import { strict as assert } from 'node:assert/strict' import { configure, generateVAPIDKeys } from 'wildebeest/backend/src/config' import { addObjectInOutbox } from 'wildebeest/backend/src/activitypub/actors/outbox' import { createPublicNote } from 'wildebeest/backend/src/activitypub/objects/note' import * as accounts_following from 'wildebeest/functions/api/v1/accounts/[id]/following' import * as accounts_featured_tags from 'wildebeest/functions/api/v1/accounts/[id]/featured_tags' import * as accounts_lists from 'wildebeest/functions/api/v1/accounts/[id]/lists' import * as accounts_relationships from 'wildebeest/functions/api/v1/accounts/relationships' import * as accounts_followers from 'wildebeest/functions/api/v1/accounts/[id]/followers' import * as accounts_follow from 'wildebeest/functions/api/v1/accounts/[id]/follow' import * as accounts_unfollow from 'wildebeest/functions/api/v1/accounts/[id]/unfollow' import * as accounts_statuses from 'wildebeest/functions/api/v1/accounts/[id]/statuses' import * as accounts_get from 'wildebeest/functions/api/v1/accounts/[id]' import { isUrlValid, makeDB, assertCORS, assertJSON, assertCache, streamToArrayBuffer } from '../utils' import * as accounts_verify_creds from 'wildebeest/functions/api/v1/accounts/verify_credentials' import * as accounts_update_creds from 'wildebeest/functions/api/v1/accounts/update_credentials' import { createPerson, getPersonById } from 'wildebeest/backend/src/activitypub/actors' import { addFollowing, acceptFollowing } from 'wildebeest/backend/src/mastodon/follow' import { insertLike } from 'wildebeest/backend/src/mastodon/like' import { insertReblog } from 'wildebeest/backend/src/mastodon/reblog' const userKEK = 'test_kek2' const sleep = (ms: number) => new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, ms)) const domain = '' describe('Mastodon APIs', () => { describe('accounts', () => { beforeEach(() => { globalThis.fetch = async (input: RequestInfo) => { if (input.toString() === '') { return new Response( JSON.stringify({ links: [ { rel: 'self', type: 'application/activity+json', href: '', }, ], }) ) } if (input.toString() === '') { return new Response( JSON.stringify({ id: '', type: 'Person', preferredUsername: 'sven', name: 'sven ssss', icon: { url: 'icon.jpg' }, image: { url: 'image.jpg' }, }) ) } throw new Error('unexpected request to ' + input) } }) test('missing identity', async () => { const data = { cloudflareAccess: { JWT: { getIdentity() { return null }, }, }, } const context: any = { data } const res = await accounts_verify_creds.onRequest(context) assert.equal(res.status, 401) }) test('verify the credentials', async () => { const db = await makeDB() const connectedActor: any = { id: await createPerson(domain, db, userKEK, ''), name: 'foo', } const context: any = { data: { connectedActor }, env: { DATABASE: db } } const res = await accounts_verify_creds.onRequest(context) assert.equal(res.status, 200) assertCORS(res) assertJSON(res) const data = await res.json() assert.equal(data.display_name, 'foo') // Mastodon app expects the id to be a number (as string), it uses // it to construct an URL. ActivityPub uses URL as ObjectId so we // make sure we don't return the URL. assert(!isUrlValid( }) test('update credentials', async () => { const db = await makeDB() const connectedActor: any = { id: await createPerson(domain, db, userKEK, '') } const updates = new FormData() updates.set('display_name', 'newsven') updates.set('note', 'hein') const req = new Request('', { method: 'PATCH', body: updates, }) const res = await accounts_update_creds.handleRequest( db, req, connectedActor, 'CF_ACCOUNT_ID', 'CF_API_TOKEN', userKEK ) assert.equal(res.status, 200) const data = await res.json() assert.equal(data.display_name, 'newsven') assert.equal(data.note, 'hein') const updatedActor: any = await getPersonById(db, assert(updatedActor) assert.equal(, 'newsven') assert.equal(updatedActor.summary, 'hein') }) test('update credentials sends update', async () => { const db = await makeDB() const connectedActor: any = { id: await createPerson(domain, db, userKEK, '') } const actor2: any = { id: await createPerson(domain, db, userKEK, '') } await addFollowing(db, actor2, connectedActor, 'sven2@' + domain) await acceptFollowing(db, actor2, connectedActor) let receivedActivity: any = null globalThis.fetch = async (input: any) => { if (input.url.toString() === `https://${domain}/ap/users/sven2/inbox`) { assert.equal(input.method, 'POST') receivedActivity = await input.json() return new Response('') } throw new Error('unexpected request to ' + input.url) } const updates = new FormData() updates.set('display_name', 'newsven') const req = new Request('', { method: 'PATCH', body: updates, }) const res = await accounts_update_creds.handleRequest( db, req, connectedActor, 'CF_ACCOUNT_ID', 'CF_API_TOKEN', userKEK ) assert.equal(res.status, 200) assert(receivedActivity) assert.equal(receivedActivity.type, 'Update') assert.equal(, assert.equal(, 'newsven') }) test('update credentials avatar and header', async () => { globalThis.fetch = async (input: RequestInfo, data: any) => { if (input === '') { assert.equal(data.method, 'POST') const file: any = data.body.get('file') return new Response( JSON.stringify({ success: true, result: { variants: ['' +], }, }) ) } throw new Error('unexpected request to ' + input) } const db = await makeDB() const connectedActor: any = { id: await createPerson(domain, db, userKEK, '') } const updates = new FormData() updates.set('avatar', new File(['bytes'], 'selfie.jpg', { type: 'image/jpeg' })) updates.set('header', new File(['bytes2'], 'mountain.jpg', { type: 'image/jpeg' })) const req = new Request('', { method: 'PATCH', body: updates, }) const res = await accounts_update_creds.handleRequest( db, req, connectedActor, 'CF_ACCOUNT_ID', 'CF_API_TOKEN', userKEK ) assert.equal(res.status, 200) const data = await res.json() assert.equal(data.avatar, '') assert.equal(data.header, '') }) test('get remote actor by id', async () => { globalThis.fetch = async (input: RequestInfo) => { if (input.toString() === '') { return new Response( JSON.stringify({ links: [ { rel: 'self', type: 'application/activity+json', href: '', }, ], }) ) } if (input.toString() === '') { return new Response( JSON.stringify({ id: '', url: '', type: 'Person', preferredUsername: 'sven', outbox: '', following: '', followers: '', }) ) } if (input.toString() === '') { return new Response( JSON.stringify({ '@context': '', id: '', type: 'OrderedCollection', totalItems: 123, first: '', }) ) } if (input.toString() === '') { return new Response( JSON.stringify({ '@context': '', id: '', type: 'OrderedCollection', totalItems: 321, first: '', }) ) } if (input.toString() === '') { return new Response( JSON.stringify({ '@context': '', id: '', type: 'OrderedCollection', totalItems: 890, first: '', }) ) } throw new Error('unexpected request to ' + input) } const db = await makeDB() const res = await accounts_get.handleRequest(domain, '', db) assert.equal(res.status, 200) const data = await res.json() assert.equal(data.username, 'sven') assert.equal(data.acct, '') assert(isUrlValid(data.url)) assert(data.url, '') assert.equal(data.followers_count, 321) assert.equal(data.following_count, 123) assert.equal(data.statuses_count, 890) }) test('get unknown local actor by id', async () => { const db = await makeDB() const res = await accounts_get.handleRequest(domain, 'sven', db) assert.equal(res.status, 404) }) test('get local actor by id', async () => { const db = await makeDB() const actor: any = { id: await createPerson(domain, db, userKEK, '') } const actor2: any = { id: await createPerson(domain, db, userKEK, '') } const actor3: any = { id: await createPerson(domain, db, userKEK, '') } await addFollowing(db, actor, actor2, 'sven2@' + domain) await acceptFollowing(db, actor, actor2) await addFollowing(db, actor, actor3, 'sven3@' + domain) await acceptFollowing(db, actor, actor3) await addFollowing(db, actor3, actor, 'sven@' + domain) await acceptFollowing(db, actor3, actor) const firstNote = await createPublicNote(domain, db, 'my first status', actor) await addObjectInOutbox(db, actor, firstNote) const res = await accounts_get.handleRequest(domain, 'sven', db) assert.equal(res.status, 200) const data = await res.json() assert.equal(data.username, 'sven') assert.equal(data.acct, 'sven') assert.equal(data.followers_count, 1) assert.equal(data.following_count, 2) assert.equal(data.statuses_count, 1) assert(isUrlValid(data.url)) assert(data.url.includes(domain)) }) test('get local actor statuses', async () => { const db = await makeDB() const actor: any = { id: await createPerson(domain, db, userKEK, ''), } const firstNote = await createPublicNote(domain, db, 'my first status', actor) await addObjectInOutbox(db, actor, firstNote) await insertLike(db, actor, firstNote) await sleep(10) const secondNode = await createPublicNote(domain, db, 'my second status', actor) await addObjectInOutbox(db, actor, secondNode) await insertReblog(db, actor, secondNode) const req = new Request('https://' + domain) const res = await accounts_statuses.handleRequest(req, db, 'sven@' + domain, userKEK) assert.equal(res.status, 200) const data = await res.json>() assert.equal(data.length, 2) assert.equal(data[0].content, 'my second status') assert.equal(data[0].account.acct, 'sven@' + domain) assert.equal(data[0].favourites_count, 0) assert.equal(data[0].reblogs_count, 1) assert.equal(data[1].content, 'my first status') assert.equal(data[1].favourites_count, 1) assert.equal(data[1].reblogs_count, 0) }) test('get pinned statuses', async () => { const db = await makeDB() const actorId = await createPerson(domain, db, userKEK, '') const req = new Request('https://' + domain + '?pinned=true') const res = await accounts_statuses.handleRequest(req, db, 'sven@' + domain, userKEK) assert.equal(res.status, 200) const data = await res.json>() assert.equal(data.length, 0) }) test('get local actor statuses with max_id', async () => { const db = await makeDB() const actorId = await createPerson(domain, db, userKEK, '') await db .prepare("INSERT INTO objects (id, type, properties, local, mastodon_id) VALUES (?, ?, ?, 1, 'mastodon_id')") .bind('object1', 'Note', JSON.stringify({ content: 'my first status' })) .run() await db .prepare("INSERT INTO objects (id, type, properties, local, mastodon_id) VALUES (?, ?, ?, 1, 'mastodon_id2')") .bind('object2', 'Note', JSON.stringify({ content: 'my second status' })) .run() await db .prepare('INSERT INTO outbox_objects (id, actor_id, object_id, cdate) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)') .bind('outbox1', actorId.toString(), 'object1', '2022-12-16 08:14:48') .run() await db .prepare('INSERT INTO outbox_objects (id, actor_id, object_id, cdate) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)') .bind('outbox2', actorId.toString(), 'object2', '2022-12-16 10:14:48') .run() { // Query statuses after object1, should only see object2. const req = new Request('https://' + domain + '?max_id=object1') const res = await accounts_statuses.handleRequest(req, db, 'sven@' + domain, userKEK) assert.equal(res.status, 200) const data = await res.json>() assert.equal(data.length, 1) assert.equal(data[0].content, 'my second status') assert.equal(data[0].account.acct, 'sven@' + domain) } { // Query statuses after object2, nothing is after. const req = new Request('https://' + domain + '?max_id=object2') const res = await accounts_statuses.handleRequest(req, db, 'sven@' + domain, userKEK) assert.equal(res.status, 200) const data = await res.json>() assert.equal(data.length, 0) } }) test('get remote actor statuses', async () => { const db = await makeDB() await configure(db, { title: 'title', description: 'a', email: 'email' }) await generateVAPIDKeys(db) const actor: any = { id: await createPerson(domain, db, userKEK, ''), } const localNote = await createPublicNote(domain, db, 'my localnote status', actor) globalThis.fetch = async (input: RequestInfo) => { if (input.toString() === '') { return new Response( JSON.stringify({ links: [ { rel: 'self', type: 'application/activity+json', href: '', }, ], }) ) } if (input.toString() === '') { return new Response( JSON.stringify({ id: '', type: 'Person', preferredUsername: 'someone', outbox: '', }) ) } if (input.toString() === '') { return new Response( JSON.stringify({ id: '', type: 'Person', }) ) } if (input.toString() === '') { return new Response( JSON.stringify({ first: '', }) ) } if (input.toString() === '') { return new Response( JSON.stringify({ orderedItems: [ { id: '', type: 'Create', actor: '', published: '2022-12-10T23:48:38Z', object: { id: '', type: 'Note', content: '


', }, }, { id: '', type: 'Announce', actor: '', published: '2022-12-10T23:48:38Z', object:, }, ], }) ) } throw new Error('unexpected request to ' + input) } const req = new Request('') const res = await accounts_statuses.handleRequest(req, db, '', userKEK) assert.equal(res.status, 200) const data = await res.json>() assert.equal(data.length, 1) assert.equal(data[0].content, '


') assert.equal(data[0].account.username, 'someone') // Statuses were imported locally and once was a reblog of an already // existing local object. const row = await db.prepare(`SELECT count(*) as count FROM objects`).first() assert.equal(row.count, 2) }) test('get remote actor statuses ignoring object that fail to download', async () => { const db = await makeDB() await generateVAPIDKeys(db) const actor: any = { id: await createPerson(domain, db, userKEK, ''), } const localNote = await createPublicNote(domain, db, 'my localnote status', actor) globalThis.fetch = async (input: RequestInfo) => { if (input.toString() === '') { return new Response( JSON.stringify({ links: [ { rel: 'self', type: 'application/activity+json', href: '', }, ], }) ) } if (input.toString() === '') { return new Response( JSON.stringify({ id: '', type: 'Person', preferredUsername: 'someone', outbox: '', }) ) } if (input.toString() === '') { return new Response( JSON.stringify({ first: '', }) ) } if (input.toString() === '') { return new Response('', { status: 400 }) } if (input.toString() === '') { return new Response( JSON.stringify({ orderedItems: [ { id: '', type: 'Announce', actor: '', published: '2022-12-10T23:48:38Z', object: '', }, ], }) ) } throw new Error('unexpected request to ' + input) } const req = new Request('') const res = await accounts_statuses.handleRequest(req, db, '', userKEK) assert.equal(res.status, 200) const data = await res.json>() assert.equal(data.length, 0) }) test('get remote actor followers', async () => { const db = await makeDB() const connectedActor: any = { id: 'someid' } const req = new Request(`https://${domain}`) const res = await accounts_followers.handleRequest(req, db, '', connectedActor) assert.equal(res.status, 403) }) test('get local actor followers', async () => { globalThis.fetch = async (input: any, opts: any) => { if (input.toString() === 'https://' + domain + '/ap/users/sven2') { return new Response( JSON.stringify({ id: '', type: 'Person', }) ) } throw new Error('unexpected request to ' + input) } const db = await makeDB() const actor: any = { id: await createPerson(domain, db, userKEK, ''), } const actor2: any = { id: await createPerson(domain, db, userKEK, ''), } await addFollowing(db, actor2, actor, 'sven@' + domain) await acceptFollowing(db, actor2, actor) const connectedActor = actor const req = new Request(`https://${domain}`) const res = await accounts_followers.handleRequest(req, db, 'sven', connectedActor) assert.equal(res.status, 200) const data = await res.json>() assert.equal(data.length, 1) }) test('get local actor following', async () => { globalThis.fetch = async (input: any, opts: any) => { if (input.toString() === 'https://' + domain + '/ap/users/sven2') { return new Response( JSON.stringify({ id: '', type: 'Person', }) ) } throw new Error('unexpected request to ' + input) } const db = await makeDB() const actor: any = { id: await createPerson(domain, db, userKEK, ''), } const actor2: any = { id: await createPerson(domain, db, userKEK, ''), } await addFollowing(db, actor, actor2, 'sven@' + domain) await acceptFollowing(db, actor, actor2) const connectedActor = actor const req = new Request(`https://${domain}`) const res = await accounts_following.handleRequest(req, db, 'sven', connectedActor) assert.equal(res.status, 200) const data = await res.json>() assert.equal(data.length, 1) }) test('get remote actor following', async () => { const db = await makeDB() const connectedActor: any = { id: 'someid' } const req = new Request(`https://${domain}`) const res = await accounts_following.handleRequest(req, db, '', connectedActor) assert.equal(res.status, 403) }) test('get remote actor featured_tags', async () => { const res = await accounts_featured_tags.onRequest() assert.equal(res.status, 200) }) test('get remote actor lists', async () => { const res = await accounts_lists.onRequest() assert.equal(res.status, 200) }) describe('relationships', () => { test('relationships missing ids', async () => { const db = await makeDB() const connectedActor: any = { id: 'someid' } const req = new Request('https://mastodon.example/api/v1/accounts/relationships') const res = await accounts_relationships.handleRequest(req, db, connectedActor) assert.equal(res.status, 400) }) test('relationships with ids', async () => { const db = await makeDB() const req = new Request('https://mastodon.example/api/v1/accounts/relationships?id[]=first&id[]=second') const connectedActor: any = { id: 'someid' } const res = await accounts_relationships.handleRequest(req, db, connectedActor) assert.equal(res.status, 200) assertCORS(res) assertJSON(res) const data = await res.json>() assert.equal(data.length, 2) assert.equal(data[0].id, 'first') assert.equal(data[0].following, false) assert.equal(data[1].id, 'second') assert.equal(data[1].following, false) }) test('relationships with one id', async () => { const db = await makeDB() const req = new Request('https://mastodon.example/api/v1/accounts/relationships?id[]=first') const connectedActor: any = { id: 'someid' } const res = await accounts_relationships.handleRequest(req, db, connectedActor) assert.equal(res.status, 200) assertCORS(res) assertJSON(res) const data = await res.json>() assert.equal(data.length, 1) assert.equal(data[0].id, 'first') assert.equal(data[0].following, false) }) test('relationships following', async () => { const db = await makeDB() const actor: any = { id: await createPerson(domain, db, userKEK, ''), } const actor2: any = { id: await createPerson(domain, db, userKEK, ''), } await addFollowing(db, actor, actor2, 'sven2@' + domain) await acceptFollowing(db, actor, actor2) const req = new Request('https://mastodon.example/api/v1/accounts/relationships?id[]=sven2@' + domain) const res = await accounts_relationships.handleRequest(req, db, actor) assert.equal(res.status, 200) const data = await res.json>() assert.equal(data.length, 1) assert.equal(data[0].following, true) }) test('relationships following request', async () => { const db = await makeDB() const actor: any = { id: await createPerson(domain, db, userKEK, ''), } const actor2: any = { id: await createPerson(domain, db, userKEK, ''), } await addFollowing(db, actor, actor2, 'sven2@' + domain) const req = new Request('https://mastodon.example/api/v1/accounts/relationships?id[]=sven2@' + domain) const res = await accounts_relationships.handleRequest(req, db, actor) assert.equal(res.status, 200) const data = await res.json>() assert.equal(data.length, 1) assert.equal(data[0].requested, true) assert.equal(data[0].following, false) }) }) test('follow local account', async () => { const db = await makeDB() const connectedActor: any = { id: 'connectedActor', } const req = new Request('', { method: 'POST' }) const res = await accounts_follow.handleRequest(req, db, 'localuser', connectedActor, userKEK) assert.equal(res.status, 403) }) describe('follow', () => { let receivedActivity: any = null beforeEach(() => { receivedActivity = null globalThis.fetch = async (input: any, opts: any) => { if ( input.toString() === 'https://' + domain + '/.well-known/webfinger?resource=acct%3Aactor%40' + domain + '' ) { return new Response( JSON.stringify({ links: [ { rel: 'self', type: 'application/activity+json', href: '', }, ], }) ) } if (input.toString() === '') { return new Response( JSON.stringify({ id: `https://${domain}/ap/users/actor`, type: 'Person', inbox: '', }) ) } if (input.url === '') { assert.equal(input.method, 'POST') receivedActivity = await input.json() return new Response('') } throw new Error('unexpected request to ' + input) } }) test('follow account', async () => { const db = await makeDB() const actorId = await createPerson(domain, db, userKEK, '') const connectedActor: any = { id: actorId, } const req = new Request('', { method: 'POST' }) const res = await accounts_follow.handleRequest(req, db, 'actor@' + domain, connectedActor, userKEK) assert.equal(res.status, 200) assertCORS(res) assertJSON(res) assert(receivedActivity) assert.equal(receivedActivity.type, 'Follow') const row = await db .prepare(`SELECT target_actor_acct, target_actor_id, state FROM actor_following WHERE actor_id=?`) .bind(actorId.toString()) .first() assert(row) assert.equal(row.target_actor_acct, 'actor@' + domain) assert.equal(row.target_actor_id, `https://${domain}/ap/users/actor`) assert.equal(row.state, 'pending') }) test('unfollow account', async () => { const db = await makeDB() const actor: any = { id: await createPerson(domain, db, userKEK, ''), } const follower: any = { id: await createPerson(domain, db, userKEK, ''), } await addFollowing(db, actor, follower, 'not needed') const connectedActor: any = actor const req = new Request('', { method: 'POST' }) const res = await accounts_unfollow.handleRequest(req, db, 'actor@' + domain, connectedActor, userKEK) assert.equal(res.status, 200) assertCORS(res) assertJSON(res) assert(receivedActivity) assert.equal(receivedActivity.type, 'Undo') assert.equal(receivedActivity.object.type, 'Follow') const row = await db .prepare(`SELECT count(*) as count FROM actor_following WHERE actor_id=?`) .bind( .first() assert(row) assert.equal(row.count, 0) }) }) }) })