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# Contribute to Wildebeest
## Getting started
## Running tests
Run the API (backend) unit tests:
yarn test
Run the UI (frontend) integration tests:
yarn database:create-mock # this initializes a local test database
yarn test:ui
## Debugging locally
yarn database:create-mock # this initializes a local test database
yarn dev
If only working on the REST API endpoints this is sufficient.
Any changes to the `functions` directory and the files it imports will re-run the Pages build.
Changes to the UI code will not trigger a rebuild automatically.
To do so, run the following in second terminal:
yarn --cwd frontend watch
## Deploying
This is a Cloudflare Pages project and can be deployed directly from the command line using Wrangler.
First you must create and configure the Pages project and bindings (D1 database, KV namespace, etc).
### Initialization
Run the following command to create the Pages project and the D1 database in your account.
yarn deploy:init
You should see output like:
✅ Successfully created DB 'wildebeest'!
Add the following to your wrangler.toml to connect to it from a Worker:
[[ d1_databases ]]
binding = "DB" # i.e. available in your Worker on env.DB
database_name = "wildebeest"
database_id = "ddce04a1-fd51-40cb-be21-e899d70fb9f3"
Grab the database_id from the command line output and add it to the wrangler.toml file. Don't change the binding name in the wrangler.toml. It should stay as `DATABASE`.
Next go to the Pages dashboard and add the D1 database to the newly created Pages project. This can be found at
wildebeest->Settings->Functions->D1 database bindings->Add binding
Enter `DATABASE` for the variable name and select the `wildebeest` database from the dropdown.
### Environment variables
wildebeest expectes the Pages project to inject the following environment variables.
Secret used to encrypt user private key in the database:
API token for integration with Cloudflare services (Cloudflare Images for example):
### Deployment
Run the following command to deploy the current working directory to Cloudflare Pages:
yarn deploy