import { MastodonAccount } from 'wildebeest/backend/src/types/account' import { defaultImages } from 'wildebeest/config/accounts' import { generateUserKey } from 'wildebeest/backend/src/utils/key-ops' import type { Object } from '../objects' const PERSON = 'Person' const isTesting = typeof jest !== 'undefined' export const emailSymbol = Symbol() export function actorURL(domain: string, id: string): URL { return new URL(`/ap/users/${id}`, 'https://' + domain) } function inboxURL(id: URL): URL { return new URL(id + '/inbox') } function outboxURL(id: URL): URL { return new URL(id + '/outbox') } function followingURL(id: URL): URL { return new URL(id + '/following') } export function followersURL(id: URL): URL { return new URL(id + '/followers') } // export interface Actor extends Object { inbox: URL outbox: URL following: URL followers: URL [emailSymbol]: string } // export interface Person extends Actor { publicKey: string } export async function get(url: string | URL): Promise { const headers = { accept: 'application/activity+json', } const res = await fetch(url.toString(), { headers }) if (!res.ok) { throw new Error(`${url} returned: ${res.status}`) } const data = await res.json() const actor: Actor = { } = new URL( // This is mostly for testing where for convenience not all values // are provided. // TODO: eventually clean that to better match production. if (data.inbox !== undefined) { actor.inbox = new URL(data.inbox) } if (data.following !== undefined) { actor.following = new URL(data.following) } if (data.followers !== undefined) { actor.followers = new URL(data.followers) } if (data.outbox !== undefined) { actor.outbox = new URL(data.outbox) } return actor } export async function getAndCache(url: URL, db: D1Database): Promise { const person = await getPersonById(db, url) if (person !== null) { return person } const actor = await get(url) if (!actor.type || ! { throw new Error('missing fields on Actor') } const properties = actor const sql = ` INSERT INTO actors (id, type, properties) VALUES (?, ?, ?) ` const { success, error } = await db .prepare(sql) .bind(, actor.type, JSON.stringify(properties)) .run() if (!success) { throw new Error('SQL error: ' + error) } return actor } export async function getPersonByEmail(db: D1Database, email: string): Promise { const stmt = db.prepare('SELECT * FROM actors WHERE email=? AND type=?').bind(email, PERSON) const { results } = await stmt.all() if (!results || results.length === 0) { return null } const row: any = results[0] return personFromRow(row) } type Properties = { [key: string]: Properties | string } export async function createPerson( domain: string, db: D1Database, userKEK: string, email: string, properties: Properties = {} ): Promise { const userKeyPair = await generateUserKey(userKEK) let privkey, salt // Since D1 and better-sqlite3 behaviors don't exactly match, presumable // because Buffer support is different in Node/Worker. We have to transform // the values depending on the platform. if (isTesting) { privkey = Buffer.from(userKeyPair.wrappedPrivKey) salt = Buffer.from(userKeyPair.salt) } else { privkey = [ Uint8Array(userKeyPair.wrappedPrivKey)] salt = [ Uint8Array(userKeyPair.salt)] } if (properties.preferredUsername === undefined) { const parts = email.split('@') properties.preferredUsername = parts[0] } if (properties.preferredUsername !== undefined && typeof properties.preferredUsername !== 'string') { throw new Error( `preferredUsername should be a string, received ${JSON.stringify(properties.preferredUsername)} instead` ) } const id = actorURL(domain, properties.preferredUsername).toString() const { success, error } = await db .prepare( 'INSERT INTO actors(id, type, email, pubkey, privkey, privkey_salt, properties) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)' ) .bind(id, PERSON, email, userKeyPair.pubKey, privkey, salt, JSON.stringify(properties)) .run() if (!success) { throw new Error('SQL error: ' + error) } return new URL(id) } export async function updateActorProperty(db: D1Database, actorId: URL, key: string, value: string) { const { success, error } = await db .prepare(`UPDATE actors SET properties=json_set(properties, '$.${key}', ?) WHERE id=?`) .bind(value, actorId.toString()) .run() if (!success) { throw new Error('SQL error: ' + error) } } export async function getPersonById(db: D1Database, id: URL): Promise { const stmt = db.prepare('SELECT * FROM actors WHERE id=? AND type=?').bind(id.toString(), PERSON) const { results } = await stmt.all() if (!results || results.length === 0) { return null } const row: any = results[0] return personFromRow(row) } export function personFromRow(row: any): Person { const icon: Object = { type: 'Image', mediaType: 'image/jpeg', url: new URL(defaultImages.avatar), id: new URL( + '#icon'), } const image: Object = { type: 'Image', mediaType: 'image/jpeg', url: new URL(defaultImages.header), id: new URL( + '#image'), } let publicKey = null if (row.pubkey !== null) { publicKey = { id: + '#main-key', owner:, publicKeyPem: row.pubkey, } } const id = new URL( let domain = id.hostname if (row.original_actor_id) { domain = new URL(row.original_actor_id).hostname } return { // Hidden values [emailSymbol]:, name: row.preferredUsername, icon, image, discoverable: true, publicKey, type: PERSON, id, published: new Date(row.cdate).toISOString(), inbox: inboxURL(, outbox: outboxURL(, following: followingURL(, followers: followersURL(, url: new URL('@' + row.preferredUsername, 'https://' + domain), // It's very possible that properties override the values set above. // Almost guaranteed for remote user. ...JSON.parse(, } }