import { createPerson, getPersonByEmail, type Person } from 'wildebeest/backend/src/activitypub/actors' import * as statusesAPI from 'wildebeest/functions/api/v1/statuses' import { statuses } from 'wildebeest/frontend/src/dummyData' import type { MastodonStatus } from 'wildebeest/frontend/src/types' import type { MastodonAccount } from 'wildebeest/backend/src/types' const kek = 'test-kek' /** * Run helper commands to initialize the database with actors, statuses, etc. */ export async function init(domain: string, db: D1Database) { for (const status of statuses as MastodonStatus[]) { const actor = await getOrCreatePerson(domain, db, status.account.username) await createStatus(db, actor, status.content) } } /** * Create a status object in the given actors outbox. */ async function createStatus(db: D1Database, actor: Person, status: string, visibility = 'public') { const body = { status, visibility, } const req = new Request('', { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify(body), }) await statusesAPI.handleRequest(req, db, actor, kek) } async function getOrCreatePerson(domain: string, db: D1Database, username: string): Promise { const person = await getPersonByEmail(db, username) if (person) return person await createPerson(domain, db, kek, username) const newPerson = await getPersonByEmail(db, username) if (!newPerson) { throw new Error('Could not create Actor ' + username) } return newPerson }