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2019-10-14 14:53:02 +00:00
Copyright (C) 2019 Fredrik Öhrström
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
struct MeterLansenTH : public virtual TempHygroMeter, public virtual MeterCommonImplementation {
MeterLansenTH(WMBus *bus, MeterInfo &mi);
double currentTemperature(Unit u);
double currentRelativeHumidity();
void processContent(Telegram *t);
double current_temperature_c_ {};
double temperature_at_set_date_c_[2]; // storage nr 1 and 2 stored at index 0 and 1.
double current_relative_humidity_rh_ {};
double relative_humidity_at_set_date_rh_[2]; // storage nr 1 and 2 stored at index 0 and 1.
MeterLansenTH::MeterLansenTH(WMBus *bus, MeterInfo &mi) :
MeterCommonImplementation(bus, mi, MeterType::LANSENTH, MANUFACTURER_LAS)
addPrint("current_temperature", Quantity::Temperature,
[&](Unit u){ return currentTemperature(u); },
"The current temperature.",
true, true);
addPrint("current_relative_humidity", Quantity::RelativeHumidity,
[&](Unit u){ return currentRelativeHumidity(); },
"The current relative humidity.",
true, true);
for (int i=1; i<=2; ++i)
string msg, info;
strprintf(msg, "temperature_at_set_date_%d", i);
strprintf(info, "Temperature at the %d billing period date change.", i);
addPrint(msg, Quantity::Temperature,
[this,i](Unit u){ return temperature_at_set_date_c_[i-1]; },
false, true);
strprintf(msg, "relative_humidity_at_set_date_%d", i);
strprintf(info, "Relative humidity at the %d billing period date change.", i);
addPrint(msg, Quantity::RelativeHumidity,
[this,i](Unit u){ return relative_humidity_at_set_date_rh_[i-1]; },
false, true);
unique_ptr<TempHygroMeter> createLansenTH(WMBus *bus, MeterInfo &mi)
return unique_ptr<TempHygroMeter>(new MeterLansenTH(bus, mi));
double MeterLansenTH::currentTemperature(Unit u)
assertQuantity(u, Quantity::Temperature);
return convert(current_temperature_c_, Unit::C, u);
double MeterLansenTH::currentRelativeHumidity()
return current_relative_humidity_rh_;
void MeterLansenTH::processContent(Telegram *t)
(lansenth) 0f: 2F skip
(lansenth) 10: 2F skip
(lansenth) 11: 02 dif (16 Bit Integer/Binary Instantaneous value)
(lansenth) 12: 65 vif (External temperature 10² °C)
(lansenth) 13: * 8408 current temperature (21.800000 C)
(lansenth) 15: 42 dif (16 Bit Integer/Binary Instantaneous value storagenr=1)
(lansenth) 16: 65 vif (External temperature 10² °C)
(lansenth) 17: 8308
(lansenth) 19: 82 dif (16 Bit Integer/Binary Instantaneous value)
(lansenth) 1a: 01 dife (subunit=0 tariff=0 storagenr=2)
(lansenth) 1b: 65 vif (External temperature 10² °C)
(lansenth) 1c: 9508
(lansenth) 1e: 02 dif (16 Bit Integer/Binary Instantaneous value)
(lansenth) 1f: FB vif (First extension of VIF-codes)
(lansenth) 20: 1A vife (?)
(lansenth) 21: AE01
(lansenth) 23: 42 dif (16 Bit Integer/Binary Instantaneous value storagenr=1)
(lansenth) 24: FB vif (First extension of VIF-codes)
(lansenth) 25: 1A vife (?)
(lansenth) 26: AE01
(lansenth) 28: 82 dif (16 Bit Integer/Binary Instantaneous value)
(lansenth) 29: 01 dife (subunit=0 tariff=0 storagenr=2)
(lansenth) 2a: FB vif (First extension of VIF-codes)
(lansenth) 2b: 1A vife (?)
(lansenth) 2c: A901
(lansenth) 2e: 2F skip
map<string,pair<int,DVEntry>> values;
parseDV(t, t->content, t->content.begin(), t->content.size(), &values);
int offset;
string key;
if (findKey(MeasurementType::Unknown, ValueInformation::ExternalTemperature, 0, &key, &values))
2019-10-14 14:53:02 +00:00
extractDVdouble(&values, key, &offset, &current_temperature_c_);
t->addMoreExplanation(offset, " current temperature (%f C)", current_temperature_c_);
for (int i=1; i<=2; ++i)
if (findKey(MeasurementType::Unknown, ValueInformation::ExternalTemperature, i, &key, &values))
2019-10-14 14:53:02 +00:00
string info;
strprintf(info, " temperature at set date %d (%%f c)", i);
extractDVdouble(&values, key, &offset, &temperature_at_set_date_c_[i-1]);
t->addMoreExplanation(offset, info.c_str(), temperature_at_set_date_c_[i-1]);
// Temporarily silly solution until the dvparser is upgraded with support for extension
key = "02FB1A"; // 1A = 0001 1010 = First extension vif code Relative Humidity 10^-1
if (hasKey(&values, key))
double tmp;
extractDVdouble(&values, key, &offset, &tmp, false);
current_relative_humidity_rh_ = tmp / (double)10.0;
t->addMoreExplanation(offset, " current relative humidity (%f RH)", current_relative_humidity_rh_);
key = "42FB1A"; // 1A = 0001 1010 = First extension vif code Relative Humidity 10^-1
if (hasKey(&values, key))
double tmp;
extractDVdouble(&values, key, &offset, &tmp, false);
relative_humidity_at_set_date_rh_[0] = tmp / (double)10.0;
t->addMoreExplanation(offset, " relative humidity at set date 1 (%f RH)", relative_humidity_at_set_date_rh_[0]);
key = "8201FB1A"; // 1A = 0001 1010 = First extension vif code Relative Humidity 10^-1
if (hasKey(&values, key))
double tmp;
extractDVdouble(&values, key, &offset, &tmp, false);
relative_humidity_at_set_date_rh_[1] = tmp / (double)10.0;
t->addMoreExplanation(offset, " relative humidity at set date 2 (%f RH)", relative_humidity_at_set_date_rh_[1]);