
722 wiersze
25 KiB

#include "servermain.h"
#include "commhandler.h"
#include "rigidentities.h"
#include "logcategories.h"
#include <iostream>
// This code is copyright 2017-2020 Elliott H. Liggett
// All rights reserved
servermain::servermain(const QString serialPortCL, const QString hostCL, const QString settingsFile)
this->serialPortCL = serialPortCL;
this->hostCL = hostCL;
qRegisterMetaType <udpPreferences>(); // Needs to be registered early.
qRegisterMetaType <rigCapabilities>();
qRegisterMetaType <duplexMode>();
qRegisterMetaType <rptAccessTxRx>();
qRegisterMetaType <rigInput>();
qRegisterMetaType <meterKind>();
qRegisterMetaType <spectrumMode>();
qRegisterMetaType <freqt>();
qRegisterMetaType <mode_info>();
qRegisterMetaType <audioPacket>();
qRegisterMetaType <audioSetup>();
qRegisterMetaType <SERVERCONFIG>();
qRegisterMetaType <timekind>();
qRegisterMetaType <datekind>();
loadSettings(); // Look for saved preferences
amTransmitting = false;
for (RIGCONFIG* radio : serverConfig.rigs)
if (radio->rigThread != Q_NULLPTR)
delete radio; // This has been created by new in loadSettings();
if (serverThread != Q_NULLPTR) {
delete settings;
#if defined(PORTAUDIO)
void servermain::openRig()
// This function is intended to handle opening a connection to the rig.
// the connection can be either serial or network,
// and this function is also responsible for initiating the search for a rig model and capabilities.
// Any errors, such as unable to open connection or unable to open port, are to be reported to the user.
for (RIGCONFIG* radio : serverConfig.rigs)
//qInfo(logSystem()) << "Opening rig";
if (radio->rigThread != Q_NULLPTR)
//qInfo(logSystem()) << "Got rig";
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(radio->rig, [=]() {
radio->rig->commSetup(radio->civAddr, radio->serialPort, radio->baudRate, QString("none"));
}, Qt::QueuedConnection);
void servermain::makeRig()
for (RIGCONFIG* radio : serverConfig.rigs)
if (radio->rigThread == Q_NULLPTR)
qInfo(logSystem()) << "Creating new rigThread()";
radio->rig = new rigCommander(radio->guid);
radio->rigThread = new QThread(this);
// Thread:
connect(radio->rigThread, SIGNAL(started()), radio->rig, SLOT(process()));
connect(radio->rigThread, SIGNAL(finished()), radio->rig, SLOT(deleteLater()));
// Rig status and Errors:
connect(radio->rig, SIGNAL(haveSerialPortError(QString, QString)), this, SLOT(receiveSerialPortError(QString, QString)));
connect(radio->rig, SIGNAL(haveStatusUpdate(networkStatus)), this, SLOT(receiveStatusUpdate(networkStatus)));
// Rig comm setup:
//connect(this, SIGNAL(sendCommSetup(unsigned char, udpPreferences, audioSetup, audioSetup, QString)), radio->rig, SLOT(commSetup(unsigned char, udpPreferences, audioSetup, audioSetup, QString)));
//connect(this, SIGNAL(sendCommSetup(unsigned char, QString, quint32, QString)), radio->rig, SLOT(commSetup(unsigned char, QString, quint32, QString)));
connect(this, SIGNAL(setRTSforPTT(bool)), radio->rig, SLOT(setRTSforPTT(bool)));
connect(radio->rig, SIGNAL(haveBaudRate(quint32)), this, SLOT(receiveBaudRate(quint32)));
connect(this, SIGNAL(sendCloseComm()), radio->rig, SLOT(closeComm()));
connect(this, SIGNAL(sendChangeLatency(quint16)), radio->rig, SLOT(changeLatency(quint16)));
//connect(this, SIGNAL(getRigCIV()), radio->rig, SLOT(findRigs()));
//connect(this, SIGNAL(setRigID(unsigned char)), radio->rig, SLOT(setRigID(unsigned char)));
connect(radio->rig, SIGNAL(discoveredRigID(rigCapabilities)), this, SLOT(receiveFoundRigID(rigCapabilities)));
connect(radio->rig, SIGNAL(commReady()), this, SLOT(receiveCommReady()));
connect(this, SIGNAL(requestRigState()), radio->rig, SLOT(sendState()));
connect(this, SIGNAL(stateUpdated()), radio->rig, SLOT(stateUpdated()));
connect(radio->rig, SIGNAL(stateInfo(rigstate*)), this, SLOT(receiveStateInfo(rigstate*)));
//Other connections
connect(this, SIGNAL(setCIVAddr(unsigned char)), radio->rig, SLOT(setCIVAddr(unsigned char)));
connect(radio->rig, SIGNAL(havePTTStatus(bool)), this, SLOT(receivePTTstatus(bool)));
connect(this, SIGNAL(setPTT(bool)), radio->rig, SLOT(setPTT(bool)));
connect(this, SIGNAL(getPTT()), radio->rig, SLOT(getPTT()));
connect(this, SIGNAL(getDebug()), radio->rig, SLOT(getDebug()));
if (radio->rigThread->isRunning()) {
qInfo(logSystem()) << "Rig thread is running";
else {
qInfo(logSystem()) << "Rig thread is not running";
void servermain::removeRig()
for (RIGCONFIG* radio : serverConfig.rigs)
if (radio->rigThread != Q_NULLPTR)
delete radio->rigThread;
delete radio->rig;
radio->rig = Q_NULLPTR;
void servermain::findSerialPort()
// Find the ICOM radio connected, or, if none, fall back to OS default.
// qInfo(logSystem()) << "Searching for serial port...";
QDirIterator it73("/dev/serial/by-id", QStringList() << "*IC-7300*", QDir::Files, QDirIterator::Subdirectories);
QDirIterator it97("/dev/serial", QStringList() << "*IC-9700*A*", QDir::Files, QDirIterator::Subdirectories);
QDirIterator it785x("/dev/serial", QStringList() << "*IC-785*A*", QDir::Files, QDirIterator::Subdirectories);
QDirIterator it705("/dev/serial", QStringList() << "*IC-705*A", QDir::Files, QDirIterator::Subdirectories);
QDirIterator it7610("/dev/serial", QStringList() << "*IC-7610*A", QDir::Files, QDirIterator::Subdirectories);
QDirIterator itR8600("/dev/serial", QStringList() << "*IC-R8600*A", QDir::Files, QDirIterator::Subdirectories);
// IC-7300
serialPortRig = it73.filePath(); // first
} else if(!it97.filePath().isEmpty())
// IC-9700
serialPortRig = it97.filePath();
} else if(!it785x.filePath().isEmpty())
// IC-785x
serialPortRig = it785x.filePath();
} else if(!it705.filePath().isEmpty())
// IC-705
serialPortRig = it705.filePath();
} else if(!it7610.filePath().isEmpty())
// IC-7610
serialPortRig = it7610.filePath();
} else if(!itR8600.filePath().isEmpty())
// IC-R8600
serialPortRig = itR8600.filePath();
} else {
//fall back:
qInfo(logSystem()) << "Could not find Icom serial port. Falling back to OS default. Use --port to specify, or modify preferences.";
#ifdef Q_OS_MAC
serialPortRig = QString("/dev/tty.SLAB_USBtoUART");
#ifdef Q_OS_LINUX
serialPortRig = QString("/dev/ttyUSB0");
#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
serialPortRig = QString("COM1");
void servermain::receiveStatusUpdate(networkStatus status)
if (status.message != lastMessage) {
std::cout << status.message.toLocal8Bit().toStdString() << "\n";
lastMessage = status.message;
void servermain::receiveCommReady()
rigCommander* sender = qobject_cast<rigCommander*>(QObject::sender());
// Use the GUID to determine which radio the response is from
for (RIGCONFIG* radio : serverConfig.rigs)
if (sender != Q_NULLPTR && radio->rig != Q_NULLPTR && !memcmp(sender->getGUID(), radio->guid, GUIDLEN))
qInfo(logSystem()) << "Received CommReady!! ";
if (radio->civAddr == 0)
// tell rigCommander to broadcast a request for all rig IDs.
// qInfo(logSystem()) << "Beginning search from wfview for rigCIV (auto-detection broadcast)";
if (!radio->rigAvailable) {
if (radio->connectTimer == Q_NULLPTR) {
radio->connectTimer = new QTimer();
connect(radio->connectTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, std::bind(&servermain::connectToRig, this, radio));
else {
// don't bother, they told us the CIV they want, stick with it.
// We still query the rigID to find the model, but at least we know the CIV.
qInfo(logSystem()) << "Skipping automatic CIV, using user-supplied value of " << radio->civAddr;
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(radio->rig, [=]() {
}, Qt::QueuedConnection);
void servermain::connectToRig(RIGCONFIG* rig)
if (!rig->rigAvailable) {
//qDebug(logSystem()) << "Searching for rig on" << rig->serialPort;
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(rig->rig, [=]() {
}, Qt::QueuedConnection);
else {
void servermain::receiveFoundRigID(rigCapabilities rigCaps)
// Entry point for unknown rig being identified at the start of the program.
//now we know what the rig ID is:
rigCommander* sender = qobject_cast<rigCommander*>(QObject::sender());
// Use the GUID to determine which radio the response is from
for (RIGCONFIG* radio : serverConfig.rigs)
if (sender != Q_NULLPTR && radio->rig != Q_NULLPTR && !radio->rigAvailable && !memcmp(sender->getGUID(), radio->guid, GUIDLEN))
qDebug(logSystem()) << "Rig name: " << rigCaps.modelName;
qDebug(logSystem()) << "Has LAN capabilities: " << rigCaps.hasLan;
qDebug(logSystem()) << "Rig ID received into servermain: spectLenMax: " << rigCaps.spectLenMax;
qDebug(logSystem()) << "Rig ID received into servermain: spectAmpMax: " << rigCaps.spectAmpMax;
qDebug(logSystem()) << "Rig ID received into servermain: spectSeqMax: " << rigCaps.spectSeqMax;
qDebug(logSystem()) << "Rig ID received into servermain: hasSpectrum: " << rigCaps.hasSpectrum;
qDebug(logSystem()).noquote() << QString("Rig ID received into servermain: GUID: {%1%2%3%4-%5%6-%7%8-%9%10-%11%12%13%14%15%16}")
.arg(rigCaps.guid[0], 2, 16, QLatin1Char('0'))
.arg(rigCaps.guid[1], 2, 16, QLatin1Char('0'))
.arg(rigCaps.guid[2], 2, 16, QLatin1Char('0'))
.arg(rigCaps.guid[3], 2, 16, QLatin1Char('0'))
.arg(rigCaps.guid[4], 2, 16, QLatin1Char('0'))
.arg(rigCaps.guid[5], 2, 16, QLatin1Char('0'))
.arg(rigCaps.guid[6], 2, 16, QLatin1Char('0'))
.arg(rigCaps.guid[7], 2, 16, QLatin1Char('0'))
.arg(rigCaps.guid[8], 2, 16, QLatin1Char('0'))
.arg(rigCaps.guid[9], 2, 16, QLatin1Char('0'))
.arg(rigCaps.guid[10], 2, 16, QLatin1Char('0'))
.arg(rigCaps.guid[11], 2, 16, QLatin1Char('0'))
.arg(rigCaps.guid[12], 2, 16, QLatin1Char('0'))
.arg(rigCaps.guid[13], 2, 16, QLatin1Char('0'))
.arg(rigCaps.guid[14], 2, 16, QLatin1Char('0'))
.arg(rigCaps.guid[15], 2, 16, QLatin1Char('0'))
radio->rigCaps = rigCaps;
// Added so that server receives rig capabilities.
emit sendRigCaps(rigCaps);
void servermain::receiveSerialPortError(QString port, QString errorText)
qInfo(logSystem()) << "servermain: received serial port error for port: " << port << " with message: " << errorText;
// TODO: Dialog box, exit, etc
void servermain::getSettingsFilePath(QString settingsFile)
if (settingsFile.isNull()) {
settings = new QSettings();
QString file = settingsFile;
QFile info(settingsFile);
QString path="";
if (!QFileInfo(info).isAbsolute())
path = QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::AppDataLocation);
if (path.isEmpty())
path = QDir::homePath();
path = path + "/";
file = info.fileName();
qInfo(logSystem()) << "Loading settings from:" << path + file;
settings = new QSettings(path + file, QSettings::Format::IniFormat);
void servermain::setInitialTiming()
loopTickCounter = 0;
pttTimer = new QTimer(this);
pttTimer->setInterval(180*1000); // 3 minute max transmit time in ms
connect(pttTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(handlePttLimit()));
void servermain::setServerToPrefs()
// Start server if enabled in config
if (serverThread != Q_NULLPTR) {
serverThread = Q_NULLPTR;
udp = Q_NULLPTR;
udp = new udpServer(serverConfig, serverTxSetup, serverRxSetup);
serverThread = new QThread(this);
connect(this, SIGNAL(initServer()), udp, SLOT(init()));
connect(serverThread, SIGNAL(finished()), udp, SLOT(deleteLater()));
// Step through all radios and connect them to the server,
// server will then use GUID to determine which actual radio it belongs to.
for (RIGCONFIG* radio : serverConfig.rigs)
if (radio->rigThread != Q_NULLPTR)
if (radio->rig != Q_NULLPTR) {
connect(radio->rig, SIGNAL(haveAudioData(audioPacket)), udp, SLOT(receiveAudioData(audioPacket)));
connect(radio->rig, SIGNAL(haveDataForServer(QByteArray)), udp, SLOT(dataForServer(QByteArray)));
//connect(udp, SIGNAL(haveDataFromServer(QByteArray)), radio->rig, SLOT(dataFromServer(QByteArray)));
connect(this, SIGNAL(sendRigCaps(rigCapabilities)), udp, SLOT(receiveRigCaps(rigCapabilities)));
connect(udp, SIGNAL(haveNetworkStatus(networkStatus)), this, SLOT(receiveStatusUpdate(networkStatus)));
emit initServer();
void servermain::setDefPrefs()
defPrefs.radioCIVAddr = 0x00; // previously was 0x94 for 7300.
defPrefs.CIVisRadioModel = false;
defPrefs.forceRTSasPTT = false;
defPrefs.serialPortRadio = QString("auto");
defPrefs.serialPortBaud = 115200;
defPrefs.localAFgain = 255;
udpDefPrefs.ipAddress = QString("");
udpDefPrefs.controlLANPort = 50001;
udpDefPrefs.serialLANPort = 50002;
udpDefPrefs.audioLANPort = 50003;
udpDefPrefs.username = QString("");
udpDefPrefs.password = QString("");
udpDefPrefs.clientName = QHostInfo::localHostName();
void servermain::loadSettings()
qInfo(logSystem()) << "Loading settings from " << settings->fileName();
int numRadios=settings->beginReadArray("Radios");
int tempNum = numRadios;
if (numRadios == 0) {
numRadios = 1;
#if defined(RTAUDIO)
#if defined(Q_OS_LINUX)
RtAudio* audio = new RtAudio(RtAudio::Api::LINUX_ALSA);
#elif defined(Q_OS_WIN)
RtAudio* audio = new RtAudio(RtAudio::Api::WINDOWS_WASAPI);
#elif defined(Q_OS_MACX)
RtAudio* audio = new RtAudio(RtAudio::Api::MACOSX_CORE);
// Enumerate audio devices, need to do before settings are loaded.
std::map<int, std::string> apiMap;
apiMap[RtAudio::MACOSX_CORE] = "OS-X Core Audio";
apiMap[RtAudio::WINDOWS_ASIO] = "Windows ASIO";
apiMap[RtAudio::WINDOWS_DS] = "Windows DirectSound";
apiMap[RtAudio::WINDOWS_WASAPI] = "Windows WASAPI";
apiMap[RtAudio::UNIX_JACK] = "Jack Client";
apiMap[RtAudio::LINUX_ALSA] = "Linux ALSA";
apiMap[RtAudio::LINUX_PULSE] = "Linux PulseAudio";
apiMap[RtAudio::LINUX_OSS] = "Linux OSS";
apiMap[RtAudio::RTAUDIO_DUMMY] = "RtAudio Dummy";
std::vector< RtAudio::Api > apis;
qInfo(logAudio()) << "RtAudio Version " << QString::fromStdString(RtAudio::getVersion());
qInfo(logAudio()) << "Compiled APIs:";
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < apis.size(); i++) {
qInfo(logAudio()) << " " << QString::fromStdString(apiMap[apis[i]]);
RtAudio::DeviceInfo info;
qInfo(logAudio()) << "Current API: " << QString::fromStdString(apiMap[audio->getCurrentApi()]);
unsigned int devices = audio->getDeviceCount();
qInfo(logAudio()) << "Found " << devices << " audio device(s) *=default";
#elif defined(PORTAUDIO)
// Use PortAudio device enumeration
PaError err;
err = Pa_Initialize();
if (err != paNoError)
qInfo(logAudio()) << "ERROR: Cannot initialize Portaudio";
qInfo(logAudio()) << "PortAudio version: " << Pa_GetVersionInfo()->versionText;
int numDevices;
numDevices = Pa_GetDeviceCount();
qInfo(logAudio()) << "Pa_CountDevices returned" << numDevices;
const PaDeviceInfo* info;
const auto audioOutputs = QAudioDeviceInfo::availableDevices(QAudio::AudioOutput);
const auto audioInputs = QAudioDeviceInfo::availableDevices(QAudio::AudioInput);
for (int i = 0; i < numRadios; i++) {
if (tempNum == 0) {
else {
RIGCONFIG* tempPrefs = new RIGCONFIG();
tempPrefs->civAddr = (unsigned char)settings->value("RigCIVuInt", defPrefs.radioCIVAddr).toInt();
tempPrefs->forceRTSasPTT = (bool)settings->value("ForceRTSasPTT", defPrefs.forceRTSasPTT).toBool();
tempPrefs->serialPort = settings->value("SerialPortRadio", defPrefs.serialPortRadio).toString();
tempPrefs->rigName = settings->value("RigName", "<NONE>").toString();
tempPrefs->baudRate = (quint32)settings->value("SerialPortBaud", defPrefs.serialPortBaud).toInt();
if (tempPrefs->rigName=="<NONE>")
foreach(const QSerialPortInfo & serialPortInfo, QSerialPortInfo::availablePorts())
//qInfo(logSystem()) << "Serial Port found: " << serialPortInfo.portName() << "Manufacturer:" << serialPortInfo.manufacturer() << "Product ID" << serialPortInfo.description() << "S/N" << serialPortInfo.serialNumber();
if (serialPortInfo.portName() == tempPrefs->serialPort && !serialPortInfo.serialNumber().isEmpty())
tempPrefs->rigName = serialPortInfo.serialNumber();
QString guid = settings->value("GUID", "").toString();
if (guid.isEmpty()) {
guid = QUuid::createUuid().toString();
settings->setValue("GUID", guid);
memcpy(tempPrefs->guid, QUuid::fromString(guid).toRfc4122().constData(), GUIDLEN);
tempPrefs->rxAudioSetup.isinput = true;
tempPrefs->txAudioSetup.isinput = false;
tempPrefs->rxAudioSetup.localAFgain = 255;
tempPrefs->txAudioSetup.localAFgain = 255;
tempPrefs->rxAudioSetup.resampleQuality = 4;
tempPrefs->txAudioSetup.resampleQuality = 4;
tempPrefs-> = settings->value("AudioInput", "").toString();
tempPrefs-> = settings->value("AudioOutput", "").toString();
bool rxDeviceFound = false;
bool txDeviceFound = false;
// Find the actual audio devices
#if defined(RTAUDIO)
for (unsigned int i = 1; i < devices; i++) {
info = audio->getDeviceInfo(i);
if (info.outputChannels > 0) {
if (tempPrefs-> == info->name) {
tempPrefs->txAudioSetup.port = i;
txDeviceFound = true;
if (info.inputChannels > 0) {
if (tempPrefs-> == info->name) {
tempPrefs->rxAudioSetup.port = i;
rxDeviceFound = true;
#elif defined(PORTAUDIO)
for (int i = 0; i < numDevices; i++)
info = Pa_GetDeviceInfo(i);
if (info->maxInputChannels > 0) {
if (tempPrefs-> == info->name) {
tempPrefs->txAudioSetup.port = i;
txDeviceFound = true;
if (info->maxOutputChannels > 0) {
if (tempPrefs-> == info->name) {
tempPrefs->rxAudioSetup.port = i;
rxDeviceFound = true;
/* If no external library is configured, use QTMultimedia
// Set these to default audio devices initially.
//qInfo(logAudio()) << "Looking for audio output devices";
for (const QAudioDeviceInfo& deviceInfo : audioOutputs) {
if (deviceInfo.deviceName() == tempPrefs->
#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
&& deviceInfo.realm() == "wasapi"
) {
qDebug(logSystem()) << "Audio output: " << deviceInfo.deviceName();
tempPrefs->txAudioSetup.port = deviceInfo;
txDeviceFound = true;
//qInfo(logAudio()) << "Looking for audio input devices";
for (const QAudioDeviceInfo& deviceInfo : audioInputs) {
if (deviceInfo.deviceName() == tempPrefs->
#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
&& deviceInfo.realm() == "wasapi"
) {
qDebug(logSystem()) << "Audio input: " << deviceInfo.deviceName();
tempPrefs->rxAudioSetup.port = deviceInfo;
rxDeviceFound = true;
if (!txDeviceFound) {
qInfo() << "Cannot find txAudioDevice" << tempPrefs->;
if (!rxDeviceFound) {
qInfo() << "Cannot find rxAudioDevice" << tempPrefs->;
tempPrefs->rig = Q_NULLPTR;
tempPrefs->rigThread = Q_NULLPTR;
if (tempNum == 0) {
if (tempNum > 0) {
serverConfig.enabled = settings->value("ServerEnabled", false).toBool();
serverConfig.controlPort = settings->value("ServerControlPort", 50001).toInt();
serverConfig.civPort = settings->value("ServerCivPort", 50002).toInt();
serverConfig.audioPort = settings->value("ServerAudioPort", 50003).toInt();
int numUsers = settings->beginReadArray("Users");
if (numUsers > 0) {
for (int f = 0; f < numUsers; f++)
user.username = settings->value("Username", "").toString();
user.password = settings->value("Password", "").toString();
user.userType = settings->value("UserType", 0).toInt();
else {
/* Support old way of storing users just to get them loaded*/
numUsers = settings->value("ServerNumUsers", 2).toInt();
for (int f = 0; f < numUsers; f++)
user.username = settings->value("ServerUsername_" + QString::number(f), "").toString();
user.password = settings->value("ServerPassword_" + QString::number(f), "").toString();
user.userType = settings->value("ServerUserType_" + QString::number(f), 0).toInt();
#if defined(RTAUDIO)
delete audio;
void servermain::receivePTTstatus(bool pttOn)
// This is the only place where amTransmitting and the transmit button text should be changed:
//qInfo(logSystem()) << "PTT status: " << pttOn;
amTransmitting = pttOn;
void servermain::handlePttLimit()
// ptt time exceeded!
std::cout << "Transmit timeout at 3 minutes. Sending PTT OFF command now.\n";
emit setPTT(false);
emit getPTT();
void servermain::receiveBaudRate(quint32 baud)
qInfo() << "Received serial port baud rate from remote server:" << baud;
prefs.serialPortBaud = baud;
void servermain::powerRigOn()
emit sendPowerOn();
void servermain::powerRigOff()
emit sendPowerOff();
void servermain::receiveStateInfo(rigstate* state)
qInfo("Received rig state for wfmain");
//rigState = state;