#------------------------------------------------- # # Project created by QtCreator 2018-05-26T16:57:32 # #------------------------------------------------- QT += core gui serialport network multimedia greaterThan(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 4): QT += widgets printsupport TARGET = wfview TEMPLATE = app DEFINES += WFVIEW_VERSION=\\\"1.2e\\\" DEFINES += BUILD_WFVIEW CONFIG(debug, release|debug) { # For Debug builds only: QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -faligned-new win32:DESTDIR = wfview-release win32:LIBS += -L../portaudio/msvc/Win32/Debug/ -lportaudio_x86 -lole32 } else { # For Release builds only: linux:QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -s QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -fvisibility=hidden QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -fvisibility-inlines-hidden QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -faligned-new linux:QMAKE_LFLAGS += -O2 -s win32:DESTDIR = wfview-debug win32:LIBS += -L../portaudio/msvc/Win32/Release/ -lportaudio_x86 -lole32 } # RTAudio defines win32:DEFINES += __WINDOWS_WASAPI__ #win32:DEFINES += __WINDOWS_DS__ # Requires DirectSound libraries #linux:DEFINES += __LINUX_ALSA__ #linux:DEFINES += __LINUX_OSS__ linux:DEFINES += __LINUX_PULSE__ macx:DEFINES += __MACOSX_CORE__ !linux:SOURCES += ../rtaudio/RTAudio.cpp !linux:HEADERS += ../rtaudio/RTAUdio.h !linux:INCLUDEPATH += ../rtaudio linux:LIBS += -lpulse -lpulse-simple -lrtaudio -lpthread win32:INCLUDEPATH += ../portaudio/include !win32:LIBS += -lportaudio # The following define makes your compiler emit warnings if you use # any feature of Qt which as been marked as deprecated (the exact warnings # depend on your compiler). Please consult the documentation of the # deprecated API in order to know how to port your code away from it. DEFINES += QT_DEPRECATED_WARNINGS DEFINES += QCUSTOMPLOT_COMPILE_LIBRARY # These defines are used for the resampler equals(QT_ARCH, i386): win32:DEFINES += USE_SSE equals(QT_ARCH, i386): win32:DEFINES += USE_SSE2 equals(QT_ARCH, x86_64): DEFINES += USE_SSE equals(QT_ARCH, x86_64): DEFINES += USE_SSE2 equals(QT_ARCH, arm): DEFINES += USE_NEON DEFINES += OUTSIDE_SPEEX DEFINES += RANDOM_PREFIX=wf # These defines are used for the Eigen library DEFINES += EIGEN_MPL2_ONLY DEFINES += EIGEN_DONT_VECTORIZE #Clear vector flags equals(QT_ARCH, i386): win32:DEFINES += EIGEN_VECTORIZE_SSE3 equals(QT_ARCH, x86_64): DEFINES += EIGEN_VECTORIZE_SSE3 isEmpty(PREFIX) { PREFIX = /usr/local } DEFINES += PREFIX=\\\"$$PREFIX\\\" macx:INCLUDEPATH += /usr/local/include /opt/local/include macx:LIBS += -L/usr/local/lib -L/opt/local/lib macx:ICON = ../wfview/resources/wfview.icns win32:RC_ICONS = ../wfview/resources/wfview.ico QMAKE_MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET = 10.13 QMAKE_TARGET_BUNDLE_PREFIX = org.wfview MY_ENTITLEMENTS.name = CODE_SIGN_ENTITLEMENTS MY_ENTITLEMENTS.value = ../wfview/resources/wfview.entitlements QMAKE_MAC_XCODE_SETTINGS += MY_ENTITLEMENTS QMAKE_INFO_PLIST = ../wfview/resources/Info.plist !win32:DEFINES += HOST=\\\"`hostname`\\\" UNAME=\\\"`whoami`\\\" !win32:DEFINES += GITSHORT="\\\"$(shell git -C $$PWD rev-parse --short HEAD)\\\"" win32:DEFINES += GITSHORT=\\\"$$system(git -C $$PWD rev-parse --short HEAD)\\\" win32:DEFINES += HOST=\\\"wfview.org\\\" win32:DEFINES += UNAME=\\\"build\\\" RESOURCES += qdarkstyle/style.qrc \ resources/resources.qrc unix:target.path = $$PREFIX/bin INSTALLS += target # Why doesn't this seem to do anything? unix:DISTFILES += resources/wfview.png \ resources/install.sh unix:DISTFILES += resources/wfview.desktop unix:applications.files = resources/wfview.desktop unix:applications.path = $$PREFIX/share/applications INSTALLS += applications unix:pixmaps.files = resources/wfview.png unix:pixmaps.path = $$PREFIX/share/pixmaps INSTALLS += pixmaps unix:stylesheets.files = qdarkstyle unix:stylesheets.path = $$PREFIX/share/wfview INSTALLS += stylesheets # Do not do this, it will hang on start: # CONFIG(release, debug|release):DEFINES += QT_NO_DEBUG_OUTPUT CONFIG(debug, release|debug) { linux: QCPLIB = qcustomplotd win32:LIBS += -L../opus/win32/VS2015/Win32/Debug/ -lopus } else { linux: QCPLIB = qcustomplot win32:LIBS += -L../opus/win32/VS2015/Win32/Release/ -lopus } linux:LIBS += -L./ -l$$QCPLIB -lopus macx:LIBS += -framework CoreAudio -framework CoreFoundation -lpthread -lopus !linux:SOURCES += ../qcustomplot/qcustomplot.cpp !linux:HEADERS += ../qcustomplot/qcustomplot.h !linux:INCLUDEPATH += ../qcustomplot !linux:INCLUDEPATH += ../opus/include win32:INCLUDEPATH += ../eigen win32:INCLUDEPATH += ../r8brain-free-src INCLUDEPATH += resampler SOURCES += main.cpp\ wfmain.cpp \ commhandler.cpp \ rigcommander.cpp \ freqmemory.cpp \ rigidentities.cpp \ udpbase.cpp \ udphandler.cpp \ udpcivdata.cpp \ udpaudio.cpp \ logcategories.cpp \ pahandler.cpp \ rthandler.cpp \ audiohandler.cpp \ audioconverter.cpp \ calibrationwindow.cpp \ satellitesetup.cpp \ udpserver.cpp \ meter.cpp \ qledlabel.cpp \ pttyhandler.cpp \ resampler/resample.c \ repeatersetup.cpp \ rigctld.cpp \ transceiveradjustments.cpp \ selectradio.cpp \ tcpserver.cpp \ aboutbox.cpp HEADERS += wfmain.h \ commhandler.h \ rigcommander.h \ freqmemory.h \ rigidentities.h \ udpbase.h \ udphandler.h \ udpcivdata.h \ udpaudio.h \ logcategories.h \ pahandler.h \ rthandler.h \ audiohandler.h \ audioconverter.h \ calibrationwindow.h \ satellitesetup.h \ udpserver.h \ packettypes.h \ meter.h \ qledlabel.h \ pttyhandler.h \ resampler/speex_resampler.h \ resampler/arch.h \ resampler/resample_sse.h \ repeatersetup.h \ repeaterattributes.h \ rigctld.h \ ulaw.h \ transceiveradjustments.h \ audiotaper.h \ selectradio.h \ tcpserver.h \ aboutbox.h FORMS += wfmain.ui \ calibrationwindow.ui \ satellitesetup.ui \ selectradio.ui \ repeatersetup.ui \ transceiveradjustments.ui \ aboutbox.ui