// Copyright (c) 2018 Fredrik Öhrström // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all // copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE // SOFTWARE. #include"meters.h" #include"meters_common_implementation.h" #include"wmbus.h" #include"wmbus_utils.h" #include"util.h" #include #include #include #include #include struct MeterMultical302 : public virtual HeatMeter, public virtual MeterCommonImplementation { MeterMultical302(WMBus *bus, const char *name, const char *id, const char *key); float totalEnergyConsumption(); float currentPowerConsumption(); float totalVolume(); void printMeterHumanReadable(FILE *output); void printMeterFields(FILE *output, char separator); void printMeterJSON(FILE *output); private: void handleTelegram(Telegram *t); void processContent(Telegram *t); float total_energy_ {}; float current_power_ {}; float total_volume_ {}; }; MeterMultical302::MeterMultical302(WMBus *bus, const char *name, const char *id, const char *key) : MeterCommonImplementation(bus, name, id, key, MULTICAL302_METER, MANUFACTURER_KAM, 0x04) { MeterCommonImplementation::bus()->onTelegram(calll(this,handleTelegram,Telegram*)); } float MeterMultical302::totalEnergyConsumption() { return total_energy_; } float MeterMultical302::currentPowerConsumption() { return current_power_; } float MeterMultical302::totalVolume() { return total_volume_; } void MeterMultical302::handleTelegram(Telegram *t) { if (!isTelegramForMe(t)) { // This telegram is not intended for this meter. return; } verbose("(multical302) %s %02x%02x%02x%02x ", name().c_str(), t->a_field_address[0], t->a_field_address[1], t->a_field_address[2], t->a_field_address[3]); if (t->a_field_device_type != 0x04) { warning("(multical302) expected telegram for heat media, but got \"%s\"!\n", mediaType(t->m_field, t->a_field_device_type).c_str()); } /* if (t->m_field != manufacturer() || t->a_field_version != 0x1b) { warning("(multical302) expected telegram from KAM meter with version 0x1b, but got \"%s\" version 0x2x !\n", manufacturerFlag(t->m_field).c_str(), t->a_field_version); }*/ if (useAes()) { vector aeskey = key(); decryptKamstrupC1(t, aeskey); } else { t->content = t->payload; } logTelegram("(multical302) log", t->parsed, t->content); int content_start = t->parsed.size(); processContent(t); if (isDebugEnabled()) { t->explainParse("(multical302)", content_start); } triggerUpdate(t); } void MeterMultical302::processContent(Telegram *t) { vector full_content; full_content.insert(full_content.end(), t->parsed.begin(), t->parsed.end()); full_content.insert(full_content.end(), t->content.begin(), t->content.end()); int crc0 = t->content[0]; int crc1 = t->content[1]; t->addExplanation(full_content, 2, "%02x%02x payload crc", crc0, crc1); int frame_type = t->content[2]; t->addExplanation(full_content, 1, "%02x frame type (%s)", frame_type, frameTypeKamstrupC1(frame_type).c_str()); if (frame_type == 0x79) { if (t->content.size() != 17) { fprintf(stderr, "(multical302) warning: Unexpected length of frame %zu. Expected 17 bytes! ", t->content.size()); padWithZeroesTo(&t->content, 17, &full_content); warning("\n"); } t->addExplanation(full_content, 4, "%02x%02x%02x%02x unknown", t->content[3], t->content[4], t->content[5], t->content[6]); int rec1val0 = t->content[7]; int rec1val1 = t->content[8]; int rec1val2 = t->content[9]; t->addExplanation(full_content, 4, "%02x%02x%02x unknown", t->content[10], t->content[11], t->content[12]); int total_energy_raw = rec1val2*256*256 + rec1val1*256 + rec1val0; total_energy_ = total_energy_raw; t->addExplanation(full_content, 3, "%02x%02x%02x total power (%d)", rec1val0, rec1val1, rec1val2, total_energy_raw); int rec2val0 = t->content[13]; int rec2val1 = t->content[14]; int rec2val2 = t->content[15]; int total_volume_raw = rec2val2*256*256 + rec2val1*256 + rec2val0; total_volume_ = total_volume_raw; t->addExplanation(full_content, 3, "%02x%02x%02x total volume (%d)", rec2val0, rec2val1, rec2val2, total_volume_raw); } else if (frame_type == 0x78) { if (t->content.size() != 26) { fprintf(stderr, "(multical302) warning: Unexpected length of frame %zu. Expected 26 bytes! ", t->content.size()); padWithZeroesTo(&t->content, 26, &full_content); warning("\n"); } vector unknowns; unknowns.insert(unknowns.end(), t->content.begin()+3, t->content.begin()+24); string hex = bin2hex(unknowns); t->addExplanation(full_content, 23-2, "%s unknown", hex.c_str()); int rec1val0 = t->content[24]; int rec1val1 = t->content[25]; int current_power_raw = (rec1val1*256 + rec1val0)*100; current_power_ = current_power_raw; t->addExplanation(full_content, 2, "%02x%02x current power (%d)", rec1val0, rec1val1, current_power_raw); } else { warning("(multical302) warning: unknown frame %02x (did you use the correct encryption key?)\n", frame_type); } } HeatMeter *createMultical302(WMBus *bus, const char *name, const char *id, const char *key) { return new MeterMultical302(bus,name,id,key); } void MeterMultical302::printMeterHumanReadable(FILE *output) { fprintf(output, "%s\t%s\t% 3.3f kwh\t% 3.3f m3\t% 3.3f kwh\t%s\n", name().c_str(), id().c_str(), totalEnergyConsumption(), totalVolume(), currentPowerConsumption(), datetimeOfUpdateHumanReadable().c_str()); } void MeterMultical302::printMeterFields(FILE *output, char separator) { fprintf(output, "%s%c%s%c%3.3f%c%3.3f%c%3.3f%c%s\n", name().c_str(), separator, id().c_str(), separator, totalEnergyConsumption(), separator, totalVolume(), separator, currentPowerConsumption(), separator, datetimeOfUpdateRobot().c_str()); } #define Q(x,y) "\""#x"\":"#y"," #define QS(x,y) "\""#x"\":\""#y"\"," #define QSE(x,y) "\""#x"\":\""#y"\"" void MeterMultical302::printMeterJSON(FILE *output) { fprintf(output, "{media:\"heat\",meter:\"multical302\"," QS(name,%s) QS(id,%s) Q(total_kwh,%.3f) Q(total_volume_m3,%.3f) QS(current_kw,%.3f) QSE(timestamp,%s) "}\n", name().c_str(), id().c_str(), totalEnergyConsumption(), totalVolume(), currentPowerConsumption(), datetimeOfUpdateRobot().c_str()); }