/* * This is a singleton queue (only 1 instance can be created) * * Although subclassing QThread is often not recommended, I think that this is * a valid use case for subclassing. * */ #include "logcategories.h" #include "cachingqueue.h" cachingQueue* cachingQueue::instance{}; QMutex cachingQueue::instanceMutex; cachingQueue *cachingQueue::getInstance(QObject* parent) { QMutexLocker locker(&instanceMutex); if (instance == Q_NULLPTR) { instance = new cachingQueue(parent); instance->setObjectName(("Command Queue")); connect (instance, SIGNAL(finished()),instance, SLOT(deleteLater())); instance->start(QThread::HighPriority); } qInfo() << "Returning instance of cachingQueue() to calling process:" << ((parent != Q_NULLPTR) ? parent->objectName(): ""); return instance; } cachingQueue::~cachingQueue() { aborted = true; waiting.wakeOne(); // wake the thread and signal it to exit. qInfo() << "Destroying caching queue (parent closing)"; } void cachingQueue::run() { // Setup queue. qInfo() << "Starting caching queue handler thread (ThreadId:" << QThread::currentThreadId() << ")"; QElapsedTimer timer; timer.start(); QDeadlineTimer deadline(queueInterval); QMutexLocker locker(&mutex); quint64 counter=0; // Will run for many years! while (!aborted) { if (!waiting.wait(&mutex, deadline.remainingTime())) { // Time to process the queue - mutex is locked queuePriority prio = priorityImmediate; // priorityNone=0, priorityImmediate=1, priorityHighest=2, priorityHigh=3, priorityMediumHigh=5, priorityMedium=7, priorityMediumLow=11, priorityLow=19, priorityLowest=23 // If no immediate commands then process the rest of the queue if (!queue.contains(prio)) { if (counter % priorityHighest == 0) prio = priorityHighest; else if (counter % priorityHigh == 0) prio = priorityHigh; else if (counter % priorityMediumHigh == 0) prio = priorityMediumHigh; else if (counter % priorityMedium == 0) prio = priorityMedium; else if (counter % priorityMediumLow == 0) prio = priorityMediumLow; else if (counter % priorityLow == 0) prio = priorityLow; else if (counter % priorityLowest == 0) prio = priorityLowest; } counter++; auto it = queue.find(prio); if (it != queue.end()) { while (it != queue.end() && it.key() == prio) { it++; } it--; auto item = it.value(); emit haveCommand(item.command,item.param,item.sub); it=queue.erase(it); if (item.recurring && prio != priorityImmediate) { queue.insert(prio,item); } updateCache(false,item.command,item.param,item.sub); } QCoreApplication::processEvents(); deadline.setRemainingTime(queueInterval); // reset the deadline to the poll frequency } else if (!aborted) { // Mutex is locked while (!items.isEmpty()) { emit sendValue(items.dequeue()); } } } } void cachingQueue::interval(quint64 val) { this->queueInterval = val; waiting.wakeOne(); qInfo() << "Changing queue interval to" << val << "ms"; } void cachingQueue::add(queuePriority prio ,funcs func, bool recurring, bool sub) { queueItem q(func,recurring,sub); add(prio,q); } void cachingQueue::add(queuePriority prio ,queueItem item) { if (item.command != funcNone) { QMutexLocker locker(&mutex); if (!item.recurring || isRecurring(item.command) != prio) { if (item.recurring && prio == queuePriority::priorityImmediate) { qWarning() << "Warning, cannot add recurring command with immediate priority!" << funcString[item.command]; } else { if (item.recurring) { // also insert an immediate command to get the current value "now" (removes the need to get rigstate) queueItem it=item; it.recurring=false; queue.insert(queue.cend(),priorityHighest, it); qInfo() << "adding" << funcString[item.command] << "recurring" << item.recurring << "priority" << prio << "sub" << item.sub; } queue.insert(prio, item); } } } } void cachingQueue::addUnique(queuePriority prio ,funcs func, bool recurring, bool sub) { queueItem q(func,recurring, sub); addUnique(prio,q); } void cachingQueue::addUnique(queuePriority prio ,queueItem item) { if (item.command != funcNone) { QMutexLocker locker(&mutex); if (item.recurring && prio == queuePriority::priorityImmediate) { qWarning() << "Warning, cannot add unique recurring command with immediate priority!" << funcString[item.command]; } else { auto it(queue.begin()); // This is quite slow but a new unique command is only added in response to user interaction (mode change etc.) while (it != queue.end()) { if (it.value().command == item.command && it.value().recurring == item.recurring && it.value().sub == item.sub && it.value().param.isValid() == item.param.isValid()) { //qInfo() << "deleting" << it.value().id << funcString[it.value().command] << "sub" << it.value().sub << "recurring" << it.value().recurring ; it = queue.erase(it); } else { it++; } } if (item.recurring) { // also insert an immediate command to get the current value "now" (removes the need to get initial rigstate) queueItem it = item; it.recurring=false; queue.insert(queue.cend(),priorityHighest, it); qInfo() << "adding unique" << funcString[item.command] << "recurring" << item.recurring << "priority" << prio << "sub" << item.sub; } queue.insert(prio, item); } } } void cachingQueue::del(funcs func, bool sub) { // This will immediately delete any matching commands. if (func != funcNone) { QMutexLocker locker(&mutex); auto it = std::find_if(queue.begin(), queue.end(), [func,sub](const queueItem& c) { return (c.command == func && c.sub == sub && c.recurring); }); //auto it(queue.begin()); if (it == queue.end()) qInfo() << "recurring command" << funcString[func] << "sub" << sub << "not found in queue"; while (it != queue.end()) { if (it.value().command == func && it.value().sub == sub) { //qInfo() << "deleting" << funcString[it.value().command] << "sub" << it.value().sub << "recurring" << it.value().recurring; it = queue.erase(it); } else { it++; } } } } queuePriority cachingQueue::isRecurring(funcs func, bool sub) { // Does NOT lock the mutex auto rec = std::find_if(queue.begin(), queue.end(), [func,sub](const queueItem& c) { return (c.command == func && c.sub == sub && c.recurring); }); if (rec != queue.end()) { return rec.key(); } return queuePriority::priorityNone; } void cachingQueue::clear() { QMutexLocker locker(&mutex); queue.clear(); } void cachingQueue::message(QString msg) { qInfo() << "Received:" << msg; waiting.wakeOne(); } void cachingQueue::receiveValue(funcs func, QVariant value, bool sub) { QMutexLocker locker(&mutex); cacheItem c = cacheItem(func,value,sub); items.enqueue(c); updateCache(true,func,value,sub); waiting.wakeOne(); } void cachingQueue::updateCache(bool reply, queueItem item) { // Mutex MUST be locked by the calling function. auto cv = cache.find(item.command); while (cv != cache.end() && cv->command == item.command) { if (cv->sub == item.sub) { if (reply) { cv->reply = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); } else { cv->req = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); } // If we are sending an actual value, update the cache with it // Value will be replaced if invalid on next get() if (compare(item.param,cv.value().value)) { cv->value = item.param; emit cacheUpdated(cv.value()); } return; // We have found (and updated) a matching item so return } ++cv; } cacheItem c; c.command = item.command; c.sub = item.sub; if (reply) { c.reply = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); } else { c.req = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); } // If we are sending an actual value, update the cache with it // Value will be replaced if invalid on next get() if (item.param.isValid()) c.value = item.param; cache.insert(item.command,c); } void cachingQueue::updateCache(bool reply, funcs func, QVariant value, bool sub) { queueItem q(func,value,false,sub); updateCache(reply,q); } cacheItem cachingQueue::getCache(funcs func, bool sub) { cacheItem ret; if (func != funcNone) { QMutexLocker locker(&mutex); auto it = cache.find(func); while (it != cache.end() && it->command == func) { if (it->sub == sub) ret = cacheItem(*it); ++it; } } // If the cache is more than 5-20 seconds old, re-request it as it may be stale (maybe make this a config option?) // Using priorityhighest WILL slow down the S-Meter when a command intensive client is connected to rigctl if (func != funcNone && (!ret.value.isValid() || ret.reply.addSecs(QRandomGenerator::global()->bounded(5,20)) <= QDateTime::currentDateTime())) { //qInfo() << "No (or expired) cache found for" << funcString[func] << "requesting"; add(priorityHighest,func,false,sub); } return ret; } //Calling function MUST call unlockMutex() once finished with data QMultiMap cachingQueue::getCacheItems() { mutex.lock(); return cache; } //Calling function MUST call unlockMutex() once finished with data QMultiMap cachingQueue::getQueueItems() { mutex.lock(); return queue; } bool cachingQueue::compare(QVariant a, QVariant b) { bool changed = false; if (a.isValid() && b.isValid()) { // Compare the details if (!strcmp(a.typeName(),"bool")){ if (a.value() != b.value()) changed=true; } else if (!strcmp(a.typeName(),"QString")) { changed=true; } else if (!strcmp(a.typeName(),"uchar")) { if (a.value() != b.value()) changed=true; } else if (!strcmp(a.typeName(),"ushort")) { if (a.value() != b.value()) changed=true; } else if (!strcmp(a.typeName(),"short")) { if (a.value() != a.value()) changed=true; } else if (!strcmp(a.typeName(),"uint")) { if (a.value() != b.value()) changed=true; } else if (!strcmp(a.typeName(),"int")) { if (a.value() != b.value()) changed=true; } else if (!strcmp(a.typeName(),"modeInfo")) { if (a.value().mk != b.value().mk || a.value().reg != b.value().reg || a.value().filter != b.value().filter) { changed=true; } } else if(!strcmp(a.typeName(),"freqt")) { if (a.value().Hz != b.value().Hz) changed=true; } else if(!strcmp(a.typeName(),"antennaInfo")) { if (a.value().antenna != b.value().antenna || a.value().rx != b.value().rx) changed=true; } else if(!strcmp(a.typeName(),"rigInput")) { if (a.value().type != b.value().type) changed=true; } else if (!strcmp(a.typeName(),"duplexMode_t")) { if (a.value() != b.value()) changed=true; } else if (!strcmp(a.typeName(),"spectrumMode_t")) { if (a.value() != b.value()) changed=true; } else if (!strcmp(a.typeName(),"centerSpanData")) { if (a.value().cstype != b.value().cstype || a.value().freq != b.value().freq ) changed=true; } else if (!strcmp(a.typeName(),"scopeData") || !strcmp(a.typeName(),"memoryType") || !strcmp(a.typeName(),"bandStackType") ) { changed=true; // Always different } else { // Maybe Try simple comparison? qInfo () << "Unsupported cache value:" << a.typeName(); } } else if (a.isValid()) { changed = true; } return changed; }