#include "wfmain.h" #include "ui_wfmain.h" #include "commhandler.h" #include "rigidentities.h" // This code is copyright 2017-2020 Elliott H. Liggett // All rights reserved wfmain::wfmain(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent), ui(new Ui::wfmain) { QGuiApplication::setApplicationDisplayName("wfview"); QGuiApplication::setApplicationName(QString("wfview")); setWindowIcon(QIcon( QString(":resources/wfview.png"))); ui->setupUi(this); theParent = parent; setWindowTitle(QString("wfview")); ui->bandStkLastUsedBtn->setVisible(false); ui->bandStkVoiceBtn->setVisible(false); ui->bandStkDataBtn->setVisible(false); ui->bandStkCWBtn->setVisible(false); keyF1 = new QShortcut(this); keyF1->setKey(Qt::Key_F1); connect(keyF1, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(shortcutF1())); keyF2 = new QShortcut(this); keyF2->setKey(Qt::Key_F2); connect(keyF2, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(shortcutF2())); keyF3 = new QShortcut(this); keyF3->setKey(Qt::Key_F3); connect(keyF3, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(shortcutF3())); keyF4 = new QShortcut(this); keyF4->setKey(Qt::Key_F4); connect(keyF4, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(shortcutF4())); keyF5 = new QShortcut(this); keyF5->setKey(Qt::Key_F5); connect(keyF5, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(shortcutF5())); keyF6 = new QShortcut(this); keyF6->setKey(Qt::Key_F6); connect(keyF6, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(shortcutF6())); keyF7 = new QShortcut(this); keyF7->setKey(Qt::Key_F7); connect(keyF7, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(shortcutF7())); keyF8 = new QShortcut(this); keyF8->setKey(Qt::Key_F8); connect(keyF8, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(shortcutF8())); keyF9 = new QShortcut(this); keyF9->setKey(Qt::Key_F9); connect(keyF9, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(shortcutF9())); keyF10 = new QShortcut(this); keyF10->setKey(Qt::Key_F10); connect(keyF10, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(shortcutF10())); keyF11 = new QShortcut(this); keyF11->setKey(Qt::Key_F11); connect(keyF11, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(shortcutF11())); keyF12 = new QShortcut(this); keyF12->setKey(Qt::Key_F12); connect(keyF12, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(shortcutF12())); keyControlT = new QShortcut(this); keyControlT->setKey(Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_T); connect(keyControlT, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(shortcutControlT())); keyControlR = new QShortcut(this); keyControlR->setKey(Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_R); connect(keyControlR, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(shortcutControlR())); keyControlI = new QShortcut(this); keyControlI->setKey(Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_I); connect(keyControlI, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(shortcutControlI())); keyControlU = new QShortcut(this); keyControlU->setKey(Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_U); connect(keyControlU, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(shortcutControlU())); keyStar = new QShortcut(this); keyStar->setKey(Qt::Key_Asterisk); connect(keyStar, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(shortcutStar())); keySlash = new QShortcut(this); keySlash->setKey(Qt::Key_Slash); connect(keySlash, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(shortcutSlash())); keyMinus = new QShortcut(this); keyMinus->setKey(Qt::Key_Minus); connect(keyMinus, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(shortcutMinus())); keyPlus = new QShortcut(this); keyPlus->setKey(Qt::Key_Plus); connect(keyPlus, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(shortcutPlus())); keyShiftMinus = new QShortcut(this); keyShiftMinus->setKey(Qt::SHIFT + Qt::Key_Minus); connect(keyShiftMinus, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(shortcutShiftMinus())); keyShiftPlus = new QShortcut(this); keyShiftPlus->setKey(Qt::SHIFT + Qt::Key_Plus); connect(keyShiftPlus, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(shortcutShiftPlus())); keyControlMinus = new QShortcut(this); keyControlMinus->setKey(Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_Minus); connect(keyControlMinus, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(shortcutControlMinus())); keyControlPlus = new QShortcut(this); keyControlPlus->setKey(Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_Plus); connect(keyControlPlus, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(shortcutControlPlus())); keyQuit = new QShortcut(this); keyQuit->setKey(Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_Q); connect(keyQuit, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(on_exitBtn_clicked())); keyPageUp = new QShortcut(this); keyPageUp->setKey(Qt::Key_PageUp); connect(keyPageUp, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(shortcutPageUp())); keyPageDown = new QShortcut(this); keyPageDown->setKey(Qt::Key_PageDown); connect(keyPageDown, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(shortcutPageDown())); keyF = new QShortcut(this); keyF->setKey(Qt::Key_F); connect(keyF, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(shortcutF())); keyM = new QShortcut(this); keyM->setKey(Qt::Key_M); connect(keyM, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(shortcutM())); setDefaultColors(); // set of UI colors with defaults populated setDefPrefs(); // other default options loadSettings(); // Look for saved preferences // if setting for serial port is "auto" then... if(prefs.serialPortRadio == QString("auto")) { // Find the ICOM IC-7300. qDebug() << "Searching for serial port..."; QDirIterator it("/dev/serial", QStringList() << "*IC-7300*", QDir::Files, QDirIterator::Subdirectories); while (it.hasNext()) qDebug() << it.next(); // if (it.isEmpty()) // fail or default to ttyUSB0 if present // iterator might not make sense serialPortRig = it.filePath(); // first? last? if(serialPortRig.isEmpty()) { qDebug() << "Cannot find IC-7300 serial port. Trying /dev/ttyUSB0"; serialPortRig = QString("/dev/ttyUSB0"); } // end finding the 7300 code } else { serialPortRig = prefs.serialPortRadio; } plot = ui->plot; // rename it waterfall. wf = ui->waterfall; tracer = new QCPItemTracer(plot); //tracer->setGraphKey(5.5); tracer->setInterpolating(true); tracer->setStyle(QCPItemTracer::tsCrosshair); tracer->setPen(QPen(Qt::green)); tracer->setBrush(Qt::green); tracer->setSize(30); spectWidth = 475; // fixed for now wfLength = 160; // fixed for now // Initialize before use! QByteArray empty((int)spectWidth, '\x01'); spectrumPeaks = QByteArray( (int)spectWidth, '\x01' ); for(quint16 i=0; imodeSelectCombo->insertItems(0, modes); spans << "2.5k" << "5.0k" << "10k" << "25k"; spans << "50k" << "100k" << "250k" << "500k"; ui->scopeBWCombo->insertItems(0, spans); edges << "1" << "2" << "3"; // yep ui->scopeEdgeCombo->insertItems(0,edges); ui->splitter->setHandleWidth(5); ui->statusBar->showMessage("Ready", 2000); rig = new rigCommander(prefs.radioCIVAddr, serialPortRig, prefs.serialPortBaud); rigThread = new QThread(this); rig->moveToThread(rigThread); connect(rigThread, SIGNAL(started()), rig, SLOT(process())); connect(rig, SIGNAL(finished()), rigThread, SLOT(quit())); rigThread->start(); connect(rig, SIGNAL(haveFrequency(double)), this, SLOT(receiveFreq(double))); connect(this, SIGNAL(getFrequency()), rig, SLOT(getFrequency())); connect(this, SIGNAL(getMode()), rig, SLOT(getMode())); connect(this, SIGNAL(getDataMode()), rig, SLOT(getDataMode())); connect(this, SIGNAL(setDataMode(bool)), rig, SLOT(setDataMode(bool))); connect(this, SIGNAL(getBandStackReg(char,char)), rig, SLOT(getBandStackReg(char,char))); connect(rig, SIGNAL(havePTTStatus(bool)), this, SLOT(receivePTTstatus(bool))); connect(this, SIGNAL(setPTT(bool)), rig, SLOT(setPTT(bool))); connect(rig, SIGNAL(haveBandStackReg(float,char,bool)), this, SLOT(receiveBandStackReg(float,char,bool))); connect(this, SIGNAL(getDebug()), rig, SLOT(getDebug())); connect(this, SIGNAL(spectOutputDisable()), rig, SLOT(disableSpectOutput())); connect(this, SIGNAL(spectOutputEnable()), rig, SLOT(enableSpectOutput())); connect(this, SIGNAL(scopeDisplayDisable()), rig, SLOT(disableSpectrumDisplay())); connect(this, SIGNAL(scopeDisplayEnable()), rig, SLOT(enableSpectrumDisplay())); connect(rig, SIGNAL(haveMode(QString)), this, SLOT(receiveMode(QString))); connect(rig, SIGNAL(haveDataMode(bool)), this, SLOT(receiveDataModeStatus(bool))); connect(rig, SIGNAL(haveSpectrumData(QByteArray, double, double)), this, SLOT(receiveSpectrumData(QByteArray, double, double))); connect(this, SIGNAL(setFrequency(double)), rig, SLOT(setFrequency(double))); connect(this, SIGNAL(setScopeCenterMode(bool)), rig, SLOT(setSpectrumCenteredMode(bool))); connect(this, SIGNAL(setScopeEdge(char)), rig, SLOT(setScopeEdge(char))); connect(this, SIGNAL(setScopeSpan(char)), rig, SLOT(setScopeSpan(char))); connect(this, SIGNAL(getScopeMode()), rig, SLOT(getScopeMode())); connect(this, SIGNAL(getScopeEdge()), rig, SLOT(getScopeEdge())); connect(this, SIGNAL(getScopeSpan()), rig, SLOT(getScopeSpan())); connect(this, SIGNAL(setMode(char)), rig, SLOT(setMode(char))); connect(this, SIGNAL(getRfGain()), rig, SLOT(getRfGain())); connect(this, SIGNAL(getAfGain()), rig, SLOT(getAfGain())); connect(this, SIGNAL(setRfGain(unsigned char)), rig, SLOT(setRfGain(unsigned char))); connect(this, SIGNAL(setAfGain(unsigned char)), rig, SLOT(setAfGain(unsigned char))); connect(rig, SIGNAL(haveRfGain(unsigned char)), this, SLOT(receiveRfGain(unsigned char))); connect(rig, SIGNAL(haveAfGain(unsigned char)), this, SLOT(receiveAfGain(unsigned char))); connect(this, SIGNAL(getSql()), rig, SLOT(getSql())); connect(rig, SIGNAL(haveSql(unsigned char)), this, SLOT(receiveSql(unsigned char))); connect(this, SIGNAL(startATU()), rig, SLOT(startATU())); connect(this, SIGNAL(setATU(bool)), rig, SLOT(setATU(bool))); connect(this, SIGNAL(getATUStatus()), rig, SLOT(getATUStatus())); connect(this, SIGNAL(getRigID()), rig, SLOT(getRigID())); connect(rig, SIGNAL(haveATUStatus(unsigned char)), this, SLOT(receiveATUStatus(unsigned char))); // Speech (emitted from IC-7300 speaker) connect(this, SIGNAL(sayAll()), rig, SLOT(sayAll())); connect(this, SIGNAL(sayFrequency()), rig, SLOT(sayFrequency())); connect(this, SIGNAL(sayMode()), rig, SLOT(sayMode())); // Plot user interaction connect(plot, SIGNAL(mouseDoubleClick(QMouseEvent*)), this, SLOT(handlePlotDoubleClick(QMouseEvent*))); connect(wf, SIGNAL(mouseDoubleClick(QMouseEvent*)), this, SLOT(handleWFDoubleClick(QMouseEvent*))); connect(plot, SIGNAL(mousePress(QMouseEvent*)), this, SLOT(handlePlotClick(QMouseEvent*))); connect(wf, SIGNAL(mousePress(QMouseEvent*)), this, SLOT(handleWFClick(QMouseEvent*))); ui->plot->addGraph(); // primary ui->plot->addGraph(0, 0); // secondary, peaks, same axis as first? ui->waterfall->addGraph(); tracer->setGraph(plot->graph(0)); colorMap = new QCPColorMap(wf->xAxis, wf->yAxis); colorMapData = NULL; #if QCUSTOMPLOT_VERSION < 0x020001 wf->addPlottable(colorMap); #endif colorScale = new QCPColorScale(wf); colorMap->data()->setValueRange(QCPRange(0, wfLength-1)); colorMap->data()->setKeyRange(QCPRange(0, spectWidth-1)); colorMap->setDataRange(QCPRange(0, 160)); colorMap->setGradient(QCPColorGradient::gpJet); // TODO: Add preference colorMapData = new QCPColorMapData(spectWidth, wfLength, QCPRange(0, spectWidth-1), QCPRange(0, wfLength-1)); colorMap->setData(colorMapData); spectRowCurrent = 0; wf->yAxis->setRangeReversed(true); wf->xAxis->setVisible(false); ui->tabWidget->setCurrentIndex(0); QColor color(20+200/4.0*1,70*(1.6-1/4.0), 150, 150); plot->graph(1)->setLineStyle(QCPGraph::lsLine); plot->graph(1)->setPen(QPen(color.lighter(200))); plot->graph(1)->setBrush(QBrush(color)); drawPeaks = false; ui->freqMhzLineEdit->setValidator( new QDoubleValidator(0, 100, 6, this)); delayedCommand = new QTimer(this); delayedCommand->setInterval(100); // ms. 250 was fine. TODO: Find practical maximum with margin on pi delayedCommand->setSingleShot(true); connect(delayedCommand, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(runDelayedCommand())); pttTimer = new QTimer(this); pttTimer->setInterval(180*1000); // 3 minute max transmit time in ms pttTimer->setSingleShot(true); connect(pttTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(handlePttLimit())); // Not needed since we automate this now. /* foreach (const QSerialPortInfo &serialPortInfo, QSerialPortInfo::availablePorts()) { portList.append(serialPortInfo.portName()); // ui->commPortDrop->addItem(serialPortInfo.portName()); } */ #ifdef QT_DEBUG qDebug() << "Running with debugging options enabled."; ui->debugBtn->setVisible(true); #else ui->debugBtn->setVisible(false); #endif // Initial state of UI: ui->fullScreenChk->setChecked(prefs.useFullScreen); on_fullScreenChk_clicked(prefs.useFullScreen); ui->useDarkThemeChk->setChecked(prefs.useDarkMode); on_useDarkThemeChk_clicked(prefs.useDarkMode); ui->drawPeakChk->setChecked(prefs.drawPeaks); on_drawPeakChk_clicked(prefs.drawPeaks); drawPeaks = prefs.drawPeaks; getInitialRigState(); oldFreqDialVal = ui->freqDial->value(); } wfmain::~wfmain() { // rigThread->quit(); delete ui; } void wfmain::setDefPrefs() { defPrefs.useFullScreen = true; defPrefs.useDarkMode = true; defPrefs.drawPeaks = true; defPrefs.stylesheetPath = QString("qdarkstyle/style.qss"); defPrefs.radioCIVAddr = 0x94; defPrefs.serialPortRadio = QString("auto"); defPrefs.serialPortBaud = 115200; defPrefs.enablePTT = false; defPrefs.niceTS = true; } void wfmain::loadSettings() { qDebug() << "Loading settings from " << settings.fileName(); // Basic things to load: // UI: (full screen, dark theme, draw peaks, colors, etc) settings.beginGroup("Interface"); prefs.useFullScreen = settings.value("UseFullScreen", defPrefs.useFullScreen).toBool(); prefs.useDarkMode = settings.value("UseDarkMode", defPrefs.useDarkMode).toBool(); prefs.drawPeaks = settings.value("DrawPeaks", defPrefs.drawPeaks).toBool(); prefs.stylesheetPath = settings.value("StylesheetPath", defPrefs.stylesheetPath).toString(); ui->splitter->restoreState(settings.value("splitter").toByteArray()); restoreGeometry(settings.value("windowGeometry").toByteArray()); restoreState(settings.value("windowState").toByteArray()); setWindowState(Qt::WindowActive); // Works around QT bug to returns window+keyboard focus. settings.endGroup(); // Radio and Comms: C-IV addr, port to use settings.beginGroup("Radio"); prefs.radioCIVAddr = (unsigned char) settings.value("RigCIVuInt", defPrefs.radioCIVAddr).toInt(); prefs.serialPortRadio = settings.value("SerialPortRadio", defPrefs.serialPortRadio).toString(); prefs.serialPortBaud = (quint32) settings.value("SerialPortBaud", defPrefs.serialPortBaud).toInt(); settings.endGroup(); // Misc. user settings (enable PTT, draw peaks, etc) settings.beginGroup("Controls"); prefs.enablePTT = settings.value("EnablePTT", defPrefs.enablePTT).toBool(); ui->pttEnableChk->setChecked(prefs.enablePTT); prefs.niceTS = settings.value("NiceTS", defPrefs.niceTS).toBool(); settings.endGroup(); // Memory channels settings.beginGroup("Memory"); int size = settings.beginReadArray("Channel"); int chan = 0; double freq; unsigned char mode; bool isSet; // Annoying: QSettings will write the array to the // preference file starting the array at 1 and ending at 100. // Thus, we are writing the channel number each time. // It is also annoying that they get written with their array // numbers in alphabetical order without zero padding. // Also annoying that the preference groups are not written in // the order they are specified here. for(int i=0; i < size; i++) { settings.setArrayIndex(i); chan = settings.value("chan", 0).toInt(); freq = settings.value("freq", 12.345).toDouble(); mode = settings.value("mode", 0).toInt(); isSet = settings.value("isSet", false).toBool(); if(isSet) { mem.setPreset(chan, freq, (mode_kind)mode); } } settings.endArray(); settings.endGroup(); } void wfmain::saveSettings() { qDebug() << "Saving settings to " << settings.fileName(); // Basic things to load: // UI: (full screen, dark theme, draw peaks, colors, etc) settings.beginGroup("Interface"); settings.setValue("UseFullScreen", prefs.useFullScreen); settings.setValue("UseDarkMode", prefs.useDarkMode); settings.setValue("DrawPeaks", prefs.drawPeaks); settings.setValue("StylesheetPath", prefs.stylesheetPath); settings.setValue("splitter", ui->splitter->saveState()); settings.setValue("windowGeometry", saveGeometry()); settings.setValue("windowState", saveState()); settings.endGroup(); // Radio and Comms: C-IV addr, port to use settings.beginGroup("Radio"); settings.setValue("RigCIVuInt", prefs.radioCIVAddr); settings.setValue("SerialPortRadio", prefs.serialPortRadio); settings.setValue("SerialPortBaud", prefs.serialPortBaud); settings.endGroup(); // Misc. user settings (enable PTT, draw peaks, etc) settings.beginGroup("Controls"); settings.setValue("EnablePTT", prefs.enablePTT); settings.setValue("NiceTS", prefs.niceTS); settings.endGroup(); // Memory channels settings.beginGroup("Memory"); settings.beginWriteArray("Channel", (int)mem.getNumPresets()); preset_kind temp; for(int i=0; i < (int)mem.getNumPresets(); i++) { temp = mem.getPreset((int)i); settings.setArrayIndex(i); settings.setValue("chan", i); settings.setValue("freq", temp.frequency); settings.setValue("mode", temp.mode); settings.setValue("isSet", temp.isSet); } settings.endArray(); settings.endGroup(); // Note: X and Y get the same colors. See setPlotTheme() function settings.beginGroup("DarkColors"); settings.setValue("Dark_PlotBackground", QColor(0,0,0,255)); settings.setValue("Dark_PlotAxisPen", QColor(75,75,75,255)); settings.setValue("Dark_PlotLegendTextColor", QColor(255,255,255,255)); settings.setValue("Dark_PlotLegendBorderPen", QColor(255,255,255,255)); settings.setValue("Dark_PlotLegendBrush", QColor(0,0,0,200)); settings.setValue("Dark_PlotTickLabel", QColor(Qt::white)); settings.setValue("Dark_PlotBasePen", QColor(Qt::white)); settings.setValue("Dark_PlotTickPen", QColor(Qt::white)); settings.setValue("Dark_PlotFreqTracer", QColor(Qt::yellow)); settings.endGroup(); settings.beginGroup("LightColors"); settings.setValue("Light_PlotBackground", QColor(255,255,255,255)); settings.setValue("Light_PlotAxisPen", QColor(200,200,200,255)); settings.setValue("Light_PlotLegendTextColor", QColor(0,0,0,255)); settings.setValue("Light_PlotLegendBorderPen", QColor(0,0,0,255)); settings.setValue("Light_PlotLegendBrush", QColor(255,255,255,200)); settings.setValue("Light_PlotTickLabel", QColor(Qt::black)); settings.setValue("Light_PlotBasePen", QColor(Qt::black)); settings.setValue("Light_PlotTickPen", QColor(Qt::black)); settings.setValue("Light_PlotFreqTracer", QColor(Qt::blue)); settings.endGroup(); // This is a reference to see how the preference file is encoded. settings.beginGroup("StandardColors"); settings.setValue("white", QColor(Qt::white)); settings.setValue("black", QColor(Qt::black)); settings.setValue("red_opaque", QColor(Qt::red)); settings.setValue("red_translucent", QColor(255,0,0,128)); settings.setValue("green_opaque", QColor(Qt::green)); settings.setValue("green_translucent", QColor(0,255,0,128)); settings.setValue("blue_opaque", QColor(Qt::blue)); settings.setValue("blue_translucent", QColor(0,0,255,128)); settings.endGroup(); settings.sync(); // Automatic, not needed (supposedly) } // Key shortcuts (hotkeys) void wfmain::shortcutF11() { if(onFullscreen) { this->showNormal(); onFullscreen = false; } else { this->showFullScreen(); onFullscreen = true; } } void wfmain::shortcutF1() { ui->tabWidget->setCurrentIndex(0); } void wfmain::shortcutF2() { ui->tabWidget->setCurrentIndex(1); } void wfmain::shortcutF3() { ui->tabWidget->setCurrentIndex(2); ui->freqMhzLineEdit->clear(); ui->freqMhzLineEdit->setFocus(); } void wfmain::shortcutF4() { ui->tabWidget->setCurrentIndex(3); } // Mode switch keys: void wfmain::shortcutF5() { // LSB ui->modeSelectCombo->setCurrentIndex(0); on_modeSelectCombo_activated(0); } void wfmain::shortcutF6() { // USB ui->modeSelectCombo->setCurrentIndex(1); on_modeSelectCombo_activated(1); } void wfmain::shortcutF7() { // AM ui->modeSelectCombo->setCurrentIndex(2); on_modeSelectCombo_activated(2); } void wfmain::shortcutF8() { // CW ui->modeSelectCombo->setCurrentIndex(3); on_modeSelectCombo_activated(3); } void wfmain::shortcutF9() { // USB-D ui->modeSelectCombo->setCurrentIndex(9); on_modeSelectCombo_activated(9); } void wfmain::shortcutF10() { // Build information, debug, whatever you wish QString buildInfo = QString("Build " + QString(GITSHORT) + " on " + QString(__DATE__) + " at " + __TIME__ + " by " + UNAME + "@" + HOST); showStatusBarText(buildInfo); } void wfmain::shortcutF12() { // Speak current frequency and mode via IC-7300 showStatusBarText("Sending speech command to radio."); emit sayAll(); } void wfmain::shortcutControlT() { // Transmit qDebug() << "Activated Control-T shortcut"; showStatusBarText(QString("Transmitting. Press Control-R to receive.")); ui->pttOnBtn->click(); } void wfmain::shortcutControlR() { // Receive ui->pttOffBtn->click(); } void wfmain::shortcutControlI() { // Enable ATU ui->tuneEnableChk->click(); } void wfmain::shortcutControlU() { // Run ATU tuning cycle ui->tuneNowBtn->click(); } void wfmain::shortcutStar() { // Jump to frequency tab from Asterisk key on keypad ui->tabWidget->setCurrentIndex(2); ui->freqMhzLineEdit->clear(); ui->freqMhzLineEdit->setFocus(); } void wfmain::shortcutSlash() { // Cycle through available modes ui->modeSelectCombo->setCurrentIndex( (ui->modeSelectCombo->currentIndex()+1) % ui->modeSelectCombo->count() ); on_modeSelectCombo_activated( ui->modeSelectCombo->currentIndex() ); } void wfmain::shortcutMinus() { ui->freqDial->setValue( ui->freqDial->value() - ui->freqDial->singleStep() ); } void wfmain::shortcutPlus() { ui->freqDial->setValue( ui->freqDial->value() + ui->freqDial->singleStep() ); } void wfmain::shortcutShiftMinus() { ui->freqDial->setValue( ui->freqDial->value() - ui->freqDial->pageStep() ); } void wfmain::shortcutShiftPlus() { ui->freqDial->setValue( ui->freqDial->value() + ui->freqDial->pageStep() ); } void wfmain::shortcutControlMinus() { ui->freqDial->setValue( ui->freqDial->value() - ui->freqDial->pageStep() ); } void wfmain::shortcutControlPlus() { ui->freqDial->setValue( ui->freqDial->value() + ui->freqDial->pageStep() ); } void wfmain::shortcutPageUp() { emit setFrequency(this->freqMhz + 1.0); cmdOutQue.append(cmdGetFreq); //cmdOutQue.append(cmdGetMode); // maybe not really needed. delayedCommand->start(); } void wfmain::shortcutPageDown() { emit setFrequency(this->freqMhz - 1.0); cmdOutQue.append(cmdGetFreq); //cmdOutQue.append(cmdGetMode); // maybe not really needed. delayedCommand->start(); } void wfmain::shortcutF() { showStatusBarText("Sending speech command (frequency) to radio."); emit sayFrequency(); } void wfmain::shortcutM() { showStatusBarText("Sending speech command (mode) to radio."); emit sayMode(); } void wfmain::getInitialRigState() { // Initial list of queries to the radio. // These are made when the program starts up // and are used to adjust the UI to match the radio settings // the polling interval is set at 100ms. Faster is possible but slower // computers will glitch occassionally. cmdOutQue.append(cmdGetRigID); // This may be used in the future. cmdOutQue.append(cmdGetFreq); cmdOutQue.append(cmdGetMode); cmdOutQue.append(cmdNone); cmdOutQue.append(cmdGetFreq); cmdOutQue.append(cmdGetMode); cmdOutQue.append(cmdGetRxGain); cmdOutQue.append(cmdGetAfGain); // cmdOutQue.append(cmdGetSql); // implimented but not used // TODO: // get TX level // get Scope reference Level cmdOutQue.append(cmdDispEnable); cmdOutQue.append(cmdSpecOn); // get spectrum mode (center or edge) // get spectrum span or edge limit number [1,2,3], update UI cmdOutQue.append(cmdNone); cmdOutQue.append(cmdGetATUStatus); cmdOut = cmdNone; delayedCommand->start(); } void wfmain::showStatusBarText(QString text) { ui->statusBar->showMessage(text, 5000); } void wfmain::on_useDarkThemeChk_clicked(bool checked) { setAppTheme(checked); setPlotTheme(wf, checked); setPlotTheme(plot, checked); prefs.useDarkMode = checked; } void wfmain::setAppTheme(bool isDark) { if(isDark) { // QFile f(":qdarkstyle/style.qss"); // built-in resource QFile f("/usr/share/wfview/stylesheets/" + prefs.stylesheetPath); if (!f.exists()) { printf("Unable to set stylesheet, file not found\n"); printf("Tried to load: [%s]\n", QString( QString("/usr/share/wfview/stylesheets/") + prefs.stylesheetPath).toStdString().c_str() ); } else { f.open(QFile::ReadOnly | QFile::Text); QTextStream ts(&f); qApp->setStyleSheet(ts.readAll()); } } else { qApp->setStyleSheet(""); } } void wfmain::setDefaultColors() { defaultColors.Dark_PlotBackground = QColor(0,0,0,255); defaultColors.Dark_PlotAxisPen = QColor(75,75,75,255); defaultColors.Dark_PlotLegendTextColor = QColor(255,255,255,255); defaultColors.Dark_PlotLegendBorderPen = QColor(255,255,255,255); defaultColors.Dark_PlotLegendBrush = QColor(0,0,0,200); defaultColors.Dark_PlotTickLabel = QColor(Qt::white); defaultColors.Dark_PlotBasePen = QColor(Qt::white); defaultColors.Dark_PlotTickPen = QColor(Qt::white); defaultColors.Dark_PlotFreqTracer = QColor(Qt::yellow); defaultColors.Light_PlotBackground = QColor(255,255,255,255); defaultColors.Light_PlotAxisPen = QColor(200,200,200,255); defaultColors.Light_PlotLegendTextColor = QColor(0,0,0,255); defaultColors.Light_PlotLegendBorderPen = QColor(0,0,0,255); defaultColors.Light_PlotLegendBrush = QColor(255,255,255,200); defaultColors.Light_PlotTickLabel = QColor(Qt::black); defaultColors.Light_PlotBasePen = QColor(Qt::black); defaultColors.Light_PlotTickPen = QColor(Qt::black); defaultColors.Light_PlotFreqTracer = QColor(Qt::blue); } void wfmain::setPlotTheme(QCustomPlot *plot, bool isDark) { if(isDark) { plot->setBackground(QColor(0,0,0,255)); plot->xAxis->grid()->setPen(QColor(75,75,75,255)); plot->yAxis->grid()->setPen(QColor(75,75,75,255)); plot->legend->setTextColor(QColor(255,255,255,255)); plot->legend->setBorderPen(QColor(255,255,255,255)); plot->legend->setBrush(QColor(0,0,0,200)); plot->xAxis->setTickLabelColor(Qt::white); plot->xAxis->setLabelColor(Qt::white); plot->yAxis->setTickLabelColor(Qt::white); plot->yAxis->setLabelColor(Qt::white); plot->xAxis->setBasePen(QPen(Qt::white)); plot->xAxis->setTickPen(QPen(Qt::white)); plot->yAxis->setBasePen(QPen(Qt::white)); plot->yAxis->setTickPen(QPen(Qt::white)); plot->graph(0)->setPen(QPen(Qt::yellow)); // magenta, yellow, green, lightGray } else { //color = ui->groupBox->palette().color(QPalette::Button); plot->setBackground(QColor(255,255,255,255)); //plot->setBackground(color); plot->xAxis->grid()->setPen(QColor(200,200,200,255)); plot->yAxis->grid()->setPen(QColor(200,200,200,255)); plot->legend->setTextColor(QColor(0,0,0,255)); plot->legend->setBorderPen(QColor(0,0,0,255)); plot->legend->setBrush(QColor(255,255,255,200)); plot->xAxis->setTickLabelColor(Qt::black); plot->xAxis->setLabelColor(Qt::black); plot->yAxis->setTickLabelColor(Qt::black); plot->yAxis->setLabelColor(Qt::black); plot->xAxis->setBasePen(QPen(Qt::black)); plot->xAxis->setTickPen(QPen(Qt::black)); plot->yAxis->setBasePen(QPen(Qt::black)); plot->yAxis->setTickPen(QPen(Qt::black)); plot->graph(0)->setPen(QPen(Qt::blue)); } } void wfmain::runDelayedCommand() { cmds qdCmd; // Note: This cmdOut queue will be removed entirely soon and only the cmdOutQue will be available. switch (cmdOut) { case cmdGetFreq: emit getFrequency(); break; case cmdGetMode: emit getMode(); break; default: break; } cmdOut = cmdNone; // yep. Hope this wasn't called twice in a row rapidly. // Note: All command should use this queue. There is no need to use the above system. if(!cmdOutQue.isEmpty()) { qdCmd = cmdOutQue.takeFirst(); switch(qdCmd) { case cmdNone: //qDebug() << "NOOP"; break; case cmdGetRigID: emit getRigID(); break; case cmdGetFreq: emit getFrequency(); break; case cmdGetMode: emit getMode(); break; case cmdGetDataMode: // qDebug() << "Sending query for data mode"; emit getDataMode(); break; case cmdSetDataModeOff: emit setDataMode(false); break; case cmdSetDataModeOn: emit setDataMode(true); break; case cmdDispEnable: emit scopeDisplayEnable(); break; case cmdDispDisable: emit scopeDisplayDisable(); break; case cmdSpecOn: emit spectOutputEnable(); break; case cmdSpecOff: emit spectOutputDisable(); break; case cmdGetRxGain: emit getRfGain(); break; case cmdGetAfGain: emit getAfGain(); break; case cmdGetSql: emit getSql(); break; case cmdGetATUStatus: emit getATUStatus(); break; default: break; } } if(cmdOutQue.isEmpty()) { // done } else { // next // TODO: If we always do ->start, then it will not be necessary for // every command insertion to include a ->start.... probably worth doing. delayedCommand->start(); } } void wfmain::receiveFreq(double freqMhz) { //qDebug() << "Frequency: " << freqMhz; ui->freqLabel->setText(QString("%1").arg(freqMhz, 0, 'f')); this->freqMhz = freqMhz; this->knobFreqMhz = freqMhz; //showStatusBarText(QString("Frequency: %1").arg(freqMhz)); } void wfmain::receivePTTstatus(bool pttOn) { // NOTE: This will only show up if we actually receive a PTT status qDebug() << "PTT status: " << pttOn; } void wfmain::receiveSpectrumData(QByteArray spectrum, double startFreq, double endFreq) { if((startFreq != oldLowerFreq) || (endFreq != oldUpperFreq)) { // If the frequency changed and we were drawing peaks, now is the time to clearn them if(drawPeaks) { // TODO: create non-button function to do this // This will break if the button is ever moved or renamed. on_clearPeakBtn_clicked(); } } oldLowerFreq = startFreq; oldUpperFreq = endFreq; //qDebug() << "start: " << startFreq << " end: " << endFreq; quint16 specLen = spectrum.length(); //qDebug() << "Spectrum data received at UI! Length: " << specLen; if(specLen != 475) { //qDebug () << "Unusual spectrum: length: " << specLen; return; // safe. Using these unusual length things is a problem. } QVector x(spectWidth), y(spectWidth), y2(spectWidth); for(int i=0; i < spectWidth; i++) { x[i] = (i * (endFreq-startFreq)/spectWidth) + startFreq; } for(int i=0; i spectrumPeaks.at(i)) { spectrumPeaks[i] = spectrum.at(i); } y2[i] = spectrumPeaks.at(i); } } //ui->qcp->addGraph(); plot->graph(0)->setData(x,y); if((freqMhz < endFreq) && (freqMhz > startFreq)) { // tracer->setGraphKey(freqMhz); tracer->setGraphKey(knobFreqMhz); } if(drawPeaks) { plot->graph(1)->setData(x,y2); // peaks } plot->yAxis->setRange(0, 160); plot->xAxis->setRange(startFreq, endFreq); plot->replot(); if(specLen == spectWidth) { wfimage.prepend(spectrum); if(wfimage.length() > wfLength) { wfimage.remove(wfLength); } // Waterfall: for(int row = 0; row < wfLength; row++) { for(int col = 0; col < spectWidth; col++) { //colorMap->data()->cellToCoord(xIndex, yIndex, &x, &y) // Very fast but doesn't roll downward: //colorMap->data()->setCell( col, spectRowCurrent, spectrum.at(col) ); // Slow but rolls: colorMap->data()->setCell( col, row, wfimage.at(row).at(col)); } } //colorMap->data()->setRange(QCPRange(startFreq, endFreq), QCPRange(0,wfLength-1)); wf->yAxis->setRange(0,wfLength - 1); wf->xAxis->setRange(0, spectWidth-1); wf->replot(); spectRowCurrent = (spectRowCurrent + 1) % wfLength; //qDebug() << "updating spectrum, new row is: " << spectRowCurrent; } } void wfmain::handlePlotDoubleClick(QMouseEvent *me) { double x; //double y; //double px; x = plot->xAxis->pixelToCoord(me->pos().x()); //y = plot->yAxis->pixelToCoord(me->pos().y()); emit setFrequency(x); cmdOut = cmdGetFreq; delayedCommand->start(); showStatusBarText(QString("Going to %1 MHz").arg(x)); } void wfmain::handleWFDoubleClick(QMouseEvent *me) { double x; //double y; //x = wf->xAxis->pixelToCoord(me->pos().x()); //y = wf->yAxis->pixelToCoord(me->pos().y()); // cheap trick until I figure out how the axis works on the WF: x = plot->xAxis->pixelToCoord(me->pos().x()); emit setFrequency(x); cmdOut = cmdGetFreq; delayedCommand->start(); showStatusBarText(QString("Going to %1 MHz").arg(x)); } void wfmain::handlePlotClick(QMouseEvent *me) { double x = plot->xAxis->pixelToCoord(me->pos().x()); showStatusBarText(QString("Selected %1 MHz").arg(x)); } void wfmain::handleWFClick(QMouseEvent *me) { double x = plot->xAxis->pixelToCoord(me->pos().x()); showStatusBarText(QString("Selected %1 MHz").arg(x)); } void wfmain::on_startBtn_clicked() { emit spectOutputEnable(); } void wfmain::on_stopBtn_clicked() { emit spectOutputDisable(); //emit scopeDisplayDisable(); } void wfmain::receiveMode(QString mode) { //ui->modeLabel->setText(mode); int index; //bool ok; index = modes.indexOf(QRegExp(mode)); // find the number corresponding to the mode // qDebug() << "Received mode " << mode << " current mode: " << currentModeIndex << " search index: " << index; if( currentModeIndex == index) { // do nothing, no need to change the selected mode and fire more events off. // TODO/NOTE: This will not check the DATA mode status, may be worth re-thinking this. // Do not update UI. // return; } else if((index >= 0) && (index < 9)) { ui->modeSelectCombo->blockSignals(true); ui->modeSelectCombo->setCurrentIndex(index); ui->modeSelectCombo->blockSignals(false); currentModeIndex = index; } // Note: we need to know if the DATA mode is active to reach mode-D // some kind of queued query: cmdOutQue.append(cmdGetDataMode); delayedCommand->start(); // why was that commented out? } void wfmain::receiveDataModeStatus(bool dataEnabled) { // qDebug() << "Received data mode " << dataEnabled << "\n"; if(dataEnabled) { if(currentModeIndex == 0) { // LSB ui->modeSelectCombo->setCurrentIndex(8); //ui->modeLabel->setText( "LSB-D" ); } else if (currentModeIndex == 1) { // USB ui->modeSelectCombo->setCurrentIndex(9); //ui->modeLabel->setText( "USB-D" ); } } else { // update to _not_ have the -D ui->modeSelectCombo->setCurrentIndex(currentModeIndex); // No need to update status label? } } void wfmain::on_clearPeakBtn_clicked() { spectrumPeaks = QByteArray( (int)spectWidth, '\x01' ); } void wfmain::on_drawPeakChk_clicked(bool checked) { if(checked) { on_clearPeakBtn_clicked(); // clear drawPeaks = true; } else { drawPeaks = false; #if QCUSTOMPLOT_VERSION >= 0x020000 plot->graph(1)->data()->clear(); #else plot->graph(1)->clearData(); #endif } prefs.drawPeaks = checked; } void wfmain::on_fullScreenChk_clicked(bool checked) { if(checked) { this->showFullScreen(); onFullscreen = true; } else { this->showNormal(); onFullscreen = false; } prefs.useFullScreen = checked; } void wfmain::on_goFreqBtn_clicked() { bool ok = false; double freq = ui->freqMhzLineEdit->text().toDouble(&ok); if(ok) { emit setFrequency(freq); // TODO: change to cmdQueue cmdOut = cmdGetFreq; delayedCommand->start(); } ui->freqMhzLineEdit->selectAll(); freqTextSelected = true; ui->tabWidget->setCurrentIndex(0); } void wfmain::checkFreqSel() { if(freqTextSelected) { freqTextSelected = false; ui->freqMhzLineEdit->clear(); } } void wfmain::on_f0btn_clicked() { checkFreqSel(); ui->freqMhzLineEdit->setText(ui->freqMhzLineEdit->text().append("0")); } void wfmain::on_f1btn_clicked() { checkFreqSel(); ui->freqMhzLineEdit->setText(ui->freqMhzLineEdit->text().append("1")); } void wfmain::on_f2btn_clicked() { checkFreqSel(); ui->freqMhzLineEdit->setText(ui->freqMhzLineEdit->text().append("2")); } void wfmain::on_f3btn_clicked() { ui->freqMhzLineEdit->setText(ui->freqMhzLineEdit->text().append("3")); } void wfmain::on_f4btn_clicked() { checkFreqSel(); ui->freqMhzLineEdit->setText(ui->freqMhzLineEdit->text().append("4")); } void wfmain::on_f5btn_clicked() { checkFreqSel(); ui->freqMhzLineEdit->setText(ui->freqMhzLineEdit->text().append("5")); } void wfmain::on_f6btn_clicked() { checkFreqSel(); ui->freqMhzLineEdit->setText(ui->freqMhzLineEdit->text().append("6")); } void wfmain::on_f7btn_clicked() { checkFreqSel(); ui->freqMhzLineEdit->setText(ui->freqMhzLineEdit->text().append("7")); } void wfmain::on_f8btn_clicked() { checkFreqSel(); ui->freqMhzLineEdit->setText(ui->freqMhzLineEdit->text().append("8")); } void wfmain::on_f9btn_clicked() { checkFreqSel(); ui->freqMhzLineEdit->setText(ui->freqMhzLineEdit->text().append("9")); } void wfmain::on_fDotbtn_clicked() { checkFreqSel(); ui->freqMhzLineEdit->setText(ui->freqMhzLineEdit->text().append(".")); } void wfmain::on_fBackbtn_clicked() { QString currentFreq = ui->freqMhzLineEdit->text(); currentFreq.chop(1); ui->freqMhzLineEdit->setText(currentFreq); } void wfmain::on_fCEbtn_clicked() { ui->freqMhzLineEdit->clear(); freqTextSelected = false; } void wfmain::on_scopeCenterModeChk_clicked(bool checked) { emit setScopeCenterMode(checked); } void wfmain::on_fEnterBtn_clicked() { // TODO: do not jump to main tab on enter, only on return // or something. // Maybe this should be an option in settings. on_goFreqBtn_clicked(); } void wfmain::on_scopeBWCombo_currentIndexChanged(int index) { emit setScopeSpan((char)index); } void wfmain::on_scopeEdgeCombo_currentIndexChanged(int index) { emit setScopeEdge((char)index+1); } void wfmain::on_modeSelectCombo_activated(int index) { // Reference: // 0 1 2 3 4 //modes << "LSB" << "USB" << "AM" << "CW" << "RTTY"; // 5 6 7 8 9 //modes << "FM" << "CW-R" << "RTTY-R" << "LSB-D" << "USB-D"; // The "acticvated" signal means the user initiated a mode change. // This function is not called if code initated the change. if(index < 10) { // qDebug() << "Mode selection changed. index: " << index; if(index > 7) { // set data mode on // emit setDataMode(true); cmdOutQue.append(cmdSetDataModeOn); delayedCommand->start(); index = index - 8; } else { // set data mode off //emit setDataMode(false); cmdOutQue.append(cmdSetDataModeOff); delayedCommand->start(); } emit setMode(index); } } //void wfmain::on_freqDial_actionTriggered(int action) //{ //qDebug() << "Action: " << action; // "7" == changed? // TODO: remove this //} void wfmain::on_freqDial_valueChanged(int value) { // qDebug() << "Old value: " << oldFreqDialVal << " New value: " << value ; double stepSize = 0.000100; // 100 Hz steps double newFreqMhz = 0; volatile int delta = 0; int maxVal = ui->freqDial->maximum(); int directPath = 0; int crossingPath = 0; int distToMaxNew = 0; int distToMaxOld = 0; if(value == 0) { distToMaxNew = 0; } else { distToMaxNew = maxVal - value; } if(oldFreqDialVal != 0) { distToMaxOld = maxVal - oldFreqDialVal; } else { distToMaxOld = 0; } directPath = abs(value - oldFreqDialVal); if(value < maxVal / 2) { crossingPath = value + distToMaxOld; } else { crossingPath = distToMaxNew + oldFreqDialVal; } if(directPath > crossingPath) { // use crossing path, it is shorter delta = crossingPath; // mnow calculate the direction: if( value > oldFreqDialVal) { // CW delta = delta; } else { // CCW delta *= -1; } } else { // use direct path // crossing path is larger than direct path, use direct path //delta = directPath; // now calculate the direction delta = value - oldFreqDialVal; } newFreqMhz = knobFreqMhz + (delta * stepSize); // qDebug() << "old freq: " << knobFreqMhz << " new freq: " << newFreqMhz << "knobDelta: " << delta << " freq delta: " << newFreqMhz - knobFreqMhz; if(ui->tuningFloorZerosChk->isChecked()) { newFreqMhz = (double)round(newFreqMhz*10000) / 10000.0; } this->knobFreqMhz = newFreqMhz; // the frequency we think we should be on. oldFreqDialVal = value; ui->freqLabel->setText(QString("%1").arg(knobFreqMhz, 0, 'f')); emit setFrequency(newFreqMhz); //emit getFrequency(); } void wfmain::receiveBandStackReg(float freq, char mode, bool dataOn) { // read the band stack and apply by sending out commands setFrequency(freq); setMode(mode); // make sure this is what you think it is // setDataMode(dataOn); // signal out if(dataOn) { cmdOutQue.append(cmdSetDataModeOn); } else { cmdOutQue.append(cmdSetDataModeOff); } cmdOutQue.append(cmdGetFreq); cmdOutQue.append(cmdGetMode); ui->tabWidget->setCurrentIndex(0); delayedCommand->start(); } void wfmain::bandStackBtnClick() { bandStkRegCode = ui->bandStkPopdown->currentIndex() + 1; waitingForBandStackRtn = true; // so that when the return is parsed we jump to this frequency/mode info emit getBandStackReg(bandStkBand, bandStkRegCode); } void wfmain::on_band6mbtn_clicked() { bandStkBand = 0x10; // 6 meters bandStackBtnClick(); } void wfmain::on_band10mbtn_clicked() { bandStkBand = 0x09; // 10 meters bandStackBtnClick(); } void wfmain::on_band12mbtn_clicked() { bandStkBand = 0x08; // 12 meters bandStackBtnClick(); } void wfmain::on_band15mbtn_clicked() { bandStkBand = 0x07; // 15 meters bandStackBtnClick(); } void wfmain::on_band17mbtn_clicked() { bandStkBand = 0x06; // 17 meters bandStackBtnClick(); } void wfmain::on_band20mbtn_clicked() { bandStkBand = 0x05; // 20 meters bandStackBtnClick(); } void wfmain::on_band30mbtn_clicked() { bandStkBand = 0x04; // 30 meters bandStackBtnClick(); } void wfmain::on_band40mbtn_clicked() { bandStkBand = 0x03; // 40 meters bandStackBtnClick(); } void wfmain::on_band60mbtn_clicked() { // This one is tricky. There isn't a band stack register on the // 7300 for 60 meters, so we just drop to the middle of the band: // Channel 1: 5330.5 kHz // Channel 2: 5346.5 kHz // Channel 3: 5357.0 kHz // Channel 4: 5371.5 kHz // Channel 5: 5403.5 kHz // Really not sure what the best strategy here is, don't want to // clutter the UI with 60M channel buttons... setFrequency(5.3305); } void wfmain::on_band80mbtn_clicked() { bandStkBand = 0x02; // 80 meters bandStackBtnClick(); } void wfmain::on_band160mbtn_clicked() { bandStkBand = 0x01; // 160 meters bandStackBtnClick(); } void wfmain::on_bandGenbtn_clicked() { // "GENE" general coverage frequency outside the ham bands // which does probably include any 60 meter frequencies used. bandStkBand = 0x11; // GEN bandStackBtnClick(); } void wfmain::on_aboutBtn_clicked() { // Show..... // Build date, time, git checksum (short) // QT library version // stylesheet credit // contact information QMessageBox msgBox(this); msgBox.setWindowTitle("Abou wfview"); msgBox.setTextFormat(Qt::RichText); msgBox.setWindowIcon(QIcon(":resources/wfview.png")); // TODO: change style of link color based on current CSS sheet. QString copyright = QString("Copyright 2017-2020 Elliott H. Liggett. All rights reserved."); QString ssCredit = QString("
Stylesheet qdarkstyle used under MIT license, stored in /usr/share/wfview/stylesheets/."); QString contact = QString("
email the author: kilocharlie8@gmail.com or W6EL on the air!"); QString website = QString("

Get the latest version from our gitlab repo: https://gitlab.com/eliggett/wfview"); QString docs = QString("
Also see the wiki for the FAQ, Keystrokes, and more."); QString buildInfo = QString("

Build " + QString(GITSHORT) + " on " + QString(__DATE__) + " at " + __TIME__ + " by " + UNAME + "@" + HOST); QString aboutText = copyright + "\n" + ssCredit + "\n"; aboutText.append(contact + "\n" + website + "\n"+ docs +"\n" + buildInfo); msgBox.setText(aboutText); msgBox.exec(); } void wfmain::on_aboutQtBtn_clicked() { QMessageBox::aboutQt(this, "wfview"); } void wfmain::on_fStoBtn_clicked() { // sequence: // type frequency // press Enter or Go // change mode if desired // type in index number 0 through 99 // press STO bool ok; QString freqString; int preset_number = ui->freqMhzLineEdit->text().toInt(&ok); if(ok && (preset_number >= 0) && (preset_number < 100)) { // TODO: keep an enum around with the current mode mem.setPreset(preset_number, freqMhz, (mode_kind)ui->modeSelectCombo->currentIndex()); showStatusBarText( QString("Storing frequency %1 to memory location %2").arg( freqMhz ).arg(preset_number) ); } else { showStatusBarText(QString("Could not store preset to %1. Valid preset numbers are 0 to 99").arg(preset_number)); } } void wfmain::on_fRclBtn_clicked() { // Sequence: // type memory location 0 through 99 // press RCL // Program recalls data stored in vector at position specified // drop contents into text box, press go button // add delayed command for mode and data mode preset_kind temp; bool ok; QString freqString; int preset_number = ui->freqMhzLineEdit->text().toInt(&ok); if(ok && (preset_number >= 0) && (preset_number < 100)) { temp = mem.getPreset(preset_number); freqString = QString("%1").arg(temp.frequency); ui->freqMhzLineEdit->setText( freqString ); ui->goFreqBtn->click(); } else { qDebug() << "Could not recall preset. Valid presets are 0 through 99."; } } void wfmain::on_rfGainSlider_valueChanged(int value) { emit setRfGain((unsigned char) value); } void wfmain::on_afGainSlider_valueChanged(int value) { // qDebug() << "Setting AF gain to " << value; emit setAfGain((unsigned char) value); } void wfmain::receiveRfGain(unsigned char level) { // qDebug() << "Receive RF level of" << (int)level << " = " << 100*level/255.0 << "%"; ui->rfGainSlider->blockSignals(true); ui->rfGainSlider->setValue(level); ui->rfGainSlider->blockSignals(false); } void wfmain::receiveAfGain(unsigned char level) { // qDebug() << "Receive AF level of" << (int)level << " = " << 100*level/255.0 << "%"; ui->afGainSlider->blockSignals(true); ui->afGainSlider->setValue(level); ui->afGainSlider->blockSignals(false); } void wfmain::receiveSql(unsigned char level) { // TODO: Maybe add squelch control // qDebug() << "Receive SQL level of " << (int)level << " = " << 100*level/255.0 << "%"; // ui->sqlSlider->setValue(level); // No SQL control so far (void)level; } void wfmain::on_drawTracerChk_toggled(bool checked) { tracer->setVisible(checked); prefs.drawTracer = checked; } void wfmain::on_tuneNowBtn_clicked() { emit startATU(); showStatusBarText("Starting ATU tuning cycle..."); cmdOutQue.append(cmdGetATUStatus); delayedCommand->start(); } void wfmain::on_tuneEnableChk_clicked(bool checked) { emit setATU(checked); if(checked) { showStatusBarText("Turning on ATU"); } else { showStatusBarText("Turning off ATU"); } } void wfmain::on_exitBtn_clicked() { // Are you sure? QApplication::exit(); } void wfmain::on_pttOnBtn_clicked() { // is it enabled? if(!ui->pttEnableChk->isChecked()) { showStatusBarText("PTT is disabled, not sending command. Change under Settings tab."); return; } // Are we already PTT? Not a big deal, just send again anyway. showStatusBarText("Sending PTT ON command. Use Control-R to receive."); emit setPTT(true); // send PTT // Start 3 minute timer pttTimer->start(); } void wfmain::on_pttOffBtn_clicked() { // Send the PTT OFF command (more than once?) showStatusBarText("Sending PTT OFF command"); emit setPTT(false); // Stop the 3 min timer pttTimer->stop(); } void wfmain::handlePttLimit() { // transmission time exceeded! showStatusBarText("Transmit timeout at 3 minutes. Sending PTT OFF command now."); emit setPTT(false); } void wfmain::on_saveSettingsBtn_clicked() { saveSettings(); // save memory, UI, and radio settings } void wfmain::receiveATUStatus(unsigned char atustatus) { // qDebug() << "Received ATU status update: " << (unsigned int) atustatus; switch(atustatus) { case 0x00: // ATU not active ui->tuneEnableChk->blockSignals(true); ui->tuneEnableChk->setChecked(false); ui->tuneEnableChk->blockSignals(false); showStatusBarText("ATU not enabled."); break; case 0x01: // ATU enabled ui->tuneEnableChk->blockSignals(true); ui->tuneEnableChk->setChecked(true); ui->tuneEnableChk->blockSignals(false); showStatusBarText("ATU enabled."); break; case 0x02: // ATU tuning in-progress. // Add command queue to check again and update status bar // qDebug() << "Received ATU status update that *tuning* is taking place"; showStatusBarText("ATU is Tuning..."); cmdOutQue.append(cmdGetATUStatus); // Sometimes the first hit seems to be missed. cmdOutQue.append(cmdGetATUStatus); delayedCommand->start(); break; default: qDebug() << "Did not understand ATU status: " << (unsigned int) atustatus; break; } } void wfmain::on_pttEnableChk_clicked(bool checked) { prefs.enablePTT = checked; } // --- DEBUG FUNCTION --- void wfmain::on_debugBtn_clicked() { // TODO: Why don't these commands work?! //emit getScopeMode(); //emit getScopeEdge(); // 1,2,3 only in "fixed" mode //emit getScopeSpan(); // in khz, only in "center" mode }