#include "udpaudio.h" #include "logcategories.h" // Audio stream udpAudio::udpAudio(QHostAddress local, QHostAddress ip, quint16 audioPort, quint16 lport, audioSetup rxSetup, audioSetup txSetup) { qInfo(logUdp()) << "Starting udpAudio"; this->localIP = local; this->port = audioPort; this->radioIP = ip; this->rxSetup = rxSetup; this->txSetup = txSetup; if (txSetup.sampleRate == 0) { enableTx = false; } init(lport); // Perform connection QUdpSocket::connect(udp, &QUdpSocket::readyRead, this, &udpAudio::dataReceived); startAudio(); watchdogTimer = new QTimer(); connect(watchdogTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &udpAudio::watchdog); watchdogTimer->start(WATCHDOG_PERIOD); areYouThereTimer = new QTimer(); connect(areYouThereTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, std::bind(&udpBase::sendControl, this, false, 0x03, 0)); areYouThereTimer->start(AREYOUTHERE_PERIOD); } udpAudio::~udpAudio() { if (pingTimer != Q_NULLPTR) { qDebug(logUdp()) << "Stopping pingTimer"; pingTimer->stop(); delete pingTimer; pingTimer = Q_NULLPTR; } if (idleTimer != Q_NULLPTR) { qDebug(logUdp()) << "Stopping idleTimer"; idleTimer->stop(); delete idleTimer; idleTimer = Q_NULLPTR; } if (watchdogTimer != Q_NULLPTR) { qDebug(logUdp()) << "Stopping watchdogTimer"; watchdogTimer->stop(); delete watchdogTimer; watchdogTimer = Q_NULLPTR; } if (rxAudioThread != Q_NULLPTR) { qDebug(logUdp()) << "Stopping rxaudio thread"; rxAudioThread->quit(); rxAudioThread->wait(); } if (txAudioThread != Q_NULLPTR) { qDebug(logUdp()) << "Stopping txaudio thread"; txAudioThread->quit(); txAudioThread->wait(); } qDebug(logUdp()) << "udpHandler successfully closed"; } void udpAudio::watchdog() { static bool alerted = false; if (lastReceived.msecsTo(QTime::currentTime()) > 2000) { if (!alerted) { /* Just log it at the moment, maybe try signalling the control channel that it needs to try requesting civ/audio again? */ qInfo(logUdp()) << " Audio Watchdog: no audio data received for 2s, restart required?"; alerted = true; if (rxAudioThread != Q_NULLPTR) { qDebug(logUdp()) << "Stopping rxaudio thread"; rxAudioThread->quit(); rxAudioThread->wait(); rxAudioThread = Q_NULLPTR; rxaudio = Q_NULLPTR; } if (txAudioThread != Q_NULLPTR) { qDebug(logUdp()) << "Stopping txaudio thread"; txAudioThread->quit(); txAudioThread->wait(); txAudioThread = Q_NULLPTR; txaudio = Q_NULLPTR; } } } else { alerted = false; } } void udpAudio::sendTxAudio() { if (txaudio == Q_NULLPTR) { return; } } void udpAudio::receiveAudioData(audioPacket audio) { // I really can't see how this could be possible but a quick sanity check! if (txaudio == Q_NULLPTR) { return; } if (audio.data.length() > 0) { int counter = 1; int len = 0; while (len < audio.data.length()) { QByteArray partial = audio.data.mid(len, 1364); audio_packet p; memset(p.packet, 0x0, sizeof(p)); // We can't be sure it is initialized with 0x00! p.len = (quint32)sizeof(p) + partial.length(); p.sentid = myId; p.rcvdid = remoteId; if (partial.length() == 0xa0) { p.ident = 0x9781; } else { p.ident = 0x0080; // TX audio is always this? } p.datalen = (quint16)qToBigEndian((quint16)partial.length()); p.sendseq = (quint16)qToBigEndian((quint16)sendAudioSeq); // THIS IS BIG ENDIAN! QByteArray tx = QByteArray::fromRawData((const char*)p.packet, sizeof(p)); tx.append(partial); len = len + partial.length(); //qInfo(logUdp()) << "Sending audio packet length: " << tx.length(); sendTrackedPacket(tx); sendAudioSeq++; counter++; } } } void udpAudio::changeLatency(quint16 value) { emit haveChangeLatency(value); } void udpAudio::setVolume(unsigned char value) { emit haveSetVolume(value); } void udpAudio::getRxLevels(quint16 amplitudePeak, quint16 amplitudeRMS, quint16 latency, quint16 current, bool under, bool over) { emit haveRxLevels(amplitudePeak, amplitudeRMS, latency, current, under, over); } void udpAudio::getTxLevels(quint16 amplitudePeak, quint16 amplitudeRMS, quint16 latency, quint16 current, bool under, bool over) { emit haveTxLevels(amplitudePeak, amplitudeRMS, latency, current, under, over); } void udpAudio::dataReceived() { while (udp->hasPendingDatagrams()) { QNetworkDatagram datagram = udp->receiveDatagram(); //qInfo(logUdp()) << "Received: " << datagram.data().mid(0,10); QByteArray r = datagram.data(); switch (r.length()) { case (16): // Response to control packet handled in udpBase { //control_packet_t in = (control_packet_t)r.constData(); break; } default: { /* Audio packets start as follows: PCM 16bit and PCM8/uLAW stereo: 0x44,0x02 for first packet and 0x6c,0x05 for second. uLAW 8bit/PCM 8bit 0xd8,0x03 for all packets PCM 16bit stereo 0x6c,0x05 first & second 0x70,0x04 third */ control_packet_t in = (control_packet_t)r.constData(); if (in->type != 0x01 && in->len >= 0x20) { if (in->seq == 0) { // Seq number has rolled over. seqPrefix++; } // 0xac is the smallest possible audio packet. lastReceived = QTime::currentTime(); audioPacket tempAudio; tempAudio.seq = (quint32)seqPrefix << 16 | in->seq; tempAudio.time = lastReceived; tempAudio.sent = 0; tempAudio.data = r.mid(0x18); // Prefer signal/slot to forward audio as it is thread/safe // Need to do more testing but latency appears fine. //rxaudio->incomingAudio(tempAudio); if (rxAudioThread == Q_NULLPTR) { startAudio(); } emit haveAudioData(tempAudio); } break; } } udpBase::dataReceived(r); // Call parent function to process the rest. r.clear(); datagram.clear(); } } void udpAudio::startAudio() { if (rxSetup.type == qtAudio) { rxaudio = new audioHandler(); } else if (rxSetup.type == portAudio) { rxaudio = new paHandler(); } else if (rxSetup.type == rtAudio) { rxaudio = new rtHandler(); } else if (rxSetup.type == tciAudio) { rxaudio = new tciAudioHandler(); } else { qCritical(logAudio()) << "Unsupported Receive Audio Handler selected!"; } rxAudioThread = new QThread(this); rxAudioThread->setObjectName("rxAudio()"); rxaudio->moveToThread(rxAudioThread); rxAudioThread->start(QThread::TimeCriticalPriority); connect(this, SIGNAL(setupRxAudio(audioSetup)), rxaudio, SLOT(init(audioSetup))); // signal/slot not currently used. connect(this, SIGNAL(haveAudioData(audioPacket)), rxaudio, SLOT(incomingAudio(audioPacket))); connect(this, SIGNAL(haveChangeLatency(quint16)), rxaudio, SLOT(changeLatency(quint16))); connect(this, SIGNAL(haveSetVolume(unsigned char)), rxaudio, SLOT(setVolume(unsigned char))); connect(rxaudio, SIGNAL(haveLevels(quint16, quint16, quint16, quint16, bool, bool)), this, SLOT(getRxLevels(quint16, quint16, quint16, quint16, bool, bool))); connect(rxAudioThread, SIGNAL(finished()), rxaudio, SLOT(deleteLater())); sendControl(false, 0x03, 0x00); // First connect packet pingTimer = new QTimer(); connect(pingTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &udpBase::sendPing); pingTimer->start(PING_PERIOD); // send ping packets every 100ms if (enableTx) { if (txSetup.type == qtAudio) { txaudio = new audioHandler(); } else if (txSetup.type == portAudio) { txaudio = new paHandler(); } else if (txSetup.type == rtAudio) { txaudio = new rtHandler(); } else if (txSetup.type == tciAudio) { txaudio = new tciAudioHandler(); } else { qCritical(logAudio()) << "Unsupported Transmit Audio Handler selected!"; } txAudioThread = new QThread(this); rxAudioThread->setObjectName("txAudio()"); txaudio->moveToThread(txAudioThread); txAudioThread->start(QThread::TimeCriticalPriority); connect(this, SIGNAL(setupTxAudio(audioSetup)), txaudio, SLOT(init(audioSetup))); connect(txaudio, SIGNAL(haveAudioData(audioPacket)), this, SLOT(receiveAudioData(audioPacket))); connect(txaudio, SIGNAL(haveLevels(quint16, quint16, quint16, quint16, bool, bool)), this, SLOT(getTxLevels(quint16, quint16, quint16, quint16, bool, bool))); connect(txAudioThread, SIGNAL(finished()), txaudio, SLOT(deleteLater())); emit setupTxAudio(txSetup); } emit setupRxAudio(rxSetup); }