front() <= '9')) { me.erase(0,1); count++; } } bool wildcard_used = false; // An expression can end with a * if (me.length() > 0 && me.front() == '*') { me.erase(0,1); wildcard_used = true; } // Now we should have eaten the whole expression. if (me.length() > 0) return false; // Check the length of the matching bcd/hex // If no wildcard is used, then the match expression must be exactly 8 digits. if (!wildcard_used) return count == 8; // If wildcard is used, then the match expressions must be 7 or less digits, // even zero is allowed which means a single *, which matches any bcd/hex id. return count <= 7; } bool isValidMatchExpressions(string mes, bool non_compliant) { vector v = splitMatchExpressions(mes); for (string me : v) { if (!isValidMatchExpression(me, non_compliant)) return false; } return true; } bool isValidId(string id, bool accept_non_compliant) { for (size_t i=0; i= '0' && id[i] <= '9') continue; if (accept_non_compliant) { if (id[i] >= 'a' && id[i] <= 'f') continue; if (id[i] >= 'A' && id[i] <= 'F') continue; } return false; } return true; } bool doesIdMatchExpression(string id, string match) { if (id.length() == 0) return false; // Here we assume that the match expression has been // verified to be valid. bool can_match = true; // Now match bcd/hex until end of id, or '*' in match. while (id.length() > 0 && match.length() > 0 && match.front() != '*') { if (id.front() != match.front()) { // We hit a difference, it cannot match. can_match = false; break; } id.erase(0,1); match.erase(0,1); } bool wildcard_used = false; if (match.length() && match.front() == '*') { wildcard_used = true; match.erase(0,1); } if (can_match) { // Ok, now the match expression should be empty. // If wildcard is true, then the id can still have digits, // otherwise it must also be empty. if (wildcard_used) { can_match = match.length() == 0; } else { can_match = match.length() == 0 && id.length() == 0; } } return can_match; } bool hasWildCard(string &mes) { return mes.find('*') != string::npos; } bool doesIdsMatchExpressions(vector &ids, vector& mes, bool *used_wildcard) { bool match = false; for (string &id : ids) { if (doesIdMatchExpressions(id, mes, used_wildcard)) { match = true; } // Go through all ids even though there is an early match. // This way we can see if theres an exact match later. } return match; } bool doesIdMatchExpressions(string id, vector& mes, bool *used_wildcard) { bool found_match = false; bool found_negative_match = false; bool exact_match = false; *used_wildcard = false; // Goes through all possible match expressions. // If no expression matches, neither positive nor negative, // then the result is false. (ie no match) // If more than one positive match is found, and no negative, // then the result is true. // If more than one negative match is found, irrespective // if there is any positive matches or not, then the result is false. // If a positive match is found, using a wildcard not any exact match, // then *used_wildcard is set to true. for (string me : mes) { bool has_wildcard = hasWildCard(me); bool is_negative_rule = (me.length() > 0 && me.front() == '!'); if (is_negative_rule) { me.erase(0, 1); } bool m = doesIdMatchExpression(id, me); if (is_negative_rule) { if (m) found_negative_match = true; } else { if (m) { found_match = true; if (!has_wildcard) { exact_match = true; } } } } if (found_negative_match) { return false; } if (found_match) { if (exact_match) { *used_wildcard = false; } else { *used_wildcard = true; } return true; } return false; } string toIdsCommaSeparated(std::vector &ids) { string cs; for (string& s: ids) { cs += s; cs += ","; } if (cs.length() > 0) cs.pop_back(); return cs; } bool isFrequency(std::string& fq) { int len = fq.length(); if (len == 0) return false; if (fq[len-1] != 'M') return false; len--; for (int i=0; i splitMatchExpressions(string& mes) { vector r; bool eof, err; vector v (mes.begin(), mes.end()); auto i = v.begin(); for (;;) { auto id = eatTo(v, i, ',', 16, &eof, &err); if (err) break; trimWhitespace(&id); if (id == "ANYID") id = "*"; r.push_back(id); if (eof) break; } return r; } void incrementIV(uchar *iv, size_t len) { uchar *p = iv+len-1; while (p >= iv) { int pp = *p; (*p)++; if (pp+1 <= 255) { // Nice, no overflow. We are done here! break; } // Move left add add one. p--; } } bool checkCharacterDeviceExists(const char *tty, bool fail_if_not) { struct stat info; int rc = stat(tty, &info); if (rc != 0) { if (fail_if_not) { error("Device \"%s\" does not exist.\n", tty); } else { return false; } } if (!S_ISCHR(info.st_mode)) { if (fail_if_not) { error("Device %s is not a character device.\n", tty); } else { return false; } } return true; } bool checkFileExists(const char *file) { struct stat info; int rc = stat(file, &info); if (rc != 0) { return false; } if (!S_ISREG(info.st_mode)) { return false; } return true; } bool checkIfSimulationFile(const char *file) { if (!checkFileExists(file)) { return false; } const char *filename = strrchr(file, '/'); if (filename) { filename++; } else { filename = file; } if (filename < file) filename = file; if (strncmp(filename, "simulation", 10)) { return false; } return true; } bool checkIfDirExists(const char *dir) { struct stat info; int rc = stat(dir, &info); if (rc != 0) { return false; } if (!S_ISDIR(info.st_mode)) { return false; } if (info.st_mode & S_IWUSR && info.st_mode & S_IRUSR && info.st_mode & S_IXUSR) { // Check the directory is writeable. return true; } return false; } void debugPayload(string intro, vector &payload) { if (isDebugEnabled()) { string msg = bin2hex(payload); debug("%s \"%s\"\n", intro.c_str(), msg.c_str()); } } void debugPayload(string intro, vector &payload, vector::iterator &pos) { if (isDebugEnabled()) { string msg = bin2hex(pos, payload.end(), 1024); debug("%s \"%s\"\n", intro.c_str(), msg.c_str()); } } void logTelegram(vector &original, vector &parsed, int header_size, int suffix_size) { if (isLogTelegramsEnabled()) { vector logged = parsed; if (!original.empty()) { logged = vector(parsed); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < original.size(); i++) { logged[i] = original[i]; } } time_t diff = time(NULL)-telegrams_start_time_; string parsed_hex = bin2hex(logged); string header = parsed_hex.substr(0, header_size*2); string content = parsed_hex.substr(header_size*2); if (suffix_size == 0) { notice("telegram=|%s#%s|+%ld\n", header.c_str(), content.c_str(), diff); } else { assert((suffix_size*2) < (int)content.size()); string content2 = content.substr(0, content.size()-suffix_size*2); string suffix = content.substr(content.size()-suffix_size*2); notice("telegram=|%s|%s|%s|+%ld\n", header.c_str(), content2.c_str(), suffix.c_str(), diff); } } } string eatTo(vector &v, vector::iterator &i, int c, size_t max, bool *eof, bool *err) { string s; *eof = false; *err = false; while (max > 0 && i != v.end() && (c == -1 || *i != c)) { s += *i; i++; max--; } if (c != -1 && i != v.end() && *i != c) { *err = true; } if (i != v.end()) { i++; } if (i == v.end()) { *eof = true; } return s; } void padWithZeroesTo(vector *content, size_t len, vector *full_content) { if (content->size() < len) { warning("Padded with zeroes.", (int)len); size_t old_size = content->size(); content->resize(len); for(size_t i = old_size; i < len; ++i) { (*content)[i] = 0; } full_content->insert(full_content->end(), content->begin()+old_size, content->end()); } } static string space = " "; string padLeft(string input, int width) { int w = width-input.size(); if (w < 0) return input; assert(w < (int)space.length()); return space.substr(0, w)+input; } int parseTime(string time) { int mul = 1; if (time.back() == 'h') { time.pop_back(); mul = 3600; } if (time.back() == 'm') { time.pop_back(); mul = 60; } if (time.back() == 's') { time.pop_back(); mul = 1; } int n = atoi(time.c_str()); return n*mul; } #define CRC16_EN_13757 0x3D65 uint16_t crc16_EN13757_per_byte(uint16_t crc, uchar b) { unsigned char i; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if (((crc & 0x8000) >> 8) ^ (b & 0x80)){ crc = (crc << 1) ^ CRC16_EN_13757; }else{ crc = (crc << 1); } b <<= 1; } return crc; } uint16_t crc16_EN13757(uchar *data, size_t len) { uint16_t crc = 0x0000; assert(len == 0 || data != NULL); for (size_t i=0; i> 1) ^ CRC16_POLYNOM; } else crc >>= 1; byte >>= 1; } } return crc; } bool crc16_CCITT_check(uchar *data, uint16_t length) { uint16_t crc = ~crc16_CCITT(data, length); return crc == CRC16_GOOD_VALUE; } bool listFiles(string dir, vector *files) { DIR *dp = NULL; struct dirent *dptr = NULL; if (NULL == (dp = opendir(dir.c_str()))) { return false; } while(NULL != (dptr = ::readdir(dp))) { if (!strcmp(dptr->d_name,".") || !strcmp(dptr->d_name,"..")) { // Ignore . .. dirs. continue; } files->push_back(string(dptr->d_name)); } closedir(dp); return true; } int loadFile(string file, vector *lines) { char block[32768+1]; vector buf; int fd = open(file.c_str(), O_RDONLY); if (fd == -1) { return -1; } while (true) { ssize_t n = read(fd, block, sizeof(block)); if (n == -1) { if (errno == EINTR) { continue; } error("Could not read file %s errno=%d\n", file.c_str(), errno); close(fd); return -1; } buf.insert(buf.end(), block, block+n); if (n < (ssize_t)sizeof(block)) { break; } } close(fd); bool eof, err; auto i = buf.begin(); for (;;) { string line = eatTo(buf, i, '\n', 32768, &eof, &err); if (err) { error("Error parsing simulation file.\n"); } if (line.length() > 0) { lines->push_back(line); } if (eof) break; } return 0; } bool loadFile(string file, vector *buf) { int blocksize = 1024; char block[blocksize]; int fd = open(file.c_str(), O_RDONLY); if (fd == -1) { warning("Could not open file %s errno=%d\n", file.c_str(), errno); return false; } while (true) { ssize_t n = read(fd, block, sizeof(block)); if (n == -1) { if (errno == EINTR) { continue; } warning("Could not read file %s errno=%d\n", file.c_str(), errno); close(fd); return false; } buf->insert(buf->end(), block, block+n); if (n < (ssize_t)sizeof(block)) { break; } } close(fd); return true; } string eatToSkipWhitespace(vector &v, vector::iterator &i, int c, size_t max, bool *eof, bool *err) { eatWhitespace(v, i, eof); if (*eof) { if (c != -1) { *err = true; } return ""; } string s = eatTo(v,i,c,max,eof,err); trimWhitespace(&s); return s; } string eatTo(vector &v, vector::iterator &i, int c, size_t max, bool *eof, bool *err) { string s; *eof = false; *err = false; while (max > 0 && i != v.end() && (c == -1 || *i != c)) { s += *i; i++; max--; } if (c != -1 && (i == v.end() || *i != c)) { *err = true; } if (i != v.end()) { i++; } if (i == v.end()) { *eof = true; } return s; } void eatWhitespace(vector &v, vector::iterator &i, bool *eof) { *eof = false; while (i != v.end() && (*i == ' ' || *i == '\t')) { i++; } if (i == v.end()) { *eof = true; } } void trimWhitespace(string *s) { const char *ws = " \t"; s->erase(0, s->find_first_not_of(ws)); s->erase(s->find_last_not_of(ws) + 1); } string strdate(struct tm *date) { char buf[256]; strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), "%Y-%m-%d", date); return string(buf); } string strdatetime(struct tm *datetime) { char buf[256]; strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M", datetime); return string(buf); } string strdatetimesec(struct tm *datetime) { char buf[256]; strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", datetime); return string(buf); } bool is_leap_year(int year) { year += 1900; if (year % 4 != 0) return false; if (year % 400 == 0) return true; if (year % 100 == 0) return false; return true; } int days_in_months[] = {31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31}; int get_days_in_month(int year, int month) { assert(month >= 0); assert(month < 12); int days = days_in_months[month]; if (month == 1 && is_leap_year(year)) { // Handle february in a leap year. days += 1; } return days; } void addMonths(struct tm *date, int months) { bool is_last_day_in_month = date->tm_mday == get_days_in_month(date->tm_year, date->tm_mon); int year = date->tm_year + months / 12; int month = date->tm_mon + months % 12; while (month > 11) { year += 1; month -= 12; } while (month < 0) { year -= 1; month += 12; } int day; if (is_last_day_in_month) { day = get_days_in_month(year, month); // Last day of month maps to last day of result month } else { day = std::min(date->tm_mday, get_days_in_month(year, month)); } date->tm_year = year; date->tm_mon = month; date->tm_mday = day; } const char* toString(AccessCheck ac) { switch (ac) { case AccessCheck::NoSuchDevice: return "NoSuchDevice"; case AccessCheck::NoProperResponse: return "NoProperResponse"; case AccessCheck::NoPermission: return "NoPermission"; case AccessCheck::NotSameGroup: return "NotSameGroup"; case AccessCheck::AccessOK: return "AccessOK"; } return "?"; } AccessCheck checkIfExistsAndHasAccess(string device) { struct stat device_sb; int ok = stat(device.c_str(), &device_sb); // The file did not exist. if (ok) return AccessCheck::NoSuchDevice; int r = access(device.c_str(), R_OK); int w = access(device.c_str(), W_OK); if (r == 0 && w == 0) { // We have read and write access! return AccessCheck::AccessOK; } // We are not permitted to read and write to this tty. Why? // Lets check the group settings. #if defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__) int my_groups[256]; #else gid_t my_groups[256]; #endif int ngroups = 256; struct passwd *p = getpwuid(getuid()); // What are the groups I am member of? int rc = getgrouplist(p->pw_name, p->pw_gid, my_groups, &ngroups); if (rc < 0) { error("(wmbusmeters) cannot handle users with more than 256 groups\n"); } // What is the group of the tty? struct group *device_group = getgrgid(device_sb.st_gid); // Go through my groups to see if the device's group is in there. for (int i=0; igr_gid) { // We belong to the same group as the tty. Typically dialout. // Then there is some other reason for the lack of access. return AccessCheck::NoPermission; } } // We have examined all the groups that we belong to and yet not // found the device's group. We can at least conclude that we // being in the device's group would help, ie dialout. return AccessCheck::NotSameGroup; } int countSetBits(int v) { int n = 0; while (v) { v &= (v-1); n++; } return n; } bool startsWith(string &s, string &prefix) { return startsWith(s, prefix.c_str()); } bool startsWith(string &s, const char *prefix) { size_t len = strlen(prefix); if (s.length() < len) return false; if (s.length() == len) return s == prefix; return !strncmp(&s[0], prefix, len); } string makeQuotedJson(string &s) { size_t p = s.find('='); string key, value; if (p != string::npos) { key = s.substr(0,p); value = s.substr(p+1); } else { key = s; value = ""; } return string("\"")+key+"\":\""+value+"\""; } string currentYear() { char datetime[40]; memset(datetime, 0, sizeof(datetime)); struct timeval tv; gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); strftime(datetime, 20, "%Y", localtime(&tv.tv_sec)); return string(datetime); } string currentDay() { char datetime[40]; memset(datetime, 0, sizeof(datetime)); struct timeval tv; gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); strftime(datetime, 20, "%Y-%m-%d", localtime(&tv.tv_sec)); return string(datetime); } string currentHour() { char datetime[40]; memset(datetime, 0, sizeof(datetime)); struct timeval tv; gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); strftime(datetime, 20, "%Y-%m-%d_%H", localtime(&tv.tv_sec)); return string(datetime); } string currentMinute() { char datetime[40]; memset(datetime, 0, sizeof(datetime)); struct timeval tv; gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); strftime(datetime, 20, "%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M", localtime(&tv.tv_sec)); return string(datetime); } string currentSeconds() { char datetime[40]; memset(datetime, 0, sizeof(datetime)); struct timeval tv; gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); strftime(datetime, 20, "%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S", localtime(&tv.tv_sec)); return string(datetime); } string currentMicros() { char datetime[40]; memset(datetime, 0, sizeof(datetime)); struct timeval tv; gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); strftime(datetime, 20, "%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S", localtime(&tv.tv_sec)); return string(datetime)+"."+to_string(tv.tv_usec); } bool hasBytes(int n, vector::iterator &pos, vector &frame) { int remaining = distance(pos, frame.end()); if (remaining < n) return false; return true; } bool startsWith(string s, std::vector &data) { if (s.length() > data.size()) return false; for (size_t i=0; itm_wday-1; // tm_wday 0=sun if (day == -1) day = 6; // adjust so 0=mon and 6=sun int hour = nowt->tm_hour; // hours since midnight 0-23 // Test is inclusive. mon-sun(00-23) will cover whole week all hours. // mon-tue(00-00) will cover mon and tue one hour after midnight. if (day >= tp->day_in_week_from && day <= tp->day_in_week_to && hour >= tp->hour_from && hour <= tp->hour_to) { return true; } return false; } bool extract_times(const char *p, TimePeriod *tp) { if (strlen(p) != 7) return false; // Expect (00-23) if (p[3] != '-') return false; // Must have - in middle. int fa = p[1]-48; if (fa < 0 || fa > 9) return false; int fb = p[2]-48; if (fb < 0 || fb > 9) return false; int ta = p[4]-48; if (ta < 0 || ta > 9) return false; int tb = p[5]-48; if (tb < 0 || tb > 9) return false; tp->hour_from = fa*10+fb; tp->hour_to = ta*10+tb; if (tp->hour_from > 23) return false; // Hours are 00-23 if (tp->hour_to > 23) return false; // Ditto. if (tp->hour_to < tp->hour_from) return false; // To must be strictly larger than from, hence the need for 23. return true; } int day_name_to_nr(const string& name) { if (name == "mon") return 0; if (name == "tue") return 1; if (name == "wed") return 2; if (name == "thu") return 3; if (name == "fri") return 4; if (name == "say") return 5; if (name == "sun") return 6; return -1; } bool extract_days(char *p, TimePeriod *tp) { if (strlen(p) == 3) { string s = p; int d = day_name_to_nr(s); if (d == -1) return false; tp->day_in_week_from = d; tp->day_in_week_to = d; return true; } if (strlen(p) != 7) return false; // Expect mon-fri if (p[3] != '-') return false; // Must have - in middle. string from = string(p, p+3); string to = string(p+4, p+7); int f = day_name_to_nr(from); int t = day_name_to_nr(to); if (f == -1 || t == -1) return false; if (f >= t) return false; tp->day_in_week_from = f; tp->day_in_week_to = t; return true; } bool extract_single_period(char *tok, TimePeriod *tp) { // Minimum length is 8 chars, eg "1(00-23)" size_t len = strlen(tok); if (len < 8) return false; // tok is for example: mon-fri(00-23) or tue(18-19) or 1(00-23) char *p = strchr(tok, '('); if (p == NULL) return false; // There must be a ( if (tok[len-1] != ')') return false; // Must end in ) bool ok = extract_times(p, tp); if (!ok) return false; *p = 0; // Terminate in the middle of tok. ok = extract_days(tok, tp); if (!ok) return false; return true; } bool extract_periods(string periods, vector *period_structs) { if (periods.length() == 0) return false; char buf[periods.length()+1]; strcpy(buf, periods.c_str()); char *saveptr {}; char *tok = strtok_r(buf, ",", &saveptr); if (tok == NULL) { // No comma found. TimePeriod tp {}; bool ok = extract_single_period(tok, &tp); if (!ok) return false; period_structs->push_back(tp); return true; } while (tok != NULL) { TimePeriod tp {}; bool ok = extract_single_period(tok, &tp); if (!ok) return false; period_structs->push_back(tp); tok = strtok_r(NULL, ",", &saveptr); } return true; } bool isValidTimePeriod(std::string periods) { vector period_structs; bool ok = extract_periods(periods, &period_structs); return ok; } bool isInsideTimePeriod(time_t now, std::string periods) { struct tm nowt {}; localtime_r(&now, &nowt); vector period_structs; bool ok = extract_periods(periods, &period_structs); if (!ok) return false; for (auto &tp : period_structs) { //debug("period %d %d %d %d\n", tp.day_in_week_from, tp.day_in_week_to, tp.hour_from, tp.hour_to); if (is_inside(&nowt, &tp)) return true; } return false; } size_t memoryUsage() { return 0; } vector alarm_shells_; const char* toString(Alarm type) { switch (type) { case Alarm::DeviceFailure: return "DeviceFailure"; case Alarm::RegularResetFailure: return "RegularResetFailure"; case Alarm::DeviceInactivity: return "DeviceInactivity"; case Alarm::SpecifiedDeviceNotFound: return "SpecifiedDeviceNotFound"; } return "?"; } void logAlarm(Alarm type, string info) { vector envs; string ts = toString(type); envs.push_back("ALARM_TYPE="+ts); string msg = tostrprintf("[ALARM %s] %s", ts.c_str(), info.c_str()); envs.push_back("ALARM_MESSAGE="+msg); warning("%s\n", msg.c_str()); for (auto &s : alarm_shells_) { vector args; args.push_back("-c"); args.push_back(s); invokeShell("/bin/sh", args, envs); } } void setAlarmShells(vector &alarm_shells) { alarm_shells_ = alarm_shells; } bool stringFoundCaseIgnored(string haystack, string needle) { // Modify haystack and needle, in place, to become lowercase. std::for_each(haystack.begin(), haystack.end(), [](char & c) { c = ::tolower(c); }); std::for_each(needle.begin(), needle.end(), [](char & c) { c = ::tolower(c); }); // Now use default c++ find, return true if needle was found in haystack. return haystack.find(needle) != string::npos; } vector splitString(string &s, char c) { auto end = s.cend(); auto start = end; std::vector v; for (auto i = s.cbegin(); i != end; ++i) { if (*i != c) { if (start == end) { start = i; } continue; } if (start != end) { v.emplace_back(start, i); start = end; } } if (start != end) { v.emplace_back(start, end); } return v; } uint32_t indexFromRtlSdrName(string &s) { size_t p = s.find('_'); if (p == string::npos) return -1; string n = s.substr(0, p); return (uint32_t)atoi(n.c_str()); } #define KB 1024ull string helper(size_t scale, size_t s, string suffix) { size_t o = s; s /= scale; size_t diff = o-(s*scale); if (diff == 0) { return to_string(s) + ".00"+suffix; } size_t dec = (int)(100*(diff+1) / scale); return to_string(s) + ((dec<10)?".0":".") + to_string(dec) + suffix; } string humanReadableTwoDecimals(size_t s) { if (s < KB) { return to_string(s) + " B"; } if (s < KB * KB) { return helper(KB, s, " KiB"); } if (s < KB * KB * KB) { return helper(KB*KB, s, " MiB"); } #if SIZEOF_SIZE_T == 8 if (s < KB * KB * KB * KB) { return helper(KB*KB*KB, s, " GiB"); } if (s < KB * KB * KB * KB * KB) { return helper(KB*KB*KB*KB, s, " TiB"); } return helper(KB*KB*KB*KB*KB, s, " PiB"); #else return helper(KB*KB*KB, s, " GiB"); #endif } bool check_if_rtlwmbus_exists_in_path() { bool found = false; vector args; args.push_back("-c"); args.push_back("rtl_wmbus < /dev/null"); vector envs; string out; int rc = invokeShellCaptureOutput("/bin/sh", args, envs, &out, true); if ((rc == 0 || // Newest version of rtl_wmbus properly returns 0. rc == 2) // Older version returns 2. && out.find("rtl_wmbus") == string::npos) { debug("(main) rtl_wmbus found in path\n"); found = true; } else { debug("(main) rtl_wmbus NOT found in path\n"); } return found; } bool check_if_rtlsdr_exists_in_path() { bool found = false; vector args; args.push_back("-c"); args.push_back("rtl_sdr < /dev/null"); vector envs; string out; invokeShellCaptureOutput("/bin/sh", args, envs, &out, true); if (out.find("RTL2832") != string::npos) { debug("(main) rtl_srd found in path\n"); found = true; } else { debug("(main) rtl_sdr NOT found in path\n"); } return found; } std::string currentProcessExe() { char buf[1024]; memset(buf, 0, 1024); #if defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__) uint32_t size = sizeof(buf); int rs = _NSGetExecutablePath(buf,&size); if (rs != 0) { // Buf not big enough. return ""; } return buf; #else # if (defined(__FreeBSD__)) const char *self = "/proc/curproc/file"; #else const char *self = "/proc/self/exe"; #endif ssize_t s = readlink(self, buf, 1023); if (s == 1023) return ""; if (s <= 0) return ""; return buf; #endif } string dirname(string p) { size_t s = p.rfind('/'); if (s == string::npos) return ""; return p.substr(0, s); } string lookForExecutable(string prog, string bin_dir, string default_dir) { string tmp = bin_dir+"/"+prog; if (checkFileExists(tmp.c_str())) { return tmp; } tmp = default_dir+"/"+prog; if (checkFileExists(tmp.c_str())) { return tmp; } return ""; } bool parseExtras(string s, map *extras) { vector parts = splitString(s, ' '); for (auto &p : parts) { vector kv = splitString(p, '='); if (kv.size() != 2) return false; (*extras)[kv[0]] = kv[1]; } return true; } void checkIfMultipleWmbusMetersRunning() { pid_t my_pid = getpid(); vector daemons; detectProcesses("wmbusmetersd", &daemons); for (int i : daemons) { if (i != my_pid) { info("Notice! Wmbusmeters daemon (pid %d) is running and it might hog any wmbus devices.\n", i); } } vector processes; detectProcesses("wmbusmeters", &processes); for (int i : processes) { if (i != my_pid) { info("Notice! Other wmbusmeters (pid %d) is running and it might hog any wmbus devices.\n", i); } } } bool isValidBps(string b) { if (b == "300") return true; if (b == "600") return true; if (b == "1200") return true; if (b == "2400") return true; if (b == "4800") return true; if (b == "9600") return true; if (b == "14400") return true; if (b == "19200") return true; if (b == "38400") return true; if (b == "57600") return true; if (b == "115200") return true; return false; } size_t findBytes(vector &v, uchar a, uchar b, uchar c) { size_t p = 0; while (p+2 < v.size()) { if (v[p+0] == a && v[p+1] == b && v[p+2] == c) { return p; } p++; } return (size_t)-1; }