
62 wiersze
2.1 KiB

import { $, component$ } from '@builder.io/qwik'
import { DocumentHead, loader$ } from '@builder.io/qwik-city'
import { RequestContext } from '@builder.io/qwik-city/middleware/request-handler'
import * as timelines from 'wildebeest/functions/api/v1/timelines/public'
import { StatusesPanel } from '~/components/StatusesPanel/StatusesPanel'
import type { MastodonStatus } from '~/types'
import { getDocumentHead } from '~/utils/getDocumentHead'
import { getErrorHtml } from '~/utils/getErrorHtml/getErrorHtml'
export const statusesLoader = loader$<{ DATABASE: D1Database; domain: string }, Promise<MastodonStatus[]>>(
async ({ platform, html }) => {
try {
// TODO: use the "trending" API endpoint here.
const response = await timelines.handleRequest(platform.domain, platform.DATABASE)
const results = await response.text()
// Manually parse the JSON to ensure that Qwik finds the resulting objects serializable.
return JSON.parse(results) as MastodonStatus[]
} catch (e: unknown) {
const error = e as { stack: string; cause: string }
console.warn(error.stack, error.cause)
throw html(500, getErrorHtml('The timeline is unavailable, please try again later'))
export default component$(() => {
const statuses = statusesLoader.use().value
return (
fetchMoreStatuses={$(async (numOfCurrentStatuses: number) => {
let statuses: MastodonStatus[] = []
try {
const response = await fetch(`/api/v1/timelines/public?offset=${numOfCurrentStatuses}`)
if (response.ok) {
const results = await response.text()
statuses = JSON.parse(results)
} catch {
/* empty */
return statuses
export const requestLoader = loader$(async ({ request }) => {
// Manually parse the JSON to ensure that Qwik finds the resulting objects serializable.
return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(request)) as RequestContext
export const head: DocumentHead = ({ getData }) => {
const { url } = getData(requestLoader)
return getDocumentHead({
title: 'Explore - Wildebeest',
og: {