
297 wiersze
7.5 KiB

#ifndef WFMAIN_H
#define WFMAIN_H
#include <QtCore/QCoreApplication>
#include <QtCore/QDirIterator>
#include <QtCore/QStandardPaths>
#include <QThread>
#include <QString>
#include <QVector>
#include <QTimer>
#include <QSettings>
#include <QShortcut>
#include <QMetaType>
#include "logcategories.h"
#include "commhandler.h"
#include "rigcommander.h"
#include "rigstate.h"
#include "freqmemory.h"
#include "rigidentities.h"
#include "repeaterattributes.h"
#include "udpserver.h"
#include "rigctld.h"
#include "signal.h"
#include <qserialportinfo.h>
#include <deque>
#include <memory>
namespace Ui {
class wfmain;
class servermain : public QObject
servermain(const QString serialPortCL, const QString hostCL, const QString settingsFile);
QString serialPortCL;
QString hostCL;
// Basic to rig:
void setCIVAddr(unsigned char newRigCIVAddr);
void setRigID(unsigned char rigID);
void setRTSforPTT(bool enabled);
// Power
void sendPowerOn();
void sendPowerOff();
// Frequency, mode, band:
void getFrequency();
void setFrequency(unsigned char vfo, freqt freq);
void getMode();
void setMode(unsigned char modeIndex, unsigned char modeFilter);
void setMode(mode_info);
void setDataMode(bool dataOn, unsigned char filter);
void getDataMode();
void getModInput(bool dataOn);
void setModInput(rigInput input, bool dataOn);
void getBandStackReg(char band, char regCode);
void getDebug();
void getRitEnabled();
void getRitValue();
void setRitValue(int ritValue);
void setRitEnable(bool ritEnabled);
// Repeater:
void getDuplexMode();
void getTone();
void getTSQL();
void getDTCS();
void getRptAccessMode();
// Level get:
void getLevels(); // get all levels
void getRfGain();
void getAfGain();
void getSql();
void getIfShift();
void getTPBFInner();
void getTPBFOuter();
void getTxPower();
void getMicGain();
void getSpectrumRefLevel();
void getModInputLevel(rigInput input);
// Level set:
void setRfGain(unsigned char level);
void setAfGain(unsigned char level);
void setSql(unsigned char level);
void setIFShift(unsigned char level);
void setTPBFInner(unsigned char level);
void setTPBFOuter(unsigned char level);
void setIFShiftWindow(unsigned char level);
void setTPBFInnerWindow(unsigned char level);
void setTPBFOuterWindow(unsigned char level);
void setMicGain(unsigned char);
void setCompLevel(unsigned char);
void setTxPower(unsigned char);
void setMonitorLevel(unsigned char);
void setVoxGain(unsigned char);
void setAntiVoxGain(unsigned char);
void setSpectrumRefLevel(int);
void setModLevel(rigInput input, unsigned char level);
void setACCGain(unsigned char level);
void setACCAGain(unsigned char level);
void setACCBGain(unsigned char level);
void setUSBGain(unsigned char level);
void setLANGain(unsigned char level);
void getMeters(meterKind meter);
// PTT, ATU, ATT, Antenna, Preamp:
void getPTT();
void setPTT(bool pttOn);
void getAttenuator();
void getPreamp();
void getAntenna();
void setAttenuator(unsigned char att);
void setPreamp(unsigned char pre);
void setAntenna(unsigned char ant, bool rx);
void startATU();
void setATU(bool atuEnabled);
void getATUStatus();
// Time and date:
void setTime(timekind t);
void setDate(datekind d);
void setUTCOffset(timekind t);
void getRigID(); // this is the model of the rig
void getRigCIV(); // get the rig's CIV addr
void spectOutputEnable();
void spectOutputDisable();
void scopeDisplayEnable();
void scopeDisplayDisable();
void setScopeMode(spectrumMode spectMode);
void setScopeSpan(char span);
void setScopeEdge(char edge);
void setScopeFixedEdge(double startFreq, double endFreq, unsigned char edgeNumber);
void getScopeMode();
void getScopeEdge();
void getScopeSpan();
void sayFrequency();
void sayMode();
void sayAll();
void sendCommSetup(unsigned char rigCivAddr, QString rigSerialPort, quint32 rigBaudRate,QString vsp);
void sendCommSetup(unsigned char rigCivAddr, udpPreferences prefs, audioSetup rxSetup, audioSetup txSetup, QString vsp);
void sendCloseComm();
void sendChangeLatency(quint16 latency);
void initServer();
void sendRigCaps(rigCapabilities caps);
void requestRigState();
void stateUpdated();
private slots:
void receiveCommReady();
void receivePTTstatus(bool pttOn);
void receiveFoundRigID(rigCapabilities rigCaps);
void receiveSerialPortError(QString port, QString errorText);
void receiveBaudRate(quint32 baudrate);
void handlePttLimit();
void receiveStatusUpdate(networkStatus status);
void receiveStateInfo(rigstate* state);
QSettings *settings=Q_NULLPTR;
void loadSettings();
void openRig();
void powerRigOff();
void powerRigOn();
QStringList portList;
QString serialPortRig;
QTimer * delayedCommand;
QTimer * pttTimer;
uint16_t loopTickCounter;
uint16_t slowCmdNum;
QString lastMessage="";
void makeRig();
void removeRig();
void findSerialPort();
void setServerToPrefs();
void setInitialTiming();
void getSettingsFilePath(QString settingsFile);
QStringList modes;
int currentModeIndex;
QStringList spans;
QStringList edges;
QStringList commPorts;
quint16 spectWidth;
quint16 wfLength;
bool spectrumDrawLock;
QByteArray spectrumPeaks;
QVector <QByteArray> wfimage;
unsigned int wfLengthMax;
bool onFullscreen;
bool drawPeaks;
bool freqTextSelected;
void checkFreqSel();
double oldLowerFreq;
double oldUpperFreq;
freqt freq;
float tsKnobMHz;
unsigned char setModeVal=0;
unsigned char setFilterVal=0;
bool usingLAN = false;
struct preferences {
unsigned char radioCIVAddr;
bool CIVisRadioModel;
bool forceRTSasPTT;
QString serialPortRadio;
quint32 serialPortBaud;
unsigned char localAFgain;
audioSetup rxAudio;
audioSetup txAudio;
rigCapabilities rigCaps;
bool haveRigCaps = false;
} prefs;
preferences defPrefs;
udpPreferences udpPrefs;
udpPreferences udpDefPrefs;
// Configuration for audio output and input.
audioSetup rxSetup;
audioSetup txSetup;
audioSetup serverRxSetup;
audioSetup serverTxSetup;
void setDefPrefs(); // populate default values to default prefs
bool amTransmitting;
bool usingDataMode = false;
unsigned char micGain=0;
unsigned char accAGain=0;
unsigned char accBGain=0;
unsigned char accGain=0;
unsigned char usbGain=0;
unsigned char lanGain=0;
udpServer* udp = Q_NULLPTR;
rigCtlD* rigCtl = Q_NULLPTR;
QThread* serverThread = Q_NULLPTR;
rigstate* rigState = Q_NULLPTR;
SERVERCONFIG serverConfig;
Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(struct rigCapabilities)
Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(struct freqt)
Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(struct mode_info)
Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(struct udpPreferences)
Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(struct audioPacket)
Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(struct audioSetup)
Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(struct timekind)
Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(struct datekind)
Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(enum meterKind)
Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(enum spectrumMode)
#endif // WFMAIN_H