Remove unused code.

Fredrik Öhrström 2024-03-02 15:42:39 +01:00
rodzic 7634b95438
commit 11c83c1f37
3 zmienionych plików z 6 dodań i 197 usunięć

Wyświetl plik

@ -23,6 +23,11 @@
using namespace std;
vector<string> splitSequenceOfAddressExpressionsAtCommas(const string& mes);
bool isValidMatchExpression(const std::string& s, bool *has_wildcard);
bool doesIdMatchExpression(const std::string& id, std::string match_rule);
bool doesAddressMatchExpressions(Address &address,
std::vector<AddressExpression>& address_expressions,
bool *used_wildcard);
bool isValidMatchExpression(const string& s, bool *has_wildcard)
@ -180,180 +185,6 @@ bool hasWildCard(const string& mes)
return mes.find('*') != string::npos;
bool doesIdsMatchExpressionss(vector<string> &ids, vector<string>& mes, bool *used_wildcard)
bool match = false;
for (string &id : ids)
if (doesIdMatchExpressionss(id, mes, used_wildcard))
match = true;
// Go through all ids even though there is an early match.
// This way we can see if theres an exact match later.
return match;
bool doesIdMatchExpressionss(const string& id, vector<string>& mes, bool *used_wildcard)
bool found_match = false;
bool found_negative_match = false;
bool exact_match = false;
*used_wildcard = false;
// Goes through all possible match expressions.
// If no expression matches, neither positive nor negative,
// then the result is false. (ie no match)
// If more than one positive match is found, and no negative,
// then the result is true.
// If more than one negative match is found, irrespective
// if there is any positive matches or not, then the result is false.
// If a positive match is found, using a wildcard not any exact match,
// then *used_wildcard is set to true.
for (string me : mes)
bool has_wildcard = hasWildCard(me);
bool is_negative_rule = (me.length() > 0 && me.front() == '!');
if (is_negative_rule)
me.erase(0, 1);
bool m = doesIdMatchExpression(id, me);
if (is_negative_rule)
if (m) found_negative_match = true;
if (m)
found_match = true;
if (!has_wildcard)
exact_match = true;
if (found_negative_match)
return false;
if (found_match)
if (exact_match)
*used_wildcard = false;
*used_wildcard = true;
return true;
return false;
bool doesIdMatchAddressExpressions(const string& id, vector<AddressExpression>& aes, bool *used_wildcard)
/* bool found_match = false;
bool found_negative_match = false;
bool exact_match = false;*/
*used_wildcard = false;
// Goes through all possible match expressions.
// If no expression matches, neither positive nor negative,
// then the result is false. (ie no match)
// If more than one positive match is found, and no negative,
// then the result is true.
// If more than one negative match is found, irrespective
// if there is any positive matches or not, then the result is false.
// If a positive match is found, using a wildcard not any exact match,
// then *used_wildcard is set to true.
for (AddressExpression &ae : aes)
bool has_wildcard = ae.has_wildcard;
bool is_negative_rule = (me.length() > 0 && me.front() == '!');
if (is_negative_rule)
me.erase(0, 1);
bool m = doesIdMatchExpression(id, me);
if (is_negative_rule)
if (m) found_negative_match = true;
if (m)
found_match = true;
if (!has_wildcard)
exact_match = true;
if (found_negative_match)
return false;
if (found_match)
if (exact_match)
*used_wildcard = false;
*used_wildcard = true;
return true;
return false;
string toIdsCommaSeparated(vector<string> &ids)
string cs;
for (string& s: ids)
cs += s;
cs += ",";
if (cs.length() > 0) cs.pop_back();
return cs;
string toIdsCommaSeparated(vector<AddressExpression> &ids)
string cs;
for (AddressExpression& ae: ids)
cs += ae.str();
cs += ",";
if (cs.length() > 0) cs.pop_back();
return cs;
bool AddressExpression::match(const std::string &i, uint16_t m, uchar v, uchar t)
if (!(mfct == 0xffff || mfct == m)) return false;

Wyświetl plik

@ -77,33 +77,11 @@ struct AddressExpression
bool isValidSequenceOfAddressExpressions(const std::string& s);
bool isValidMatchExpression(const std::string& s, bool *has_wildcard);
bool doesIdMatchExpression(const std::string& id,
std::string match_rule);
bool doesIdMatchExpressionss(const std::string& id,
std::vector<std::string>& match_rules,
bool *used_wildcard);
bool doesIdsMatchExpressionss(std::vector<std::string> &ids,
std::vector<std::string>& match_rules,
bool *used_wildcard);
std::string toIdsCommaSeparated(std::vector<std::string> &ids);
std::string toIdsCommaSeparated(std::vector<AddressExpression> &ids);
std::vector<AddressExpression> splitAddressExpressions(const std::string &aes);
bool flagToManufacturer(const char *s, uint16_t *out_mfct);
std::string manufacturerFlag(int m_field);
bool doesTelegramMatchExpressions(std::vector<Address> &addresses,
std::vector<AddressExpression>& address_expressions,
bool *used_wildcard);
bool doesAddressMatchExpressions(Address &address,
std::vector<AddressExpression>& address_expressions,
bool *used_wildcard);

Wyświetl plik

@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ and the other set to beta. Alfa has an antenna tuned for 433M, beta has an anten
\fBmeter_type\fR for example multical21:t1 (suffix means that we expect this meter to transmit t1 telegrams) the driver auto can be used, but is not recommended for production.
\fBmeter_id\fR one or more 8 digit numbers separated with commas, a single '*' wildcard, or a prefix '76543*' with wildcard.
\fBmeter_id\fR one or more addresses separated with commas, a single '*' wildcard, or a prefix '76543*' with wildcard. You can as a suffix fully or partially specify manufacturer, version and type: 12345678.M=KAM.V=1b.T=16 You can use p0 to p250 to specify an mbus primary address.
\fBmeter_key\fR a unique key for the meter, if meter telegrams are not encrypted, you must supply an empty key: ""