#!/bin/sh PROG="$1" TEST=testoutput rm -rf $TEST mkdir -p $TEST TESTNAME="Test wrong keys" TESTRESULT="ERROR" cat simulations/simulation_aes.msg | grep '^{' | tr -d '#' > $TEST/test_expected.txt cat simulations/simulation_aes.msg | grep '^[CT]' | tr -d '#' > $TEST/test_input.txt cat $TEST/test_input.txt | $PROG --format=json "stdin:rtlwmbus" \ ApWater apator162 88888888 00000000000000000000000000000001 \ Vatten multical21 76348799 28F64A24988064A079AA2C807D6102AF \ Wasser supercom587 77777777 5065747220486F6C79737A6577736B6A \ > $TEST/test_output.txt 2> $TEST/test_stderr.txt if [ -s $TEST/test_output.txt ] then echo "Bad no stdout expected! But got bytes anyway!" echo "ERROR: $TESTNAME" TESTRESULT="ERROR" exit 1 fi cat < $TEST/test_expected.txt Started config rtlwmbus on stdin listening on any (wmbus) decrypted content failed check, did you use the correct decryption key? Permanently ignoring telegrams from id: 88888888 mfct: (APA) Apator, Poland (0x601) type: Water meter (0x07) ver: 0x05 (meter) newly created meter (ApWater 88888888 apator162) did not handle telegram! (wmbus) decrypted payload crc failed check, did you use the correct decryption key? 979f payload crc (calculated 3431) Permanently ignoring telegrams from id: 76348799 mfct: (KAM) Kamstrup Energi (0x2c2d) type: Cold water meter (0x16) ver: 0x1b (meter) newly created meter (Vatten 76348799 multical21) did not handle telegram! (wmbus) decrypted content failed check, did you use the correct decryption key? Permanently ignoring telegrams from id: 77777777 mfct: (SON) Sontex, Switzerland (0x4dee) type: Water meter (0x07) ver: 0x3c (meter) newly created meter (Wasser 77777777 supercom587) did not handle telegram! EOF diff $TEST/test_expected.txt $TEST/test_stderr.txt if [ "$?" = "0" ] then echo "OK: $TESTNAME" TESTRESULT="OK" fi if [ "$TESTRESULT" = "ERROR" ]; then echo ERROR: $TESTNAME; exit 1; fi