
150 wiersze
4.7 KiB

import { component$, Slot, useStyles$ } from '@builder.io/qwik'
import { MastodonStatus, StatusContext } from '~/types'
import Status from '~/components/Status'
import { formatDateTime } from '~/utils/dateTime'
import { formatRoundedNumber } from '~/utils/numbers'
import * as statusAPI from 'wildebeest/functions/api/v1/statuses/[id]'
import * as contextAPI from 'wildebeest/functions/api/v1/statuses/[id]/context'
import { DocumentHead, Link, loader$ } from '@builder.io/qwik-city'
import StickyHeader from '~/components/StickyHeader/StickyHeader'
import { Avatar } from '~/components/avatar'
import { MediaGallery } from '~/components/MediaGallery.tsx'
import { getNotFoundHtml } from '~/utils/getNotFoundHtml/getNotFoundHtml'
import { getErrorHtml } from '~/utils/getErrorHtml/getErrorHtml'
import styles from '../../../../utils/innerHtmlContent.scss?inline'
import { getTextContent } from 'wildebeest/backend/src/activitypub/objects'
import { getDocumentHead } from '~/utils/getDocumentHead'
export const statusLoader = loader$<
{ DATABASE: D1Database },
Promise<{ status: MastodonStatus; statusTextContent: string; context: StatusContext }>
>(async ({ request, html, platform, params }) => {
const domain = new URL(request.url).hostname
let statusText = ''
try {
const statusResponse = await statusAPI.handleRequestGet(platform.DATABASE, params.statusId, domain)
statusText = await statusResponse.text()
} catch {
throw html(500, getErrorHtml('An error occurred whilst retrieving the status data, please try again later'))
if (!statusText) {
throw html(404, getNotFoundHtml())
const status: MastodonStatus = JSON.parse(statusText)
const statusTextContent = await getTextContent(status.content)
try {
const contextResponse = await contextAPI.handleRequest(domain, platform.DATABASE, params.statusId)
const contextText = await contextResponse.text()
const context = JSON.parse(contextText ?? null) as StatusContext | null
if (!context) {
throw new Error(`No context present for status with ${params.statusId}`)
return { status, statusTextContent, context }
} catch {
throw html(500, getErrorHtml('No context for the status has been found, please try again later'))
export default component$(() => {
const loaderData = statusLoader.use().value
return (
<StickyHeader withBackButton />
<div class="bg-wildebeest-700 p-4">
<AccountCard status={loaderData.status} />
<div class="leading-normal inner-html-content text-lg" dangerouslySetInnerHTML={loaderData.status.content} />
<MediaGallery medias={loaderData.status.media_attachments} />
<InfoTray status={loaderData.status} />
{loaderData.context.descendants.map((status) => {
return <Status status={status} />
export const AccountCard = component$<{ status: MastodonStatus }>(({ status }) => {
const accountUrl = `/@${status.account.username}`
return (
<div class="flex">
<Avatar primary={status.account} secondary={null} />
<div class="flex flex-col">
<div class="p-1">
<Link href={accountUrl} class="no-underline">
<div class="p-1 text-wildebeest-400">@{status.account.acct}</div>
export const InfoTray = component$<{ status: MastodonStatus }>(({ status }) => {
return (
<div class="text-wildebeest-500 mt-4 text-sm">
<Info href={status.url}>
<span class="ml-3"> · </span>
<i class="fa fa-globe mx-3 w-4 inline-block" />
<span class="ml-3"> · </span>
<Info href={status.url ? `${status.url}/reblogs` : null}>
<i class="fa fa-retweet mx-3 w-4 inline-block" />
<span class="ml-3"> · </span>
<Info href={status.url ? `${status.url}/favourites` : null}>
<i class="fa fa-star mx-3 w-4 inline-block" />
export const Info = component$<{ href: string | null }>(({ href }) => {
return (
{!href ? (
<Slot />
) : (
<a href={href} class="no-underline">
<Slot />
export const head: DocumentHead = ({ getData }) => {
const { status, statusTextContent } = getData(statusLoader)
const title = `${status.account.display_name}: ${statusTextContent.substring(0, 30)}${
statusTextContent.length > 30 ? '…' : ''
} - Wildebeest`
return getDocumentHead({
description: statusTextContent,
og: {
type: 'article',
url: status.url,
image: status.account.avatar,