/* Copyright (C) 2021 Olli Salonen (gpl-3.0-or-later) Copyright (C) 2022-2023 Fredrik Öhrström (gpl-3.0-or-later) This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include"meters_common_implementation.h" namespace { struct Driver : public virtual MeterCommonImplementation { Driver(MeterInfo &mi, DriverInfo &di); }; static bool ok = registerDriver([](DriverInfo&di) { di.setName("minomess"); di.setDefaultFields("name,id,total_m3,target_m3,status,timestamp"); di.setMeterType(MeterType::WaterMeter); di.addLinkMode(LinkMode::C1); di.addDetection(MANUFACTURER_ZRI, 0x07, 0x00); di.addDetection(MANUFACTURER_ZRI, 0x16, 0x01); di.addDetection(MANUFACTURER_ZRI, 0x06, 0x01); di.setConstructor([](MeterInfo& mi, DriverInfo& di){ return shared_ptr(new Driver(mi, di)); }); }); Driver::Driver(MeterInfo &mi, DriverInfo &di) : MeterCommonImplementation(mi, di) { addOptionalLibraryFields("meter_date,fabrication_no,operating_time_h,on_time_h,on_time_at_error_h,meter_datetime"); addOptionalLibraryFields("total_m3,total_backward_m3,volume_flow_m3h"); /* If the meter is recently commissioned, the target water consumption value is bogus. The bits store 0xffffffff. Should we deal with this? Now a very large value is printed in the json. The wmbus telegram contains only storage 8 for target_date and total. */ addNumericFieldWithExtractor( "target", "The total water consumption recorded at the beginning of this month.", DEFAULT_PRINT_PROPERTIES, Quantity::Volume, VifScaling::Auto, FieldMatcher::build() .set(MeasurementType::Instantaneous) .set(VIFRange::Volume) .set(StorageNr(8)) ); addStringFieldWithExtractor( "target_date", "Date when target water consumption was recorded.", DEFAULT_PRINT_PROPERTIES, FieldMatcher::build() .set(MeasurementType::Instantaneous) .set(VIFRange::Date) .set(StorageNr(8)) ); // The wire mbus telegram contains 4 totals and dates. For the moment we only print nr 1 which is the latest. addNumericFieldWithExtractor( "target", "The total water consumption recorded at the beginning of this month.", DEFAULT_PRINT_PROPERTIES, Quantity::Volume, VifScaling::Auto, FieldMatcher::build() .set(MeasurementType::Instantaneous) .set(VIFRange::Volume) .set(StorageNr(1)) ); addStringFieldWithExtractor( "target_date", "Date when target water consumption was recorded.", DEFAULT_PRINT_PROPERTIES, FieldMatcher::build() .set(MeasurementType::Instantaneous) .set(VIFRange::Date) .set(StorageNr(1)) ); /* According to data sheet, there are two status/info bytes, byte A and byte B. Unfortunately we do not now is byte A is the first or second byte. Oh well. Now we guess that A is the hi byte. I.e. 0x8000 is byte A bit 7. In the telegram the byte order is: lo byte first followed by the hi byte. So the defacto telegram bytes would be 0x0080 for byte A bit 7. Byte A: bit 7 removal active in the past bit 6 tamper active in the past bit 5 leak active in the past bit 4 temporary error (in connection with smart functions) bit 3 permanent error (meter value might be lost) bit 2 battery EOL (measured) bit 1 abnormal error bit 0 unused Byte B: bit 7 burst bit 6 removal bit 5 leak bit 4 backflow in the past bit 3 backflow bit 2 meter blocked in the past bit 1 meter undersized bit 0 meter oversized */ addStringFieldWithExtractorAndLookup( "status", "Status and error flags.", DEFAULT_PRINT_PROPERTIES, FieldMatcher::build() .set(DifVifKey("02FD17")) , { { { "ERROR_FLAGS", Translate::MapType::BitToString, AlwaysTrigger, MaskBits(0xffff), "OK", { { 0x8000, "WAS_REMOVED" }, { 0x4000, "WAS_TAMPERED" }, { 0x2000, "WAS_LEAKING" }, { 0x1000, "TEMPORARY_ERROR" }, { 0x0800, "PERMANENT_ERROR" }, { 0x0400, "BATTERY_EOL" }, { 0x0200, "ABNORMAL_ERROR" }, // 0x0100 not used { 0x0080, "BURSTING" }, { 0x0040, "REMOVED" }, { 0x0020, "LEAKING" }, { 0x0010, "WAS_BACKFLOWING" }, { 0x0008, "BACKFLOWING" }, { 0x0004, "WAS_BLOCKED" }, { 0x0002, "UNDERSIZED" }, { 0x0001, "OVERSIZED" } } }, }, }); } } // 00: 66 length (102 bytes) // 01: 44 dll-c (from meter SND_NR) // 02: 496a dll-mfct (ZRI) // 04: 10640355 dll-id (55036410) // 08: 14 dll-version // 09: 37 dll-type (Radio converter (meter side)) // 0a: 72 tpl-ci-field (EN 13757-3 Application Layer (long tplh)) // 0b: 51345015 tpl-id (15503451) // 0f: 496a tpl-mfct (ZRI) // 11: 00 tpl-version // 12: 07 tpl-type (Water meter) // 13: 76 tpl-acc-field // 14: 00 tpl-sts-field (OK) // 15: 5005 tpl-cfg 0550 (AES_CBC_IV nb=5 cntn=0 ra=0 hc=0 ) // 17: 2f2f decrypt check bytes // 19: 0C dif (8 digit BCD Instantaneous value) // 1a: 13 vif (Volume l) // 1b: * 55140000 total consumption (1.455000 m3) // 1f: 02 dif (16 Bit Integer/Binary Instantaneous value) // 20: 6C vif (Date type G) // 21: * A92B meter date (2021-11-09) // 23: 82 dif (16 Bit Integer/Binary Instantaneous value) // 24: 04 dife (subunit=0 tariff=0 storagenr=8) // 25: 6C vif (Date type G) // 26: * A12B target consumption reading date (2021-11-01) // 28: 8C dif (8 digit BCD Instantaneous value) // 29: 04 dife (subunit=0 tariff=0 storagenr=8) // 2a: 13 vif (Volume l) // 2b: * 71000000 target consumption (0.071000 m3) // // 2f: 8D dif (variable length Instantaneous value) // 30: 04 dife (subunit=0 tariff=0 storagenr=8) // 31: 93 vif (Volume l) // 32: 13 vife (Reverse compact profile without register) // 33: 2C varlen=44 // This register has 24-bit integers for the consumption of the past months n-2 until n-15. // If the meter is commissioned less than 15 months ago, you will see FFFFFF as the value. // n-2 n-3 n-4 n-5 n-6 n-7 n-8 n-9 n-10 n-11 n-12 n-13 n-14 n-15 // 34: FBFE 000000 FFFFFF FFFFFF FFFFFF FFFFFF FFFFFF FFFFFF FFFFFF FFFFFF FFFFFF FFFFFF FFFFFF FFFFFF FFFFFF // // 60: 02 dif (16 Bit Integer/Binary Instantaneous value) // 61: FD vif (Second extension FD of VIF-codes) // 62: 17 vife (Error flags (binary)) // 63: * 0000 info codes (OK) // Test: Mino minomess 15503451 NOKEY // telegram=|6644496A1064035514377251345015496A0007EE0050052F2F#0C1359000000026CBE2B82046CA12B8C0413FFFFFFFF8D0493132CFBFEFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF02FD1700002F2F| // {"media":"water","meter":"minomess","name":"Mino","id":"15503451","meter_date":"2021-11-30","total_m3":0.059,"target_date":"2021-11-01","status":"OK","timestamp":"1111-11-11T11:11:11Z"} // |Mino;15503451;0.059;null;OK;1111-11-11 11:11.11 // Test: Minowired minomess 57575757 NOKEY // telegram=|6874746808007257575757496A000712000000_0C7857575757046D2414DE280413000000000C943C000000004413FFFFFFFF426CFFFF840113FFFFFFFF82016CFFFFC40113FFFFFFFFC2016CFFFF840213FFFFFFFF82026CFFFF043B000000000422E62F000004260000000034220000000002FD1700001F5716| // {"media":"water","meter":"minomess","name":"Minowired","id":"57575757","fabrication_no":"57575757","operating_time_h":0,"on_time_h":12262,"on_time_at_error_h":0,"meter_datetime":"2022-08-30 20:36","total_m3":0,"total_backward_m3":0,"volume_flow_m3h":0,"target_m3":4294967.295,"target_date":"2127-15-31","status":"OK","timestamp":"1111-11-11T11:11:11Z"} // |Minowired;57575757;0;4294967.295;OK;1111-11-11 11:11.11 // Test: Zenner_cold minomess 21314151 NOKEY // telegram=|6644496A4425155518377251413121496A0116360050052F2F_0C1355000000026CEC2182046CE1218C0413000000808D0493132C33FE00008000008000008000008000008000008000008000008000008000008000008000008000008000008002FD1700002F2F| // {"media":"cold water","meter":"minomess","name":"Zenner_cold","id":"21314151","meter_date":"2023-01-12","total_m3":0.055,"target_m3":80000,"target_date":"2023-01-01","status":"OK","timestamp":"1111-11-11T11:11:11Z"} // |Zenner_cold;21314151;0.055;80000;OK;1111-11-11 11:11.11 // Test: Zenner_warm minomess 51413121 NOKEY // telegram=|6644496A8753155518377221314151496A0106300050052F2F_0C1357000000026CEC2182046CE1218C0413000000808D0493132C33FE00008000008000008000008000008000008000008000008000008000008000008000008000008000008002FD1700002F2F| // {"media":"warm water","meter":"minomess","name":"Zenner_warm","id":"51413121","meter_date":"2023-01-12","total_m3":0.057,"target_m3":80000,"target_date":"2023-01-01","status":"OK","timestamp":"1111-11-11T11:11:11Z"} // |Zenner_warm;51413121;0.057;80000;OK;1111-11-11 11:11.11