import { test, expect, type Page } from '@playwright/test' async function test404Page(page: Page, url: string) { const response = await page.goto(url) expect(response?.status()).toEqual(404) const NotFoundTextLocator = page.getByText("The page you are looking for isn't here.") await expect(NotFoundTextLocator).toBeVisible() } test('Trying to access a non existent page should result in a 404 page', async ({ page }) => { await test404Page(page, '') }) test('Trying to access a non existent sub-page should result in a 404 page', async ({ page }) => { await test404Page(page, '') }) test('Trying to access a non existent sub-sub-page should result in a 404 page', async ({ page }) => { await test404Page(page, '') })