import * as notifications_get from 'wildebeest/functions/api/v1/notifications/[id]' import type { JWK } from 'wildebeest/backend/src/webpush/jwk' import { createPublicNote } from 'wildebeest/backend/src/activitypub/objects/note' import { createNotification, insertFollowNotification } from 'wildebeest/backend/src/mastodon/notification' import { createPerson } from 'wildebeest/backend/src/activitypub/actors' import * as notifications from 'wildebeest/functions/api/v1/notifications' import { makeCache, makeDB, assertJSON, createTestClient } from '../utils' import { strict as assert } from 'node:assert/strict' import { sendLikeNotification } from 'wildebeest/backend/src/mastodon/notification' import { createSubscription } from 'wildebeest/backend/src/mastodon/subscription' import { arrayBufferToBase64 } from 'wildebeest/backend/src/utils/key-ops' import { getNotifications } from 'wildebeest/backend/src/mastodon/notification' import { mastodonIdSymbol } from 'wildebeest/backend/src/activitypub/objects' const userKEK = 'test_kek15' const domain = '' const sleep = (ms: number) => new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, ms)) const vapidKeys = {} as JWK function parseCryptoKey(s: string): any { const parts = s.split(';') const out: any = {} for (let i = 0, len = parts.length; i < len; i++) { const parts2 = parts[i].split('=') out[parts2[0]] = parts2[1] } return out } describe('Mastodon APIs', () => { describe('notifications', () => { test('returns notifications stored in KV cache', async () => { const db = await makeDB() const connectedActor = await createPerson(domain, db, userKEK, '') const cache = makeCache() await cache.put( + '/notifications', 12345) const req = new Request('https://' + domain) const data = await notifications.handleRequest(req, cache, connectedActor) assert.equal(await data.json(), 12345) }) test('returns notifications stored in db', async () => { const db = await makeDB() const actor = await createPerson(domain, db, userKEK, '') const fromActor = await createPerson(domain, db, userKEK, '') const connectedActor = actor const note = await createPublicNote(domain, db, 'my first status', connectedActor) await insertFollowNotification(db, connectedActor, fromActor) await sleep(10) await createNotification(db, 'favourite', connectedActor, fromActor, note) await sleep(10) await createNotification(db, 'mention', connectedActor, fromActor, note) const notifications: any = await getNotifications(db, connectedActor, domain) assert.equal(notifications[0].type, 'mention') assert.equal(notifications[0].account.username, 'from') assert.equal(notifications[0], note[mastodonIdSymbol]) assert.equal(notifications[1].type, 'favourite') assert.equal(notifications[1].account.username, 'from') assert.equal(notifications[1], note[mastodonIdSymbol]) assert.equal(notifications[1].status.account.username, 'sven') assert.equal(notifications[2].type, 'follow') assert.equal(notifications[2].account.username, 'from') assert.equal(notifications[2].status, undefined) }) test('get single favourite notification', async () => { const db = await makeDB() const actor = await createPerson(domain, db, userKEK, '') const fromActor = await createPerson(domain, db, userKEK, '') const note = await createPublicNote(domain, db, 'my first status', actor) await createNotification(db, 'favourite', actor, fromActor, note) const res = await notifications_get.handleRequest(domain, '1', db, actor) assert.equal(res.status, 200) assertJSON(res) const data = await res.json() assert.equal(, '1') assert.equal(data.type, 'favourite') assert.equal(data.account.acct, '') assert.equal(data.status.content, 'my first status') }) test('get single follow notification', async () => { const db = await makeDB() const actor = await createPerson(domain, db, userKEK, '') const fromActor = await createPerson(domain, db, userKEK, '') await insertFollowNotification(db, actor, fromActor) const res = await notifications_get.handleRequest(domain, '1', db, actor) assert.equal(res.status, 200) assertJSON(res) const data = await res.json() assert.equal(, '1') assert.equal(data.type, 'follow') assert.equal(data.account.acct, '') assert.equal(data.status, undefined) }) test('send like notification', async () => { const db = await makeDB() const clientKeys = (await crypto.subtle.generateKey({ name: 'ECDSA', namedCurve: 'P-256' }, true, [ 'sign', 'verify', ])) as CryptoKeyPair globalThis.fetch = async (input: RequestInfo, data: any) => { if (input === '') { assert((data.headers['Authorization'] as string).includes('WebPush')) const cryptoKeyHeader = parseCryptoKey(data.headers['Crypto-Key']) assert(cryptoKeyHeader.dh) assert(cryptoKeyHeader.p256ecdsa) // Ensure the data has a valid signature using the client public key const sign = await crypto.subtle.sign({ name: 'ECDSA', hash: 'SHA-256' }, clientKeys.privateKey, data.body) assert(await crypto.subtle.verify({ name: 'ECDSA', hash: 'SHA-256' }, clientKeys.publicKey, sign, data.body)) // TODO: eventually decrypt what the server pushed return new Response() } throw new Error('unexpected request to ' + input) } const client = await createTestClient(db) const actor = await createPerson(domain, db, userKEK, '') const p256dh = arrayBufferToBase64((await crypto.subtle.exportKey('raw', clientKeys.publicKey)) as ArrayBuffer) const auth = arrayBufferToBase64(crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(16))) await createSubscription(db, actor, client, { subscription: { endpoint: '', keys: { p256dh, auth, }, }, data: { alerts: {}, policy: 'all', }, }) const fromActor = await createPerson(domain, db, userKEK, '') await sendLikeNotification(db, fromActor, actor, 'notifid', '', vapidKeys) }) }) })