/* Copyright (C) 2017-2020 Fredrik Öhrström This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifndef UTIL_H #define UTIL_H #include #include #include #include #include #include void onExit(std::function cb); void restoreSignalHandlers(); bool gotHupped(); void wakeMeUpOnSigChld(pthread_t t); bool signalsInstalled(); typedef unsigned char uchar; #define call(A,B) ([&](){A->B();}) #define calll(A,B,T) ([&](T t){A->B(t);}) uchar bcd2bin(uchar c); uchar revbcd2bin(uchar c); uchar reverse(uchar c); bool isHexString(const char* txt, bool *invalid); bool isHexString(const std::string &txt, bool *invalid); bool hex2bin(const char* src, std::vector *target); bool hex2bin(std::string &src, std::vector *target); bool hex2bin(std::vector &src, std::vector *target); std::string bin2hex(const std::vector &target); std::string bin2hex(std::vector::iterator data, std::vector::iterator end, int len); std::string safeString(std::vector &target); void strprintf(std::string &s, const char* fmt, ...); std::string tostrprintf(const char* fmt, ...); // Return for example: 2010-03-21 std::string strdate(struct tm *date); // Return for example: 2010-03-21 15:22 std::string strdatetime(struct tm *date); // Return for example: 2010-03-21 15:22:03 std::string strdatetimesec(struct tm *date); void addMonths(struct tm* date, int m); bool stringFoundCaseIgnored(std::string haystack, std::string needle); void xorit(uchar *srca, uchar *srcb, uchar *dest, int len); void shiftLeft(uchar *srca, uchar *srcb, int len); std::string format3fdot3f(double v); bool enableLogfile(std::string logfile, bool daemon); void disableLogfile(); void enableSyslog(); void error(const char* fmt, ...); void verbose(const char* fmt, ...); void trace(const char* fmt, ...); void debug(const char* fmt, ...); void warning(const char* fmt, ...); void info(const char* fmt, ...); void notice(const char* fmt, ...); void notice_timestamp(const char* fmt, ...); void silentLogging(bool b); void verboseEnabled(bool b); void debugEnabled(bool b); void traceEnabled(bool b); enum class AddLogTimestamps { NotSet, Never, Always, Important }; void setLogTimestamps(AddLogTimestamps ts); void stderrEnabled(bool b); void logTelegramsEnabled(bool b); void internalTestingEnabled(bool b); bool isInternalTestingEnabled(); bool isVerboseEnabled(); bool isDebugEnabled(); bool isLogTelegramsEnabled(); void debugPayload(std::string intro, std::vector &payload); void debugPayload(std::string intro, std::vector &payload, std::vector::iterator &pos); void logTelegram(std::vector &original, std::vector &parsed, int header_size, int suffix_size); enum class Alarm { DeviceFailure, RegularResetFailure, DeviceInactivity, SpecifiedDeviceNotFound }; const char* toString(Alarm type); void logAlarm(Alarm type, std::string info); void setAlarmShells(std::vector &alarm_shells); bool isValidAlias(std::string alias); bool isValidBps(std::string b); bool isValidMatchExpression(std::string id, bool non_compliant); bool isValidMatchExpressions(std::string ids, bool non_compliant); bool doesIdMatchExpression(std::string id, std::string match_rule); bool doesIdMatchExpressions(std::string id, std::vector& match_rules, bool *used_wildcard); bool doesIdsMatchExpressions(std::vector &ids, std::vector& match_rules, bool *used_wildcard); std::string toIdsCommaSeparated(std::vector &ids); bool isValidId(std::string id, bool accept_non_compliant); bool isFrequency(std::string& fq); bool isNumber(std::string& fq); std::vector splitMatchExpressions(std::string& mes); std::vector splitString(std::string &s, char c); void incrementIV(uchar *iv, size_t len); bool checkCharacterDeviceExists(const char *tty, bool fail_if_not); bool checkFileExists(const char *file); bool checkIfSimulationFile(const char *file); bool checkIfDirExists(const char *dir); bool listFiles(std::string dir, std::vector *files); int loadFile(std::string file, std::vector *lines); bool loadFile(std::string file, std::vector *buf); std::string eatTo(std::vector &v, std::vector::iterator &i, int c, size_t max, bool *eof, bool *err); void padWithZeroesTo(std::vector *content, size_t len, std::vector *full_content); std::string padLeft(std::string input, int width); // Parse text string into seconds, 5h = (3600*5) 2m = (60*2) 1s = 1 int parseTime(std::string time); // Test if current time is inside any of the specified periods. // For example: mon-sun(00-24) is always true! // mon-fri(08-20) is true monday to friday from 08.00 to 19.59 // tue(09-10),sat(00-24) is true tuesday 09.00 to 09.59 and whole of saturday. bool isInsideTimePeriod(time_t now, std::string periods); bool isValidTimePeriod(std::string periods); uint16_t crc16_EN13757(uchar *data, size_t len); // This crc is used by im871a for its serial communication. uint16_t crc16_CCITT(uchar *data, uint16_t length); bool crc16_CCITT_check(uchar *data, uint16_t length); // Eat characters from the vector v, iterating using i, until the end char c is found. // If end char == -1, then do not expect any end char, get all until eof. // If the end char is not found, return error. // If the maximum length is reached without finding the end char, return error. std::string eatTo(std::vector &v, std::vector::iterator &i, int c, size_t max, bool *eof, bool *err); // Eat whitespace (space and tab, not end of lines). void eatWhitespace(std::vector &v, std::vector::iterator &i, bool *eof); // First eat whitespace, then start eating until c is found or eof. The found string is trimmed from beginning and ending whitespace. std::string eatToSkipWhitespace(std::vector &v, std::vector::iterator &i, int c, size_t max, bool *eof, bool *err); // Remove leading and trailing white space void trimWhitespace(std::string *s); // Returns true if device exists and this programs user, belongs // to the same group that the device belongs to. enum class AccessCheck { NotThere, NotSameGroup, Locked, AccessOK }; AccessCheck checkIfExistsAndSameGroup(std::string device); // Count the number of 1:s in the binary number v. int countSetBits(int v); bool startsWith(std::string &s, const char *prefix); bool startsWith(std::string &s, std::string &prefix); // Given alfa=beta it returns "alfa":"beta" std::string makeQuotedJson(std::string &s); std::string currentYear(); std::string currentDay(); std::string currentHour(); std::string currentMinute(); std::string currentSeconds(); std::string currentMicros(); #define CHECK(n) if (!hasBytes(n, pos, frame)) return expectedMore(__LINE__); bool hasBytes(int n, std::vector::iterator &pos, std::vector &frame); bool startsWith(std::string s, std::vector &data); // Sum the memory used by the heap and stack. size_t memoryUsage(); std::string humanReadableTwoDecimals(size_t s); uint32_t indexFromRtlSdrName(std::string &s); bool check_if_rtlwmbus_exists_in_path(); bool check_if_rtlsdr_exists_in_path(); // Return the actual executable binary that is running. std::string currentProcessExe(); std::string dirname(std::string p); std::string lookForExecutable(std::string prog, std::string bin_dir, std::string default_dir); // Extract from "ppm=5 radix=7" and put key values into map. bool parseExtras(std::string s, std::map *extras); void checkIfMultipleWmbusMetersRunning(); size_t findBytes(std::vector &v, uchar a, uchar b, uchar c); #ifndef FUZZING #define FUZZING false #endif #endif