#!/bin/sh PROG="$1" mkdir -p testoutput TEST=testoutput TESTNAME="Test ANYID" TESTRESULT="ERROR" cat < $TEST/test_expected.txt {"media":"cold water","meter":"multical21","name":"Vatten","id":"76348799","status":"DRY","total_m3":6.408,"target_m3":6.408,"flow_temperature_c":127,"external_temperature_c":19,"current_status":"DRY","time_dry":"22-31 days","time_reversed":"","time_leaking":"","time_bursting":"","timestamp":"1111-11-11T11:11:11Z"} EOF $PROG --format=json 2A442D2C998734761B168D2091D37CAC21576C7802FF207100041308190000441308190000615B7F616713 \ Vatten multical21 ANYID NOKEY 2>&1 | jq --sort-keys . > $TEST/test_output.txt if [ "$?" = "0" ] then cat $TEST/test_output.txt | sed 's/"timestamp": "....-..-..T..:..:..Z"/"timestamp": "1111-11-11T11:11:11Z"/' > $TEST/test_responses.txt diff $TEST/test_expected.txt $TEST/test_responses.txt if [ "$?" = "0" ] then echo OK: $TESTNAME TESTRESULT="OK" else TESTRESULT="ERROR" fi fi # Now test that anyid and auto does not work... $PROG --verbose 2A442D2C998734761B168D2091D37CAC21576C7802FF207100041308190000441308190000615B7F616713 \ Vatten auto ANYID NOKEY > $TEST/test_output.txt 2>&1 if ! grep -o "ignoring telegram from 76348799" $TEST/test_output.txt > /dev/null then echo "Expected telegram to be ignored with auto + ANYID is used!" TESTRESULT="ERROR" else echo "OK: Ignoring auto + ANYID" fi if [ "$TESTRESULT" = "ERROR" ] then echo ERROR: $TESTNAME exit 1 fi