cwSender 0 0 822 451 MainWindow Send the text in the edit box Macros Macro Access Button Macro 5 Macro Access Button Macro 2 Macro Access Button Macro 4 Check this box to enter edit mode, where you can then press the macro buttons to edit the macros. Edit Mode Macro Access Button Macro 7 Macro Access Button Macro 3 Macro Access Button Macro 6 Macro Access Button Macro 10 Macro Access Button Macro 9 Macro Access Button Macro 8 Macro Access Button Macro 1 Seq <html><head/><body><p>Sequence number, for contests. </p><p>Substitute &quot;%1&quot; in your macro text to use it. </p></body></html> 1 99999 Qt::NoFocus CW Transmission Transcript false true 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Send Return true Stop sending CW Stop 0 0 Type here to send text as CW true QComboBox::InsertAtTop QLayout::SetMinimumSize 0 0 <html><head/><body><p>Set the desired break-in mode:</p><p>1. None: You must manually key and unkey the radio.</p><p>2. Semi: Transmit is automatic and switches to receive at the end of the text.</p><p>3. Full: Same as semi, but with breaks between characters when possible.</p></body></html> Off Semi Full PITCH (Hz): Qt::AlignCenter WPM: Qt::AlignCenter 0 0 300 900 5 600 Break In Qt::AlignCenter 2.800000000000000 4.500000000000000 0.100000000000000 3.000000000000000 Dash Ratio 0 0 Set the Words Per Minute 6 48 20 Cut Num Send Immed