
121 wiersze
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import * as access from 'wildebeest/backend/src/access'
import * as actors from 'wildebeest/backend/src/activitypub/actors'
import type { Env } from 'wildebeest/backend/src/types/env'
import type { Identity, ContextData } from 'wildebeest/backend/src/types/context'
import * as errors from 'wildebeest/backend/src/errors'
import { loadLocalMastodonAccount } from 'wildebeest/backend/src/mastodon/account'
async function loadContextData(db: D1Database, clientId: string, email: string, ctx: any): Promise<boolean> {
const query = `
(SELECT value FROM instance_config WHERE key='accessAud') as accessAud,
(SELECT value FROM instance_config WHERE key='accessDomain') as accessDomain
FROM actors
WHERE email=? AND type='Person'
const { results, success, error } = await db.prepare(query).bind(email).all()
if (!success) {
throw new Error('SQL error: ' + error)
if (!results || results.length === 0) {
console.warn('no results')
return false
const row: any = results[0]
if (!row.id) {
console.warn('person not found')
return false
if (!row.accessDomain || !row.accessAud) {
console.warn('access configuration not found')
return false
const person = actors.personFromRow(row)
ctx.data.connectedActor = person
ctx.data.identity = { email }
ctx.data.clientId = clientId
ctx.data.accessDomain = row.accessDomain
ctx.data.accessAud = row.accessAud
return true
export async function main(context: EventContext<Env, any, any>) {
if (context.request.method === 'OPTIONS') {
const headers = {
'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*',
'Access-Control-Allow-Headers': 'content-type, authorization',
'Access-Control-Allow-Methods': 'GET, PUT, POST',
'content-type': 'application/json',
return new Response('', { headers })
const url = new URL(context.request.url)
if (
url.pathname === '/oauth/token' ||
url.pathname === '/oauth/authorize' || // Cloudflare Access runs on /oauth/authorize
url.pathname === '/api/v1/instance' ||
url.pathname === '/api/v2/instance' ||
url.pathname === '/api/v1/apps' ||
url.pathname === '/api/v1/timelines/public' ||
url.pathname === '/api/v1/custom_emojis' ||
url.pathname === '/.well-known/webfinger' ||
url.pathname === '/start-instance' || // Access is required by the handler
url.pathname === '/start-instance-test-access' || // Access is required by the handler
url.pathname.startsWith('/ap/') // all ActivityPub endpoints
) {
return context.next()
} else {
try {
const authorization = context.request.headers.get('Authorization') || ''
const token = authorization.replace('Bearer ', '')
if (token === '') {
return errors.notAuthorized('missing authorization')
const parts = token.split('.')
const [clientId, ...jwtParts] = parts
const jwt = jwtParts.join('.')
const payload = access.getPayload(jwt)
if (!payload.email) {
return errors.notAuthorized('missing email')
// Load the user associated with the email in the payload *before*
// verifying the JWT validity.
// This is because loading the context will also load the access
// configuration, which are used to verify the JWT.
if (!(await loadContextData(context.env.DATABASE, clientId, payload.email, context))) {
return errors.notAuthorized('failed to load context data')
const validatate = access.generateValidator({
domain: context.data.accessDomain,
aud: context.data.accessAud,
await validatate(context.request)
const identity = await access.getIdentity({ jwt, domain: context.data.accessDomain })
if (!identity) {
return errors.notAuthorized('failed to load identity')
return context.next()
} catch (err: any) {
return errors.notAuthorized('unknown error occurred')