#!/bin/bash if ! command -v nc > /dev/null 2> /dev/null then echo "Skipping nc test, not installed." exit 0 fi IS_NC_OPENBSD=$(nc -help 2>&1 | grep -o OpenBSD) # These tests only work with netcat-openbsd. if [ "$IS_NC_OPENBSD" != "OpenBSD" ] then echo "Skipping nc test, wrong version of nc installed." exit 0 fi if nc 2>&1 | grep -q apple then echo "Skipping nc test, incorrect version of nc installed." exit 0 fi PROG="$1" TEST=testoutput rm -rf $TEST mkdir -p $TEST TESTNAME="Test using netcat to feed hex stream using tcp." TESTRESULT="ERROR" PORT=$(( $RANDOM % 10000 + 30000 )) rm -f $TEST/response $PROG --silent --oneshot --exitafter=5s --format=fields --selectfields=total_m3 "hex:CMD(nc -lkn $PORT)" MyWater iperl 33225544 NOKEY >> $TEST/response 2>&1 & sleep 0.5 echo "1844AE4C4455223368077A55000000041389E20100023B0000" | nc -q1 localhost $PORT GOT=$(cat $TEST/response | tr -d '\n') EXPECTED="123.529" if [ "$GOT" = "$EXPECTED" ] then echo "OK: $TESTNAME" TESTRESULT="OK" else echo "ERROR: GOT $GOT but expected $EXPECTED" fi if [ "$TESTRESULT" = "ERROR" ]; then echo ERROR: $TESTNAME; exit 1; fi