Fredrik Öhrström 2024-03-03 19:40:06 +01:00
rodzic 8c09f7b2d8
commit 1f2cd10160
2 zmienionych plików z 10 dodań i 20 usunięć

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@ -9,34 +9,24 @@ log file.
# What does it do?
Wmbusmeters converts incoming telegrams from (w)mbus/OMS compatible meters like:
into human readable:
`MyTapWater 12345678 6.388 m³ 6.377 m³ 0.000 m³/h 8°C 23°C DRY(dry 22-31 days) 2018-03-05 12:02.50`
`MyTapWater 33225544 123.529 m³ 0 m³/h 2024-03-03 19:36:22`
or into csv:
`MyTapWater;12345678;6.388;6.377;0.000;8;23;DRY(dry 22-31 days);2018-03-05 12:02.50`
`MyTapWater;33225544;123.529;0;2024-03-03 19:36:45`
or into json:
"media":"cold water",
"time_dry":"22-31 days",

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@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ and the other set to beta. Alfa has an antenna tuned for 433M, beta has an anten
\fBmeter_type\fR for example multical21:t1 (suffix means that we expect this meter to transmit t1 telegrams) the driver auto can be used, but is not recommended for production.
\fBmeter_id\fR one or more addresses separated with commas, a single '*' wildcard, or a prefix '76543*' with wildcard. You can as a suffix fully or partially specify manufacturer, version and type: 12345678.M=KAM.V=1b.T=16 You can use p0 to p250 to specify an mbus primary address.
\fBmeter_id\fR one or more addresses separated with commas, a single '*' wildcard, or a prefix '76543*' with wildcard. You can as a suffix fully or partially specify manufacturer, version and type: 12345678.M=KAM.V=1b.T=16 You can use p0 to p250 to specify an mbus primary address. You can filter out telegrams: 76543*,!76543210
\fBmeter_key\fR a unique key for the meter, if meter telegrams are not encrypted, you must supply an empty key: ""