#!/bin/sh PROG="$1" rm -rf testoutput mkdir -p testoutput TEST=testoutput TESTNAME="Test that listen to t1+c1 works with meters transmitting using t1+c1" TESTRESULT="ERROR" cat simulations/simulation_t1_and_c1.txt | grep '^{' > $TEST/test_expected.txt $PROG --format=json --listento=c1,t1 simulations/simulation_t1_and_c1.txt \ MyTapWater multical21:c1 76348799 "" \ MyWarmWater supercom587:t1 12345678 "" \ > $TEST/test_output.txt if [ "$?" = "0" ] then cat $TEST/test_output.txt | sed 's/"timestamp":"....-..-..T..:..:..Z"/"timestamp":"1111-11-11T11:11:11Z"/' > $TEST/test_responses.txt diff $TEST/test_expected.txt $TEST/test_responses.txt if [ "$?" = "0" ] then echo "OK: $TESTNAME" TESTRESULT="OK" else echo ERROR: $TESTNAME diff $TEST/test_expected.txt $TEST/test_responses.txt exit 1 fi fi if [ "$TESTRESULT" = "ERROR" ]; then echo ERROR: $TESTNAME; exit 1; fi MSG=$($PROG --listento=c1,t1 simulations/simulation_t1_and_c1.txt \ MyTapWater multical21:c1 76348799 "" \ MyWarmWater supercom587:c1 12345678 "") if [ "$MSG" != "(cmdline) cannot set link modes to: c1 because meter supercom587 only transmits on: t1" ] then echo ERROR: $TESTNAME echo Did not expect: $MSG exit 1 else echo "OK: $TESTNAME" fi TESTNAME="Test that setting supercom587 to c1 fails" TESTRESULT="ERROR" MSG=$($PROG --listento=c1,t1 --usestdoutforlog simulations/simulation_t1_and_c1.txt \ MyTapWater multical21:c1 76348799 "" \ MyWarmWater supercom587:c1 12345678 "") if [ "$MSG" != "(cmdline) cannot set link modes to: c1 because meter supercom587 only transmits on: t1" ] then echo ERROR: $TESTNAME echo Did not expect: $MSG exit 1 else echo "OK: $TESTNAME" fi #TESTNAME="Test that the warning for missed telegrams work" #TESTRESULT="ERROR" #MSG=$($PROG --s1 --usestdoutforlog simulations/simulation_t1_and_c1.txt \ # MyTapWater multical21:c1 76348799 "" \ # Wasser apator162:t1 20202020 "" | tr -d ' \n') #CORRECT="(config)Youhavespecifiedtolistentothelinkmodes:s1butthemetersmighttransmiton:c1,t1(config)Thereforeyoumightmisstelegrams!Pleasespecifytheexpectedtransmitmodeforthemeters,eg:apator162:t1(config)Oruseadonglethatcanlistentoalltherequiredlinkmodesatthesametime." #if [ "$MSG" != "$CORRECT" ] #then # echo ERROR: $TESTNAME # echo Did not expect: # echo $MSG # exit 1 #else # echo "OK: $TESTNAME" #fi