name: wmbusmeters adopt-info: wmbusmeters summary: "Program receives and decodes WMBus telegrams" description: | The program receives and decodes C1, T1 or S1 telegrams (using the wireless mbus protocol) to acquire utility meter readings. The readings can then be published using MQTT, curled to a REST api, inserted into a database or stored in a log file. Following must be executed "sudo snap connect wmbusmeters:raw-usb core:raw-usb" to allow snap read USB devices and check that root user of your system is added to group that can read USB devices base: core22 confinement: strict architectures: - build-on: amd64 build-for: amd64 - build-on: arm64 build-for: arm64 - build-on: armhf build-for: armhf parts: script: plugin: dump source: snap/local/ prime: - wmbusmeters: source: "" source-type: git override-pull: | craftctl default if [ -n "$(git describe --tags | grep -E -- '-[^-RC]+$')" ]; then GIT_REV="$(git describe --tags | rev | cut -f2- -d'-' | rev)" craftctl set version="$GIT_REV" craftctl set grade=devel else GIT_VER="$(git describe --tags)" craftctl set version="$GIT_VER" craftctl set grade=stable fi plugin: autotools build-packages: - g++ - make - librtlsdr-dev - libxml2-dev - libxslt1-dev stage-packages: - mosquitto-clients - curl - dash - sysvinit-utils - libusb-1.0-0 - rtl-sdr - libxml2 - libxslt1 prime: - sbin/ - usr/bin/ - usr/lib/ - bin/ - lib/ - etc/wmbusmeters.conf rtl-wmbus: source: "" plugin: make make-parameters: - DESTDIR=/usr rtl-433: source: "" plugin: cmake cmake-parameters: - -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr apps: wmbusmeters: command: bin/sh $SNAP/ daemon: simple restart-condition: always plugs: - network - network-bind - raw-usb - serial-port - system-observe layout: /usr/bin/wmbusmeters: bind-file: $SNAP/usr/bin/wmbusmeters #rtl /usr/bin/rtl_433: bind-file: $SNAP/usr/bin/rtl_433 /usr/bin/rtl_sdr: bind-file: $SNAP/usr/bin/rtl_sdr /usr/bin/rtl_wmbus: bind-file: $SNAP/usr/bin/rtl_wmbus /usr/lib/$CRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET/ symlink: $SNAP/usr/lib/$CRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET/ /usr/lib/$CRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET/ symlink: $SNAP/usr/lib/$CRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET/ #mosquitto /usr/bin/mosquitto_pub: bind-file: $SNAP/usr/bin/mosquitto_pub /usr/bin/mosquitto_sub: bind-file: $SNAP/usr/bin/mosquitto_sub /usr/lib/$CRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET/ symlink: $SNAP/usr/lib/$CRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET/ /usr/lib/$CRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET/ symlink: $SNAP/usr/lib/$CRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET/ #curl /usr/bin/curl: bind-file: $SNAP/usr/bin/curl /usr/lib/$CRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET/ symlink: $SNAP/usr/lib/$CRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET/ /usr/lib/$CRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET/ symlink: $SNAP/usr/lib/$CRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET/ /usr/lib/$CRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET/ symlink: $SNAP/usr/lib/$CRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET/ /usr/lib/$CRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET/ symlink: $SNAP/usr/lib/$CRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET/ /usr/lib/$CRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET/ symlink: $SNAP/usr/lib/$CRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET/ /usr/lib/$CRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET/ symlink: $SNAP/usr/lib/$CRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET/ /usr/lib/$CRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET/ symlink: $SNAP/usr/lib/$CRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET/