/* Copyright (C) 2019-2021 Fredrik Öhrström (gpl-3.0-or-later) This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include"wmbus.h" #include"wmbus_common_implementation.h" #include"wmbus_utils.h" #include"rtlsdr.h" #include"serial.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; struct WMBusRTLWMBUS : public virtual BusDeviceCommonImplementation { bool ping(); string getDeviceId(); string getDeviceUniqueId(); LinkModeSet getLinkModes(); void deviceReset(); bool deviceSetLinkModes(LinkModeSet lms); LinkModeSet supportedLinkModes() { return C1_bit | S1_bit | T1_bit; } int numConcurrentLinkModes() { return 3; } bool canSetLinkModes(LinkModeSet lms) { //if (!supportedLinkModes().supports(lms)) return false; // The rtlwmbus listens to both modes always. return true; } void processSerialData(); void simulate(); WMBusRTLWMBUS(string alias, string serialnr, shared_ptr serial, shared_ptr manager); ~WMBusRTLWMBUS() { } private: string serialnr_; vector read_buffer_; vector received_payload_; bool warning_dll_len_printed_ {}; LinkModeSet device_link_modes_; FrameStatus checkRTLWMBUSFrame(vector &data, size_t *hex_frame_length, int *hex_payload_len_out, int *hex_payload_offset, double *rssi); void handleMessage(vector &frame); string setup_; }; shared_ptr openRTLWMBUS(Detected detected, string bin_dir, bool daemon, shared_ptr manager, shared_ptr serial_override) { string bus_alias = detected.specified_device.bus_alias; string identifier = detected.found_device_id; SpecifiedDevice &device = detected.specified_device; string command; int id = 0; map extras; bool ok = parseExtras(detected.specified_device.extras, &extras); if (!ok) { error("(rtlwmbus) invalid extra parameters to rtlwmbus (%s)\n", detected.specified_device.extras.c_str()); } string ppm = ""; if (extras.size() > 0) { if (extras.count("ppm") > 0) { ppm = string("-p ")+extras["ppm"]; } } if (!serial_override) { id = indexFromRtlSdrSerial(identifier); command = ""; if (device.command != "") { command = device.command; identifier = "cmd_"+to_string(device.index); } string freq = "868.625M"; bool force_freq = false; if (device.fq != "") { freq = device.fq; // This will disable the listen to s1,t1 and c1 at the same time setting. force_freq = true; } string rtl_sdr; string rtl_wmbus; rtl_sdr = lookForExecutable("rtl_sdr", bin_dir, "/usr/bin"); if (rtl_sdr == "") { if (daemon) { error("(rtlwmbus) error: when starting as daemon, wmbusmeters looked for %s/rtl_sdr and %s/rtl_sdr, but found neither!\n", bin_dir.c_str(), "/usr/bin"); } else { // Look for it in the PATH rtl_sdr = "rtl_sdr"; } } rtl_wmbus = lookForExecutable("rtl_wmbus", bin_dir, "/usr/bin"); if (rtl_wmbus == "") { if (daemon) { error("(rtlwmbus) error: when starting as daemon, wmbusmeters looked for %s/rtl_wmbus and %s/rtl_wmbus, but found neither!\n", bin_dir.c_str(), "/usr/bin"); } else { // Look for it in the PATH rtl_wmbus = "rtl_wmbus"; } } if (command == "") { if (!force_freq) { command = rtl_sdr+" "+ppm+" -d "+to_string(id)+" -f "+freq+" -s 1.6e6 - 2>/dev/null | "+rtl_wmbus+" -s"; } else { command = rtl_sdr+" "+ppm+" -d "+to_string(id)+" -f "+freq+" -s 1.6e6 - 2>/dev/null | "+rtl_wmbus; } } verbose("(rtlwmbus) using command: %s\n", command.c_str()); } debug("(rtlwmbus) opening %s\n", identifier.c_str()); vector args; vector envs; args.push_back("-c"); args.push_back(command); if (serial_override) { WMBusRTLWMBUS *imp = new WMBusRTLWMBUS(bus_alias, identifier, serial_override, manager); imp->markSerialAsOverriden(); return shared_ptr(imp); } auto serial = manager->createSerialDeviceCommand(identifier, "/bin/sh", args, envs, "rtlwmbus"); WMBusRTLWMBUS *imp = new WMBusRTLWMBUS(bus_alias, identifier, serial, manager); return shared_ptr(imp); } WMBusRTLWMBUS::WMBusRTLWMBUS(string alias, string serialnr, shared_ptr serial, shared_ptr manager) : BusDeviceCommonImplementation(alias, DEVICE_RTLWMBUS, manager, serial, false), serialnr_(serialnr) { reset(); } bool WMBusRTLWMBUS::ping() { return true; } string WMBusRTLWMBUS::getDeviceId() { return serialnr_; } string WMBusRTLWMBUS::getDeviceUniqueId() { return "?"; } LinkModeSet WMBusRTLWMBUS::getLinkModes() { return device_link_modes_; } void WMBusRTLWMBUS::deviceReset() { } bool WMBusRTLWMBUS::deviceSetLinkModes(LinkModeSet lm) { LinkModeSet lms; lms.addLinkMode(LinkMode::C1); lms.addLinkMode(LinkMode::T1); device_link_modes_ = lms; return true; } void WMBusRTLWMBUS::simulate() { } void WMBusRTLWMBUS::processSerialData() { vector data; // Receive and accumulated serial data until a full frame has been received. serial()->receive(&data); read_buffer_.insert(read_buffer_.end(), data.begin(), data.end()); size_t frame_length; int hex_payload_len, hex_payload_offset; for (;;) { double rssi = 0; FrameStatus status = checkRTLWMBUSFrame(read_buffer_, &frame_length, &hex_payload_len, &hex_payload_offset, &rssi); if (status == PartialFrame) { break; } else if (status == TextAndNotFrame) { // The buffer has already been printed by serial cmd. read_buffer_.erase(read_buffer_.begin(), read_buffer_.begin()+frame_length); } else if (status == ErrorInFrame) { debug("(rtlwmbus) error in received message.\n"); read_buffer_.erase(read_buffer_.begin(), read_buffer_.begin()+frame_length); } else if (status == FullFrame) { vector payload; if (hex_payload_len > 0) { vector hex; hex.insert(hex.end(), read_buffer_.begin()+hex_payload_offset, read_buffer_.begin()+hex_payload_offset+hex_payload_len); bool ok = hex2bin(hex, &payload); if (!ok) { if (hex.size() % 2 == 1) { payload.clear(); warning("(rtlwmbus) warning: the hex string is not an even multiple of two! Dropping last char.\n"); hex.pop_back(); ok = hex2bin(hex, &payload); } if (!ok) { warning("(rtlwmbus) warning: the hex string contains bad characters! Decode stopped partway.\n"); } } } read_buffer_.erase(read_buffer_.begin(), read_buffer_.begin()+frame_length); if (payload.size() > 0) { if (payload[0] != payload.size()-1) { if (!warning_dll_len_printed_) { warning("(rtlwmbus) dll_len adjusted to %d from %d. Upgrade rtl_wmbus? This warning will not be printed again.\n", payload.size()-1, payload[0]); warning_dll_len_printed_ = true; } payload[0] = payload.size()-1; } } string id = string("rtlwmbus[")+getDeviceId()+"]"; AboutTelegram about(id, rssi, FrameType::WMBUS); handleTelegram(about, payload); } else { assert(0); } } } FrameStatus WMBusRTLWMBUS::checkRTLWMBUSFrame(vector &data, size_t *hex_frame_length, int *hex_payload_len_out, int *hex_payload_offset, double *rssi) { // C1;1;1;2019-02-09 07:14:18.000;117;102;94740459;0x49449344590474943508780dff5f3500827f0000f10007b06effff530100005f2c620100007f2118010000008000800080008000000000000000000e003f005500d4ff2f046d10086922 // There might be a second telegram on the same line ;0x4944....... if (data.size() == 0) return PartialFrame; if (isDebugEnabled()) { string msg = safeString(data); debug("(rtlwmbus) checkRTLWMBusFrame \"%s\"\n", msg.c_str()); } int payload_len = 0; size_t eolp = 0; // Look for end of line for (; eolp < data.size(); ++eolp) { if (data[eolp] == '\n') break; } if (eolp >= data.size()) { debug("(rtlwmbus) no eol found, partial frame\n"); return PartialFrame; } // Export how long the current line is, so that it can be removed from the buffer. *hex_frame_length = eolp+1; // We got a full line, but if it is too short, then // there is something wrong. Discard the data. if (data.size() < 10) { debug("(rtlwmbus) too short line\n"); return ErrorInFrame; } if (data[0] != '0' || data[1] != 'x') { // Discard lines that do not begin with T1 or C1, these lines are probably // stderr output from rtl_sdr/rtl_wmbus. if (!(data[0] == 'T' && data[1] == '1') && !(data[0] == 'C' && data[1] == '1') && !(data[0] == 'S' && data[1] == '1')) { debug("(rtlwmbus) only text\n"); return TextAndNotFrame; } // And the checksums should match. if (strncmp((const char*)&data[1], "1;1", 3)) { // Packages that begin with C1;1 or with T1;1 or with S1;1 are good. The full format is: // MODE;CRC_OK;3OUTOF6OK;TIMESTAMP;PACKET_RSSI;CURRENT_RSSI;LINK_LAYER_IDENT_NO;DATAGRAM_WITHOUT_CRC_BYTES. // 3OUTOF6OK makes sense only with mode T1 and no sense with mode C1 (always set to 1). if (!strncmp((const char*)&data[1], "1;0", 3)) { verbose("(rtlwmbus) telegram received but incomplete or with errors, since rtl_wmbus reports that CRC checks failed.\n"); } return ErrorInFrame; } } size_t i = 0; int count = 0; // Look for packet rssi for (; i+1 < data.size(); ++i) { if (data[i] == ';') count++; if (count == 4) break; } if (count == 4) { size_t from = i+1; for (i++; i= data.size()) { return ErrorInFrame; // No 0x found, then discard the frame. } i+=2; // Skip 0x // Look for end of line or semicolon. for (eolp=i; eolp < data.size(); ++eolp) { if (data[eolp] == '\n') break; if (data[eolp] == ';' && data[eolp+1] == '0' && data[eolp+2] == 'x') break; } if (eolp >= data.size()) { debug("(rtlwmbus) no eol or semicolon, partial frame\n"); return PartialFrame; } payload_len = eolp-i; *hex_payload_len_out = payload_len; *hex_payload_offset = i; debug("(rtlwmbus) received full frame\n"); return FullFrame; } AccessCheck detectRTLWMBUS(Detected *detected, shared_ptr handler) { assert(0); return AccessCheck::NoSuchDevice; }