// Copyright 2021 Phil Taylor M0VSE // This code is heavily based on "Kappanhang" by HA2NON, ES1AKOS and W6EL! #include "udphandler.h" #include "logcategories.h" udpHandler::udpHandler(udpPreferences prefs,audioSetup rx, audioSetup tx) : controlPort(prefs.controlLANPort), civPort(0), audioPort(0), rxSetup(rx), txSetup(tx) { this->port = this->controlPort; this->username = prefs.username; this->password = prefs.password; this->compName = prefs.clientName.mid(0,8) + "-wfview"; qInfo(logUdp()) << "Starting udpHandler user:" << username << " rx latency:" << rxSetup.latency << " tx latency:" << txSetup.latency << " rx sample rate: " << rxSetup.samplerate << " rx codec: " << rxSetup.codec << " tx sample rate: " << txSetup.samplerate << " tx codec: " << txSetup.codec; // Try to set the IP address, if it is a hostname then perform a DNS lookup. if (!radioIP.setAddress(prefs.ipAddress)) { QHostInfo remote = QHostInfo::fromName(prefs.ipAddress); foreach(QHostAddress addr, remote.addresses()) { if (addr.protocol() == QAbstractSocket::IPv4Protocol) { radioIP = addr; qInfo(logUdp()) << "Got IP Address :" << prefs.ipAddress << ": " << addr.toString(); break; } } if (radioIP.isNull()) { qInfo(logUdp()) << "Error obtaining IP Address for :" << prefs.ipAddress << ": " << remote.errorString(); return; } } // Convoluted way to find the external IP address, there must be a better way???? QString localhostname = QHostInfo::localHostName(); QList hostList = QHostInfo::fromName(localhostname).addresses(); foreach(const QHostAddress & address, hostList) { if (address.protocol() == QAbstractSocket::IPv4Protocol && address.isLoopback() == false) { localIP = QHostAddress(address.toString()); } } } void udpHandler::init() { udpBase::init(); // Perform UDP socket initialization. // Connect socket to my dataReceived function. QUdpSocket::connect(udp, &QUdpSocket::readyRead, this, &udpHandler::dataReceived); /* Connect various timers */ tokenTimer = new QTimer(); areYouThereTimer = new QTimer(); pingTimer = new QTimer(); idleTimer = new QTimer(); connect(tokenTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, std::bind(&udpHandler::sendToken, this, 0x05)); connect(areYouThereTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, std::bind(&udpBase::sendControl, this, false, 0x03, 0)); connect(pingTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &udpBase::sendPing); connect(idleTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, std::bind(&udpBase::sendControl, this, true, 0, 0)); // Start sending are you there packets - will be stopped once "I am here" received areYouThereTimer->start(AREYOUTHERE_PERIOD); } udpHandler::~udpHandler() { if (streamOpened) { if (audio != Q_NULLPTR) { delete audio; } if (civ != Q_NULLPTR) { delete civ; } qInfo(logUdp()) << "Sending token removal packet"; sendToken(0x01); if (tokenTimer != Q_NULLPTR) { tokenTimer->stop(); delete tokenTimer; } if (watchdogTimer != Q_NULLPTR) { watchdogTimer->stop(); delete watchdogTimer; } } } void udpHandler::changeLatency(quint16 value) { emit haveChangeLatency(value); } void udpHandler::setVolume(unsigned char value) { emit haveSetVolume(value); } void udpHandler::receiveFromCivStream(QByteArray data) { emit haveDataFromPort(data); } void udpHandler::receiveAudioData(const audioPacket &data) { emit haveAudioData(data); } void udpHandler::receiveDataFromUserToRig(QByteArray data) { if (civ != Q_NULLPTR) { civ->send(data); } } void udpHandler::dataReceived() { while (udp->hasPendingDatagrams()) { lastReceived = QTime::currentTime(); QNetworkDatagram datagram = udp->receiveDatagram(); QByteArray r = datagram.data(); switch (r.length()) { case (CONTROL_SIZE): // control packet { control_packet_t in = (control_packet_t)r.constData(); if (in->type == 0x04) { // If timer is active, stop it as they are obviously there! qInfo(logUdp()) << this->metaObject()->className() << ": Received I am here from: " <isActive()) { // send ping packets every second areYouThereTimer->stop(); pingTimer->start(PING_PERIOD); idleTimer->start(IDLE_PERIOD); } } // This is "I am ready" in response to "Are you ready" so send login. else if (in->type == 0x06) { qInfo(logUdp()) << this->metaObject()->className() << ": Received I am ready"; sendLogin(); // send login packet } break; } case (PING_SIZE): // ping packet { ping_packet_t in = (ping_packet_t)r.constData(); if (in->type == 0x07 && in->reply == 0x01 && streamOpened) { // This is a response to our ping request so measure latency latency += lastPingSentTime.msecsTo(QDateTime::currentDateTime()); latency /= 2; quint32 totalsent = packetsSent; quint32 totallost = packetsLost; if (audio != Q_NULLPTR) { totalsent = totalsent + audio->packetsSent; totallost = totallost + audio->packetsLost; } if (civ != Q_NULLPTR) { totalsent = totalsent + civ->packetsSent; totallost = totallost + civ->packetsLost; } QString tempLatency; if (rxSetup.latency > audio->audioLatency) { tempLatency = QString("%1 ms").arg(audio->audioLatency,3); } else { tempLatency = QString("%1 ms").arg(audio->audioLatency,3); } QString txString=""; if (txSetup.codec == 0) { txString = "(no tx)"; } emit haveNetworkStatus(QString("
%1 rx latency: %2 / rtt: %3 ms / loss: %4/%5
").arg(txString).arg(tempLatency).arg(latency, 3).arg(totallost, 3).arg(totalsent, 3)); } break; } case (TOKEN_SIZE): // Response to Token request { token_packet_t in = (token_packet_t)r.constData(); if (in->res == 0x05 && in->type != 0x01) { if (in->response == 0x0000) { qDebug(logUdp()) << this->metaObject()->className() << ": Token renewal successful"; tokenTimer->start(TOKEN_RENEWAL); gotAuthOK = true; if (!streamOpened) { sendRequestStream(); } } else if (in->response == 0xffffffff) { qWarning() << this->metaObject()->className() << ": Radio rejected token renewal, performing login"; remoteId = in->sentid; tokRequest = in->tokrequest; token = in->token; streamOpened = false; sendRequestStream(); // Got new token response //sendToken(0x02); // Update it. } else { qWarning() << this->metaObject()->className() << ": Unknown response to token renewal? " << in->response; } } break; } case (STATUS_SIZE): // Status packet { status_packet_t in = (status_packet_t)r.constData(); if (in->type != 0x01) { if (in->error == 0x00ffffff && !streamOpened) { emit haveNetworkError(radioIP.toString(), "Auth failed, try rebooting the radio."); qInfo(logUdp()) << this->metaObject()->className() << ": Auth failed, try rebooting the radio."; } else if (in->error == 0x00000000 && in->disc == 0x01) { emit haveNetworkError(radioIP.toString(), "Got radio disconnected."); qInfo(logUdp()) << this->metaObject()->className() << ": Got radio disconnected."; if (streamOpened) { // Close stream connections but keep connection open to the radio. if (audio != Q_NULLPTR) { delete audio; audio = Q_NULLPTR; } if (civ != Q_NULLPTR) { delete civ; civ = Q_NULLPTR; } streamOpened = false; } } else { civPort = qFromBigEndian(in->civport); audioPort = qFromBigEndian(in->audioport); } } break; } case(LOGIN_RESPONSE_SIZE): // Response to Login packet. { login_response_packet_t in = (login_response_packet_t)r.constData(); if (in->type != 0x01) { if (in->error == 0xfeffffff) { emit haveNetworkStatus("Invalid Username/Password"); qInfo(logUdp()) << this->metaObject()->className() << ": Invalid Username/Password"; } else if (!isAuthenticated) { if (in->tokrequest == tokRequest) { emit haveNetworkStatus("Radio Login OK!"); qInfo(logUdp()) << this->metaObject()->className() << ": Received matching token response to our request"; token = in->token; sendToken(0x02); tokenTimer->start(TOKEN_RENEWAL); // Start token request timer isAuthenticated = true; } else { qInfo(logUdp()) << this->metaObject()->className() << ": Token response did not match, sent:" << tokRequest << " got " << in->tokrequest; } } if (!strcmp(in->connection, "FTTH")) { highBandwidthConnection = true; } if (!strcmp(in->connection, "WFVIEW")) { } else { if (rxSetup.codec >= 0x40 || txSetup.codec >= 0x40) { emit haveNetworkError(QString("UDP"),QString("Opus codec not supported")); } } qInfo(logUdp()) << this->metaObject()->className() << ": Detected connection speed " << in->connection; } break; } case (CONNINFO_SIZE): { conninfo_packet_t in = (conninfo_packet_t)r.constData(); if (in->type != 0x01) { devName = in->name; QHostAddress ip = QHostAddress(qToBigEndian(in->ipaddress)); if (!streamOpened && in->busy) { if (in->ipaddress != 0x00 && strcmp(in->computer, compName.toLocal8Bit())) { emit haveNetworkStatus(devName + " in use by: " + in->computer + " (" + ip.toString() + ")"); sendControl(false, 0x00, in->seq); // Respond with an idle } else { civ = new udpCivData(localIP, radioIP, civPort); // TX is not supported if (txSampleRates <2 ) { txSetup.samplerate = 0; txSetup.codec = 0; } audio = new udpAudio(localIP, radioIP, audioPort, rxSetup, txSetup); QObject::connect(civ, SIGNAL(receive(QByteArray)), this, SLOT(receiveFromCivStream(QByteArray))); QObject::connect(audio, SIGNAL(haveAudioData(audioPacket)), this, SLOT(receiveAudioData(audioPacket))); QObject::connect(this, SIGNAL(haveChangeLatency(quint16)), audio, SLOT(changeLatency(quint16))); QObject::connect(this, SIGNAL(haveSetVolume(unsigned char)), audio, SLOT(setVolume(unsigned char))); streamOpened = true; emit haveNetworkStatus(devName); qInfo(logUdp()) << this->metaObject()->className() << "Got serial and audio request success, device name: " << devName; // Stuff can change in the meantime because of a previous login... remoteId = in->sentid; myId = in->rcvdid; tokRequest = in->tokrequest; token = in->token; } } else if (!streamOpened && !in->busy) { emit haveNetworkStatus(devName + " available"); identa = in->identa; identb = in->identb; sendRequestStream(); } else if (streamOpened) /* If another client connects/disconnects from the server, the server will emit a CONNINFO packet, send our details to confirm we still want the stream */ { // Received while stream is open. sendRequestStream(); } } break; } case (CAPABILITIES_SIZE): { capabilities_packet_t in = (capabilities_packet_t)r.constData(); if (in->type != 0x01) { audioType = in->audio; devName = in->name; civId = in->civ; rxSampleRates = in->rxsample; txSampleRates = in->txsample; emit haveBaudRate(qFromBigEndian(in->baudrate)); //replyId = r.mid(0x42, 16); qInfo(logUdp()) << this->metaObject()->className() << "Received radio capabilities, Name:" << devName << " Audio:" << audioType << "CIV:" << hex << civId; if (txSampleRates < 2) { // TX not supported qInfo(logUdp()) << this->metaObject()->className() << "TX audio is disabled"; } } break; } } udpBase::dataReceived(r); // Call parent function to process the rest. r.clear(); datagram.clear(); } return; } void udpHandler::sendRequestStream() { QByteArray usernameEncoded; passcode(username, usernameEncoded); conninfo_packet p; memset(p.packet, 0x0, sizeof(p)); // We can't be sure it is initialized with 0x00! p.len = sizeof(p); p.sentid = myId; p.rcvdid = remoteId; p.code = 0x0180; p.res = 0x03; p.commoncap = 0x8010; p.identa = identa; p.identb = identb; p.innerseq = authSeq++; p.tokrequest = tokRequest; p.token = token; memcpy(&p.name, devName.toLocal8Bit().constData(), devName.length()); p.rxenable = 1; if (this->txSampleRates > 1) { p.txenable = 1; p.txcodec = txSetup.codec; } p.rxcodec = rxSetup.codec; memcpy(&p.username, usernameEncoded.constData(), usernameEncoded.length()); p.rxsample = qToBigEndian((quint32)rxSetup.samplerate); p.txsample = qToBigEndian((quint32)txSetup.samplerate); p.civport = qToBigEndian((quint32)civPort); p.audioport = qToBigEndian((quint32)audioPort); p.txbuffer = qToBigEndian((quint32)txSetup.latency); p.convert = 1; sendTrackedPacket(QByteArray::fromRawData((const char*)p.packet, sizeof(p))); return; } void udpHandler::sendAreYouThere() { if (areYouThereCounter == 20) { qInfo(logUdp()) << this->metaObject()->className() << ": Radio not responding."; emit haveNetworkStatus("Radio not responding!"); } qInfo(logUdp()) << this->metaObject()->className() << ": Sending Are You There..."; areYouThereCounter++; udpBase::sendControl(false,0x03,0x00); } void udpHandler::sendLogin() // Only used on control stream. { qInfo(logUdp()) << this->metaObject()->className() << ": Sending login packet"; tokRequest = static_cast(rand() | rand() << 8); // Generate random token request. QByteArray usernameEncoded; QByteArray passwordEncoded; passcode(username, usernameEncoded); passcode(password, passwordEncoded); login_packet p; memset(p.packet, 0x0, sizeof(p)); // We can't be sure it is initialized with 0x00! p.len = sizeof(p); p.sentid = myId; p.rcvdid = remoteId; p.code = 0x0170; // Not sure what this is? p.innerseq = authSeq++; p.tokrequest = tokRequest; memcpy(p.username, usernameEncoded.constData(), usernameEncoded.length()); memcpy(p.password, passwordEncoded.constData(), passwordEncoded.length()); memcpy(p.name, compName.toLocal8Bit().constData(), compName.length()); sendTrackedPacket(QByteArray::fromRawData((const char*)p.packet, sizeof(p))); return; } void udpHandler::sendToken(uint8_t magic) { qDebug(logUdp()) << this->metaObject()->className() << "Sending Token request: " << magic; token_packet p; memset(p.packet, 0x0, sizeof(p)); // We can't be sure it is initialized with 0x00! p.len = sizeof(p); p.sentid = myId; p.rcvdid = remoteId; p.code = 0x0130; // Not sure what this is? p.res = magic; p.innerseq = authSeq++; p.tokrequest = tokRequest; p.token = token; sendTrackedPacket(QByteArray::fromRawData((const char *)p.packet, sizeof(p))); // The radio should request a repeat of the token renewal packet via retransmission! //tokenTimer->start(100); // Set 100ms timer for retry (this will be cancelled if a response is received) return; } // Class that manages all Civ Data to/from the rig udpCivData::udpCivData(QHostAddress local, QHostAddress ip, quint16 civPort) { qInfo(logUdp()) << "Starting udpCivData"; localIP = local; port = civPort; radioIP = ip; udpBase::init(); // Perform connection QUdpSocket::connect(udp, &QUdpSocket::readyRead, this, &udpCivData::dataReceived); sendControl(false, 0x03, 0x00); // First connect packet /* Connect various timers */ pingTimer = new QTimer(); idleTimer = new QTimer(); areYouThereTimer = new QTimer(); startCivDataTimer = new QTimer(); watchdogTimer = new QTimer(); connect(pingTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &udpBase::sendPing); connect(watchdogTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &udpCivData::watchdog); connect(idleTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, std::bind(&udpBase::sendControl, this, true, 0, 0)); connect(startCivDataTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, std::bind(&udpCivData::sendOpenClose, this, false)); connect(areYouThereTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, std::bind(&udpBase::sendControl, this, false, 0x03, 0)); watchdogTimer->start(WATCHDOG_PERIOD); // Start sending are you there packets - will be stopped once "I am here" received // send ping packets every 100 ms (maybe change to less frequent?) pingTimer->start(PING_PERIOD); // Send idle packets every 100ms, this timer will be reset everytime a non-idle packet is sent. idleTimer->start(IDLE_PERIOD); areYouThereTimer->start(AREYOUTHERE_PERIOD); } udpCivData::~udpCivData() { sendOpenClose(true); if (startCivDataTimer != Q_NULLPTR) { startCivDataTimer->stop(); delete startCivDataTimer; startCivDataTimer = Q_NULLPTR; } if (pingTimer != Q_NULLPTR) { pingTimer->stop(); delete pingTimer; pingTimer = Q_NULLPTR; } if (idleTimer != Q_NULLPTR) { idleTimer->stop(); delete idleTimer; idleTimer = Q_NULLPTR; } if (watchdogTimer != Q_NULLPTR) { watchdogTimer->stop(); delete watchdogTimer; watchdogTimer = Q_NULLPTR; } } void udpCivData::watchdog() { static bool alerted = false; if (lastReceived.msecsTo(QTime::currentTime()) > 2000) { if (!alerted) { qInfo(logUdp()) << " CIV Watchdog: no CIV data received for 2s, requesting data start."; if (startCivDataTimer != Q_NULLPTR) { startCivDataTimer->start(100); } alerted = true; } } else { alerted = false; } } void udpCivData::send(QByteArray d) { //qInfo(logUdp()) << "Sending: (" << d.length() << ") " << d; data_packet p; memset(p.packet, 0x0, sizeof(p)); // We can't be sure it is initialized with 0x00! p.len = sizeof(p)+d.length(); p.sentid = myId; p.rcvdid = remoteId; p.reply = (char)0xc1; p.datalen = d.length(); p.sendseq = qToBigEndian(sendSeqB); // THIS IS BIG ENDIAN! QByteArray t = QByteArray::fromRawData((const char*)p.packet, sizeof(p)); t.append(d); sendTrackedPacket(t); sendSeqB++; return; } void udpCivData::sendOpenClose(bool close) { uint8_t magic = 0x04; if (close) { magic = 0x00; } openclose_packet p; memset(p.packet, 0x0, sizeof(p)); // We can't be sure it is initialized with 0x00! p.len = sizeof(p); p.sentid = myId; p.rcvdid = remoteId; p.data = 0x01c0; // Not sure what other values are available: p.sendseq = qToBigEndian(sendSeqB); p.magic = magic; sendSeqB++; sendTrackedPacket(QByteArray::fromRawData((const char*)p.packet, sizeof(p))); return; } void udpCivData::dataReceived() { while (udp->hasPendingDatagrams()) { QNetworkDatagram datagram = udp->receiveDatagram(); //qInfo(logUdp()) << "Received: " << datagram.data(); QByteArray r = datagram.data(); switch (r.length()) { case (CONTROL_SIZE): // Control packet { control_packet_t in = (control_packet_t)r.constData(); if (in->type == 0x04) { areYouThereTimer->stop(); } else if (in->type == 0x06) { // Update remoteId remoteId = in->sentid; // Manually send a CIV start request and start the timer if it isn't received. // The timer will be stopped as soon as valid CIV data is received. sendOpenClose(false); if (startCivDataTimer != Q_NULLPTR) { startCivDataTimer->start(100); } } break; } default: { if (r.length() > 21) { data_packet_t in = (data_packet_t)r.constData(); if (in->type != 0x01) { // Process this packet, any re-transmit requests will happen later. //uint16_t gotSeq = qFromLittleEndian(r.mid(6, 2)); // We have received some Civ data so stop sending Start packets! if (startCivDataTimer != Q_NULLPTR) { startCivDataTimer->stop(); } lastReceived = QTime::currentTime(); if (quint16(in->datalen + 0x15) == (quint16)in->len) { //if (r.mid(0x15).length() != 157) emit receive(r.mid(0x15)); //qDebug(logUdp()) << "Got incoming CIV datagram" << r.mid(0x15).length(); } } } break; } } udpBase::dataReceived(r); // Call parent function to process the rest. r.clear(); datagram.clear(); } } // Audio stream udpAudio::udpAudio(QHostAddress local, QHostAddress ip, quint16 audioPort, audioSetup rxSetup, audioSetup txSetup) { qInfo(logUdp()) << "Starting udpAudio"; this->localIP = local; this->port = audioPort; this->radioIP = ip; if (txSetup.samplerate == 0) { enableTx = false; } init(); // Perform connection QUdpSocket::connect(udp, &QUdpSocket::readyRead, this, &udpAudio::dataReceived); rxaudio = new audioHandler(); rxAudioThread = new QThread(this); rxaudio->moveToThread(rxAudioThread); rxAudioThread->start(); connect(this, SIGNAL(setupRxAudio(audioSetup)), rxaudio, SLOT(init(audioSetup))); // signal/slot not currently used. connect(this, SIGNAL(haveAudioData(audioPacket)), rxaudio, SLOT(incomingAudio(audioPacket))); connect(this, SIGNAL(haveChangeLatency(quint16)), rxaudio, SLOT(changeLatency(quint16))); connect(this, SIGNAL(haveSetVolume(unsigned char)), rxaudio, SLOT(setVolume(unsigned char))); connect(rxAudioThread, SIGNAL(finished()), rxaudio, SLOT(deleteLater())); txSetup.radioChan = 1; txaudio = new audioHandler(); txAudioThread = new QThread(this); txaudio->moveToThread(txAudioThread); txAudioThread->start(); connect(this, SIGNAL(setupTxAudio(audioSetup)), txaudio, SLOT(init(audioSetup))); connect(txAudioThread, SIGNAL(finished()), txaudio, SLOT(deleteLater())); sendControl(false, 0x03, 0x00); // First connect packet pingTimer = new QTimer(); connect(pingTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &udpBase::sendPing); pingTimer->start(PING_PERIOD); // send ping packets every 100ms if (enableTx) { emit setupTxAudio(txSetup); } emit setupRxAudio(rxSetup); watchdogTimer = new QTimer(); connect(watchdogTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &udpAudio::watchdog); watchdogTimer->start(WATCHDOG_PERIOD); txAudioTimer = new QTimer(); txAudioTimer->setTimerType(Qt::PreciseTimer); connect(txAudioTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &udpAudio::sendTxAudio); areYouThereTimer = new QTimer(); connect(areYouThereTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, std::bind(&udpBase::sendControl, this, false, 0x03, 0)); areYouThereTimer->start(AREYOUTHERE_PERIOD); } udpAudio::~udpAudio() { if (pingTimer != Q_NULLPTR) { qDebug(logUdp()) << "Stopping pingTimer"; pingTimer->stop(); delete pingTimer; pingTimer = Q_NULLPTR; } if (idleTimer != Q_NULLPTR) { qDebug(logUdp()) << "Stopping idleTimer"; idleTimer->stop(); delete idleTimer; idleTimer = Q_NULLPTR; } if (watchdogTimer != Q_NULLPTR) { qDebug(logUdp()) << "Stopping watchdogTimer"; watchdogTimer->stop(); delete watchdogTimer; watchdogTimer = Q_NULLPTR; } if (txAudioTimer != Q_NULLPTR) { qDebug(logUdp()) << "Stopping txaudio timer"; txAudioTimer->stop(); delete txAudioTimer; } if (rxAudioThread != Q_NULLPTR) { qDebug(logUdp()) << "Stopping rxaudio thread"; rxAudioThread->quit(); rxAudioThread->wait(); } if (txAudioThread != Q_NULLPTR) { qDebug(logUdp()) << "Stopping txaudio thread"; txAudioThread->quit(); txAudioThread->wait(); } qDebug(logUdp()) << "udpHandler successfully closed"; } void udpAudio::watchdog() { static bool alerted = false; if (lastReceived.msecsTo(QTime::currentTime()) > 2000) { if (!alerted) { /* Just log it at the moment, maybe try signalling the control channel that it needs to try requesting civ/audio again? */ qInfo(logUdp()) << " Audio Watchdog: no audio data received for 2s, restart required?"; alerted = true; } } else { alerted = false; } } void udpAudio::sendTxAudio() { if (txaudio == Q_NULLPTR) { return; } QByteArray audio; txaudio->getNextAudioChunk(audio); if (audio.length() > 0) { int counter = 1; int len = 0; while (len < audio.length()) { QByteArray partial = audio.mid(len, 1364); audio_packet p; memset(p.packet, 0x0, sizeof(p)); // We can't be sure it is initialized with 0x00! p.len = sizeof(p) + partial.length(); p.sentid = myId; p.rcvdid = remoteId; if (partial.length() == 0xa0) { p.ident = 0x9781; } else { p.ident = 0x0080; // TX audio is always this? } p.datalen = (quint16)qToBigEndian((quint16)partial.length()); p.sendseq = (quint16)qToBigEndian((quint16)sendAudioSeq); // THIS IS BIG ENDIAN! QByteArray tx = QByteArray::fromRawData((const char*)p.packet, sizeof(p)); tx.append(partial); len = len + partial.length(); //qInfo(logUdp()) << "Sending audio packet length: " << tx.length(); sendTrackedPacket(tx); sendAudioSeq++; counter++; } } } void udpAudio::changeLatency(quint16 value) { emit haveChangeLatency(value); } void udpAudio::setVolume(unsigned char value) { emit haveSetVolume(value); } void udpAudio::dataReceived() { while (udp->hasPendingDatagrams()) { QNetworkDatagram datagram = udp->receiveDatagram(); //qInfo(logUdp()) << "Received: " << datagram.data().mid(0,10); QByteArray r = datagram.data(); switch (r.length()) { case (16): // Response to control packet handled in udpBase { control_packet_t in = (control_packet_t)r.constData(); if (in->type == 0x04 && enableTx) { txAudioTimer->start(TXAUDIO_PERIOD); } break; } default: { /* Audio packets start as follows: PCM 16bit and PCM8/uLAW stereo: 0x44,0x02 for first packet and 0x6c,0x05 for second. uLAW 8bit/PCM 8bit 0xd8,0x03 for all packets PCM 16bit stereo 0x6c,0x05 first & second 0x70,0x04 third */ control_packet_t in = (control_packet_t)r.constData(); if (in->type != 0x01 && in->len >= 0x20) { if (in->seq == 0) { // Seq number has rolled over. seqPrefix++; } // 0xac is the smallest possible audio packet. lastReceived = QTime::currentTime(); audioPacket tempAudio; tempAudio.seq = (quint32)seqPrefix << 16 | in->seq; tempAudio.time = lastReceived; tempAudio.sent = 0; tempAudio.data = r.mid(0x18); // Prefer signal/slot to forward audio as it is thread/safe // Need to do more testing but latency appears fine. //audioLatency = rxaudio->incomingAudio(tempAudio); emit haveAudioData(tempAudio); audioLatency = rxaudio->getLatency(); } break; } } udpBase::dataReceived(r); // Call parent function to process the rest. r.clear(); datagram.clear(); } } void udpBase::init() { timeStarted.start(); udp = new QUdpSocket(this); udp->bind(); // Bind to random port. localPort = udp->localPort(); qInfo(logUdp()) << "UDP Stream bound to local port:" << localPort << " remote port:" << port; uint32_t addr = localIP.toIPv4Address(); myId = (addr >> 8 & 0xff) << 24 | (addr & 0xff) << 16 | (localPort & 0xffff); retransmitTimer = new QTimer(); connect(retransmitTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &udpBase::sendRetransmitRequest); retransmitTimer->start(RETRANSMIT_PERIOD); } udpBase::~udpBase() { qInfo(logUdp()) << "Closing UDP stream :" << radioIP.toString() << ":" << port; if (udp != Q_NULLPTR) { sendControl(false, 0x05, 0x00); // Send disconnect udp->close(); delete udp; } if (areYouThereTimer != Q_NULLPTR) { areYouThereTimer->stop(); delete areYouThereTimer; } if (pingTimer != Q_NULLPTR) { pingTimer->stop(); delete pingTimer; } if (idleTimer != Q_NULLPTR) { idleTimer->stop(); delete idleTimer; } if (retransmitTimer != Q_NULLPTR) { retransmitTimer->stop(); delete retransmitTimer; } pingTimer = Q_NULLPTR; idleTimer = Q_NULLPTR; areYouThereTimer = Q_NULLPTR; retransmitTimer = Q_NULLPTR; } // Base class! void udpBase::dataReceived(QByteArray r) { if (r.length() < 0x10) { return; // Packet too small do to anything with? } switch (r.length()) { case (CONTROL_SIZE): // Empty response used for simple comms and retransmit requests. { control_packet_t in = (control_packet_t)r.constData(); if (in->type == 0x01) { // Single packet request packetsLost++; congestion ++; txBufferMutex.lock(); QMap::iterator match = txSeqBuf.find(in->seq); if (match != txSeqBuf.end()) { // Found matching entry? // Send "untracked" as it has already been sent once. // Don't constantly retransmit the same packet, give-up eventually qDebug(logUdp()) << this->metaObject()->className() << ": Sending retransmit of " << hex << match->seqNum; match->retransmitCount++; udpMutex.lock(); udp->writeDatagram(match->data, radioIP, port); udpMutex.unlock(); } txBufferMutex.unlock(); } if (in->type == 0x04) { qInfo(logUdp()) << this->metaObject()->className() << ": Received I am here "; areYouThereCounter = 0; // I don't think that we will ever receive an "I am here" other than in response to "Are you there?" remoteId = in->sentid; if (areYouThereTimer != Q_NULLPTR && areYouThereTimer->isActive()) { // send ping packets every second areYouThereTimer->stop(); } sendControl(false, 0x06, 0x01); // Send Are you ready - untracked. } else if (in->type == 0x06) { // Just get the seqnum and ignore the rest. } break; } case (PING_SIZE): // ping packet { ping_packet_t in = (ping_packet_t)r.constData(); if (in->type == 0x07) { // It is a ping request/response if (in->reply == 0x00) { ping_packet p; memset(p.packet, 0x0, sizeof(p)); // We can't be sure it is initialized with 0x00! p.len = sizeof(p); p.type = 0x07; p.sentid = myId; p.rcvdid = remoteId; p.reply = 0x01; p.seq = in->seq; p.time = in->time; udpMutex.lock(); udp->writeDatagram(QByteArray::fromRawData((const char*)p.packet, sizeof(p)), radioIP, port); udpMutex.unlock(); } else if (in->reply == 0x01) { if (in->seq == pingSendSeq) { // This is response to OUR request so increment counter pingSendSeq++; } else { // Not sure what to do here, need to spend more time with the protocol but will try sending ping with same seq next time. //qInfo(logUdp()) << this->metaObject()->className() << "Received out-of-sequence ping response. Sent:" << pingSendSeq << " received " << in->seq; } } else { qInfo(logUdp()) << this->metaObject()->className() << "Unhandled response to ping. I have never seen this! 0x10=" << r[16]; } } break; } default: { // All packets "should" be added to the incoming buffer. // First check that we haven't already received it. } break; } // All packets except ping and retransmit requests should trigger this. control_packet_t in = (control_packet_t)r.constData(); // This is a variable length retransmit request! if (in->type == 0x01 && in->len != 0x10) { for (quint16 i = 0x10; i < r.length(); i = i + 2) { quint16 seq = (quint8)r[i] | (quint8)r[i + 1] << 8; QMap::iterator match = txSeqBuf.find(seq); if (match == txSeqBuf.end()) { qDebug(logUdp()) << this->metaObject()->className() << ": Requested packet " << hex << seq << " not found"; // Just send idle packet. sendControl(false, 0, match->seqNum); } else { // Found matching entry? // Send "untracked" as it has already been sent once. qDebug(logUdp()) << this->metaObject()->className() << ": Sending retransmit (range) of " << hex << match->seqNum; match->retransmitCount++; udpMutex.lock(); udp->writeDatagram(match->data, radioIP, port); udpMutex.unlock(); match++; packetsLost++; congestion++; } } } else if (in->len != PING_SIZE && in->type == 0x00 && in->seq != 0x00) { rxBufferMutex.lock(); if (rxSeqBuf.isEmpty()) { if (rxSeqBuf.size() > 400) { rxSeqBuf.erase(rxSeqBuf.begin()); } rxSeqBuf.insert(in->seq, QTime::currentTime()); } else { //std::sort(rxSeqBuf.begin(), rxSeqBuf.end()); if (in->seq < rxSeqBuf.firstKey()) { qInfo(logUdp()) << this->metaObject()->className() << ": ******* seq number has rolled over ****** previous highest: " << hex << rxSeqBuf.lastKey() << " current: " << hex << in->seq; //seqPrefix++; // Looks like it has rolled over so clear buffer and start again. rxSeqBuf.clear(); rxMissing.clear(); rxBufferMutex.unlock(); return; } if (!rxSeqBuf.contains(in->seq)) { // Add incoming packet to the received buffer and if it is in the missing buffer, remove it. rxSeqBuf.insert(in->seq, QTime::currentTime()); if (rxSeqBuf.size() > 400) { rxSeqBuf.erase(rxSeqBuf.begin()); } } else { // This is probably one of our missing packets! missingMutex.lock(); QMap::iterator s = rxMissing.find(in->seq); if (s != rxMissing.end()) { qDebug(logUdp()) << this->metaObject()->className() << ": Missing SEQ has been received! " << hex << in->seq; s = rxMissing.erase(s); } missingMutex.unlock(); } } rxBufferMutex.unlock(); } } bool missing(quint16 i, quint16 j) { return (i + 1 != j); } void udpBase::sendRetransmitRequest() { // Find all gaps in received packets and then send requests for them. // This will run every 100ms so out-of-sequence packets will not trigger a retransmit request. QByteArray missingSeqs; rxBufferMutex.lock(); if (!rxSeqBuf.empty() && rxSeqBuf.size() <= rxSeqBuf.lastKey() - rxSeqBuf.firstKey()) { if ((rxSeqBuf.lastKey() - rxSeqBuf.firstKey() - rxSeqBuf.size()) > 20) { // Too many packets to process, flush buffers and start again! qDebug(logUdp()) << "Too many missing packets, flushing buffer: " << rxSeqBuf.lastKey() << "missing=" << rxSeqBuf.lastKey() - rxSeqBuf.firstKey() - rxSeqBuf.size() + 1; rxMissing.clear(); missingMutex.lock(); rxSeqBuf.clear(); missingMutex.unlock(); } else { // We have at least 1 missing packet! qDebug(logUdp()) << "Missing Seq: size=" << rxSeqBuf.size() << "firstKey=" << rxSeqBuf.firstKey() << "lastKey=" << rxSeqBuf.lastKey() << "missing=" << rxSeqBuf.lastKey() - rxSeqBuf.firstKey() - rxSeqBuf.size() + 1; // We are missing packets so iterate through the buffer and add the missing ones to missing packet list for (int i = 0; i < rxSeqBuf.keys().length() - 1; i++) { missingMutex.lock(); for (quint16 j = rxSeqBuf.keys()[i] + 1; j < rxSeqBuf.keys()[i + 1]; j++) { auto s = rxMissing.find(j); if (s == rxMissing.end()) { // We haven't seen this missing packet before qDebug(logUdp()) << this->metaObject()->className() << ": Adding to missing buffer (len=" << rxMissing.size() << "): " << j; if (rxMissing.size() > 25) { rxMissing.erase(rxMissing.begin()); } rxMissing.insert(j, 0); if (rxSeqBuf.size() > 400) { rxSeqBuf.erase(rxSeqBuf.begin()); } rxSeqBuf.insert(j, QTime::currentTime()); // Add this missing packet to the rxbuffer as we now long about it. packetsLost++; } else { if (s.value() == 4) { // We have tried 4 times to request this packet, time to give up! s = rxMissing.erase(s); } } } missingMutex.unlock(); } } } rxBufferMutex.unlock(); missingMutex.lock(); for (auto it = rxMissing.begin(); it != rxMissing.end(); ++it) { if (it.value() < 10) { missingSeqs.append(it.key() & 0xff); missingSeqs.append(it.key() >> 8 & 0xff); missingSeqs.append(it.key() & 0xff); missingSeqs.append(it.key() >> 8 & 0xff); it.value()++; } } missingMutex.unlock(); if (missingSeqs.length() != 0) { control_packet p; memset(p.packet, 0x0, sizeof(p)); // We can't be sure it is initialized with 0x00! p.type = 0x01; p.seq = 0x0000; p.sentid = myId; p.rcvdid = remoteId; if (missingSeqs.length() == 4) // This is just a single missing packet so send using a control. { p.seq = (missingSeqs[0] & 0xff) | (quint16)(missingSeqs[1] << 8); qDebug(logUdp()) << this->metaObject()->className() << ": sending request for missing packet : " << hex << p.seq; udpMutex.lock(); udp->writeDatagram(QByteArray::fromRawData((const char*)p.packet, sizeof(p)), radioIP, port); udpMutex.unlock(); } else { qDebug(logUdp()) << this->metaObject()->className() << ": sending request for multiple missing packets : " << missingSeqs.toHex(); missingMutex.lock(); missingSeqs.insert(0, p.packet, sizeof(p.packet)); missingMutex.unlock(); udpMutex.lock(); udp->writeDatagram(missingSeqs, radioIP, port); udpMutex.unlock(); } } } // Used to send idle and other "control" style messages void udpBase::sendControl(bool tracked = true, quint8 type = 0, quint16 seq = 0) { control_packet p; memset(p.packet, 0x0, sizeof(p)); // We can't be sure it is initialized with 0x00! p.len = sizeof(p); p.type = type; p.sentid = myId; p.rcvdid = remoteId; if (!tracked) { p.seq = seq; udpMutex.lock(); udp->writeDatagram(QByteArray::fromRawData((const char*)p.packet, sizeof(p)), radioIP, port); udpMutex.unlock(); } else { sendTrackedPacket(QByteArray::fromRawData((const char*)p.packet, sizeof(p))); } return; } // Send periodic ping packets void udpBase::sendPing() { ping_packet p; memset(p.packet, 0x0, sizeof(p)); // We can't be sure it is initialized with 0x00! p.len = sizeof(p); p.type = 0x07; p.sentid = myId; p.rcvdid = remoteId; p.seq = pingSendSeq; p.time = timeStarted.msecsSinceStartOfDay(); lastPingSentTime = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); udpMutex.lock(); udp->writeDatagram(QByteArray::fromRawData((const char*)p.packet, sizeof(p)), radioIP, port); udpMutex.unlock(); return; } void udpBase::sendRetransmitRange(quint16 first, quint16 second, quint16 third, quint16 fourth) { retransmit_range_packet p; memset(p.packet, 0x0, sizeof(p)); // We can't be sure it is initialized with 0x00! p.len = sizeof(p); p.type = 0x00; p.sentid = myId; p.rcvdid = remoteId; p.first = first; p.second = second; p.third = third; p.fourth = fourth; udpMutex.lock(); udp->writeDatagram(QByteArray::fromRawData((const char*)p.packet, sizeof(p)), radioIP, port); udpMutex.unlock(); return; } void udpBase::sendTrackedPacket(QByteArray d) { // As the radio can request retransmission of these packets, store them in a buffer d[6] = sendSeq & 0xff; d[7] = (sendSeq >> 8) & 0xff; SEQBUFENTRY s; s.seqNum = sendSeq; s.timeSent = QTime::currentTime(); s.retransmitCount = 0; s.data = d; if (txBufferMutex.tryLock(100)) { if (sendSeq == 0) { // We are either the first ever sent packet or have rolled-over so clear the buffer. txSeqBuf.clear(); congestion = 0; } txSeqBuf.insert(sendSeq,s); if (txSeqBuf.size() > 400) { txSeqBuf.erase(txSeqBuf.begin()); } txBufferMutex.unlock(); } else { qInfo(logUdp()) << this->metaObject()->className() << ": txBuffer mutex is locked"; } // Stop using purgeOldEntries() as it is likely slower than just removing the earliest packet. //qInfo(logUdp()) << this->metaObject()->className() << "RX:" << rxSeqBuf.size() << "TX:" <writeDatagram(d, radioIP, port); if (congestion>10) { // Poor quality connection? udp->writeDatagram(d, radioIP, port); if (congestion>20) // Even worse so send again. udp->writeDatagram(d, radioIP, port); } if (idleTimer != Q_NULLPTR && idleTimer->isActive()) { idleTimer->start(IDLE_PERIOD); // Reset idle counter if it's running } udpMutex.unlock(); packetsSent++; return; } /// /// Once a packet has reached PURGE_SECONDS old (currently 10) then it is not likely to be any use. /// void udpBase::purgeOldEntries() { // Erase old entries from the tx packet buffer if (txBufferMutex.tryLock(100)) { if (!txSeqBuf.isEmpty()) { // Loop through the earliest items in the buffer and delete if older than PURGE_SECONDS for (auto it = txSeqBuf.begin(); it != txSeqBuf.end();) { if (it.value().timeSent.secsTo(QTime::currentTime()) > PURGE_SECONDS) { txSeqBuf.erase(it++); } else { break; } } } txBufferMutex.unlock(); } else { qInfo(logUdp()) << this->metaObject()->className() << ": txBuffer mutex is locked"; } if (rxBufferMutex.tryLock(100)) { if (!rxSeqBuf.isEmpty()) { // Loop through the earliest items in the buffer and delete if older than PURGE_SECONDS for (auto it = rxSeqBuf.begin(); it != rxSeqBuf.end();) { if (it.value().secsTo(QTime::currentTime()) > PURGE_SECONDS) { rxSeqBuf.erase(it++); } else { break; } } } rxBufferMutex.unlock(); } else { qInfo(logUdp()) << this->metaObject()->className() << ": rxBuffer mutex is locked"; } if (missingMutex.tryLock(100)) { // Erase old entries from the missing packets buffer if (!rxMissing.isEmpty() && rxMissing.size() > 50) { for (size_t i = 0; i < 25; ++i) { rxMissing.erase(rxMissing.begin()); } } missingMutex.unlock(); } else { qInfo(logUdp()) << this->metaObject()->className() << ": missingBuffer mutex is locked"; } } /// /// passcode function used to generate secure (ish) code /// /// /// pointer to encoded username or password void passcode(QString in, QByteArray& out) { const quint8 sequence[] = { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0x47,0x5d,0x4c,0x42,0x66,0x20,0x23,0x46,0x4e,0x57,0x45,0x3d,0x67,0x76,0x60,0x41,0x62,0x39,0x59,0x2d,0x68,0x7e, 0x7c,0x65,0x7d,0x49,0x29,0x72,0x73,0x78,0x21,0x6e,0x5a,0x5e,0x4a,0x3e,0x71,0x2c,0x2a,0x54,0x3c,0x3a,0x63,0x4f, 0x43,0x75,0x27,0x79,0x5b,0x35,0x70,0x48,0x6b,0x56,0x6f,0x34,0x32,0x6c,0x30,0x61,0x6d,0x7b,0x2f,0x4b,0x64,0x38, 0x2b,0x2e,0x50,0x40,0x3f,0x55,0x33,0x37,0x25,0x77,0x24,0x26,0x74,0x6a,0x28,0x53,0x4d,0x69,0x22,0x5c,0x44,0x31, 0x36,0x58,0x3b,0x7a,0x51,0x5f,0x52,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 }; QByteArray ba = in.toLocal8Bit(); uchar* ascii = (uchar*)ba.constData(); for (int i = 0; i < in.length() && i < 16; i++) { int p = ascii[i] + i; if (p > 126) { p = 32 + p % 127; } out.append(sequence[p]); } return; } /// /// returns a QByteArray of a null terminated string /// /// /// /// QByteArray parseNullTerminatedString(QByteArray c, int s) { //QString res = ""; QByteArray res; for (int i = s; i < c.length(); i++) { if (c[i] != '\0') { res.append(c[i]); } else { break; } } return res; }