#include "pahandler.h" #include "logcategories.h" #if defined(Q_OS_WIN) #include #endif paHandler::paHandler(QObject* parent) { Q_UNUSED(parent) } paHandler::~paHandler() { if (isInitialized) { Pa_StopStream(audio); Pa_CloseStream(audio); } if (converterThread != Q_NULLPTR) { converterThread->quit(); converterThread->wait(); } //Pa_Terminate(); } bool paHandler::init(audioSetup setup) { if (isInitialized) { return false; } this->setup = setup; qInfo(logAudio()) << (setup.isinput ? "Input" : "Output") << "PortAudio handler starting:" << setup.name; if (setup.portInt==-1) { qInfo(logAudio()) << (setup.isinput ? "Input" : "Output") << "No audio device was found."; return false; } inFormat = toQAudioFormat(setup.codec, setup.sampleRate); qDebug(logAudio()) << "Creating" << (setup.isinput ? "Input" : "Output") << "audio device:" << setup.name << ", bits" << inFormat.sampleSize() << ", codec" << setup.codec << ", latency" << setup.latency << ", localAFGain" << setup.localAFgain << ", radioChan" << inFormat.channelCount() << ", resampleQuality" << setup.resampleQuality << ", samplerate" << inFormat.sampleRate() << ", uLaw" << setup.ulaw; PaError err; #ifdef Q_OS_WIN CoInitialize(0); #endif //err = Pa_Initialize(); //if (err != paNoError) //{ // qDebug(logAudio()) << "Portaudio initialized"; //} memset(&aParams, 0, sizeof(PaStreamParameters)); aParams.device = setup.portInt; info = Pa_GetDeviceInfo(aParams.device); qDebug(logAudio()) << "PortAudio" << (setup.isinput ? "Input" : "Output") << setup.portInt << "Input Channels" << info->maxInputChannels << "Output Channels" << info->maxOutputChannels; if (setup.isinput) { outFormat.setChannelCount(info->maxInputChannels); } else { outFormat.setChannelCount(info->maxOutputChannels); } aParams.suggestedLatency = (float)setup.latency/1000.0f; outFormat.setSampleRate(info->defaultSampleRate); aParams.sampleFormat = paFloat32; outFormat.setSampleSize(32); outFormat.setSampleType(QAudioFormat::Float); outFormat.setByteOrder(QAudioFormat::LittleEndian); outFormat.setCodec("audio/pcm"); if (!setup.isinput) { this->setVolume(setup.localAFgain); } if (outFormat.channelCount() > 2) { outFormat.setChannelCount(2); } else if (outFormat.channelCount() < 1) { qCritical(logAudio()) << (setup.isinput ? "Input" : "Output") << "No channels found, aborting setup."; return false; } if (inFormat.channelCount() < outFormat.channelCount()) { outFormat.setChannelCount(inFormat.channelCount()); } aParams.channelCount = outFormat.channelCount(); if (outFormat.sampleRate() < 44100) { outFormat.setSampleRate(48000); } qDebug(logAudio()) << (setup.isinput ? "Input" : "Output") << "Selected format: SampleSize" << outFormat.sampleSize() << "Channel Count" << outFormat.channelCount() << "Sample Rate" << outFormat.sampleRate() << "Codec" << outFormat.codec() << "Sample Type" << outFormat.sampleType(); // We "hopefully" now have a valid format that is supported so try connecting converter = new audioConverter(); converterThread = new QThread(this); if (setup.isinput) { converterThread->setObjectName("audioConvIn()"); } else { converterThread->setObjectName("audioConvOut()"); } converter->moveToThread(converterThread); connect(this, SIGNAL(setupConverter(QAudioFormat, QAudioFormat, quint8, quint8)), converter, SLOT(init(QAudioFormat, QAudioFormat, quint8, quint8))); connect(converterThread, SIGNAL(finished()), converter, SLOT(deleteLater())); connect(this, SIGNAL(sendToConverter(audioPacket)), converter, SLOT(convert(audioPacket))); converterThread->start(QThread::TimeCriticalPriority); aParams.hostApiSpecificStreamInfo = NULL; // Per channel chunk size. this->chunkSize = (outFormat.bytesForDuration(setup.blockSize*1000)/sizeof(float))*outFormat.channelCount(); if (setup.isinput) { err = Pa_OpenStream(&audio, &aParams, 0, outFormat.sampleRate(), this->chunkSize, paNoFlag, &paHandler::staticWrite, (void*)this); emit setupConverter(outFormat, inFormat, 7, setup.resampleQuality); connect(converter, SIGNAL(converted(audioPacket)), this, SLOT(convertedInput(audioPacket))); } else { err = Pa_OpenStream(&audio, 0, &aParams, outFormat.sampleRate(), this->chunkSize, paNoFlag, NULL, NULL); emit setupConverter(inFormat, outFormat, 7, setup.resampleQuality); connect(converter, SIGNAL(converted(audioPacket)), this, SLOT(convertedOutput(audioPacket))); } if (err == paNoError) { err = Pa_StartStream(audio); } if (err == paNoError) { isInitialized = true; qInfo(logAudio()) << (setup.isinput ? "Input" : "Output") << "device successfully opened"; } else { qInfo(logAudio()) << (setup.isinput ? "Input" : "Output") << "failed to open device" << Pa_GetErrorText(err); } this->setVolume(setup.localAFgain); return isInitialized; } void paHandler::setVolume(unsigned char volume) { this->volume = audiopot[volume]; qInfo(logAudio()) << (setup.isinput ? "Input" : "Output") << "setVolume: " << volume << "(" << this->volume << ")"; } void paHandler::incomingAudio(audioPacket packet) { packet.volume = volume; emit sendToConverter(packet); return; } int paHandler::writeData(const void* inputBuffer, void* outputBuffer, unsigned long nFrames, const PaStreamCallbackTimeInfo * streamTime, PaStreamCallbackFlags status) { Q_UNUSED(outputBuffer); Q_UNUSED(streamTime); Q_UNUSED(status); audioPacket packet; packet.time = QTime::currentTime(); packet.sent = 0; packet.volume = volume; memcpy(&packet.guid, setup.guid, GUIDLEN); packet.data.append((char*)inputBuffer, nFrames*inFormat.channelCount()*sizeof(float)); emit sendToConverter(packet); return paContinue; } void paHandler::convertedOutput(audioPacket packet) { if (packet.data.size() > 0) { if (Pa_IsStreamActive(audio) == 1) { PaError err = Pa_WriteStream(audio, (char*)packet.data.data(), packet.data.size() / sizeof(float) / outFormat.channelCount()); if (err != paNoError) { qDebug(logAudio()) << (setup.isinput ? "Input" : "Output") << "Error writing audio!"; } const PaStreamInfo* info = Pa_GetStreamInfo(audio); //currentLatency = packet.time.msecsTo(QTime::currentTime()) + (info->outputLatency * 1000); currentLatency = (info->outputLatency * 1000); } /* currentLatency = packet.time.msecsTo(QTime::currentTime()) + (outFormat.durationForBytes(audioOutput->bufferSize() - audioOutput->bytesFree()) / 1000); if (audioDevice != Q_NULLPTR) { if (audioDevice->write(packet.data) < packet.data.size()) { qDebug(logAudio()) << (setup.isinput ? "Input" : "Output") << "Buffer full!"; isOverrun = true; } else { isOverrun = false; } if (lastReceived.msecsTo(QTime::currentTime()) > 100) { qDebug(logAudio()) << (setup.isinput ? "Input" : "Output") << "Time since last audio packet" << lastReceived.msecsTo(QTime::currentTime()) << "Expected around" << setup.blockSize; } lastReceived = QTime::currentTime(); } lastSentSeq = packet.seq; */ amplitude = packet.amplitude; emit haveLevels(getAmplitude(), setup.latency, currentLatency, false, false); } } void paHandler::convertedInput(audioPacket audio) { if (audio.data.size() > 0) { emit haveAudioData(audio); amplitude = audio.amplitude; emit haveLevels(getAmplitude(), setup.latency, currentLatency, false,false); } } void paHandler::changeLatency(const quint16 newSize) { qInfo(logAudio()) << (setup.isinput ? "Input" : "Output") << "Changing latency to: " << newSize << " from " << setup.latency; } int paHandler::getLatency() { return currentLatency; } quint16 paHandler::getAmplitude() { return amplitude; }