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Fredrik Öhrström 2024-08-24 12:48:38 +02:00
rodzic d18ffeed28
commit 04a80c5055
1 zmienionych plików z 35 dodań i 0 usunięć

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@ -33,6 +33,41 @@ or into json:
Wmbusmeters can collect telegrams from radio using hardware dongles or rtl-sdr software radio dongles,
or from m-bus meters using serial ports, or from files/pipes.
# You can now write new meter drivers without recompiling wmbusmeters!
What is a driver and why is it needed?
The (w)mbus meters can be very complicated. Even though
the protocol is self-describing and you can automatically
decode a 32 bit signed binary word representing a volume in m3
stored in storage slot 1.
What does this measurement mean? Is it last months final measurement
that will be used for water billing? Is it the amount of gas
delivered last year?
The driver creates mapping rules from Type,Unit,StorageNr,SubUnitNr,TariffNr
into for example `heat_consumption_at_set_date_kwh`.
For example:
field {
name = target
info = 'Water consumption at the end of last month.'
quantity = Volume
match {
measurement_type = Instantaneous
vif_range = Volume
storage_nr = 20
Will create a mapping rule that looks for a Instantaneous,Volume,20,0,0 value
and, if found, then generate `"target_m3": 1234` json key-value in the decoded output.
The program runs on GNU/Linux, MacOSX, FreeBSD, and Raspberry Pi.