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// Copied from the @cloudflare/pages-plugin-cloudflare-access package but fixes two important issues:
// - uses the Authorization header to find the Access JWT (instead os Cf-Access-Jwt-Assertion).
// - prevents loosing the Response.status value across Pages middleware
const isTesting = typeof jest !== 'undefined'
const textDecoder = new TextDecoder('utf-8')
export type Identity = {
id: string
name: string
email: string
groups: string[]
amr: string[]
idp: { id: string; type: string }
geo: { country: string }
user_uuid: string
account_id: string
ip: string
auth_status: string
common_name: string
service_token_id: string
service_token_status: boolean
is_warp: boolean
is_gateway: boolean
version: number
device_sessions: Record<string, { last_authenticated: number }>
iat: number
export type JWTPayload = {
aud: string | string[]
common_name?: string // Service token client ID
country?: string
custom?: unknown
email?: string
exp: number
iat: number
nbf?: number
iss: string // https://<domain>.cloudflareaccess.com
type?: string // Always just 'app'?
identity_nonce?: string
sub: string // Empty string for service tokens or user ID otherwise
export type PluginArgs = {
aud: string
domain: string
type CloudflareAccessPagesPluginFunction<
Env = unknown,
Params extends string = any,
Data extends Record<string, unknown> = Record<string, unknown>
> = PagesPluginFunction<Env, Params, Data, PluginArgs>
// Adapted slightly from https://github.com/cloudflare/workers-access-external-auth-example
const base64URLDecode = (s: string) => {
s = s.replace(/-/g, '+').replace(/_/g, '/').replace(/\s/g, '')
return new Uint8Array(
// @ts-ignore
Array.prototype.map.call(atob(s), (c: string) => c.charCodeAt(0))
const asciiToUint8Array = (s: string) => {
const chars = []
for (let i = 0; i < s.length; ++i) {
return new Uint8Array(chars)
export function getPayload(jwt: string): JWTPayload {
const parts = jwt.split('.')
if (parts.length !== 3) {
throw new Error('JWT does not have three parts.')
const [, payload] = parts
const payloadObj = JSON.parse(textDecoder.decode(base64URLDecode(payload)))
return payloadObj
export const generateValidator =
({ domain, aud, jwt }: { domain: string; aud: string; jwt: string }) =>
async (
request: Request
): Promise<{
payload: object
}> => {
const parts = jwt.split('.')
if (parts.length !== 3) {
throw new Error('JWT does not have three parts.')
const [header, payload, signature] = parts
const { kid, alg } = JSON.parse(textDecoder.decode(base64URLDecode(header)))
if (alg !== 'RS256') {
throw new Error('Unknown JWT type or algorithm.')
const certsURL = new URL('/cdn-cgi/access/certs', 'https://' + domain)
const certsResponse = await fetch(certsURL.toString())
const { keys } = (await certsResponse.json()) as {
keys: ({
kid: string
} & JsonWebKey)[]
public_cert: { kid: string; cert: string }
public_certs: { kid: string; cert: string }[]
if (!keys) {
throw new Error('Could not fetch signing keys.')
const jwk = keys.find((key) => key.kid === kid)
if (!jwk) {
throw new Error('Could not find matching signing key.')
if (jwk.kty !== 'RSA' || jwk.alg !== 'RS256') {
throw new Error('Unknown key type of algorithm.')
const key = await crypto.subtle.importKey('jwk', jwk, { name: 'RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5', hash: 'SHA-256' }, false, [
const unroundedSecondsSinceEpoch = Date.now() / 1000
const payloadObj = JSON.parse(textDecoder.decode(base64URLDecode(payload)))
// For testing disable JWT checks.
// Ideally we match the production behavior in testing but that
// requires using local key pair to generate a valid JWT token.
// For now, let's keep it simple.
if (!isTesting) {
if (payloadObj.iss && payloadObj.iss !== certsURL.origin) {
throw new Error('JWT issuer is incorrect.')
if (payloadObj.aud && !payloadObj.aud.includes(aud)) {
throw new Error('JWT audience is incorrect.')
if (payloadObj.exp && Math.floor(unroundedSecondsSinceEpoch) >= payloadObj.exp) {
throw new Error('JWT has expired.')
if (payloadObj.nbf && Math.ceil(unroundedSecondsSinceEpoch) < payloadObj.nbf) {
throw new Error('JWT is not yet valid.')
const verified = await crypto.subtle.verify(
if (!verified) {
throw new Error('Could not verify JWT.')
return { payload: payloadObj }
export const getIdentity = async ({ jwt, domain }: { jwt: string; domain: string }): Promise<undefined | Identity> => {
const identityURL = new URL('/cdn-cgi/access/get-identity', 'https://' + domain)
const response = await fetch(identityURL.toString(), {
headers: { Cookie: `CF_Authorization=${jwt}` },
if (response.ok) return await response.json()
export const generateLoginURL = ({
redirectURL: redirectURLInit,
}: {
redirectURL: string | URL
domain: string
aud: string
}): string => {
const redirectURL = typeof redirectURLInit === 'string' ? new URL(redirectURLInit) : redirectURLInit
const { hostname } = redirectURL
const loginPathname = `/cdn-cgi/access/login/${hostname}?`
const searchParams = new URLSearchParams({
kid: aud,
redirect_url: redirectURL.pathname + redirectURL.search,
return new URL(loginPathname + searchParams.toString(), 'https://' + domain).toString()
export const generateLogoutURL = ({ domain }: { domain: string }) =>
new URL(`/cdn-cgi/access/logout`, 'https://' + domain).toString()