
224 wiersze
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Czysty Zwykły widok Historia

// These are VERY rough at the moment. Need to comb over the
// api docs to identify optional and nullable fields.
// It might also be a good idea to use something like Zod and
// then generate or infer type definitions from the schemas
export type MastodonStatus = {
id: string
content: string
created_at: string
in_reply_to_id: string | null
in_reply_to_account_id: string | null
sensitive: boolean
spoiler_text: string
visibility: 'public' | 'private' | 'unlisted'
2023-01-11 21:42:46 +00:00
language: string | null
uri: string
url: string
replies_count: number
reblogs_count: number
favourites_count: number
edited_at: string | null
2023-01-11 21:42:46 +00:00
favourited?: boolean
reblogged?: boolean
muted?: boolean
bookmarked?: boolean
pinned?: boolean
filtered?: FilterResult[]
reblog: MastodonStatus | null
application?: Application | null
media_attachments: MediaAttachment[]
mentions: Mention[]
tags: Tag[]
emojis: Emoji[]
account: Account
card: Card
poll: Poll
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
-- TODO: We need to agree on the types to be used and replace the
following `any`s with proper types
type Emoji = any
type Card = any
type Poll = any
2023-01-11 21:42:46 +00:00
type FilterResult = any
/* eslint-enable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */
export type Account = {
id: string
username: string
acct: string
display_name: string
locked: boolean
bot: boolean
discoverable: boolean | null
group: boolean
created_at: string
note: string
url: string
avatar: string
avatar_static: string
header: string
header_static: string
followers_count: number
following_count: number
statuses_count: number
last_status_at: string
noindex?: boolean
emojis: Array<Emoji>
fields: AccountField[]
export type AccountField = {
name: string
value: string
verified_at: string | null
export type Mention = {
id: string
username: string
url: string
acct: string
export type Tag = {
name: string
url: string
export type Application = {
name: string
website: string | null
export type MediaAttachment = {
id: string
type: string
url: string
preview_url: string | null
remote_url: string | null
preview_remote_url: string | null
text_url: string | null
meta: {
original: MediaMeta
small: MediaMeta
focus?: Point
description: string | null
blurhash: string
export type MediaMeta = {
width: number
height: number
size?: string
aspect?: number
frame_rate?: string
duration?: number
bitrate?: number
export type Point = {
x: number
y: number
export type StatusContext = {
ancestors: MastodonStatus[]
descendants: MastodonStatus[]
export type InstanceDetails = {
domain: string
title: string
version: string
source_url: string
description: string
usage: { users: { active_month: number } }
thumbnail: InstanceThumbnail
languages: string[]
configuration: {
urls: Record<string, string>
accounts: { max_featured_tags: number }
statuses: {
max_characters: number
max_media_attachments: number
characters_reserved_per_url: number
media_attachments: {
supported_mime_types: string[]
image_size_limit: number
image_matrix_limit: number
video_size_limit: number
video_frame_rate_limit: number
video_matrix_limit: number
polls: {
max_options: number
max_characters_per_option: number
min_expiration: number
max_expiration: number
translation: { enabled: boolean }
registrations: {
enabled: boolean
approval_required: boolean
message: string | null
contact: {
email: string
account: Account
rules: InstanceRule[]
export type InstanceThumbnail = {
url: string
blurhash: string
versions: Record<string, string>
export type InstanceRule = {
id: string
text: string
export type TagDetails = {
name: string
url: string
history: History[]
export type MastodonLink = {
url: string
title: string
description: string
type: string
author_name: string
author_url: string
provider_name: string
provider_url: string
html: string
width: number
height: number
image: string
embed_url: string
blurhash: string
history: Array<History>
export type History = {
day: string
accounts: string
uses: string
export type WildebeestEnv = {
ACCESS_AUD: string