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import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test'
import { getMockStatusFn } from 'wildebeest/ui-e2e-tests-utils/getMockStatusFn'
test('Display the list of toots in the explore page', async ({ page }) => {
await page.goto('')
const tootsTextsToCheck = [
'Hi! My name is Rafael!',
'We did it!',
"Fine. I'll use Wildebeest",
'A very simple update: all good!',
for (const tootText of tootsTextsToCheck) {
await expect(page.locator('article').filter({ hasText: tootText })).toBeVisible()
test('Fetching of new toots on scroll (infinite scrolling)', async ({ page, browserName }) => {
test.skip(browserName !== 'chromium', 'Only chromium tests this well')
const generateFakeStatus = getMockStatusFn()
await page.route('*', async (route) => {
const newStatuses = new Array(5).fill(null).map(generateFakeStatus)
await route.fulfill({ body: JSON.stringify(newStatuses) })
await page.goto('')
await page.waitForLoadState('networkidle')
for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
await page.keyboard.down('End')
for (let j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
const paddedJ = `${i * 5 + j}`.padStart(3, '0')
// check that the new toots have been loaded
await expect(page.locator('article').filter({ hasText: `Mock Fetched Status #${paddedJ}` })).toBeVisible()
const paddedExtra = `${i * 5 + 6}`.padStart(3, '0')
// check that a 6th toot hasn't been loaded (since the mock endpoint returns 5 toots)
await expect(page.locator('article').filter({ hasText: `Mock Fetched Status #${paddedExtra}` })).not.toBeVisible()
const numOfMockFetchedToots = await page.locator('article').filter({ hasText: `Mock Fetched Status` }).count()
// check that all 15 toots have been loaded