
126 wiersze
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#ifndef usbController_H
#define usbController_H
#include <iostream>
#include <QThread>
#include <QCoreApplication>
#include <QTimer>
#include <QDateTime>
#include <QRect>
#include <QGraphicsTextItem>
#include <QColor>
#include <QVector>
#include <QGamepad>
#ifndef Q_OS_WIN
#include "hidapi/hidapi.h"
#include "hidapi.h"
#ifndef Q_OS_WIN
//Headers needed for sleeping.
#include <unistd.h>
// Include these so we have the various enums
#include "rigidentities.h"
using namespace std;
#define MAX_STR 255
enum commandType {normal,bandswitch,modeswitch};
struct COMMAND {
COMMAND(int index, QString text, int command, char suffix) :
index(index), text(text), command(command), suffix(suffix), type(normal){}
COMMAND(int index, QString text, int command, bandType band) :
index(index), text(text), command(command), band(band), type(bandswitch) {}
COMMAND(int index, QString text, int command, mode_kind mode) :
index(index), text(text), command(command), mode(mode), type(modeswitch) {}
int index;
QString text;
int command;
unsigned char suffix;
bandType band;
mode_kind mode;
commandType type;
struct BUTTON {
BUTTON(quint8 dev, int num, QRect pos, const QColor textColour, COMMAND* on, COMMAND* off) :
dev(dev), num(num), pos(pos), textColour(textColour), onCommand(on),offCommand(off) {}
quint8 dev;
int num;
QRect pos;
QColor textColour;
int onEvent = 0;
int offEvent = 0;
const COMMAND* onCommand=Q_NULLPTR;
const COMMAND* offCommand=Q_NULLPTR;
QGraphicsTextItem* onText;
QGraphicsTextItem* offText;
class usbController : public QObject
int hidApiWrite(unsigned char* data, unsigned char length);
public slots:
void init();
void run();
void runTimer();
void ledControl(bool on, unsigned char num);
void receiveCommands(QVector<COMMAND>*);
void receiveButtons(QVector<BUTTON>*);
void jogPlus();
void jogMinus();
void sendJog(int counter);
void doShuttle(bool plus, quint8 level);
void setBand(int band);
void button(const COMMAND* cmd);
void newDevice(unsigned char devType, QVector<BUTTON>* but,QVector<COMMAND>* cmd);
hid_device* handle;
enum { NONE=0, shuttleXpress, shuttlePro2, RC28, xBoxGamepad, unknownGamepad }usbDevice;
bool isOpen=false;
unsigned int buttons=0;
unsigned char jogpos=0;
unsigned char shutpos=0;
unsigned char shutMult = 0;
int jogCounter = 0;
QTime lastusbController = QTime::currentTime();
QByteArray lastData="";
unsigned char lastDialPos=0;
QVector<BUTTON>* buttonList;
QVector<COMMAND>* commands = Q_NULLPTR;
QString product="";
QString manufacturer="";
QString serial="<none>";
QGamepad* gamepad=Q_NULLPTR;
void buttonState(char but, bool val);