/* This class handles both RX and TX audio, each is created as a seperate instance of the class but as the setup/handling if output (RX) and input (TX) devices is so similar I have combined them. */ #include "audiohandler.h" #ifndef USE_RTAUDIO #include "logcategories.h" #define MULAW_BIAS 33 #define MULAW_MAX 0x1fff audioHandler::audioHandler(QObject* parent) : QIODevice(parent), isInitialized(false), audioOutput(Q_NULLPTR), audioInput(Q_NULLPTR), isUlaw(false), audioLatency(0), isInput(0), chunkAvailable(false) { } audioHandler::~audioHandler() { stop(); if (audioOutput != Q_NULLPTR) { audioOutput->stop(); delete audioOutput; } if (audioInput != Q_NULLPTR) { audioInput->stop(); delete audioInput; } if (resampler) { speex_resampler_destroy(resampler); } } bool audioHandler::init(const quint8 bits, const quint8 channels, const quint16 samplerate, const quint16 latency, const bool ulaw, const bool isinput, QString port, int device, quint8 resampleQuality) { if (isInitialized) { return false; } /* Always use 16 bit 48K samples internally*/ format.setSampleSize(16); format.setChannelCount(channels); format.setSampleRate(INTERNAL_SAMPLE_RATE); format.setCodec("audio/pcm"); format.setByteOrder(QAudioFormat::LittleEndian); format.setSampleType(QAudioFormat::SignedInt); this->audioLatency = latency; this->isUlaw = ulaw; this->isInput = isinput; this->radioSampleBits = bits; this->radioSampleRate = samplerate; this->radioChannels = channels; // chunk size is always relative to Internal Sample Rate. this->chunkSize = (INTERNAL_SAMPLE_RATE / 25) * radioChannels; qInfo(logAudio()) << (isInput ? "Input" : "Output") << "chunkSize: " << this->chunkSize; int resample_error=0; if (isInput) { resampler = wf_resampler_init(radioChannels, INTERNAL_SAMPLE_RATE, samplerate, resampleQuality, &resample_error); const auto deviceInfos = QAudioDeviceInfo::availableDevices(QAudio::AudioInput); for (const QAudioDeviceInfo& deviceInfo : deviceInfos) { if (deviceInfo.deviceName() == port) { qInfo(logAudio()) << "Input Audio Device name: " << deviceInfo.deviceName(); isInitialized = setDevice(deviceInfo); break; } } if (!isInitialized) { qInfo(logAudio()) << "Input device " << deviceInfo.deviceName() << " not found, using default"; isInitialized = setDevice(QAudioDeviceInfo::defaultInputDevice()); } } else { resampler = wf_resampler_init(radioChannels, samplerate, INTERNAL_SAMPLE_RATE, resampleQuality, &resample_error); const auto deviceInfos = QAudioDeviceInfo::availableDevices(QAudio::AudioOutput); for (const QAudioDeviceInfo& deviceInfo : deviceInfos) { if (deviceInfo.deviceName() == port) { qInfo(logAudio()) << "Output Audio Device name: " << deviceInfo.deviceName(); isInitialized = setDevice(deviceInfo); break; } } if (!isInitialized) { qInfo(logAudio()) << "Output device " << deviceInfo.deviceName() << " not found, using default"; isInitialized = setDevice(QAudioDeviceInfo::defaultOutputDevice()); } } wf_resampler_get_ratio(resampler, &ratioNum, &ratioDen); qInfo(logAudio()) << (isInput ? "Input" : "Output") << "wf_resampler_init() returned: " << resample_error << " ratioNum" << ratioNum << " ratioDen" << ratioDen; qInfo(logAudio()) << (isInput ? "Input" : "Output") << "audio port name: " << port; return isInitialized; } void audioHandler::setVolume(unsigned char volume) { //qInfo(logAudio()) << (isInput ? "Input" : "Output") << "setVolume: " << volume << "(" << (qreal)(volume/255.0) << ")"; if (audioOutput != Q_NULLPTR) { audioOutput->setVolume((qreal)(volume / 255.0)); } else if (audioInput != Q_NULLPTR) { audioInput->setVolume((qreal)(volume / 255.0)); } } bool audioHandler::setDevice(QAudioDeviceInfo deviceInfo) { bool ret = true; qInfo(logAudio()) << (isInput ? "Input" : "Output") << "setDevice() running :" << deviceInfo.deviceName(); if (!deviceInfo.isFormatSupported(format)) { if (deviceInfo.isNull()) { qInfo(logAudio()) << "No audio device was found. You probably need to install libqt5multimedia-plugins."; ret = false; } else { /* qInfo(logAudio()) << "Audio Devices found: "; const auto deviceInfos = QAudioDeviceInfo::availableDevices(QAudio::AudioOutput); for (const QAudioDeviceInfo& deviceInfo : deviceInfos) { qInfo(logAudio()) << "Device name: " << deviceInfo.deviceName(); qInfo(logAudio()) << "is null (probably not good):" << deviceInfo.isNull(); qInfo(logAudio()) << "channel count:" << deviceInfo.supportedChannelCounts(); qInfo(logAudio()) << "byte order:" << deviceInfo.supportedByteOrders(); qInfo(logAudio()) << "supported codecs:" << deviceInfo.supportedCodecs(); qInfo(logAudio()) << "sample rates:" << deviceInfo.supportedSampleRates(); qInfo(logAudio()) << "sample sizes:" << deviceInfo.supportedSampleSizes(); qInfo(logAudio()) << "sample types:" << deviceInfo.supportedSampleTypes(); } qInfo(logAudio()) << "----- done with audio info -----"; */ ret=false; } qInfo(logAudio()) << "Format not supported, choosing nearest supported format - which may not work!"; deviceInfo.nearestFormat(format); } this->deviceInfo = deviceInfo; this->reinit(); return ret; } void audioHandler::reinit() { qInfo(logAudio()) << (isInput ? "Input" : "Output") << "reinit() running"; if (audioOutput != Q_NULLPTR && audioOutput->state() != QAudio::StoppedState) { this->stop(); } if (this->isInput) { // (Re)initialize audio input if (audioInput != Q_NULLPTR) delete audioInput; audioInput = new QAudioInput(deviceInfo, format, this); connect(audioInput, SIGNAL(notify()), SLOT(notified())); connect(audioInput, SIGNAL(stateChanged(QAudio::State)), SLOT(stateChanged(QAudio::State))); } else { // (Re)initialize audio output if (audioOutput != Q_NULLPTR) delete audioOutput; audioOutput = Q_NULLPTR; audioOutput = new QAudioOutput(deviceInfo, format, this); // This seems to only be needed on Linux but is critical in aligning buffer sizes. audioOutput->setBufferSize(chunkSize*4); connect(audioOutput, SIGNAL(notify()), SLOT(notified())); connect(audioOutput, SIGNAL(stateChanged(QAudio::State)), SLOT(stateChanged(QAudio::State))); } this->start(); this->flush(); } void audioHandler::start() { qInfo(logAudio()) << (isInput ? "Input" : "Output") << "start() running"; if ((audioOutput == Q_NULLPTR || audioOutput->state() != QAudio::StoppedState) && (audioInput == Q_NULLPTR || audioInput->state() != QAudio::StoppedState) ) { return; } if (isInput) { this->open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Unbuffered); audioInput->start(this); } else { this->open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Unbuffered); audioOutput->start(this); } } void audioHandler::flush() { qInfo(logAudio()) << (isInput ? "Input" : "Output") << "flush() running"; this->stop(); if (isInput) { audioInput->reset(); } else { audioOutput->reset(); } QMutexLocker locker(&mutex); audioBuffer.clear(); this->start(); } void audioHandler::stop() { if (audioOutput != Q_NULLPTR && audioOutput->state() != QAudio::StoppedState) { // Stop audio output audioOutput->stop(); this->close(); } if (audioInput != Q_NULLPTR && audioInput->state() != QAudio::StoppedState) { // Stop audio output audioInput->stop(); this->close(); } } /// /// This function processes the incoming audio FROM the radio and pushes it into the playback buffer *data /// /// /// /// qint64 audioHandler::readData(char* data, qint64 maxlen) { // Calculate output length, always full samples int sentlen = 0; //qInfo(logAudio()) << "Looking for: " << maxlen << " bytes"; // We must lock the mutex for the entire time that the buffer may be modified. // Get next packet from buffer. if (!audioBuffer.isEmpty()) { // Output buffer is ALWAYS 16 bit. QMutexLocker locker(&mutex); auto packet = audioBuffer.begin(); while (packet != audioBuffer.end() && sentlen < maxlen) { int timediff = packet->time.msecsTo(QTime::currentTime()); if (timediff > (int)audioLatency * 2) { qInfo(logAudio()) << (isInput ? "Input" : "Output") << "Packet " << hex << packet->seq << " arrived too late (increase output latency!) " << dec << packet->time.msecsTo(QTime::currentTime()) << "ms"; while (packet !=audioBuffer.end() && timediff > (int)audioLatency) { timediff = packet->time.msecsTo(QTime::currentTime()); lastSeq=packet->seq; packet = audioBuffer.erase(packet); // returns next packet } if (packet == audioBuffer.end()) { break; } } // If we got here then packet time must be within latency threshold if (packet->seq == lastSeq+1 || packet->seq <= lastSeq) { int send = qMin((int)maxlen-sentlen, packet->dataout.length() - packet->sent); lastSeq = packet->seq; //qInfo(logAudio()) << "Packet " << hex << packet->seq << " arrived on time " << Qt::dec << packet->time.msecsTo(QTime::currentTime()) << "ms"; memcpy(data + sentlen, packet->dataout.constData() + packet->sent, send); sentlen = sentlen + send; if (send == packet->dataout.length() - packet->sent) { //qInfo(logAudio()) << "Get next packet"; packet = audioBuffer.erase(packet); // returns next packet } else { // Store sent amount (could be zero if audioOutput buffer full) then break. packet->sent = send; break; } } else { qInfo(logAudio()) << (isInput ? "Input" : "Output") << "Missing audio packet(s) from: " << hex << lastSeq + 1 << " to " << hex << packet->seq - 1; lastSeq = packet->seq; } } } else { // Fool audio system into thinking it has valid data, this seems to be required // for MacOS Built in audio but shouldn't cause any issues with other platforms. memset(data, 0x0, maxlen); return maxlen; } return sentlen; } qint64 audioHandler::writeData(const char* data, qint64 len) { qint64 sentlen = 0; QMutexLocker locker(&mutex); audioPacket *current; while (sentlen < len) { if (!audioBuffer.isEmpty()) { if (audioBuffer.last().sent == chunkSize) { audioBuffer.append(audioPacket()); audioBuffer.last().sent = 0; } } else { audioBuffer.append(audioPacket()); audioBuffer.last().sent = 0; } current = &audioBuffer.last(); int send = qMin((int)(len - sentlen), (int)chunkSize-current->sent); current->datain.append(QByteArray::fromRawData(data + sentlen, send )); sentlen = sentlen + send; current->seq = 0; // Not used in TX current->time = QTime::currentTime(); current->sent = current->datain.length(); if (current->sent == chunkSize) { chunkAvailable = true; } else if (audioBuffer.length()<=1 && current->sent != chunkSize) { chunkAvailable = false; } } return (sentlen); // Always return the same number as we received } qint64 audioHandler::bytesAvailable() const { return 0; } bool audioHandler::isSequential() const { return true; } void audioHandler::notified() { } void audioHandler::stateChanged(QAudio::State state) { // Process the state switch (state) { case QAudio::IdleState: { qInfo(logAudio()) << (isInput ? "Input" : "Output") << "Audio now in idle state: " << audioBuffer.length() << " packets in buffer"; if (audioOutput != Q_NULLPTR && audioOutput->error() == QAudio::UnderrunError) { qInfo(logAudio()) << (isInput ? "Input" : "Output") << "buffer underrun"; audioOutput->suspend(); } break; } case QAudio::ActiveState: { qInfo(logAudio()) << (isInput ? "Input" : "Output") << "Audio now in active state: " << audioBuffer.length() << " packets in buffer"; break; } case QAudio::SuspendedState: { qInfo(logAudio()) << (isInput ? "Input" : "Output") << "Audio now in suspended state: " << audioBuffer.length() << " packets in buffer"; break; } case QAudio::StoppedState: { qInfo(logAudio()) << (isInput ? "Input" : "Output") << "Audio now in stopped state: " << audioBuffer.length() << " packets in buffer"; break; } default: { qInfo(logAudio()) << (isInput ? "Input" : "Output") << "Unhandled audio state: " << audioBuffer.length() << " packets in buffer"; } } } void audioHandler::incomingAudio(audioPacket data) { if (audioOutput != Q_NULLPTR && audioOutput->state() != QAudio::StoppedState) { QMutexLocker locker(&mutex); // Incoming data is 8bits? if (radioSampleBits == 8) { QByteArray inPacket((int)data.datain.length() * 2, (char)0xff); qint16* in = (qint16*)inPacket.data(); for (int f = 0; f < data.datain.length(); f++) { if (isUlaw) { in[f] = ulaw_decode[(quint8)data.datain[f]]; } else { // Convert 8-bit sample to 16-bit in[f] = (qint16)(((quint8)data.datain[f] << 8) - 32640); } } data.datain = inPacket; // Replace incoming data with converted. } //qInfo(logAudio()) << "Adding packet to buffer:" << data.seq << ": " << data.datain.length(); /* We now have an array of 16bit samples in the NATIVE samplerate of the radio If the radio sample rate is below 48000, we need to resample. */ if (ratioDen != 1) { // We need to resample quint32 outFrames = ((data.datain.length() / 2) * ratioDen) / radioChannels; quint32 inFrames = (data.datain.length() / 2) / radioChannels; data.dataout.resize(outFrames * 2 * radioChannels); // Preset the output buffer size. int err = 0; if (this->radioChannels == 1) { err = wf_resampler_process_int(resampler, 0, (const qint16*)data.datain.constData(), &inFrames, (qint16*)data.dataout.data(), &outFrames); } else { err = wf_resampler_process_interleaved_int(resampler, (const qint16*)data.datain.constData(), &inFrames, (qint16*)data.dataout.data(), &outFrames); } if (err) { qInfo(logAudio()) <<(isInput ? "Input" : "Output") << "Resampler error " << err << " inFrames:" << inFrames << " outFrames:" << outFrames; } } else { data.dataout = data.datain; } audioBuffer.push_back(data); // Sort the buffer by seq number. This is important and audio packets may have arrived out-of-order std::sort(audioBuffer.begin(), audioBuffer.end(), [](const audioPacket& a, const audioPacket& b) -> bool { return a.seq < b.seq; }); // Restart playback if (audioOutput->state() == QAudio::SuspendedState) { qInfo(logAudio()) << "Output Audio Suspended, Resuming..."; audioOutput->resume(); } } } void audioHandler::changeLatency(const quint16 newSize) { qInfo(logAudio()) << (isInput ? "Input" : "Output") << "Changing latency to: " << newSize << " from " << audioLatency; audioLatency = newSize; } void audioHandler::getLatency() { emit sendLatency(audioLatency); } bool audioHandler::isChunkAvailable() { return (chunkAvailable); } void audioHandler::getNextAudioChunk(QByteArray& ret) { if (!audioBuffer.isEmpty() && chunkAvailable) { QMutexLocker locker(&mutex); // Skip through audio buffer deleting any old entry. auto packet = audioBuffer.begin(); while (packet != audioBuffer.end()) { if (packet->time.msecsTo(QTime::currentTime()) > 100) { //qInfo(logAudio()) << "TX Packet too old " << dec << packet->time.msecsTo(QTime::currentTime()) << "ms"; packet = audioBuffer.erase(packet); // returns next packet } else { if (packet->datain.length() == chunkSize && ret.length() == 0) { /* We now have an array of samples in the computer native format (48000) If the radio sample rate is below 48000, we need to resample. */ if (ratioNum != 1) { // We need to resample (we are STILL 16 bit!) quint32 outFrames = ((packet->datain.length() / 2) / ratioNum) / radioChannels; quint32 inFrames = (packet->datain.length() / 2) / radioChannels; packet->dataout.resize(outFrames * 2 * radioChannels); // Preset the output buffer size. const qint16* in = (qint16*)packet->datain.constData(); qint16* out = (qint16*)packet->dataout.data(); int err = 0; if (this->radioChannels == 1) { err = wf_resampler_process_int(resampler, 0, in, &inFrames, out, &outFrames); } else { err = wf_resampler_process_interleaved_int(resampler, in, &inFrames, out, &outFrames); } if (err) { qInfo(logAudio()) << (isInput ? "Input" : "Output") << "Resampler error " << err << " inFrames:" << inFrames << " outFrames:" << outFrames; } //qInfo(logAudio()) << "Resampler run " << err << " inFrames:" << inFrames << " outFrames:" << outFrames; //qInfo(logAudio()) << "Resampler run inLen:" << packet->datain.length() << " outLen:" << packet->dataout.length(); if (radioSampleBits == 8) { packet->datain=packet->dataout; // Copy output packet back to input buffer. packet->dataout.clear(); // Buffer MUST be cleared ready to be re-filled by the upsampling below. } } else if (radioSampleBits == 16 ){ // Only copy buffer if radioSampleBits is 16, as it will be handled below otherwise. packet->dataout = packet->datain; } // Do we need to convert 16-bit to 8-bit? if (radioSampleBits == 8) { packet->dataout.resize(packet->datain.length() / 2); qint16* in = (qint16*)packet->datain.data(); for (int f = 0; f < packet->dataout.length(); f++) { quint8 outdata = 0; if (isUlaw) { qint16 enc = qFromLittleEndian(in + f); if (enc >= 0) outdata = ulaw_encode[enc]; else outdata = 0x7f & ulaw_encode[-enc]; } else { outdata = (quint8)(((qFromLittleEndian(in + f) >> 8) ^ 0x80) & 0xff); } packet->dataout[f] = (char)outdata; } } ret=packet->dataout; packet = audioBuffer.erase(packet); // returns next packet } else { packet++; } } } } return; } #endif