/* Copyright (C) 2017-2023 Fredrik Öhrström (gpl-3.0-or-later) This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include"bus.h" #include"config.h" #include"drivers.h" #include"driver_dynamic.h" #include"meters.h" #include"meters_common_implementation.h" #include"units.h" #include"wmbus.h" #include"wmbus_utils.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include map *registered_drivers_ = NULL; vector *registered_drivers_list_ = NULL; void verifyDriverLookupCreated() { if (registered_drivers_ == NULL) { registered_drivers_ = new map; } if (registered_drivers_list_ == NULL) { registered_drivers_list_ = new vector; } } DriverInfo *lookupDriver(string name) { verifyDriverLookupCreated(); // Check if we have a compiled/loaded driver available. if (registered_drivers_->count(name) == 1) { return &(*registered_drivers_)[name]; } // No, ok lets look for driver aliases. for (DriverInfo *di : *registered_drivers_list_) { for (DriverName &dn : di->nameAliases()) { if (dn.str() == name) { return di; } } } return NULL; } vector &allDrivers() { return *registered_drivers_list_; } void removeDriver(const string &name) { for (auto i = registered_drivers_list_->begin(); i != registered_drivers_list_->end(); i++) { if ((*i)->name().str() == name) { registered_drivers_list_->erase(i); break; } } registered_drivers_->erase(name); assert(registered_drivers_->count(name) == 0); } void addRegisteredDriver(DriverInfo di) { verifyDriverLookupCreated(); if (registered_drivers_->count(di.name().str()) != 0) { error("Two drivers trying to register the name \"%s\"\n", di.name().str().c_str()); exit(1); } (*registered_drivers_)[di.name().str()] = di; // The list elements points into the map. (*registered_drivers_list_).push_back(lookupDriver(di.name().str())); } bool DriverInfo::detect(uint16_t mfct, uchar type, uchar version) { for (auto &dd : detect_) { if (dd.mfct == 0 && dd.type == 0 && dd.version == 0) continue; // Ignore drivers with no detection. if (dd.mfct == mfct && dd.type == type && dd.version == version) return true; } return false; } bool DriverInfo::isValidMedia(uchar type) { for (auto &dd : detect_) { if (dd.type == type) return true; } return false; } DriverInfo::~DriverInfo() { } bool DriverInfo::isCloseEnoughMedia(uchar type) { for (auto &dd : detect_) { if (isCloseEnough(dd.type, type)) return true; } return false; } bool forceRegisterDriver(function setup) { DriverInfo di; setup(di); // Check that the driver name has not been registered before! assert(lookupDriver(di.name().str()) == NULL); // Check that no other driver also triggers on the same detection values. for (auto &d : di.detect()) { for (DriverInfo *p : allDrivers()) { bool foo = p->detect(d.mfct, d.type, d.version); if (foo) { error("Internal error: driver %s tried to register the same auto detect combo as driver %s alread has taken!\n", di.name().str().c_str(), p->name().str().c_str()); } } } // Everything looks, good install this driver. addRegisteredDriver(di); // This code is invoked from the static initializers of DriverInfos when starting // wmbusmeters. Thus we do not yet know if the user has supplied --debug or similar setting. // To debug this you have to uncomment the printf below. // fprintf(stderr, "(STATIC) added driver: %s\n", n.c_str()); return true; } bool registerDriver(function setup) { DriverInfo di; setup(di); // Check that the driver name has not been registered before! assert(lookupDriver(di.name().str()) == NULL); // Check that no other driver also triggers on the same detection values. for (auto &d : di.detect()) { for (DriverInfo *p : allDrivers()) { bool foo = p->detect(d.mfct, d.type, d.version); if (foo) { error("Internal error: driver %s tried to register the same auto detect combo as driver %s alread has taken!\n", di.name().str().c_str(), p->name().str().c_str()); } } } // Everything looks, good install this driver. addRegisteredDriver(di); // This code is invoked from the static initializers of DriverInfos when starting // wmbusmeters. Thus we do not yet know if the user has supplied --debug or similar setting. // To debug this you have to uncomment the printf below. // fprintf(stderr, "(STATIC) added driver: %s\n", n.c_str()); return true; } string loadDriver(const string &file, const char *content) { DriverInfo di; debug("(meter) loading %s\n", file.c_str()); bool ok = DriverDynamic::load(&di, file, content); if (!ok) { error("Failed to load driver from file: %s\n", file.c_str()); } // Check if the driver name has been registered before.... DriverInfo *old = lookupDriver(di.name().str()); if (old != NULL) { debug("(meter) overriding %s\n", di.name().str().c_str()); if (old->getDynamicFileName() != "") { if (di.getDynamicFileName() == old->getDynamicFileName()) { // Loading same file again, happens when using analyze. This is fine. return di.name().str(); } // New file source registering the same driver name, nono. error("Newly loaded driver file %s tries to register the same name %s as driver file %s has already taken!\n", file.c_str(), di.name().str().c_str(), old->getDynamicFileName().c_str()); } else { verbose("(drivers) newly loaded driver %s overrides builtin driver\n", file.c_str(), di.name().str().c_str()); removeDriver(di.name().str()); } } // Check that no other driver also triggers on the same detection values. for (auto &d : di.detect()) { for (DriverInfo *p : allDrivers()) { bool foo = p->detect(d.mfct, d.type, d.version); if (foo) { string mfct = manufacturerFlag(d.mfct); if (p->getDynamicFileName() != "") { // It is not ok to override an previously file loaded driver! error("Newly loaded driver %s tries to register the same " "auto detect combo as driver %s alread has taken! mvt=%s,%02x,%02x\n", di.name().str().c_str(), p->name().str().c_str(), mfct.c_str(), d.version, d.type); } else { // It is ok to override a built in driver! verbose("(driver) newly loaded driver %s forces removal of builtin " "driver %s since it auto-detects the same combo! mvt=%s,%02x,%02x\n", di.name().str().c_str(), p->name().str().c_str(), mfct.c_str(), d.version, d.type); removeDriver(p->name().str()); } } } } // Everything looks, good install this driver. addRegisteredDriver(di); return di.name().str(); } bool lookupDriverInfo(const string& driver_name, DriverInfo *out_di) { // Lookup an already loaded driver, it might be compiled in as well. DriverInfo *di = lookupDriver(driver_name); if (di) { if (out_di) *out_di = *di; return true; } // Lookup a dynamic text driver that can be loaded from memory. if (loadBuiltinDriver(driver_name)) { // It is loaded, lets fetch the DriverInfo. di = lookupDriver(driver_name); if (di) { if (out_di) *out_di = *di; return true; } } // Is this a dynamic text driver file? if (!endsWith(driver_name, ".xmq") || !checkFileExists(driver_name.c_str())) { // Nope, give up. return false; } string file_name = driver_name; // Load the driver from the file. string new_name = loadDriver(file_name, NULL); // Check again if it was registered. di = lookupDriver(new_name); if (di) { if (out_di) *out_di = *di; return true; } return false; } MeterCommonImplementation::MeterCommonImplementation(MeterInfo &mi, DriverInfo &di) : type_(di.type()), driver_name_(di.name()), bus_(mi.bus), name_(mi.name), mfct_tpl_status_bits_(di.mfctTPLStatusBits()), has_process_content_(di.hasProcessContent()), waiting_for_poll_response_sem_("waiting_for_poll_response") { address_expressions_ = mi.address_expressions; identity_mode_ = mi.identity_mode; link_modes_ = mi.link_modes; poll_interval_= mi.poll_interval; if (mi.key.length() > 0) { hex2bin(mi.key, &meter_keys_.confidentiality_key); } for (auto s : mi.shells) { addShellMeterUpdated(s); } for (auto s : mi.meter_shells) { addShellMeterAdded(s); } for (auto j : mi.extra_constant_fields) { addExtraConstantField(j); } link_modes_.unionLinkModeSet(di.linkModes()); force_mfct_index_ = di.forceMfctIndex(); } void MeterCommonImplementation::addShellMeterAdded(string cmdline) { shell_cmdlines_added_.push_back(cmdline); } void MeterCommonImplementation::addShellMeterUpdated(string cmdline) { shell_cmdlines_updated_.push_back(cmdline); } void MeterCommonImplementation::addExtraConstantField(string ecf) { extra_constant_fields_.push_back(ecf); } void MeterCommonImplementation::addExtraCalculatedField(string ecf) { verbose("(meter) Adding calculated field: %s\n", ecf.c_str()); vector parts = splitString(ecf, '='); if (parts.size() != 2) { warning("Invalid formula for calculated field. %s\n", ecf.c_str()); return; } string vname; Unit unit; bool ok = extractUnit(parts[0], &vname, &unit); if (!ok) { warning("Could not extract a valid unit from calculated field name %s\n", parts[0].c_str()); return; } Quantity quantity = toQuantity(unit); FieldInfo *existing = findFieldInfo(vname, quantity); if (existing != NULL) { if (!canConvert(unit, existing->displayUnit())) { warning("Warning! Cannot add the calculated field: %s since it would conflict with the already declared field %s for quantity %s.\n", parts[0].c_str(), vname.c_str(), toString(quantity)); return; } } addNumericFieldWithCalculator( vname, "Calculated: "+ecf, DEFAULT_PRINT_PROPERTIES, quantity, parts[1], unit ); } vector &MeterCommonImplementation::shellCmdlinesMeterAdded() { return shell_cmdlines_added_; } vector &MeterCommonImplementation::shellCmdlinesMeterUpdated() { return shell_cmdlines_updated_; } vector &MeterCommonImplementation::meterExtraConstantFields() { return extra_constant_fields_; } DriverName MeterCommonImplementation::driverName() { return driver_name_; } void MeterCommonImplementation::setMeterType(MeterType mt) { type_ = mt; } void MeterCommonImplementation::addLinkMode(LinkMode lm) { link_modes_.addLinkMode(lm); } void MeterCommonImplementation::setMfctTPLStatusBits(Translate::Lookup &lookup) { mfct_tpl_status_bits_ = lookup; } void MeterCommonImplementation::addNumericFieldWithExtractor(string vname, string help, PrintProperties print_properties, Quantity vquantity, VifScaling vif_scaling, DifSignedness dif_signedness, FieldMatcher matcher, Unit display_unit, double scale) { field_infos_.emplace_back( FieldInfo(field_infos_.size(), vname, vquantity, display_unit == Unit::Unknown ? defaultUnitForQuantity(vquantity) : display_unit, vif_scaling, dif_signedness, scale, matcher, help, print_properties, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NoLookup, /* Lookup table */ NULL /* Formula */ )); } void MeterCommonImplementation::addNumericFieldWithCalculator(string vname, string help, PrintProperties print_properties, Quantity vquantity, string formula, Unit display_unit) { Formula *f = newFormula(); bool ok = f->parse(this, formula); if (!ok) { string err = f->errors(); warning("Warning! Ignoring calculated field %s because parse failed:\n%s", vname.c_str(), err.c_str()); delete f; return; } assert(ok); field_infos_.push_back( FieldInfo(field_infos_.size(), vname, vquantity, display_unit == Unit::Unknown ? defaultUnitForQuantity(vquantity) : display_unit, VifScaling::Auto, DifSignedness::Signed, 1.0, FieldMatcher::noMatcher(), help, print_properties, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NoLookup, /* Lookup table */ f /* Formula */ )); } void MeterCommonImplementation::addNumericFieldWithCalculatorAndMatcher(string vname, string help, PrintProperties print_properties, Quantity vquantity, string formula, FieldMatcher matcher, Unit display_unit) { Formula *f = newFormula(); bool ok = f->parse(this, formula); if (!ok) { string err = f->errors(); warning("Warning! Ignoring calculated field %s because parse failed:\n%s", vname.c_str(), err.c_str()); delete f; return; } assert(ok); field_infos_.push_back( FieldInfo(field_infos_.size(), vname, vquantity, display_unit == Unit::Unknown ? defaultUnitForQuantity(vquantity) : display_unit, VifScaling::Auto, DifSignedness::Signed, 1.0, matcher, help, print_properties, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NoLookup, /* Lookup table */ f /* Formula */ )); } void MeterCommonImplementation::addNumericField( string vname, Quantity vquantity, PrintProperties print_properties, string help, Unit display_unit) { field_infos_.emplace_back( FieldInfo(field_infos_.size(), vname, vquantity, display_unit == Unit::Unknown ? defaultUnitForQuantity(vquantity) : display_unit, VifScaling::None, DifSignedness::Signed, 1.0, FieldMatcher::noMatcher(), help, print_properties, NULL, // getValueFunc, NULL, NULL, // setValueFunc NULL, NoLookup, /* Lookup table */ NULL /* Formula */ )); } void MeterCommonImplementation::addStringFieldWithExtractor(string vname, string help, PrintProperties print_properties, FieldMatcher matcher) { field_infos_.emplace_back( FieldInfo(field_infos_.size(), vname, Quantity::Text, defaultUnitForQuantity(Quantity::Text), VifScaling::None, DifSignedness::Signed, 1.0, matcher, help, print_properties, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NoLookup, /* Lookup table */ NULL /* Formula */ )); } void MeterCommonImplementation::addStringFieldWithExtractorAndLookup(string vname, string help, PrintProperties print_properties, FieldMatcher matcher, Translate::Lookup lookup) { field_infos_.emplace_back( FieldInfo(field_infos_.size(), vname, Quantity::Text, defaultUnitForQuantity(Quantity::Text), VifScaling::None, DifSignedness::Signed, 1.0, matcher, help, print_properties, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, lookup, NULL /* Formula */ )); } void MeterCommonImplementation::addStringField(string vname, string help, PrintProperties print_properties) { field_infos_.emplace_back( FieldInfo(field_infos_.size(), vname, Quantity::Text, defaultUnitForQuantity(Quantity::Text), VifScaling::None, DifSignedness::Signed, 1.0, FieldMatcher(), help, print_properties, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NoLookup, /* Lookup table */ NULL /* Formula */ )); } void MeterCommonImplementation::poll(shared_ptr bus_manager) { if (usesPolling()) { // An valid poll interval must have been set! if (pollInterval() <= 0) return; time_t now = time(NULL); time_t next_poll_time = datetime_of_poll_+pollInterval(); if (now < next_poll_time) { // Not yet time to poll this meter. return; } BusDevice *bus_device = bus_manager->findBus(bus()); if (!bus_device) { string aesc = AddressExpression::concat(addressExpressions()); warning("(meter) warning! no bus specified for meter %s %s\n", name().c_str(), aesc.c_str()); return; } if (addressExpressions().size() == 0) { warning("(meter) not polling from \"%s\" since no valid id\n", name().c_str()); return; } AddressExpression &ae = addressExpressions().back(); if (ae.has_wildcard) { warning("(meter) not polling from id \"%s\" since poll id must not have a wildcard\n", ae.id.c_str()); return; } if (ae.mbus_primary) { int idnum = atoi(ae.id.c_str()+1); if (idnum < 0 || idnum > 250) { warning("(meter) not polling from bad id \"%s\"\n", ae.id.c_str()); return; } vector buf; buf.resize(5); buf[0] = 0x10; // Start buf[1] = 0x5b; // REQ_UD2 buf[2] = idnum & 0xff; uchar cs = 0; for (int i=1; i<3; ++i) cs += buf[i]; buf[3] = cs; // checksum buf[4] = 0x16; // Stop verbose("(meter) polling %s %s (primary) with req ud2 on bus %s\n", name().c_str(), ae.id.c_str(), bus_device->busAlias().c_str(),ae.id.c_str()); bus_device->serial()->send(buf); } if (!ae.mbus_primary) { // A full secondary address 12345678 was specified. vector idhex; bool ok = hex2bin(ae.id, &idhex); if (!ok || idhex.size() != 4) { warning("(meter) not polling from bad id \"%s\"\n", ae.id.c_str()); return; } vector buf; buf.resize(17); buf[0] = 0x68; buf[1] = 0x0b; buf[2] = 0x0b; buf[3] = 0x68; buf[4] = 0x73; // SND_UD buf[5] = 0xfd; // address 253 buf[6] = 0x52; // ci 52 // Assuming we send id 12345678 buf[7] = idhex[3]; // id 78 buf[8] = idhex[2]; // id 56 buf[9] = idhex[1]; // id 34 buf[10] = idhex[0]; // id 12 buf[11] = ae.mfct & 0xff; // mfct buf[12] = (ae.mfct >> 8) & 0xff; // use 0xff as a wildcard buf[13] = ae.version; // version/generation buf[14] = ae.type; // type/media/device uchar cs = 0; for (int i=4; i<15; ++i) cs += buf[i]; buf[15] = cs; // checksum buf[16] = 0x16; // Stop debug("(meter) secondary addressing bus %s to address %s\n", bus_device->busAlias().c_str(), ae.id.c_str()); bus_device->serial()->send(buf); usleep(1000*500); buf.resize(5); buf[0] = 0x10; // Start buf[1] = 0x5b; // REQ_UD2 buf[2] = 0xfd; // 00 or address 253 previously setup cs = 0; for (int i=1; i<3; ++i) cs += buf[i]; buf[3] = cs; // checksum buf[4] = 0x16; // Stop verbose("(meter) polling %s %s (secondary) with req ud2 bus %s\n", name().c_str(), ae.id.c_str(), bus_device->busAlias().c_str()); bus_device->serial()->send(buf); } bool ok = waiting_for_poll_response_sem_.wait(); if (!ok) { warning("(meter) %s %s did not send a response!\n", name().c_str(), ae.id.c_str()); } } } vector& MeterCommonImplementation::addressExpressions() { return address_expressions_; } IdentityMode MeterCommonImplementation::identityMode() { return identity_mode_; } vector &MeterCommonImplementation::fieldInfos() { return field_infos_; } vector &MeterCommonImplementation::extraConstantFields() { return extra_constant_fields_; } string MeterCommonImplementation::name() { return name_; } void MeterCommonImplementation::onUpdate(function cb) { on_update_.push_back(cb); } int MeterCommonImplementation::numUpdates() { return num_updates_; } string MeterCommonImplementation::datetimeOfUpdateHumanReadable() { char datetime[40]; memset(datetime, 0, sizeof(datetime)); strftime(datetime, 20, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime(&datetime_of_update_)); return string(datetime); } string MeterCommonImplementation::datetimeOfUpdateRobot() { char datetime[40]; memset(datetime, 0, sizeof(datetime)); // This is the date time in the Greenwich timezone (Zulu time), dont get surprised! time_t d = datetime_of_update_; struct tm ts; gmtime_r(&d, &ts); strftime(datetime, sizeof(datetime), "%FT%TZ", &ts); return string(datetime); } string MeterCommonImplementation::unixTimestampOfUpdate() { char ut[40]; memset(ut, 0, sizeof(ut)); snprintf(ut, sizeof(ut)-1, "%lu", datetime_of_update_); return string(ut); } time_t MeterCommonImplementation::timestampLastUpdate() { return datetime_of_update_; } void MeterCommonImplementation::setPollInterval(time_t interval) { poll_interval_ = interval; if (usesPolling() && poll_interval_ == 0) { string aesc = AddressExpression::concat(addressExpressions()); warning("(meter) %s %s needs polling but has no pollinterval set!\n", name().c_str(), aesc.c_str()); } } time_t MeterCommonImplementation::pollInterval() { return poll_interval_; } bool MeterCommonImplementation::usesPolling() { return link_modes_.has(LinkMode::MBUS) || link_modes_.has(LinkMode::C2) || link_modes_.has(LinkMode::T2) || link_modes_.has(LinkMode::S2); } bool driverNeedsPolling(DriverName& dn) { DriverInfo *di = lookupDriver(dn.str()); if (di == NULL) return false; // Return true for MBUS,S2,C2,T2 meters. Currently only mbus is implemented. return di->linkModes().has(LinkMode::MBUS) || di->linkModes().has(LinkMode::C2) || di->linkModes().has(LinkMode::T2) || di->linkModes().has(LinkMode::S2); } const char *toString(MeterType type) { #define X(tname) if (type == MeterType::tname) return #tname; LIST_OF_METER_TYPES #undef X return "unknown"; } MeterType toMeterType(string type) { #define X(tname) if (type == #tname) return MeterType::tname; LIST_OF_METER_TYPES #undef X return MeterType::UnknownMeter; } string toString(DriverInfo &di) { return di.name().str(); } bool MeterCommonImplementation::isTelegramForMeter(Telegram *t, Meter *meter, MeterInfo *mi) { string name; vector address_expressions; string driver_name; assert((meter && !mi) || (!meter && mi)); if (meter) { name = meter->name(); address_expressions = meter->addressExpressions(); driver_name = meter->driverName().str(); } else { name = mi->name; address_expressions = mi->address_expressions; driver_name = mi->driver_name.str(); } if (isDebugEnabled()) { // Telegram addresses string t_idsc = Address::concat(t->addresses); // Meter/MeterInfo address expressions string m_idsc = AddressExpression::concat(address_expressions); debug("(meter) %s: for me? %s in %s\n", name.c_str(), t_idsc.c_str(), m_idsc.c_str()); } bool used_wildcard = false; bool match = doesTelegramMatchExpressions(t->addresses, address_expressions, &used_wildcard); if (!match) { // The id must match. debug("(meter) %s: not for me: no match\n", name.c_str()); return false; } bool valid_driver = isMeterDriverValid(driver_name, t->dll_mfct, t->dll_type, t->dll_version); if (!valid_driver && t->tpl_id_found) { valid_driver = isMeterDriverValid(driver_name, t->tpl_mfct, t->tpl_type, t->tpl_version); } if (!valid_driver) { // Are we using the right driver? Perhaps not since // this particular driver, mfct, media, version combo // is not registered in the METER_DETECTION list in meters.h // There was an attempt to give up here if there was a wildcard and it was the wrong driver. // However some users did expect it to work anyway! This might make sense // in the future when we have even better dynamic drivers. // It already make sense if you create an amalgamation driver for several different // types of meters and want to force the use of this driver. // The match was exact, ie the user has actually specified 12345678 and foo as driver even // though they do not match. Lets warn and then proceed. It is common that a user tries a // new version of a meter with the old driver, thus it might not be a real error. if (isVerboseEnabled() || isDebugEnabled() || !warned_for_telegram_before(t, t->dll_a)) { string possible_drivers = t->autoDetectPossibleDrivers(); if (t->beingAnalyzed() == false && driver_name != "auto") { warning("(meter) %s: meter detection did not match the selected driver %s! correct driver is: %s\n" "(meter) Not printing this warning again for id: %02x%02x%02x%02x mfct: (%s) %s (0x%02x) type: %s (0x%02x) ver: 0x%02x\n", name.c_str(), driver_name.c_str(), possible_drivers.c_str(), t->dll_id_b[3], t->dll_id_b[2], t->dll_id_b[1], t->dll_id_b[0], manufacturerFlag(t->dll_mfct).c_str(), manufacturer(t->dll_mfct).c_str(), t->dll_mfct, mediaType(t->dll_type, t->dll_mfct).c_str(), t->dll_type, t->dll_version); if (possible_drivers == "unknown!") { warning("(meter) please consider opening an issue at https://github.com/wmbusmeters/wmbusmeters/\n"); warning("(meter) to add support for this unknown mfct,media,version combination\n"); } } } } debug("(meter) %s: yes for me\n", name.c_str()); return true; } MeterKeys *MeterCommonImplementation::meterKeys() { return &meter_keys_; } int MeterCommonImplementation::index() { return index_; } void MeterCommonImplementation::setIndex(int i) { index_ = i; } string MeterCommonImplementation::bus() { return bus_; } void MeterCommonImplementation::triggerUpdate(Telegram *t) { // Check if processContent has discarded this telegram. if (t->discard) return; datetime_of_poll_ = time(NULL); datetime_of_update_ = t->about.timestamp ? t->about.timestamp : datetime_of_poll_; num_updates_++; for (auto &cb : on_update_) if (cb) cb(t, this); t->handled = true; } string findField(string key, vector *extra_constant_fields) { key = key+"="; for (string ecf : *extra_constant_fields) { if (startsWith(ecf, key)) { return ecf.substr(key.length()); } } return ""; } string build_id(Address &a, IdentityMode im) { string id = a.id; if (im == IdentityMode::ID_MFCT || im == IdentityMode::FULL) { id += string(".M=")+manufacturerFlag(a.mfct); } if (im == IdentityMode::FULL) { id += tostrprintf(".V=%02x.T=%02x", a.version, a.type); } return id; } // Is the desired field one of the fields common to all meters and telegrams? bool checkCommonField(string *buf, string desired_field, Meter *m, Telegram *t, char c, bool human_readable) { if (desired_field == "name") { *buf += m->name() + c; return true; } if (desired_field == "id") { string id = build_id(t->addresses.back(), m->identityMode()); *buf += id + c; return true; } if (desired_field == "timestamp") { *buf += m->datetimeOfUpdateHumanReadable() + c; return true; } if (desired_field == "timestamp_lt") { *buf += m->datetimeOfUpdateHumanReadable() + c; return true; } if (desired_field == "timestamp_utc") { *buf += m->datetimeOfUpdateRobot() + c; return true; } if (desired_field == "timestamp_ut") { *buf += m->unixTimestampOfUpdate() + c; return true; } if (desired_field == "device") { *buf += t->about.device + c; return true; } if (desired_field == "rssi_dbm") { *buf += to_string(t->about.rssi_dbm) + c; return true; } return false; } // Is the desired field one of the meter printable fields? bool checkPrintableField(string *buf, string desired_field, Meter *m, Telegram *t, char c, vector &fields, bool human_readable) { for (FieldInfo &fi : fields) { if (fi.xuantity() == Quantity::Text) { // Strings are simply just print them. if (desired_field == fi.vname()) { *buf += m->getStringValue(&fi) + c; return true; } } else { string display_unit_s = unitToStringLowerCase(fi.displayUnit()); string var = fi.vname()+"_"+display_unit_s; if (desired_field != var) continue; // We have the correc field. if (fi.displayUnit() == Unit::DateLT) { double d = m->getNumericValue(&fi, Unit::DateLT); *buf += strdate(d); *buf += c; return true; } else if (fi.displayUnit() == Unit::DateTimeLT) { double d = m->getNumericValue(&fi, Unit::DateTimeLT); *buf += strdatetime(d); *buf += c; return true; } else if (fi.displayUnit() == Unit::DateTimeUTC) { double d = m->getNumericValue(&fi, Unit::DateTimeUTC); *buf += strTimestampUTC(d); *buf += c; return true; } else { // Default unit. *buf += valueToString(m->getNumericValue(&fi, fi.displayUnit()), fi.displayUnit()); if (human_readable) { *buf += " "; *buf += unitToStringHR(fi.displayUnit()); } *buf += c; return true; } } } return false; } // Is the desired field one of the constant fields? bool checkConstantField(string *buf, string field, char c, vector *extra_constant_fields) { // Ok, lets look for extra constant fields and print any such static information. string v = findField(field, extra_constant_fields); if (v != "") { *buf += v + c; return true; } return false; } string concatFields(Meter *m, Telegram *t, char c, vector &prints, bool human_readable, vector *selected_fields, vector *extra_constant_fields) { if (selected_fields == NULL || selected_fields->size() == 0) { selected_fields = &m->selectedFields(); } string buf = ""; for (string field : *selected_fields) { bool handled = checkCommonField(&buf, field, m, t, c, human_readable); if (handled) continue; handled = checkPrintableField(&buf, field, m, t, c, prints, human_readable); if (handled) continue; handled = checkConstantField(&buf, field, c, extra_constant_fields); if (handled) continue; if (!handled) { buf += "?"+field+"?"+c; } } if (buf.back() == c) buf.pop_back(); return buf; } bool MeterCommonImplementation::handleTelegram(AboutTelegram &about, vector input_frame, bool simulated, vector
*addresses, bool *id_match, Telegram *out_analyzed) { Telegram t; t.about = about; bool ok = t.parseHeader(input_frame); if (simulated) t.markAsSimulated(); if (out_analyzed != NULL) t.markAsBeingAnalyzed(); *addresses = t.addresses; if (!ok || !isTelegramForMeter(&t, this, NULL)) { // This telegram is not intended for this meter. return false; } *id_match = true; if (isVerboseEnabled()) { verbose("(meter) %s(%d) %s handling telegram from %s\n", name().c_str(), index(), driverName().str().c_str(), t.addresses.back().str().c_str()); } if (isDebugEnabled()) { string msg = bin2hex(input_frame); debug("(meter) %s %s \"%s\"\n", name().c_str(), t.addresses.back().str().c_str(), msg.c_str()); } // For older meters with manufacturer specific data without a nice 0f dif marker. if (force_mfct_index_ != -1) { t.force_mfct_index = force_mfct_index_; } ok = t.parse(input_frame, &meter_keys_, true); if (!ok) { if (out_analyzed != NULL) *out_analyzed = t; // Ignoring telegram since it could not be parsed. return false; } char log_prefix[256]; snprintf(log_prefix, 255, "(%s) log", driverName().str().c_str()); logTelegram(t.original, t.frame, t.header_size, t.suffix_size); if (usesPolling()) { waiting_for_poll_response_sem_.notify(); } // Invoke standardized field extractors! processFieldExtractors(&t); if (hasProcessContent()) { // Invoke tailor made meter specific parsing! processContent(&t); } // Invoke any calculators working on the extracted fields. processFieldCalculators(); // All done.... if (isDebugEnabled()) { char log_prefix[256]; snprintf(log_prefix, 255, "(%s)", driverName().str().c_str()); t.explainParse(log_prefix, 0); } triggerUpdate(&t); /*string s = debugValues(); printf("\n\nVALUES------\n%s\n--------------\n", s.c_str());*/ if (out_analyzed != NULL) *out_analyzed = t; return true; } void MeterCommonImplementation::processFieldExtractors(Telegram *t) { // Multiple dventries can be matched against a single wildcard FieldInfo. map> founds; // Sort the dv_entries based on their offset in the telegram. // I.e. restore the ordering that was implicit in the telegram. vector sorted_entries; for (auto &p : t->dv_entries) { sorted_entries.push_back(&p.second.second); } sort(sorted_entries.begin(), sorted_entries.end(), [](const DVEntry* a, const DVEntry *b) -> bool { return a->offset < b->offset; }); // Now go through each field_info defined by the driver. for (FieldInfo &fi : field_infos_) { int current_match_nr = 0; if (!fi.hasMatcher()) { // This field_info has not been matched to a dv_entry before! debug("(meters) skipping field without matcher %s(%s)[%d]...\n", fi.vname().c_str(), toString(fi.xuantity()), fi.index()); continue; } debug("(meters) trying field info %s(%s)[%d]...\n", fi.vname().c_str(), toString(fi.xuantity()), fi.index()); // Iterate through dv_entries in the telegram in the same order the telegram presented them. for (DVEntry *dve : sorted_entries) { if (fi.hasMatcher() && fi.matches(dve)) { current_match_nr++; if (fi.matcher().index_nr != IndexNr(current_match_nr) && !fi.matcher().expectedToMatchAgainstMultipleEntries()) { // This field info did match, but requires another index nr! // Increment the current index nr and look for the next match. } else if (founds[&fi].count(dve) == 0 || fi.matcher().expectedToMatchAgainstMultipleEntries()) { debug("(meters) using field info %s(%s)[%d] to extract %s at offset %d\n", fi.vname().c_str(), toString(fi.xuantity()), fi.index(), dve->dif_vif_key.str().c_str(), dve->offset); dve->addFieldInfo(&fi); fi.performExtraction(this, t, dve); founds[&fi].insert(dve); } else { if (isVerboseEnabled()) { set old = founds[&fi]; string olds; for (DVEntry *dve : old) { olds += to_string(dve->offset)+","; } olds.pop_back(); verbose("(meter) while processing field extractors ignoring dventry %s at offset %d matching since " "field %s was already matched against offsets %s !\n", dve->dif_vif_key.str().c_str(), dve->offset, fi.vname().c_str(), olds.c_str()); } } } } } // Iterate over the fields that has no matcher rule. Ie the field // itself does the searching and matching. for (FieldInfo &fi : field_infos_) { if (!fi.hasMatcher()) { fi.performExtraction(this, t, NULL); } else if (founds.count(&fi) == 0 && fi.printProperties().hasINCLUDETPLSTATUS()) { // This is a status field and it joins the tpl status but it also // has a potential dve match, which did not trigger. Now // force extraction to get the tpl status. fi.performExtraction(this, t, NULL); } } } void MeterCommonImplementation::processFieldCalculators() { // Iterate over the fields with formulas but no matcher. for (FieldInfo &fi : field_infos_) { if (fi.hasFormula() && !fi.hasMatcher()) { debug("(meters) calculating field %s(%s)[%d]\n", fi.vname().c_str(), toString(fi.xuantity()), fi.index()); fi.performCalculation(this); } } } string MeterCommonImplementation::getStatusField(FieldInfo *fi) { string field_name_no_unit = fi->vname(); if (string_values_.count(field_name_no_unit) == 0) { return "null"; // This is translated to a real(non-string) null in the json. } StringField &sf = string_values_[field_name_no_unit]; string value = sf.value; // This is >THE< status field, only one is allowed. // Look for other fields with the JOIN_INTO_STATUS marker. // These other fields will not be printed, instead // joined into this status field. for (FieldInfo &f : field_infos_) { if (f.printProperties().hasINJECTINTOSTATUS()) { //printf("NOW >%s<\n", value.c_str()); string more = getStringValue(&f); //printf("MORE >%s<\n", more.c_str()); string joined = joinStatusOKStrings(value, more); //printf("JOINED >%s<\n", joined.c_str()); value = joined; } } // Sort all found flags and remove any duplicates. A well designed meter decoder // should not be able to generate duplicates. value = sortStatusString(value); // If it is empty, then translate to OK! if (value == "") value = "OK"; return value; } void MeterCommonImplementation::processContent(Telegram *t) { } bool MeterCommonImplementation::hasProcessContent() { return has_process_content_; } void MeterCommonImplementation::setNumericValue(FieldInfo *fi, DVEntry *dve, Unit u, double v) { string field_name_no_unit; if (dve == NULL) { string field_name_no_unit = fi->vname(); numeric_values_[pair(field_name_no_unit, fi->displayUnit())] = NumericField(u, v, fi); } else { field_name_no_unit = fi->generateFieldNameNoUnit(dve); numeric_values_[pair(field_name_no_unit, fi->displayUnit())] = NumericField(u, v, fi, *dve); } } void MeterCommonImplementation::setNumericValue(string vname, Unit u, double v) { Quantity q = toQuantity(u); FieldInfo *fi = findFieldInfo(vname, q); if (fi == NULL) { warning("(meter) cannot set numeric value %g %s for non-existant field \"%s\" %s\n", v, unitToStringLowerCase(u).c_str(), vname.c_str(), toString(q)); return; } setNumericValue(fi, NULL, u, v); } bool MeterCommonImplementation::hasValue(FieldInfo *fi) { return hasStringValue(fi) || hasNumericValue(fi); } bool MeterCommonImplementation::hasNumericValue(FieldInfo *fi) { pair key(fi->vname(),fi->displayUnit()); return numeric_values_.count(key) != 0; } bool MeterCommonImplementation::hasStringValue(FieldInfo *fi) { return string_values_.count(fi->vname()) != 0; } double MeterCommonImplementation::getNumericValue(FieldInfo *fi, Unit to) { string field_name_no_unit = fi->vname(); pair key(field_name_no_unit,fi->displayUnit()); if (numeric_values_.count(key) == 0) { return std::numeric_limits::quiet_NaN(); // This is translated into a null in the json. } NumericField &nf = numeric_values_[key]; return convert(nf.value, nf.unit, to); } double MeterCommonImplementation::getNumericValue(string vname, Unit to) { pair key(vname,to); if (numeric_values_.count(key) == 0) { return std::numeric_limits::quiet_NaN(); // This is translated into a null in the json. } NumericField &nf = numeric_values_[key]; return convert(nf.value, nf.unit, to); } void MeterCommonImplementation::setStringValue(FieldInfo *fi, string v, DVEntry *dve) { string field_name_no_unit; if (dve == NULL) { string field_name_no_unit = fi->vname(); string_values_[field_name_no_unit] = StringField(v, fi); } else { field_name_no_unit = fi->generateFieldNameNoUnit(dve); string_values_[field_name_no_unit] = StringField(v, fi); } } void MeterCommonImplementation::setStringValue(string vname, string v, DVEntry *dve) { FieldInfo *fi = findFieldInfo(vname, Quantity::Text); if (fi == NULL) { warning("(meter) cannot set string value %s for non-existant field \"%s\"\n", v.c_str(), vname.c_str()); return; } setStringValue(fi, v, dve); } string MeterCommonImplementation::getStringValue(FieldInfo *fi) { string field_name_no_unit = fi->vname(); if (string_values_.count(field_name_no_unit) == 0) { return "null"; // This is translated to a real(non-string) null in the json. } StringField &sf = string_values_[field_name_no_unit]; string value = sf.value; if (fi->printProperties().hasSTATUS()) { // This is >THE< status field, only one is allowed. // Look for other fields with the JOIN_INTO_STATUS marker. // These other fields will not be printed, instead // joined into this status field. for (FieldInfo &f : field_infos_) { if (f.printProperties().hasINJECTINTOSTATUS()) { string more = getStringValue(&f); string joined = joinStatusOKStrings(value, more); value = joined; } } // Sort all found flags and remove any duplicates. A well designed meter decoder // should not be able to generate duplicates. value = sortStatusString(value); // If it is empty, then translate to OK! if (value == "") value = "OK"; } return value; } string MeterCommonImplementation::decodeTPLStatusByte(uchar sts) { return ::decodeTPLStatusByteWithMfct(sts, mfct_tpl_status_bits_); } FieldInfo *MeterCommonImplementation::findFieldInfo(string vname, Quantity xuantity) { FieldInfo *found = NULL; for (FieldInfo &p : field_infos_) { if (p.vname() == vname && p.xuantity() == xuantity) { found = &p; break; } } return found; } string MeterCommonImplementation::renderJsonOnlyDefaultUnit(string vname, Quantity xuantity) { FieldInfo *fi = findFieldInfo(vname, xuantity); if (fi == NULL) return "unknown field "+vname; return fi->renderJsonOnlyDefaultUnit(this); } string MeterCommonImplementation::debugValues() { string s; for (auto &p : numeric_values_) { string vname = p.first.first; string us = unitToStringLowerCase(p.first.second); NumericField& nf = p.second; s += tostrprintf("%s_%s = %g\n", vname.c_str(), us.c_str(), nf.value); } for (auto &p : string_values_) { string vname = p.first; StringField& nf = p.second; s += tostrprintf("%s = \"%s\"\n", vname.c_str(), nf.value.c_str()); } return s; } FieldInfo::~FieldInfo() { } FieldInfo::FieldInfo(int index, string vname, Quantity xuantity, Unit display_unit, VifScaling vif_scaling, DifSignedness dif_signedness, double scale, FieldMatcher matcher, string help, PrintProperties print_properties, function get_numeric_value_override, function get_string_value_override, function set_numeric_value_override, function set_string_value_override, Translate::Lookup lookup, Formula *formula ) : index_(index), vname_(vname), xuantity_(xuantity), display_unit_(display_unit), vif_scaling_(vif_scaling), dif_signedness_(dif_signedness), scale_(scale), matcher_(matcher), help_(help), print_properties_(print_properties), get_numeric_value_override_(get_numeric_value_override), get_string_value_override_(get_string_value_override), set_numeric_value_override_(set_numeric_value_override), set_string_value_override_(set_string_value_override), lookup_(lookup), formula_(formula), field_name_(newStringInterpolator()), valid_field_name_(field_name_->parse(vname)) { if (!valid_field_name_) { warning("(meter) field template \"%s\" could not be parsed!\n", vname.c_str()); } } string FieldInfo::renderJsonOnlyDefaultUnit(Meter *m) { return renderJson(m, NULL); } string FieldInfo::renderJsonText(Meter *m, DVEntry *dve) { return renderJson(m, dve); } string FieldInfo::generateFieldNameNoUnit(DVEntry *dve) { if (!valid_field_name_) return "bad_field_name"; return field_name_->apply(dve); } string FieldInfo::generateFieldNameWithUnit(DVEntry *dve) { if (!valid_field_name_) return "bad_field_name"; if (xuantity_ == Quantity::Text) { return field_name_->apply(dve); } string display_unit_s = unitToStringLowerCase(displayUnit()); string var = field_name_->apply(dve); return var+"_"+display_unit_s; } string FieldInfo::renderJson(Meter *m, DVEntry *dve) { string s; string display_unit_s = unitToStringLowerCase(displayUnit()); string field_name = generateFieldNameNoUnit(dve); if (xuantity() == Quantity::Text) { string v = m->getStringValue(this); if (v == "null") { // Yes, right now a meter cannot send a string value "something":"null" it will // be translated into "something":null in the json, indicating that there is no value. // This should not be a problem for now. Lets deal with it when a meter decides to send "null" // as its version string for example. s += "\""+field_name+"\":null"; } else { // Normally the string values are quoted in json. TODO quote the value properly. // A well crafted meter could send a version string with " and break the json format. s += "\""+field_name+"\":\""+v+"\""; } } else { if (displayUnit() == Unit::DateLT) { s += "\""+field_name+"_"+display_unit_s+"\":\""+strdate(m->getNumericValue(field_name, Unit::DateLT))+"\""; } else if (displayUnit() == Unit::DateTimeLT) { s += "\""+field_name+"_"+display_unit_s+"\":\""+strdatetime(m->getNumericValue(field_name, Unit::DateTimeLT))+"\""; } else if (displayUnit() == Unit::DateTimeUTC) { s += "\""+field_name+"_"+display_unit_s+"\":\""+strTimestampUTC(m->getNumericValue(field_name, Unit::DateTimeUTC))+"\""; } else { // All numeric values. s += "\""+field_name+"_"+display_unit_s+"\":"+valueToString(m->getNumericValue(field_name, displayUnit()), displayUnit()); } } return s; } void MeterCommonImplementation::createMeterEnv(string id, vector *envs, vector *extra_constant_fields) { envs->push_back(string("METER_ID="+id)); envs->push_back(string("METER_NAME=")+name()); envs->push_back(string("METER_TYPE=")+driverName().str()); // If the configuration has supplied json_address=Roodroad 123 // then the env variable METER_address will available and have the content "Roodroad 123" for (string add_json : meterExtraConstantFields()) { envs->push_back(string("METER_")+add_json); } for (string extra_field : *extra_constant_fields) { envs->push_back(string("METER_")+extra_field); } } void MeterCommonImplementation::printMeter(Telegram *t, string *human_readable, string *fields, char separator, string *json, vector *envs, vector *extra_constant_fields, vector *selected_fields, bool pretty_print_json) { *human_readable = concatFields(this, t, '\t', field_infos_, true, selected_fields, extra_constant_fields); *fields = concatFields(this, t, separator, field_infos_, false, selected_fields, extra_constant_fields); string media; if (t->tpl_id_found) { media = mediaTypeJSON(t->tpl_type, t->tpl_mfct); } else if (t->ell_id_found) { media = mediaTypeJSON(t->ell_type, t->ell_mfct); } else { media = mediaTypeJSON(t->dll_type, t->dll_mfct); } string id = ""; if (t->addresses.size() > 0) { id = build_id(t->addresses.back(), identityMode()); } string indent = ""; string newline = ""; if (pretty_print_json) { indent = " "; newline ="\n"; } string s; s += "{"+newline; s += indent+"\"media\":\""+media+"\","+newline; s += indent+"\"meter\":\""+driverName().str()+"\","+newline; s += indent+"\"name\":\""+name()+"\","+newline; s += indent+"\"id\":\""+id+"\","+newline; // Iterate over the meter field infos... map> founds; // Multiple dventries can match to a single field info. set found_vnames; for (auto &p : numeric_values_) { string vname = p.first.first; NumericField& nf = p.second; if (nf.field_info->printProperties().hasHIDE()) continue; string out = nf.field_info->renderJson(this, &nf.dv_entry); s += indent+out+","+newline; } for (auto &p : string_values_) { string vname = p.first; StringField& sf = p.second; if (sf.field_info->printProperties().hasHIDE()) continue; if (sf.field_info->printProperties().hasSTATUS()) { string in = getStatusField(sf.field_info); string out = tostrprintf("\"%s\":\"%s\"", vname.c_str(), in.c_str()); s += indent+out+","+newline; } else { if (sf.value == "null") { // The string "null" translates to actual json null. string out = tostrprintf("\"%s\":null", vname.c_str()); s += indent+out+","+newline; } else { string out = tostrprintf("\"%s\":\"%s\"", vname.c_str(), sf.value.c_str()); s += indent+out+","+newline; } } } s += indent+"\"timestamp\":\""+datetimeOfUpdateRobot()+"\""; if (t->about.device != "") { s += ","+newline; s += indent+"\"device\":\""+t->about.device+"\","+newline; s += indent+"\"rssi_dbm\":"+to_string(t->about.rssi_dbm); } for (string extra_field : meterExtraConstantFields()) { s += ","+newline; s += indent+makeQuotedJson(extra_field); } for (string extra_field : *extra_constant_fields) { s += ","+newline; s += indent+makeQuotedJson(extra_field); } s += newline; s += "}"; *json = s; createMeterEnv(id, envs, extra_constant_fields); envs->push_back(string("METER_JSON=")+*json); envs->push_back(string("METER_MEDIA=")+media); envs->push_back(string("METER_TIMESTAMP=")+datetimeOfUpdateRobot()); envs->push_back(string("METER_TIMESTAMP_UTC=")+datetimeOfUpdateRobot()); envs->push_back(string("METER_TIMESTAMP_UT=")+unixTimestampOfUpdate()); envs->push_back(string("METER_TIMESTAMP_LT=")+datetimeOfUpdateHumanReadable()); for (FieldInfo& fi : field_infos_) { if (fi.printProperties().hasHIDE()) continue; string display_unit_s = unitToStringUpperCase(fi.displayUnit()); string var = fi.vname(); std::transform(var.begin(), var.end(), var.begin(), ::toupper); if (fi.xuantity() == Quantity::Text) { string envvar = "METER_"+var+"="+getStringValue(&fi); envs->push_back(envvar); } else { string envvar = "METER_"+var+"_"+display_unit_s+"="+valueToString(getNumericValue(&fi, fi.displayUnit()), fi.displayUnit()); envs->push_back(envvar); } } if (t->about.device != "") { envs->push_back(string("METER_DEVICE=")+t->about.device); envs->push_back(string("METER_RSSI_DBM=")+to_string(t->about.rssi_dbm)); } } void MeterCommonImplementation::setExpectedTPLSecurityMode(TPLSecurityMode tsm) { expected_tpl_sec_mode_ = tsm; } void MeterCommonImplementation::setExpectedELLSecurityMode(ELLSecurityMode dsm) { expected_ell_sec_mode_ = dsm; } TPLSecurityMode MeterCommonImplementation::expectedTPLSecurityMode() { return expected_tpl_sec_mode_; } ELLSecurityMode MeterCommonImplementation::expectedELLSecurityMode() { return expected_ell_sec_mode_; } void detectMeterDrivers(int manufacturer, int media, int version, vector *drivers) { bool found = false; for (DriverInfo *p : allDrivers()) { if (p->detect(manufacturer, media, version)) { drivers->push_back(p->name().str()); found = true; } } if (!found) { const char *name = findBuiltinDriver(manufacturer, version, media); if (name) drivers->push_back(name); } } bool isMeterDriverValid(DriverName driver_name, int manufacturer, int media, int version) { for (DriverInfo *p : allDrivers()) { if (p->detect(manufacturer, media, version)) { if (p->hasDriverName(driver_name)) return true; } } return false; } bool isMeterDriverReasonableForMedia(string driver_name, int media) { if (media == 0x37) return false; // Skip converter meter side since they do not give any useful information. for (DriverInfo *p : allDrivers()) { if (p->name().str() == driver_name && p->isValidMedia(media)) { return true; } } return false; } DriverInfo driver_unknown_; DriverInfo pickMeterDriver(Telegram *t) { int manufacturer = t->dll_mfct; int media = t->dll_type; int version = t->dll_version; if (t->tpl_id_found) { manufacturer = t->tpl_mfct; media = t->tpl_type; version = t->tpl_version; } for (DriverInfo *p : allDrivers()) { if (p->detect(manufacturer, media, version)) { return *p; } } return driver_unknown_; } shared_ptr createMeter(MeterInfo *mi) { shared_ptr newm; const char *keymsg = (mi->key[0] == 0) ? "not-encrypted" : "encrypted"; DriverInfo *di = lookupDriver(mi->driver_name.str()); if (di != NULL) { shared_ptr newm = di->construct(*mi); for (string &j : mi->extra_calculated_fields) { newm->addExtraCalculatedField(j); } newm->setPollInterval(mi->poll_interval); if (mi->selected_fields.size() > 0) { newm->setSelectedFields(mi->selected_fields); } else { newm->setSelectedFields(di->defaultFields()); } if (isVerboseEnabled()) { string aesc = AddressExpression::concat(mi->address_expressions); verbose("(meter) created %s %s %s %s\n", mi->name.c_str(), di->name().str().c_str(), aesc.c_str(), keymsg); } return newm; } return newm; } bool is_driver_and_extras(const string& t, DriverName *out_driver_name, string *out_extras) { // piigth(jump=foo) // multical21 DriverInfo di; size_t ps = t.find('('); size_t pe = t.find(')'); size_t te = 0; // Position after type end. bool found_parentheses = (ps != string::npos && pe != string::npos); if (!found_parentheses) { if (lookupDriverInfo(t, &di)) { *out_driver_name = di.name(); // We found a registered driver. *out_extras = ""; return true; } *out_extras = ""; return true; } // Parentheses must be last. if (! (ps > 0 && ps < pe && pe == t.length()-1)) return false; te = ps; string type = t.substr(0, te); bool found = lookupDriverInfo(type, &di); if (found) { *out_driver_name = di.name(); } string extras = t.substr(ps+1, pe-ps-1); *out_extras = extras; return true; } string MeterInfo::str() { string r; r += driver_name.str(); if (extras != "") { r += "("+extras+")"; } r += ":"; if (bus != "") r += bus+":"; if (bps != 0) r += bps+":"; if (!link_modes.empty()) r += link_modes.hr()+":"; if (r.size() > 0) r.pop_back(); return r; } bool MeterInfo::parse(string n, string d, string aes, string k) { clear(); name = n; address_expressions = splitAddressExpressions(aes); key = k; bool driverextras_checked = false; bool bus_checked = false; bool bps_checked = false; bool link_modes_checked = false; // The : colon is forbidden inside the parts. vector parts = splitString(d, ':'); // Example piigth:MAIN:2400 // it is an mbus meter. // c5isf:MAIN:2400:mbus // attached to mbus instead of t1 // multical21:c1 // telco:BUS2:c2 // driver ( extras ) : bus_alias : bps : linkmodes for (auto& p : parts) { if (!driverextras_checked && is_driver_and_extras(p, &driver_name, &extras)) { driverextras_checked = true; } else if (!bus_checked && isValidAlias(p) && !isValidBps(p) && !isValidLinkModes(p)) { driverextras_checked = true; bus_checked = true; bus = p; } else if (!bps_checked && isValidBps(p) && !isValidLinkModes(p)) { driverextras_checked = true; bus_checked = true; bps_checked = true; bps = atoi(p.c_str()); } else if (!link_modes_checked && isValidLinkModes(p)) { driverextras_checked = true; bus_checked = true; bps_checked = true; link_modes_checked = true; link_modes = parseLinkModes(p); } else { // Unknown part.... return false; } } if (!link_modes_checked) { // No explicit link mode set, set to the default link modes // that the meter can transmit on. // link_modes = toMeterLinkModeSet(driver); } return true; } bool MeterInfo::usesPolling() { return link_modes.has(LinkMode::MBUS) || link_modes.has(LinkMode::C2) || link_modes.has(LinkMode::T2) || link_modes.has(LinkMode::S2); } bool isValidKey(const string& key, MeterInfo &mi) { if (key.length() == 0) return true; if (key == "NOKEY") { return true; } if (mi.driver_name.str() == "izar" || mi.driver_name.str() == "hydrus") { // These meters can either be OMS compatible 128 bit key (32 hex). // Or using an older proprietary encryption with 64 bit keys (16 hex) if (key.length() != 16 && key.length() != 32) return false; } else { // OMS compliant meters have 128 bit AES keys (32 hex). // There is a deprecated DES mode, but I have not yet // seen any telegram using that mode. if (key.length() != 32) return false; } vector tmp; return hex2bin(key, &tmp); } void FieldInfo::performExtraction(Meter *m, Telegram *t, DVEntry *dve) { if (xuantity_ == Quantity::Text) { // Extract a string. extractString(m, t, dve); } else if (hasFormula()) { double value = formula_->calculate(displayUnit(), dve, m); m->setNumericValue(this, dve, displayUnit(), value); } else { // Extract a numeric. extractNumeric(m, t, dve); } } void FieldInfo::performCalculation(Meter *m) { assert(hasFormula()); double value = formula_->calculate(displayUnit()); m->setNumericValue(this, NULL, displayUnit(), value); } bool FieldInfo::hasMatcher() { return matcher_.active == true; } bool FieldInfo::hasFormula() { return formula_ != NULL; } bool FieldInfo::matches(DVEntry *dve) { return matcher_.matches(*dve); } string FieldInfo::str() { return tostrprintf("%d %s_%s (%s) %s [%s] \"%s\"", index_, vname_.c_str(), unitToStringLowerCase(display_unit_).c_str(), toString(xuantity_), toString(vif_scaling_), matcher_.str().c_str(), help_.c_str()); } DriverName MeterInfo::driverName() { return driver_name; } bool FieldInfo::extractNumeric(Meter *m, Telegram *t, DVEntry *dve) { bool found = false; string key = matcher_.dif_vif_key.str(); if (dve == NULL) { if (key == "") { // Search for key. bool ok = findKeyWithNr(matcher_.measurement_type, matcher_.vif_range, matcher_.storage_nr_from.intValue(), matcher_.tariff_nr_from.intValue(), matcher_.index_nr.intValue(), &key, &t->dv_entries); // No entry was found. if (!ok) return false; } // No entry with this key was found. if (t->dv_entries.count(key) == 0) return false; dve = &t->dv_entries[key].second; } assert(dve != NULL); assert(key == "" || dve->dif_vif_key.str() == key); string field_name; if (isDebugEnabled()) { field_name = generateFieldNameWithUnit(dve); } double extracted_double_value = NAN; bool auto_vif_scaling = vifScaling() == VifScaling::Auto; bool force_unsigned = difSignedness() == DifSignedness::Unsigned; if (dve->extractDouble(&extracted_double_value, auto_vif_scaling, force_unsigned)) { Unit decoded_unit = displayUnit(); if (matcher_.vif_range == VIFRange::DateTime) { struct tm datetime; dve->extractDate(&datetime); time_t tmp = mktime(&datetime); string bbb = strdatetime(tmp); extracted_double_value = tmp; } else if (matcher_.vif_range == VIFRange::Date) { struct tm date; dve->extractDate(&date); time_t tmp = mktime(&date); extracted_double_value = tmp; } else if (matcher_.vif_range == VIFRange::AnyEnergyVIF || matcher_.vif_range == VIFRange::AnyVolumeVIF || matcher_.vif_range == VIFRange::AnyPowerVIF) { // Find the actual unit used in the telegram. decoded_unit = toDefaultUnit(dve->vif); } else if (matcher_.vif_range != VIFRange::Any && matcher_.vif_range != VIFRange::None) { // Pick the default unit for this range. decoded_unit = toDefaultUnit(matcher_.vif_range); } debug("(meter) %s %s decoded %s default %s value %g (scale %g)\n", toString(matcher_.vif_range), field_name.c_str(), unitToStringLowerCase(decoded_unit).c_str(), unitToStringLowerCase(display_unit_).c_str(), extracted_double_value, scale()); if (scale() != 1.0) { // Hardcoded scale factor for this field used for manufacturer specific values without vif units. extracted_double_value *= scale(); } if (overrideConversion(decoded_unit, display_unit_)) { // Special case! Transform the decoded unit into the display unit. I.e. kwh was replaced with kvarh. decoded_unit = display_unit_; } m->setNumericValue(this, dve, display_unit_, convert(extracted_double_value, decoded_unit, display_unit_)); t->addMoreExplanation(dve->offset, renderJson(m, dve)); found = true; } return found; } static string add_tpl_status(string existing_status, Meter *m, Telegram *t) { string status = m->decodeTPLStatusByte(t->tpl_sts); t->addMoreExplanation(t->tpl_sts_offset, "(%s)", status.c_str()); if (status != "OK") { if (existing_status != "OK") { // Join the statuses. if (existing_status != "") { existing_status += " "; } existing_status += status; } else { // Overwrite OK. existing_status = status; } } else { // No change to the existing_status } return existing_status; } bool FieldInfo::extractString(Meter *m, Telegram *t, DVEntry *dve) { bool found = false; string key = matcher_.dif_vif_key.str(); if (dve == NULL) { if (key == "") { if (!hasMatcher()) { // There is no matcher, only use case is to capture JOIN_TPL_STATUS. if (print_properties_.hasINCLUDETPLSTATUS()) { string status = add_tpl_status("OK", m, t); m->setStringValue(this, status, dve); return true; } } else { // Search for key. bool ok = findKeyWithNr(matcher_.measurement_type, matcher_.vif_range, matcher_.storage_nr_from.intValue(), matcher_.tariff_nr_from.intValue(), matcher_.index_nr.intValue(), &key, &t->dv_entries); // No entry was found. if (!ok) { // Nothing found, however check if capturing JOIN_TPL_STATUS. if (print_properties_.hasINCLUDETPLSTATUS()) { string status = add_tpl_status("OK", m, t); m->setStringValue(this, status, dve); return true; } return false; } } } // No entry with this key was found. if (t->dv_entries.count(key) == 0) { // Nothing found, however check if capturing JOIN_TPL_STATUS. if (print_properties_.hasINCLUDETPLSTATUS()) { string status = add_tpl_status("OK", m, t); m->setStringValue(this, status, dve); return true; } return false; } dve = &t->dv_entries[key].second; } assert(dve != NULL); assert(key == "" || dve->dif_vif_key.str() == key); // Generate the json field name: string field_name = generateFieldNameNoUnit(dve); uint64_t extracted_bits {}; if (lookup_.hasLookups() || (print_properties_.hasINCLUDETPLSTATUS())) { string translated_bits = ""; // The field has lookups, or the print property JOIN_TPL_STATUS is set, // this means that we should create a string. if (lookup_.hasLookups() && dve->extractLong(&extracted_bits)) { translated_bits = lookup().translate(extracted_bits); found = true; } if (print_properties_.hasINCLUDETPLSTATUS()) { translated_bits = add_tpl_status(translated_bits, m, t); } if (found) { m->setStringValue(this, translated_bits, dve); t->addMoreExplanation(dve->offset, renderJsonText(m, dve)); } } else if (matcher_.vif_range == VIFRange::DateTime) { struct tm datetime; dve->extractDate(&datetime); string extracted_device_date_time; if (dve->value.size() == 12) { // A long date time sec + timezone field. TODO add timezone data. extracted_device_date_time = strdatetimesec(&datetime); } else { extracted_device_date_time = strdatetime(&datetime); } m->setStringValue(this, extracted_device_date_time, dve); t->addMoreExplanation(dve->offset, renderJsonText(m, dve)); found = true; } else if (matcher_.vif_range == VIFRange::Date) { struct tm date; dve->extractDate(&date); string extracted_device_date = strdate(&date); m->setStringValue(this, extracted_device_date, dve); t->addMoreExplanation(dve->offset, renderJsonText(m, dve)); found = true; } else if (matcher_.vif_range == VIFRange::Any || matcher_.vif_range == VIFRange::EnhancedIdentification || matcher_.vif_range == VIFRange::FabricationNo || matcher_.vif_range == VIFRange::HardwareVersion || matcher_.vif_range == VIFRange::FirmwareVersion || matcher_.vif_range == VIFRange::Medium || matcher_.vif_range == VIFRange::Manufacturer || matcher_.vif_range == VIFRange::ModelVersion || matcher_.vif_range == VIFRange::SoftwareVersion || matcher_.vif_range == VIFRange::Customer || matcher_.vif_range == VIFRange::Location || matcher_.vif_range == VIFRange::SpecialSupplierInformation || matcher_.vif_range == VIFRange::ParameterSet) { string extracted_id; dve->extractReadableString(&extracted_id); m->setStringValue(this, extracted_id, dve); t->addMoreExplanation(dve->offset, renderJsonText(m, dve)); found = true; } else { error("Internal error: Cannot extract text string from vif %s in %s:%d\n", toString(matcher_.vif_range), __FILE__, __LINE__); } return found; } bool checkIf(set &fields, const char *s) { if (fields.count(s) > 0) { fields.erase(s); return true; } return false; } bool checkFieldsEmpty(set &fields, string driver_name) { if (fields.size() > 0) { string info; for (auto &s : fields) { info += s+" "; } warning("(meter) when adding common fields to driver %s, these fields were not found: %s\n", driver_name.c_str(), info.c_str()); return false; } return true; } bool MeterCommonImplementation::addOptionalLibraryFields(string field_names) { set fields = splitStringIntoSet(field_names, ','); if (checkIf(fields, "actuality_duration_s")) { addNumericFieldWithExtractor( "actuality_duration", "Lapsed time between measurement and transmission.", DEFAULT_PRINT_PROPERTIES, Quantity::Time, VifScaling::Auto, DifSignedness::Signed, FieldMatcher::build() .set(MeasurementType::Instantaneous) .set(VIFRange::ActualityDuration), Unit::Second ); } if (checkIf(fields, "actuality_duration_h")) { addNumericFieldWithExtractor( "actuality_duration", "Lapsed time between measurement and transmission.", DEFAULT_PRINT_PROPERTIES, Quantity::Time, VifScaling::Auto, DifSignedness::Signed, FieldMatcher::build() .set(MeasurementType::Instantaneous) .set(VIFRange::ActualityDuration) ); } if (checkIf(fields, "fabrication_no")) { addStringFieldWithExtractor( "fabrication_no", "Fabrication number.", DEFAULT_PRINT_PROPERTIES, FieldMatcher::build() .set(MeasurementType::Instantaneous) .set(VIFRange::FabricationNo) ); } if (checkIf(fields,"enhanced_id")) { addStringFieldWithExtractor( "enhanced_id", "Enhanced identification number.", DEFAULT_PRINT_PROPERTIES, FieldMatcher::build() .set(MeasurementType::Instantaneous) .set(VIFRange::EnhancedIdentification) ); } if (checkIf(fields,"software_version")) { addStringFieldWithExtractor( "software_version", "Software version.", DEFAULT_PRINT_PROPERTIES, FieldMatcher::build() .set(MeasurementType::Instantaneous) .set(VIFRange::SoftwareVersion) ); } if (checkIf(fields,"manufacturer")) { addStringFieldWithExtractor( "manufacturer", "Meter manufacturer.", DEFAULT_PRINT_PROPERTIES, FieldMatcher::build() .set(MeasurementType::Instantaneous) .set(VIFRange::Manufacturer) ); } if (checkIf(fields,"model_version")) { addStringFieldWithExtractor( "model_version", "Meter model version.", DEFAULT_PRINT_PROPERTIES, FieldMatcher::build() .set(MeasurementType::Instantaneous) .set(VIFRange::ModelVersion) ); } if (checkIf(fields,"firmware_version")) { addStringFieldWithExtractor( "firmware_version", "Meter firmware version.", DEFAULT_PRINT_PROPERTIES, FieldMatcher::build() .set(MeasurementType::Instantaneous) .set(VIFRange::FirmwareVersion) ); } if (checkIf(fields,"parameter_set")) { addStringFieldWithExtractor( "parameter_set", "Parameter set for this meter.", DEFAULT_PRINT_PROPERTIES, FieldMatcher::build() .set(MeasurementType::Instantaneous) .set(VIFRange::ParameterSet) ); } if (checkIf(fields,"customer")) { addStringFieldWithExtractor( "customer", "Customer name.", DEFAULT_PRINT_PROPERTIES, FieldMatcher::build() .set(MeasurementType::Instantaneous) .set(VIFRange::Customer) ); } if (checkIf(fields,"location")) { addStringFieldWithExtractor( "location", "Meter installed at this customer location.", DEFAULT_PRINT_PROPERTIES, FieldMatcher::build() .set(MeasurementType::Instantaneous) .set(VIFRange::Location) ); } if (checkIf(fields,"operating_time_h")) { addNumericFieldWithExtractor( "operating_time", "How long the meter has been collecting data.", DEFAULT_PRINT_PROPERTIES, Quantity::Time, VifScaling::Auto, DifSignedness::Signed, FieldMatcher::build() .set(MeasurementType::Instantaneous) .set(VIFRange::OperatingTime) ); } if (checkIf(fields,"on_time_h")) { addNumericFieldWithExtractor( "on_time", "How long the meter has been powered up.", DEFAULT_PRINT_PROPERTIES, Quantity::Time, VifScaling::Auto, DifSignedness::Signed, FieldMatcher::build() .set(MeasurementType::Instantaneous) .set(VIFRange::OnTime) ); } if (checkIf(fields,"on_time_at_error_h")) { addNumericFieldWithExtractor( "on_time_at_error", "How long the meter has been in an error state while powered up.", DEFAULT_PRINT_PROPERTIES, Quantity::Time, VifScaling::Auto, DifSignedness::Signed, FieldMatcher::build() .set(MeasurementType::AtError) .set(VIFRange::OnTime) ); } if (checkIf(fields,"meter_date")) { addStringFieldWithExtractor( "meter_date", "Date when the meter sent the telegram.", DEFAULT_PRINT_PROPERTIES, FieldMatcher::build() .set(MeasurementType::Instantaneous) .set(VIFRange::Date) ); } if (checkIf(fields,"meter_date_at_error")) { addStringFieldWithExtractor( "meter_date_at_error", "Date when the meter was in error.", DEFAULT_PRINT_PROPERTIES, FieldMatcher::build() .set(MeasurementType::AtError) .set(VIFRange::Date) ); } if (checkIf(fields,"meter_datetime")) { addStringFieldWithExtractor( "meter_datetime", "Date and time when the meter sent the telegram.", DEFAULT_PRINT_PROPERTIES, FieldMatcher::build() .set(MeasurementType::Instantaneous) .set(VIFRange::DateTime) ); } if (checkIf(fields,"meter_datetime_at_error")) { addStringFieldWithExtractor( "meter_datetime_at_error", "Date and time when the meter was in error.", DEFAULT_PRINT_PROPERTIES, FieldMatcher::build() .set(MeasurementType::AtError) .set(VIFRange::DateTime) ); } if (checkIf(fields,"total_m3")) { addNumericFieldWithExtractor( "total", "The total media volume consumption recorded by this meter.", DEFAULT_PRINT_PROPERTIES, Quantity::Volume, VifScaling::Auto, DifSignedness::Signed, FieldMatcher::build() .set(MeasurementType::Instantaneous) .set(VIFRange::Volume) ); } if (checkIf(fields,"target_m3")) { addNumericFieldWithExtractor( "target", "The volume recorded by this meter at the target date.", DEFAULT_PRINT_PROPERTIES, Quantity::Volume, VifScaling::Auto, DifSignedness::Signed, FieldMatcher::build() .set(MeasurementType::Instantaneous) .set(VIFRange::Volume) .set(StorageNr(1)) ); } if (checkIf(fields,"target_date")) { addNumericFieldWithExtractor( "target", "The target date. Usually the end of the previous billing period.", DEFAULT_PRINT_PROPERTIES, Quantity::PointInTime, VifScaling::Auto, DifSignedness::Signed, FieldMatcher::build() .set(MeasurementType::Instantaneous) .set(VIFRange::Date) .set(StorageNr(1)), Unit::DateLT ); } if (checkIf(fields,"total_forward_m3")) { addNumericFieldWithExtractor( "total_forward", "The total media volume flowing forward.", DEFAULT_PRINT_PROPERTIES, Quantity::Volume, VifScaling::Auto, DifSignedness::Signed, FieldMatcher::build() .set(MeasurementType::Instantaneous) .set(VIFRange::Volume) .add(VIFCombinable::ForwardFlow) ); } if (checkIf(fields,"total_backward_m3")) { addNumericFieldWithExtractor( "total_backward", "The total media volume flowing backward.", DEFAULT_PRINT_PROPERTIES, Quantity::Volume, VifScaling::Auto, DifSignedness::Signed, FieldMatcher::build() .set(MeasurementType::Instantaneous) .set(VIFRange::Volume) .add(VIFCombinable::BackwardFlow) ); } if (checkIf(fields,"flow_temperature_c")) { addNumericFieldWithExtractor( "flow_temperature", "Forward media temperature.", DEFAULT_PRINT_PROPERTIES, Quantity::Temperature, VifScaling::Auto, DifSignedness::Signed, FieldMatcher::build() .set(MeasurementType::Instantaneous) .set(VIFRange::FlowTemperature) ); } if (checkIf(fields,"external_temperature_c")) { addNumericFieldWithExtractor( "external_temperature", "Temperature outside of meter.", DEFAULT_PRINT_PROPERTIES, Quantity::Temperature, VifScaling::Auto, DifSignedness::Signed, FieldMatcher::build() .set(MeasurementType::Instantaneous) .set(VIFRange::ExternalTemperature) ); } if (checkIf(fields,"return_temperature_c")) { addNumericFieldWithExtractor( "return_temperature", "Return media temperature.", DEFAULT_PRINT_PROPERTIES, Quantity::Temperature, VifScaling::Auto, DifSignedness::Signed, FieldMatcher::build() .set(MeasurementType::Instantaneous) .set(VIFRange::ReturnTemperature) ); } if (checkIf(fields,"flow_return_temperature_difference_c")) { addNumericFieldWithExtractor( "flow_return_temperature_difference", "The difference between flow and return media temperatures.", DEFAULT_PRINT_PROPERTIES, Quantity::Temperature, VifScaling::Auto, DifSignedness::Signed, FieldMatcher::build() .set(MeasurementType::Instantaneous) .set(VIFRange::TemperatureDifference) ); } if (checkIf(fields,"volume_flow_m3h")) { addNumericFieldWithExtractor( "volume_flow", "Media volume flow.", DEFAULT_PRINT_PROPERTIES, Quantity::Flow, VifScaling::Auto, DifSignedness::Signed, FieldMatcher::build() .set(MeasurementType::Instantaneous) .set(VIFRange::VolumeFlow) ); } if (checkIf(fields,"access_counter")) { addNumericFieldWithExtractor( "access", "Meter access counter.", DEFAULT_PRINT_PROPERTIES, Quantity::Dimensionless, VifScaling::None, DifSignedness::Unsigned, FieldMatcher::build() .set(MeasurementType::Instantaneous) .set(VIFRange::AccessNumber) ); } if (checkIf(fields,"consumption_hca")) { addNumericFieldWithExtractor( "consumption", "The current heat cost allocation for this meter.", DEFAULT_PRINT_PROPERTIES, Quantity::HCA, VifScaling::Auto, DifSignedness::Signed, FieldMatcher::build() .set(MeasurementType::Instantaneous) .set(VIFRange::HeatCostAllocation) ); } if (!checkFieldsEmpty(fields, name())) { return false; } return true; } const char *toString(VifScaling s) { switch (s) { case VifScaling::Auto: return "Auto"; case VifScaling::None: return "None"; case VifScaling::Unknown: return "Unknown"; } return "?"; } VifScaling toVifScaling(const char *s) { if (!s) return VifScaling::Unknown; if (!strcmp(s, "Auto")) return VifScaling::Auto; if (!strcmp(s, "None")) return VifScaling::None; if (!strcmp(s, "Unknown")) return VifScaling::Unknown; return VifScaling::Unknown; } const char *toString(DifSignedness s) { switch (s) { case DifSignedness::Signed: return "Signed"; case DifSignedness::Unsigned: return "Unsigned"; case DifSignedness::Unknown: return "Unknown"; } return "?"; } DifSignedness toDifSignedness(const char *s) { if (!s) return DifSignedness::Unknown; if (!strcmp(s, "Signed")) return DifSignedness::Signed; if (!strcmp(s, "Unsigned")) return DifSignedness::Unsigned; if (!strcmp(s, "Unknown")) return DifSignedness::Unknown; return DifSignedness::Unknown; } const char* toString(PrintProperty p) { switch(p) { case PrintProperty::REQUIRED: return "REQUIRED"; case PrintProperty::DEPRECATED: return "DEPRECATED"; case PrintProperty::STATUS: return "STATUS"; case PrintProperty::INCLUDE_TPL_STATUS: return "INCLUDE_TPL_STATUS"; case PrintProperty::INJECT_INTO_STATUS: return "INJECT_INTO_STATUS"; case PrintProperty::HIDE: return "HIDE"; case PrintProperty::Unknown: return "Unknown"; } return "Unknown"; } PrintProperty toPrintProperty(const char *s) { if (!strcmp(s, "REQUIRED")) return PrintProperty::REQUIRED; if (!strcmp(s, "DEPRECATED")) return PrintProperty::DEPRECATED; if (!strcmp(s, "STATUS")) return PrintProperty::STATUS; if (!strcmp(s, "INCLUDE_TPL_STATUS")) return PrintProperty::INCLUDE_TPL_STATUS; if (!strcmp(s, "INJECT_INTO_STATUS")) return PrintProperty::INJECT_INTO_STATUS; if (!strcmp(s, "HIDE")) return PrintProperty::HIDE; if (!strcmp(s, "Unknown")) return PrintProperty::Unknown; return PrintProperty::Unknown; } PrintProperties toPrintProperties(string s) { auto fields = splitString(s, ','); int bits = 0; for (auto p : fields) { bits |= toPrintProperty(p.c_str()); } return bits; } char available_meter_types_[2048]; const char *availableMeterTypes() { if (available_meter_types_[0]) return available_meter_types_; #define X(m) if (MeterType::m != MeterType::AutoMeter && MeterType::m != MeterType::UnknownMeter) { \ strcat(available_meter_types_, #m); strcat(available_meter_types_, "\n"); \ assert(strlen(available_meter_types_) < 1024); } LIST_OF_METER_TYPES #undef X // Remove last , available_meter_types_[strlen(available_meter_types_)-1] = 0; return available_meter_types_; }