import { fetch } from 'undici' describe('Posts timeline page', () => { it('should display a list of statuses for the home page', async () => { const response = await fetch('') expect(response.status).toBe(200) const body = await response.text() expect(body).toContain('We did it!') }) it('should display a list of statuses for the explore page', async () => { const response = await fetch('') expect(response.status).toBe(200) const body = await response.text() expect(body).toContain('We did it!') }) }) describe('Toot details', () => { it('should show an individual toot', async () => { // Find a specific toot in the list const exploreResponse = await fetch('') const exploreBody = await exploreResponse.text() const match = exploreBody.match(/href="\/(@BethanyBlack\/[0-9a-z-]*)"/) // Fetch the page for it and validate the result const tootPath = match?.[1] expect(tootPath).toBeTruthy() const response = await fetch(`${tootPath}`) expect(response.status).toBe(200) const body = await response.text() // validate the toot content itself expect(body).toContain('We did it!') // validate replies expect(body).toContain('Yes we did!') expect(body).toContain('Yes you guys did it!') }) })