Update HowTo for adding a meter.

Fredrik Öhrström 2020-11-04 08:02:23 +01:00
rodzic a33a9fb129
commit ee1cd1f00b
1 zmienionych plików z 104 dodań i 20 usunięć

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@ -1,29 +1,113 @@
So you want to add a new meter! Great!
Use the command line version of wmbusmeters instead of
the daemon when developing and testing for a new meter.
This makes it much easier and faster.
But first collect a few telegrams of your meter:
wmbusmeters --logtelegrams auto:c1
Received telegram from: 12345678
manufacturer: (MMC) My Meter Company (0x1234)
type: Cold water meter (0x16)
ver: 0x01
device: im871a[01020304]
rssi: -39 dBm
driver: unknown
(The || means that the telegram is not decrypted. When you are actually decoding
a specific meter the firs |...| will mark the header part of the telegram.)
Now store the telegram=||xxxxx...| (skip the +24 at the end) into the file simulation_mymeter.txt
Now you can re-run: wmbusmeters simulation_mymeter.txt
And it will print the same output (minus the rssi/device).
You can also do: wmbusmeters --debug simulation_mymeter.txt Wasser supercom587 12345678 <yourkey>
It does not matter that your meter is not compatible with the supercom587, wmbusmeters
will still decrypt and decode the OMS compliant wmbus encoded values as much as possible.
In the long debug log you will see
(supercom587) 00: 2e length (46 bytes)
(supercom587) 01: 44 dll-c (from meter SND_NR)
(supercom587) 02: 3412 dll-mfct (MMC)
(supercom587) 04: 78563412 dll-id (12345678)
(supercom587) 08: 01 dll-version
(supercom587) 09: 16 dll-type (Cold water meter)
(supercom587) 0a: 7a tpl-ci-field (EN 13757-3 Application Layer (short tplh))
(supercom587) 0b: 4b tpl-acc-field
(supercom587) 0c: 03 tpl-sts-field
(supercom587) 0d: 2005 tpl-cfg 0520 (AES_CBC_IV nb=2 cntn=0 ra=0 hc=0 )
(supercom587) 0f: 2f2f decrypt check bytes
(supercom587) 11: 04 dif (32 Bit Integer/Binary Instantaneous value)
(supercom587) 12: 13 vif (Volume l)
(supercom587) 13: * 320C0000 total consumption (3.122000 m3)
(supercom587) 17: 03 dif (24 Bit Integer/Binary Instantaneous value)
(supercom587) 18: FD vif (Second extension of VIF-codes)
(supercom587) 19: 17 vife (Error flags (binary))
(supercom587) 1a: 000000
(supercom587) 1d: 44 dif (32 Bit Integer/Binary Instantaneous value storagenr=1)
(supercom587) 1e: 13 vif (Volume l)
(supercom587) 1f: 21090000
(supercom587) 23: 04 dif (32 Bit Integer/Binary Instantaneous value)
(supercom587) 24: 93 vif (Volume l)
(supercom587) 25: 3C vife (backward flow)
(supercom587) 26: 05000000
(supercom587) 2a: 2F skip
(supercom587) 2b: 2F skip
(supercom587) 2c: 2F skip
(supercom587) 2d: 2F skip
(supercom587) 2e: 2F skip
You can see that the supercom587 driver already picked out the total consumption above.
That value is marked with an '*' and there is an explanation after the value 320C0000
to show in debug mode how it has been decoded and what it means. You can see
that there are three more values 000000, 21090000 and 05000000. Your
goal is to find/decode and print them.
Ok, now it is time to program.
To add a meter type, make a copy of meter_supercom587.cc to
meter_yourmeter.cc and add your meter
to LIST_OF_METERS in meters.h
meter_mymeter.cc and add your meter to LIST_OF_METERS in meters.h
and add the driver lookup values (mfct,type,ver) to METER_DETECTION.
In meter_yourmeter.cc, search and replace supercom587 for yourmeter,
In meter_mymeter.cc, search and replace supercom587 for mymeter
possibly adding a new meter type in meters.h if your meter is not a
water meter and inheriting from that new meter type instead.
Change the constructor and processContent to do your bidding.
Build with adress sanitizer and gdb debug info:
make DEBUG=true
If you pass --debug to the commandline, wmbusmeters will print the
parse results of the data package on stdout. You can see what DifVif
data there is and adjust your code to fit. If your meter is using C1
mode, then simply try the multical21 meter and --debug. It will print
the parsing of the DifVif data and tell you the DifVif pairs
(DifVifVife triplets, or DifDifeVifVife quadruplets (though
quadruplets are not yet implemented)) even if the data comes from a
different type of meter.
Run your code:
./build_debug/wmbusmeters simulation_mymeter.txt
It is very helpful if you have problems to email me (oehrstroem@gmail.com)
the --debug output, or just simply the telegram=|.........|.......| lines from the
debug output. These contain the decrypted output from the meter and
are very useful to replay the messages. The +... at the end can be
used to replay with the same timing as the messages arrived when
logging. This can be useful for testing the higher levels of the software
stack where the data is actually displayed to the user or alarms triggered.
Now its time to change processContent.
Some meters contain values that can be found using findKey:
if(findKey(MeasurementType::Unknown, ValueInformation::Volume, 0, 0, &key, &t->values)) {
extractDVdouble(&t->values, key, &offset, &total_water_consumption_m3_);
t->addMoreExplanation(offset, " total consumption (%f m3)", total_water_consumption_m3_);
Check in simulation.txt and test.sh for how to use this feature.
Some meters use vendor proprietary fields, typically error codes,
those are found with:
extractDVuint24(&t->values, "03FD17", &offset, &info_codes_);
t->addMoreExplanation(offset, " info codes (%s)", status().c_str());
Add any addPrint:s in the constructor to get your decoded values into the json.
Now test your code:
./build_debug/wmbusmeters --format=json simulation_mymeter.txt Water MyMeter 12345678 <key>
It should print at least:
{"media":"cold water","meter":"mymeter","name":"Vatten","id":"12345678","total_m3":3.122,"timestamp":"2020-11-04T07:01:12Z"}
and any other fields you have added.
Eventually we have to add a regression test for MyMeter. The regression tests
are really really important! This is done by adding a telegram in simulations/simulation_t1.txt
and typically updating tests/test_t1_meters.sh and tests/test_listen_to_all.sh
You can always email me one of your telegrams and I can help you add it to the regression tests.
I typically anonymize the telegram by changing the id to something random and it is stored
decrypted in the simulations file, so no key sharing is necessary.