import { component$ } from '' import { action$, Form, loader$, useNavigate, z, zod$ } from '' import { getDatabase } from 'wildebeest/backend/src/database' import { getRules, upsertRule } from 'wildebeest/backend/src/config/rules' import { TextArea } from '~/components/Settings/TextArea' import { getErrorHtml } from '~/utils/getErrorHtml/getErrorHtml' export type ServerSettingsData = { rules: string[] } export const editAction = action$( async (data, { platform }) => { let success = false try { const result = await upsertRule(await getDatabase(platform), { id:, text: data.text, }) success = result.success } catch (e: unknown) { success = false } return { success, } }, zod$({ id: z.string().min(1), text: z.string().min(1), }) ) export const ruleLoader = loader$>(async ({ params, platform, html }) => { const database = await getDatabase(platform) const rules = await getRules(database) const rule: { id: number; text: string } | undefined = rules.find((r) => === +params['id']) if (!rule) { throw html(404, getErrorHtml('The selected rule could not be found')) } return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(rule)) }) export default component$(() => { const rule = ruleLoader() const editActionObj = editAction() const nav = useNavigate() if (editActionObj.value?.success) { nav('/settings/server-settings/rules') } return ( <>

While most claim to have read and agree to the terms of service, usually people do not read through until after a problem arises. Make it easier to see your server's rules at a glance by providing them in a flat bullet point list. Try to keep individual rules short and simple, but try not to split them up into many separate items either.