/* Copyright (C) 2023 Fredrik Öhrström (gpl-3.0-or-later) This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include"meters_common_implementation.h" namespace { struct Driver : public virtual MeterCommonImplementation { Driver(MeterInfo &mi, DriverInfo &di); void processContent(Telegram *t); }; static bool ok = registerDriver([](DriverInfo&di) { di.setName("gwfwater"); di.setDefaultFields("name,id,total_m3,timestamp"); di.setMeterType(MeterType::WaterMeter); di.addDetection(MANUFACTURER_GWF, 0x0e, 0x01); di.usesProcessContent(); di.setConstructor([](MeterInfo& mi, DriverInfo& di){ return shared_ptr(new Driver(mi, di)); }); }); Driver::Driver(MeterInfo &mi, DriverInfo &di) : MeterCommonImplementation(mi, di) { addOptionalCommonFields("actuality_duration_s"); addOptionalFlowRelatedFields("total_m3,target_m3,target_date"); addStringField( "status", "Meter status.", PrintProperty::INCLUDE_TPL_STATUS | PrintProperty::STATUS); addStringField( "mfct_status", "Mfct status bit.", PrintProperty::INJECT_INTO_STATUS | PrintProperty::HIDE); addStringField( "power_mode", "Normal or saving.", DEFAULT_PRINT_PROPERTIES); addNumericField( "battery", Quantity::Time, DEFAULT_PRINT_PROPERTIES, "Remaining battery life in years.", Unit::Year); } void Driver::processContent(Telegram *t) { vector bytes; t->extractMfctData(&bytes); // Extract raw frame data after the DIF 0x0F. if (bytes.size() < 3) return; uchar type = bytes[0]; uchar a = bytes[1]; uchar b = bytes[2]; if (type != 1) { setStringValue("mfct_status", tostrprintf("UKNOWN_MFCT_STATUS=%02x%02x%02x", type, a, b)); return; } string info; if (a & 0x02) info += "CONTINUOUS_FLOW "; if (a & 0x08) info += "BROKEN_PIPE "; if (a & 0x20) info += "BATTERY_LOW "; if (a & 0x40) info += "BACKFLOW "; if (info.size() > 0) info.pop_back(); setStringValue("mfct_status", info); setStringValue("power_mode", (b & 0x01) ? "SAVING" : "NORMAL"); double battery_semesters = (b >> 3); // Half years. setNumericValue("battery", Unit::Year, battery_semesters/2.0); } } // Test: Wateroo gwfwater 20221031 NOKEY // telegram=|3144E61E31102220010E8C04F47ABE0420452F2F_037410000004133E0000004413FFFFFFFF426CFFFF0F0120012F2F2F2F2F| // {"actuality_duration_s": 16,"battery_y": 0,"id": "20221031","media": "bus/system component","meter": "gwfwater","name": "Wateroo","power_mode": "SAVING","status": "BATTERY_LOW POWER_LOW","target_date": "2128-03-31","target_m3": 4294967.295,"timestamp": "1111-11-11T11:11:11Z","total_m3": 0.062} // |Wateroo;20221031;0.062;1111-11-11 11:11.11