#ifndef BANDBUTTONS_H #define BANDBUTTONS_H #include #include #include "cachingqueue.h" #include "logcategories.h" #include "wfviewtypes.h" #include "rigidentities.h" namespace Ui { class bandbuttons; } class bandbuttons : public QWidget { Q_OBJECT public: explicit bandbuttons(QWidget *parent = nullptr); ~bandbuttons(); int getBSRNumber(); // returns the BSR combo box position // flow: // User presses button // this sends request for BSR information and flags waitingForBSR=true // When BSR data is received, and if we were waiting for it, // then we select the frequency and mode and act upon it, // by sending out a gotoFreqMode(freq, mode). // Or we could grant access to the command queue and not have to do these // custom functions. // The BSR can presumably show up without having been invited. // Most of the connections shall be to rigCommander and // to the command queue in wfmain (soon to be broken out). // One connection may also be made to update the UI when we change frequency and mode. signals: // look at what cmdSetModeFilter does, can we depreciate it? void issueCmdUniquePriority(cmds cmd, char c); // to go to a mode void issueDelayedCommand(cmds cmd); // for data mode and filter void issueCmdF(cmds cmd, freqt f); // go to frequency void issueCmd(cmds, char); // to get BSR of a specific band // void getBandStackReg(char band, char regCode); // no, use the queue. // void gotoFreqMode(); // TODO, arguments will contain BSR data public slots: // These should come from connections to rigCommander: void acceptRigCaps(rigCapabilities rc); void receiveBandStackReg(freqt freqGo, char mode, char filter, bool dataOn); private slots: void on_band2200mbtn_clicked(); void on_band630mbtn_clicked(); void on_band160mbtn_clicked(); void on_band80mbtn_clicked(); void on_band60mbtn_clicked(); void on_band40mbtn_clicked(); void on_band30mbtn_clicked(); void on_band20mbtn_clicked(); void on_band17mbtn_clicked(); void on_band15mbtn_clicked(); void on_band12mbtn_clicked(); void on_band10mbtn_clicked(); void on_band6mbtn_clicked(); void on_band4mbtn_clicked(); void on_band2mbtn_clicked(); void on_band70cmbtn_clicked(); void on_band23cmbtn_clicked(); void on_band13cmbtn_clicked(); void on_band6cmbtn_clicked(); void on_band3cmbtn_clicked(); void on_bandWFMbtn_clicked(); void on_bandAirbtn_clicked(); void on_bandGenbtn_clicked(); private: Ui::bandbuttons *ui; void bandStackBtnClick(availableBands band); void jumpToBandWithoutBSR(availableBands band); void setUIToRig(); void showButton(QPushButton *b); void hideButton(QPushButton *b); char bandStkRegCode; bool waitingForBSR = false; rigCapabilities rigCaps; bool haveRigCaps = false; cachingQueue* queue; }; #endif // BANDBUTTONS_H