/* This class handles both RX and TX audio, each is created as a seperate instance of the class but as the setup/handling if output (RX) and input (TX) devices is so similar I have combined them. */ #include "audiohandler.h" #include "logcategories.h" #include "ulaw.h" audioHandler::audioHandler(QObject* parent) : isInitialized(false), isUlaw(false), audioLatency(0), isInput(0), chunkAvailable(false) { Q_UNUSED(parent) } audioHandler::~audioHandler() { //stop(); if (resampler != Q_NULLPTR) { speex_resampler_destroy(resampler); } if (audio.isStreamRunning()) { audio.stopStream(); audio.closeStream(); } if (ringBuf != Q_NULLPTR) delete ringBuf; } bool audioHandler::init(const quint8 bits, const quint8 radioChan, const quint16 samplerate, const quint16 latency, const bool ulaw, const bool isinput, int port, quint8 resampleQuality) { if (isInitialized) { return false; } this->audioLatency = latency; this->isUlaw = ulaw; this->isInput = isinput; this->radioSampleBits = bits; this->radioSampleRate = samplerate; this->radioChannels = radioChan; // chunk size is always relative to Internal Sample Rate. ringBuf = new wilt::Ring(100); // Should be customizable. tempBuf.sent = 0; if (port > 0) { aParams.deviceId = port; } else if (isInput) { aParams.deviceId = audio.getDefaultInputDevice(); } else { aParams.deviceId = audio.getDefaultOutputDevice(); } aParams.firstChannel = 0; try { info = audio.getDeviceInfo(aParams.deviceId); } catch (RtAudioError& e) { qInfo(logAudio()) << "Device error:" << aParams.deviceId << ":" << QString::fromStdString(e.getMessage()); return false; } if (info.probed) { // Per channel chunk size. aParams.nChannels = 2; // Internally this is always 2 channels for TX and RX. this->chunkSize = (info.preferredSampleRate / 50); qInfo(logAudio()) << (isInput ? "Input" : "Output") << QString::fromStdString(info.name) << "(" << aParams.deviceId << ") successfully probed"; if (info.nativeFormats == 0) { qInfo(logAudio()) << " No natively supported data formats!"; return false; } else { qDebug(logAudio()) << " Supported formats:" << (info.nativeFormats & RTAUDIO_SINT8 ? "8-bit int," : "") << (info.nativeFormats & RTAUDIO_SINT16 ? "16-bit int," : "") << (info.nativeFormats & RTAUDIO_SINT24 ? "24-bit int," : "") << (info.nativeFormats & RTAUDIO_SINT32 ? "32-bit int," : "") << (info.nativeFormats & RTAUDIO_FLOAT32 ? "32-bit float," : "") << (info.nativeFormats & RTAUDIO_FLOAT64 ? "64-bit float," : ""); qInfo(logAudio()) << " Preferred sample rate:" << info.preferredSampleRate; if (isInput) { devChannels = info.inputChannels; } else { devChannels = info.outputChannels; } qInfo(logAudio()) << " Channels:" << devChannels; if (devChannels > 2) { devChannels = 2; } aParams.nChannels = devChannels; } qInfo(logAudio()) << " chunkSize: " << chunkSize; } else { qCritical(logAudio()) << (isInput ? "Input" : "Output") << QString::fromStdString(info.name) << "(" << aParams.deviceId << ") could not be probed, check audio configuration!"; return false; } int resample_error = 0; if (isInput) { resampler = wf_resampler_init(devChannels, info.preferredSampleRate, samplerate, resampleQuality, &resample_error); try { audio.openStream(NULL, &aParams, RTAUDIO_SINT16, info.preferredSampleRate, &this->chunkSize, &staticWrite, this); audio.startStream(); } catch (RtAudioError& e) { qInfo(logAudio()) << "Error opening:" << QString::fromStdString(e.getMessage()); return false; } } else { resampler = wf_resampler_init(devChannels, samplerate, info.preferredSampleRate, resampleQuality, &resample_error); try { audio.openStream(&aParams, NULL, RTAUDIO_SINT16, info.preferredSampleRate, &this->chunkSize, &staticRead, this); audio.startStream(); } catch (RtAudioError& e) { qInfo(logAudio()) << "Error opening:" << QString::fromStdString(e.getMessage()); return false; } } qInfo(logAudio()) << (isInput ? "Input" : "Output") << "device successfully opened"; qInfo(logAudio()) << (isInput ? "Input" : "Output") << "detected latency:" <volume = (qreal)volume/255.0; qInfo(logAudio()) << (isInput ? "Input" : "Output") << "setVolume: " << volume << "(" << this->volume << ")"; } /// /// This function processes the incoming audio FROM the radio and pushes it into the playback buffer *data /// /// /// /// int audioHandler::readData(void* outputBuffer, void* inputBuffer, unsigned int nFrames, double streamTime, RtAudioStreamStatus status) { Q_UNUSED(inputBuffer); Q_UNUSED(streamTime); // Calculate output length, always full samples int sentlen = 0; quint8* buffer = (quint8*)outputBuffer; if (status == RTAUDIO_OUTPUT_UNDERFLOW) qDebug(logAudio()) << "Underflow detected"; int nBytes = nFrames * devChannels * 2; // This is ALWAYS 2 bytes per sample and 2 channels if (ringBuf->size()>0) { // Output buffer is ALWAYS 16 bit. //qDebug(logAudio()) << "Read: nFrames" << nFrames << "nBytes" << nBytes; while (sentlen < nBytes) { audioPacket packet; if (!ringBuf->try_read(packet)) { qDebug() << "No more data available but buffer is not full! sentlen:" << sentlen << " nBytes:" << nBytes ; break; } currentLatency = packet.time.msecsTo(QTime::currentTime()); // This shouldn't be required but if we did output a partial packet // This will add the remaining packet data to the output buffer. if (tempBuf.sent != tempBuf.data.length()) { int send = qMin((int)nBytes - sentlen, tempBuf.data.length() - tempBuf.sent); memcpy(buffer + sentlen, tempBuf.data.constData() + tempBuf.sent, send); tempBuf.sent = tempBuf.sent + send; sentlen = sentlen + send; if (tempBuf.sent != tempBuf.data.length()) { // We still don't have enough buffer space for this? break; } //qDebug(logAudio()) << "Adding partial:" << send; } if (currentLatency > (int)audioLatency) { qInfo(logAudio()) << (isInput ? "Input" : "Output") << "Packet " << hex << packet.seq << " arrived too late (increase output latency!) " << dec << packet.time.msecsTo(QTime::currentTime()) << "ms"; lastSeq = packet.seq; if (!ringBuf->try_read(packet)) break; currentLatency = packet.time.msecsTo(QTime::currentTime()); } int send = qMin((int)nBytes - sentlen, packet.data.length()); memcpy(buffer + sentlen, packet.data.constData(), send); sentlen = sentlen + send; if (send < packet.data.length()) { //qDebug(logAudio()) << "Asking for partial, sent:" << send << "packet length" << packet.data.length(); tempBuf = packet; tempBuf.sent = tempBuf.sent + send; lastSeq = packet.seq; break; } if (packet.seq <= lastSeq) { qDebug(logAudio()) << (isInput ? "Input" : "Output") << "Duplicate/early audio packet: " << hex << lastSeq << " got " << hex << packet.seq; } else if (packet.seq != lastSeq + 1) { qDebug(logAudio()) << (isInput ? "Input" : "Output") << "Missing audio packet(s) from: " << hex << lastSeq + 1 << " to " << hex << packet.seq - 1; } lastSeq = packet.seq; } } //qDebug(logAudio()) << "looking for: " << nBytes << " got: " << sentlen; // fill the rest of the buffer with silence if (nBytes > sentlen) { memset(buffer+sentlen,0,nBytes-sentlen); } return 0; } int audioHandler::writeData(void* outputBuffer, void* inputBuffer, unsigned int nFrames, double streamTime, RtAudioStreamStatus status) { Q_UNUSED(outputBuffer); Q_UNUSED(streamTime); Q_UNUSED(status); int sentlen = 0; int nBytes = nFrames * devChannels * 2; // This is ALWAYS 2 bytes per sample const char* data = (const char*)inputBuffer; //qDebug(logAudio()) << "nFrames" << nFrames << "nBytes" << nBytes; while (sentlen < nBytes) { if (tempBuf.sent != nBytes) { int send = qMin((int)(nBytes - sentlen), (int)nBytes - tempBuf.sent); tempBuf.data.append(QByteArray::fromRawData(data + sentlen, send)); sentlen = sentlen + send; tempBuf.seq = 0; // Not used in TX tempBuf.time = QTime::currentTime(); tempBuf.sent = tempBuf.sent + send; } else { if (!ringBuf->try_write(tempBuf)) { qDebug(logAudio()) << "outgoing audio buffer full!"; break; } tempBuf.data.clear(); tempBuf.sent = 0; } } //qDebug(logAudio()) << "sentlen" << sentlen; return 0; } void audioHandler::incomingAudio(audioPacket inPacket) { // No point buffering audio until stream is actually running. // Regardless of the radio stream format, the buffered audio will ALWAYS be // 16bit sample interleaved stereo 48K (or whatever the native sample rate is) if (!audio.isStreamRunning()) { qDebug(logAudio()) << "Packet received before stream was started"; return; } //qDebug(logAudio()) << "Got" << radioSampleBits << "bits, length" << inPacket.data.length(); // Incoming data is 8bits? if (radioSampleBits == 8) { // Current packet is 8bit so need to create a new buffer that is 16bit QByteArray outPacket((int)inPacket.data.length() * 2 *(devChannels/radioChannels), (char)0xff); qint16* out = (qint16*)outPacket.data(); for (int f = 0; f < inPacket.data.length(); f++) { for (int g = radioChannels; g <= devChannels; g++) { if (isUlaw) *out++ = ulaw_decode[(quint8)inPacket.data[f]] * this->volume; else *out++ = (qint16)(((quint8)inPacket.data[f] << 8) - 32640 * this->volume); } } inPacket.data.clear(); inPacket.data = outPacket; // Replace incoming data with converted. } else { // This is already a 16bit stream, do we need to convert to stereo? if (radioChannels == 1 && devChannels > 1) { // Yes QByteArray outPacket(inPacket.data.length() * 2, (char)0xff); // Preset the output buffer size. qint16* in = (qint16*)inPacket.data.data(); qint16* out = (qint16*)outPacket.data(); for (int f = 0; f < inPacket.data.length() / 2; f++) { *out++ = (qint16)*in * this->volume; *out++ = (qint16)*in++ * this->volume; } inPacket.data.clear(); inPacket.data = outPacket; // Replace incoming data with converted. } else { // We already have the same number of channels so just update volume. qint16* in = (qint16*)inPacket.data.data(); for (int f = 0; f < inPacket.data.length() / 2; f++) { *in = *in * this->volume; in++; } } } /* We now have an array of 16bit samples in the NATIVE samplerate of the radio If the radio sample rate is below 48000, we need to resample. */ //qDebug(logAudio()) << "Now 16 bit stereo, length" << inPacket.data.length(); if (ratioDen != 1) { // We need to resample // We have a stereo 16bit stream. quint32 outFrames = ((inPacket.data.length() / 2 / devChannels) * ratioDen); quint32 inFrames = (inPacket.data.length() / 2 / devChannels); QByteArray outPacket(outFrames * 4, (char)0xff); // Preset the output buffer size. const qint16* in = (qint16*)inPacket.data.constData(); qint16* out = (qint16*)outPacket.data(); int err = 0; err = wf_resampler_process_interleaved_int(resampler, in, &inFrames, out, &outFrames); if (err) { qInfo(logAudio()) << (isInput ? "Input" : "Output") << "Resampler error " << err << " inFrames:" << inFrames << " outFrames:" << outFrames; } inPacket.data.clear(); inPacket.data = outPacket; // Replace incoming data with converted. } //qDebug(logAudio()) << "Adding packet to buffer:" << inPacket.seq << ": " << inPacket.data.length(); if (!ringBuf->try_write(inPacket)) { qDebug(logAudio()) << "Buffer full! capacity:" << ringBuf->capacity() << "length" << ringBuf->size(); } return; } void audioHandler::changeLatency(const quint16 newSize) { qInfo(logAudio()) << (isInput ? "Input" : "Output") << "Changing latency to: " << newSize << " from " << audioLatency; audioLatency = newSize; } int audioHandler::getLatency() { return currentLatency; } void audioHandler::getNextAudioChunk(QByteArray& ret) { audioPacket packet; packet.sent = 0; if (ringBuf != Q_NULLPTR && ringBuf->try_read(packet)) { //qDebug(logAudio) << "Chunksize" << this->chunkSize << "Packet size" << packet.data.length(); // Packet will arrive as stereo interleaved 16bit 48K if (ratioNum != 1) { quint32 outFrames = ((packet.data.length() / 2 / devChannels) / ratioNum); quint32 inFrames = (packet.data.length() / 2 / devChannels); QByteArray outPacket((int)outFrames * 2 * devChannels, (char)0xff); const qint16* in = (qint16*)packet.data.constData(); qint16* out = (qint16*)outPacket.data(); int err = 0; err = wf_resampler_process_interleaved_int(resampler, in, &inFrames, out, &outFrames); if (err) { qInfo(logAudio()) << (isInput ? "Input" : "Output") << "Resampler error " << err << " inFrames:" << inFrames << " outFrames:" << outFrames; } //qInfo(logAudio()) << "Resampler run " << err << " inFrames:" << inFrames << " outFrames:" << outFrames; //qInfo(logAudio()) << "Resampler run inLen:" << packet->datain.length() << " outLen:" << packet->dataout.length(); packet.data.clear(); packet.data = outPacket; // Copy output packet back to input buffer. } //qDebug(logAudio()) << "Now resampled, length" << packet.data.length(); // Do we need to convert mono to stereo? if (radioChannels == 1 && devChannels > 1) { // Strip out right channel? QByteArray outPacket(packet.data.length()/2, (char)0xff); const qint16* in = (qint16*)packet.data.constData(); qint16* out = (qint16*)outPacket.data(); for (int f = 0; f < outPacket.length()/2; f++) { *out++ = *in++; in++; // Skip each even channel. } packet.data.clear(); packet.data = outPacket; // Copy output packet back to input buffer. } //qDebug(logAudio()) << "Now mono, length" << packet.data.length(); // Do we need to convert 16-bit to 8-bit? if (radioSampleBits == 8) { QByteArray outPacket((int)packet.data.length() / 2, (char)0xff); qint16* in = (qint16*)packet.data.data(); for (int f = 0; f < outPacket.length(); f++) { quint8 outdata = 0; if (isUlaw) { qint16 enc = qFromLittleEndian(in + f); if (enc >= 0) outdata = ulaw_encode[enc]; else outdata = 0x7f & ulaw_encode[-enc]; } else { outdata = (quint8)(((qFromLittleEndian(in + f) >> 8) ^ 0x80) & 0xff); } outPacket[f] = (char)outdata; } packet.data.clear(); packet.data = outPacket; // Copy output packet back to input buffer. } ret = packet.data; //qDebug(logAudio()) << "Now radio format, length" << packet.data.length(); } return; }