To add a meter type, make a copy of to and add your meter to LIST_OF_METERS in meters.h In, search and replace supercom587 for yourmeter, possibly adding a new meter type in meters.h if your meter is not a water meter and inheriting from that new meter type instead. Change the constructor and processContent to do your bidding. If you pass --debug to the commandline, wmbusmeters will print the parse results of the data package on stdout. You can see what DifVif data there is and adjust your code to fit. If your meter is using C1 mode, then simply try the multical21 meter and --debug. It will print the parsing of the DifVif data and tell you the DifVif pairs (DifVifVife triplets, or DifDifeVifVife quadruplets (though quadruplets are not yet implemented)) even if the data comes from a different type of meter. It is very helpful if you have problems to email me ( the --debug output, or just simply the telegram=|.........|.......| lines from the debug output. These contain the decrypted output from the meter and are very useful to replay the messages. The +... at the end can be used to replay with the same timing as the messages arrived when logging. This can be useful for testing the higher levels of the software stack where the data is actually displayed to the user or alarms triggered. Check in simulation.txt and for how to use this feature.