import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test' test('View of custom emojis in an toots author display name', async ({ page, browserName }) => { test.skip( true, 'Qwik does no longer provide a way to mock the q-data request' + ' so this test needs to be skipped until we either come up with a way to mock the q-data' + ' or the custom emojis are implemented in the backend' ) // this page.route is a hack to mock the custom emojis since they haven't // yet been implemented in the backend (this should be not needed and removed // when those are implemented) test.skip( browserName !== 'chromium', "Only chromium seem to test this well, I suspect it's because of the page.route" ) await page.route('*/q-data.json', async (route) => { const response = await route.fetch() let body = await response.text() body = body.replace( /"emojis":\[\]/g, `"emojis": ${JSON.stringify([ { shortcode: 'verified', url: '', static_url: '', visible_in_picker: true, }, ])}` ) await route.fulfill({ response, body, }) }) await page.goto('') await page .locator('article') .filter({ hasText: 'George' }) .filter({ hasText: 'We did it!', }) .locator('i.fa-globe + span') .click() const customEmojiLocator = page .getByRole('link') .filter({ hasText: 'George' }) .getByTestId('account-display-name') .getByRole('img') await expect(customEmojiLocator).toBeVisible() await expect(customEmojiLocator).toHaveAttribute( 'src', '' ) })