#include "cluster.h" #include "logcategories.h" dxClusterClient::dxClusterClient(QObject* parent): QObject(parent) { qInfo(logCluster()) << "starting dxClusterClient()"; } dxClusterClient::~dxClusterClient() { qInfo(logCluster()) << "closing dxClusterClient()"; enableUdp(false); enableTcp(false); #ifdef USESQL database db; db.close(); #else QMap::iterator spot = allSpots.begin(); while (spot != allSpots.end()) { delete spot.value(); // Stop memory leak? spot = allSpots.erase(spot); } #endif } void dxClusterClient::enableUdp(bool enable) { udpEnable = enable; if (enable) { if (udpSocket == Q_NULLPTR) { udpSocket = new QUdpSocket(this); bool result = udpSocket->bind(QHostAddress::AnyIPv4, udpPort); qInfo(logCluster()) << "Starting udpSocket() on:" << udpPort << "Result:" << result; connect(udpSocket, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(udpDataReceived()), Qt::QueuedConnection); } } else { if (udpSocket != Q_NULLPTR) { qInfo(logCluster()) << "Stopping udpSocket() on:" << udpPort; udpSocket->disconnect(); delete udpSocket; udpSocket = Q_NULLPTR; } } } void dxClusterClient::enableTcp(bool enable) { tcpEnable = enable; if (enable) { tcpRegex = QRegularExpression("^DX de ([a-z|A-Z|0-9|/]+):\\s+([0-9|.]+)\\s+([a-z|A-Z|0-9|/]+)+\\s+(.*)\\s+(\\d{4}Z)"); if (tcpSocket == Q_NULLPTR) { tcpSocket = new QTcpSocket(this); tcpSocket->connectToHost(tcpServerName, tcpPort); qInfo(logCluster()) << "Starting tcpSocket() on:" << tcpPort; connect(tcpSocket, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(tcpDataReceived()), Qt::QueuedConnection); connect(tcpSocket, SIGNAL(disconnected()), this, SLOT(tcpDisconnected())); tcpCleanupTimer = new QTimer(this); tcpCleanupTimer->setInterval(1000 * 10); // Run once a minute connect(tcpCleanupTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(tcpCleanup())); tcpCleanupTimer->start(); } } else { if (tcpSocket != Q_NULLPTR) { qInfo(logCluster()) << "Disconnecting tcpSocket() on:" << tcpPort; if (tcpCleanupTimer != Q_NULLPTR) { tcpCleanupTimer->stop(); delete tcpCleanupTimer; tcpCleanupTimer = Q_NULLPTR; } tcpSocket->disconnect(); delete tcpSocket; tcpSocket = Q_NULLPTR; //emit deleteOldSpots(0); } } } void dxClusterClient::udpDataReceived() { QHostAddress sender; quint16 port; QByteArray datagram; datagram.resize(udpSocket->pendingDatagramSize()); udpSocket->readDatagram(datagram.data(), datagram.size(), &sender, &port); if (udpSpotReader.setContent(datagram)) { QDomElement spot = udpSpotReader.firstChildElement("spot"); if (spot.nodeName() == "spot") { // This is a spot? QString action = spot.firstChildElement("action").text(); if (action == "add") { spotData* data = new spotData(); data->dxcall = spot.firstChildElement("dxcall").text(); data->frequency = spot.firstChildElement("frequency").text().toDouble() / 1000.0; data->spottercall = spot.firstChildElement("spottercall").text(); data->timestamp = QDateTime::fromString(spot.firstChildElement("timestamp").text(),"yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"); data->mode = spot.firstChildElement("mode").text(); data->comment = spot.firstChildElement("comment").text(); #ifdef USESQL database db = database(); db.query(QString("DELETE from spots where dxcall='%1'").arg(data->dxcall)); QString query = QString("INSERT INTO spots(type,spottercall,frequency,dxcall,mode,comment,timestamp) VALUES('%1','%2',%3,'%4','%5','%6','%7')\n") .arg("UDP").arg(data->spottercall).arg(data->frequency).arg(data->dxcall).arg(data->mode).arg(data->comment).arg(data->timestamp.toString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss")); db.query(query); #else bool found = false; QMap::iterator spot = allSpots.find(data->dxcall); while (spot != allSpots.end() && spot.key() == data->dxcall && spot.value()->frequency == data->frequency) { found = true; ++spot; } if (found == false) { allSpots.insert(data->dxcall, data); } #endif emit sendOutput(QString("add%1%2%3%4\n") .arg(data->dxcall).arg(data->spottercall).arg(data->frequency).arg(data->comment)); } else if (action == "delete") { QString dxcall = spot.firstChildElement("dxcall").text(); double frequency = spot.firstChildElement("frequency").text().toDouble() / 1000.0; #ifdef USESQL database db = database(); QString query=QString("DELETE from spots where dxcall='%1' AND frequency=%2").arg(dxcall).arg(frequency); db.query(query); qInfo(logCluster()) << query; #else QMap::iterator spot = allSpots.find(dxcall); while (spot != allSpots.end() && spot.key() == dxcall && spot.value()->frequency == frequency) { delete spot.value(); // Stop memory leak? spot = allSpots.erase(spot); } #endif emit sendOutput(QString("delete%1%3\n") .arg(dxcall).arg(frequency)); } updateSpots(); } } } void dxClusterClient::tcpDataReceived() { QString data = QString(tcpSocket->readAll()); emit sendOutput(data); if (data.contains("login:")) { sendTcpData(QString("%1\n").arg(tcpUserName)); return; } if (data.contains("password:")) { sendTcpData(QString("%1\n").arg(tcpPassword)); return; } QRegularExpressionMatchIterator i = tcpRegex.globalMatch(data); while (i.hasNext()) { QRegularExpressionMatch match = i.next(); if (match.hasMatch()) { spotData* data = new spotData(); data->spottercall = match.captured(1); data->frequency = match.captured(2).toDouble() / 1000.0; data->dxcall = match.captured(3); data->comment = match.captured(4).trimmed(); data->timestamp = QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc(); #ifdef USESQL database db = database(); db.query(QString("DELETE from spots where dxcall='%1'").arg(data->dxcall)); QString query = QString("INSERT INTO spots(type,spottercall,frequency,dxcall,comment,timestamp) VALUES('%1','%2',%3,'%4','%5','%6')\n") .arg("TCP").arg(data->spottercall).arg(data->frequency).arg(data->dxcall).arg(data->comment).arg(data->timestamp.toString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss")); db.query(query); #else bool found = false; QMap::iterator spot = allSpots.find(data->dxcall); while (spot != allSpots.end() && spot.key() == data->dxcall && spot.value()->frequency == data->frequency) { found = true; ++spot; } if (found == false) { allSpots.insert(data->dxcall, data); } #endif } } updateSpots(); } void dxClusterClient::sendTcpData(QString data) { qInfo(logCluster()) << "Sending:" << data; if (tcpSocket != Q_NULLPTR && tcpSocket->isValid() && tcpSocket->isOpen()) { tcpSocket->write(data.toLatin1()); } else { qInfo(logCluster()) << "socket not open!"; } } void dxClusterClient::tcpCleanup() { #ifdef USESQL database db = database(); db.query(QString("DELETE FROM spots where timestamp < datetime('now', '-%1 minutes')").arg(tcpTimeout)); #else QMap::iterator spot = allSpots.begin();; while (spot != allSpots.end()) { if (spot.value()->timestamp.addSecs(tcpTimeout * 60) < QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc()) { delete spot.value(); // Stop memory leak? spot = allSpots.erase(spot); } else { ++spot; } } #endif } void dxClusterClient::tcpDisconnected() { qWarning(logCluster()) << "TCP Cluster server disconnected..."; // Need to start a timer and attempt reconnect. } void dxClusterClient::freqRange(double low, double high) { lowFreq = low; highFreq = high; //qInfo(logCluster) << "New range" << low << "-" << high; updateSpots(); } void dxClusterClient::updateSpots() { QList spots; #ifdef USESQL // Set the required frequency range. QString queryText = QString("SELECT * FROM spots WHERE frequency > %1 AND frequency < %2").arg(lowFreq).arg(highFreq); //QString queryText = QString("SELECT * FROM spots"); database db; auto query = db.query(queryText); while (query.next()) { // Step through all current spots within range spotData s = spotData(); s.dxcall = query.value(query.record().indexOf("dxcall")).toString(); s.frequency = query.value(query.record().indexOf("frequency")).toDouble(); spots.append(s); } #else QMap::iterator spot = allSpots.begin();; while (spot != allSpots.end()) { if (spot.value()->frequency > lowFreq && spot.value()->frequency < highFreq) { spots.append(**spot); } ++spot; } #endif emit sendSpots(spots); }