#include "commhandler.h" #include "logcategories.h" #include // Copyright 2017-2020 Elliott H. Liggett commHandler::commHandler() { //constructor // grab baud rate and other comm port details // if they need to be changed later, please // destroy this and create a new one. port = new QSerialPort(); // TODO: The following should become arguments and/or functions // Add signal/slot everywhere for comm port setup. // Consider how to "re-setup" and how to save the state for next time. baudrate = 115200; stopbits = 1; portName = "/dev/ttyUSB0"; this->PTTviaRTS = false; setupComm(); // basic parameters openPort(); //qInfo(logSerial()) << "Serial buffer size: " << port->readBufferSize(); //port->setReadBufferSize(1024); // manually. 256 never saw any return from the radio. why... //qInfo(logSerial()) << "Serial buffer size: " << port->readBufferSize(); connect(port, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(receiveDataIn())); } commHandler::commHandler(QString portName, quint32 baudRate, quint8 wfFormat) { //constructor // grab baud rate and other comm port details // if they need to be changed later, please // destroy this and create a new one. port = new QSerialPort(); if (wfFormat == 1) { // Single waterfall packet combineWf = true; qDebug(logSerial()) << "*********** Combine Waterfall Mode Enabled!"; } // TODO: The following should become arguments and/or functions // Add signal/slot everywhere for comm port setup. // Consider how to "re-setup" and how to save the state for next time. baudrate = baudRate; stopbits = 1; this->portName = portName; this->PTTviaRTS = false; setupComm(); // basic parameters openPort(); // qInfo(logSerial()) << "Serial buffer size: " << port->readBufferSize(); //port->setReadBufferSize(1024); // manually. 256 never saw any return from the radio. why... //qInfo(logSerial()) << "Serial buffer size: " << port->readBufferSize(); connect(port, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(receiveDataIn())); } commHandler::~commHandler() { if (isConnected) { this->closePort(); } delete port; } void commHandler::setupComm() { serialError = false; port->setPortName(portName); port->setBaudRate(baudrate); port->setStopBits(QSerialPort::OneStop);// OneStop is other option } void commHandler::receiveDataFromUserToRig(const QByteArray &data) { sendDataOut(data); } void commHandler::sendDataOut(const QByteArray &writeData) { mutex.lock(); // Recycle port to attempt reconnection. if (!this->isConnected) { closePort(); openPort(); } if (!this->isConnected) { return; } qint64 bytesWritten; if(PTTviaRTS) { // Size: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 //index: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 //Query: FE FE TO FROM 0x1C 0x00 0xFD //PTT On: FE FE TO FROM 0x1C 0x00 0x01 0xFD //PTT Off: FE FE TO FROM 0x1C 0x00 0x00 0xFD if(writeData.endsWith(QByteArrayLiteral("\x1C\x00\xFD"))) { // Query //qDebug(logSerial()) << "Looks like PTT Query"; bool pttOn = this->rtsStatus(); QByteArray pttreturncmd = QByteArray("\xFE\xFE"); pttreturncmd.append(writeData.at(3)); pttreturncmd.append(writeData.at(2)); pttreturncmd.append(QByteArray("\x1C\x00", 2)); pttreturncmd.append((char)pttOn); pttreturncmd.append("\xFD"); //qDebug(logSerial()) << "Sending fake PTT query result: " << (bool)pttOn; printHex(pttreturncmd, false, true); emit haveDataFromPort(pttreturncmd); mutex.unlock(); return; } else if(writeData.endsWith(QByteArrayLiteral("\x1C\x00\x01\xFD"))) { // PTT ON //qDebug(logSerial()) << "Looks like PTT ON"; setRTS(true); mutex.unlock(); return; } else if(writeData.endsWith(QByteArrayLiteral("\x1C\x00\x00\xFD"))) { // PTT OFF //qDebug(logSerial()) << "Looks like PTT OFF"; setRTS(false); mutex.unlock(); return; } } bytesWritten = port->write(writeData); if(bytesWritten != (qint64)writeData.size()) { qDebug(logSerial()) << "bytesWritten: " << bytesWritten << " length of byte array: " << writeData.length()\ << " size of byte array: " << writeData.size()\ << " Wrote all bytes? " << (bool) (bytesWritten == (qint64)writeData.size()); } mutex.unlock(); } void commHandler::receiveDataIn() { // connected to comm port data signal // Here we get a little specific to CIV radios // because we know what constitutes a valid "frame" of data. // new code: port->startTransaction(); inPortData = port->readAll(); if(inPortData.size() == 1) { // Generally for baud <= 9600 if (inPortData == "\xFE") { // This will get hit twice. // After the FE FE, we transition into // the normal .startsWith FE FE block // where the normal rollback code can handle things. port->rollbackTransaction(); rolledBack = true; return; } } if (inPortData.startsWith("\xFE\xFE")) { if(inPortData.contains("\xFC")) { //qInfo(logSerial()) << "Transaction contains collision data. Dumping."; //printHex(inPortData, false, true); port->commitTransaction(); return; } if(inPortData.endsWith("\xFD")) { // good! port->commitTransaction(); //payloadIn = data.right(data.length() - 4); // Do we need to combine waterfall into single packet? int combined = 0; if (combineWf) { int pos = inPortData.indexOf(QByteArrayLiteral("\x27\x00\x00")); int fdPos = inPortData.mid(pos).indexOf(QByteArrayLiteral("\xfd")); //printHex(inPortData, false, true); while (pos > -1 && fdPos > -1) { combined++; spectrumDivisionNumber = 0; spectrumDivisionNumber = inPortData[pos + 3] & 0x0f; spectrumDivisionNumber += ((inPortData[pos + 3] & 0xf0) >> 4) * 10; if (spectrumDivisionNumber == 1) { // This is the first waveform data. spectrumDivisionMax = 0; spectrumDivisionMax = inPortData[pos + 4] & 0x0f; spectrumDivisionMax += ((inPortData[pos + 4] & 0xf0) >> 4) * 10; spectrumData.clear(); spectrumData = inPortData.mid(pos - 4, fdPos+4); // Don't include terminating FD spectrumData[8] = spectrumData[7]; // Make max = current; //qDebug() << "New Spectrum seq:" << spectrumDivisionNumber << "pos = " << pos << "len" << fdPos; } else if (spectrumDivisionNumber > lastSpectrum && spectrumDivisionNumber <= spectrumDivisionMax) { spectrumData.insert(spectrumData.length(), inPortData.mid(pos + 4, fdPos-5)); //qDebug() << "Added spectrum seq:" << spectrumDivisionNumber << "len" << fdPos-5; //printHex(inPortData.mid((pos+4),fdPos - (pos+5)), false, true); } else { qDebug() << "Invalid Spectrum Division received" << spectrumDivisionNumber << "last Spectrum" << lastSpectrum; } lastSpectrum = spectrumDivisionNumber; if (spectrumDivisionNumber == spectrumDivisionMax) { //qDebug() << "Got Spectrum! length=" << spectrumData.length(); spectrumData.append("\xfd"); // Need to add FD on the end. //printHex(spectrumData, false, true); emit haveDataFromPort(spectrumData); lastSpectrum = 0; } inPortData = inPortData.remove(pos-4, fdPos+5); pos = inPortData.indexOf(QByteArrayLiteral("\x27\x00\x00")); fdPos = inPortData.mid(pos).indexOf(QByteArrayLiteral("\xfd")); } // If we still have data left, let the main function deal with it, any spectrum data has been removed if (inPortData.length() == 0) { return; } // qDebug() << "Got extra data!"; //printHex(inPortData, false, true); } // emit haveDataFromPort(inPortData); if(rolledBack) { // qInfo(logSerial()) << "Rolled back and was successful. Length: " << inPortData.length(); //printHex(inPortData, false, true); rolledBack = false; } } else { // did not receive the entire thing so roll back: // qInfo(logSerial()) << "Rolling back transaction. End not detected. Length: " << inPortData.length(); //printHex(inPortData, false, true); port->rollbackTransaction(); rolledBack = true; } } else { port->commitTransaction(); // do not emit data, do not keep data. //qInfo(logSerial()) << "Warning: received data with invalid start. Dropping data."; //qInfo(logSerial()) << "THIS SHOULD ONLY HAPPEN ONCE!!"; // THIS SHOULD ONLY HAPPEN ONCE! // unrecoverable. We did not receive the start and must // have missed it earlier because we did not roll back to // preserve the beginning. //printHex(inPortData, false, true); } } void commHandler::setRTS(bool rtsOn) { bool success = port->setRequestToSend(rtsOn); if(!success) { qInfo(logSerial()) << "Error, could not set RTS on port " << portName; } } bool commHandler::rtsStatus() { return port->isRequestToSend(); } void commHandler::setUseRTSforPTT(bool PTTviaRTS) { this->PTTviaRTS = PTTviaRTS; } void commHandler::openPort() { bool success; success = port->open(QIODevice::ReadWrite); if(success) { port->setDataTerminalReady(false); port->setRequestToSend(false); isConnected = true; qInfo(logSerial()) << "Opened port: " << portName; return; } else { qInfo(logSerial()) << "Could not open serial port " << portName << " , please restart."; isConnected = false; serialError = true; emit haveSerialPortError(portName, "Could not open port. Please restart."); return; } } void commHandler::closePort() { if(port) { port->close(); //delete port; } isConnected = false; } void commHandler::debugThis() { // Do not use, function is for debug only and subject to change. qInfo(logSerial()) << "comm debug called."; inPortData = port->readAll(); emit haveDataFromPort(inPortData); } void commHandler::printHex(const QByteArray &pdata, bool printVert, bool printHoriz) { qDebug(logSerial()) << "---- Begin hex dump -----:"; QString sdata("DATA: "); QString index("INDEX: "); QStringList strings; for(int i=0; i < pdata.length(); i++) { strings << QString("[%1]: %2").arg(i,8,10,QChar('0')).arg((unsigned char)pdata[i], 2, 16, QChar('0')); sdata.append(QString("%1 ").arg((unsigned char)pdata[i], 2, 16, QChar('0')) ); index.append(QString("%1 ").arg(i, 2, 10, QChar('0'))); } if(printVert) { for(int i=0; i < strings.length(); i++) { qDebug(logSerial()) << strings.at(i); } } if(printHoriz) { qDebug(logSerial()) << index; qDebug(logSerial()) << sdata; } qDebug(logSerial()) << "----- End hex dump -----"; }