#!/bin/bash # Copyright (C) 2022 Fredrik Öhrström (gpl-3.0-or-later) # Grab all text up to the "Version x.y.z-RC1 " line # There should be no text. CHANGES=$(sed '/Version /q' CHANGES | grep -v ^Version | sed '/./,$!d' | \ tac | sed -e '/./,$!d' | tac | sed -e '/./,$!d' > /tmp/release_changes) if [ -s /tmp/release_changes ] then echo "Oups! There are changes declared in the CHANGES file. There should not be if you are going to deploy." exit 0 fi # Grab all text between the Version RC and the previous VERSION. sed -n '/^Version.*-RC[0-9] /,/^Version .*\.[0-9]\+:/{p;/^Version .*\.[0-9]\+ /q}' CHANGES \ | grep -v "^Version " | sed '/./,$!d' \ | tac | sed -e '/./,$!d' | tac | sed -e '/./,$!d' > /tmp/release_changes if [ ! -s /tmp/release_changes ] then echo "Oups! There should be changes declared in the CHANGES file between the RC version and the previous released version." exit 0 fi # Grab the line from CHANGES which says: Version 1.2.3-RC1 2022-12-22 OLD_MESSAGE=$(grep -m 1 ^Version CHANGES) # Now extract the major, minor and patch. PARTS=$(grep -m 1 ^Version CHANGES | sed 's/Version \([0-9]\+\)\.\([0-9]\+\)\.\([0-9]\+\).*/\1 \2 \3/') MAJOR=$(echo "$PARTS" | cut -f 1 -d ' ') MINOR=$(echo "$PARTS" | cut -f 2 -d ' ') PATCH=$(echo "$PARTS" | cut -f 3 -d ' ') NEW_VERSION="$MAJOR.$MINOR.$PATCH" if git tag | grep -q "^${NEW_VERSION}\$" then echo "Oups! The new version tag $NEW_VERSION already exists!" exit 0 fi NEW_MESSAGE="Version $NEW_VERSION $(date +'%Y-%m-%d')" PREV_GIT_MESSAGE=$(git log -1 --pretty=%B) if [ "$PREV_GIT_MESSAGE" != "$OLD_MESSAGE" ] then echo "Oups! Something is wrong in the git log." echo "Expected last commit to say \"$OLD_MESSAGE\" but it doesn't, it says: \"$PREV_GIT_MESSAGE\"" exit 0 fi echo echo "Deploying >>$NEW_MESSAGE<< with changelog:" echo "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------" cat /tmp/release_changes echo "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo while true; do read -p "Ok to deploy release? y/n " yn case $yn in [Yy]* ) break;; [Nn]* ) exit;; * ) echo "Please answer yes or no.";; esac done # Update the ha-addon version number. This will trigger rebuilds at ha installs with auto-update. CMD="s/\"version\": \"[\.0-9]*\"/\"version\": \"${NEW_VERSION}\"/" sed -i "$CMD" ha-addon/config.json echo "Updated version number in ha-addon/config.json to $NEW_VERSION" # Update the CHANGES file CMD="1i $NEW_MESSAGE" sed -i "$CMD" CHANGES echo "Updated version string in CHANGES" CMD="s/wmbusmeters version:.*/wmbusmeters version: $NEW_VERSION/g" sed -i "$CMD" README.md echo "Updated version string in README" git commit -am "$NEW_MESSAGE" git tag "$NEW_VERSION" echo "Now do: git push --followtags"